Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 18 / Monday, January 28, 2002 / Proposed Rules 4089 Family Asteraceae: Lipochaeta (2) Elevations between 336 and 1,345 Hedyotis centranthoides, Hedyotis waimeaensis (nehe) m (1,102 and 4,411 ft). elatior, Lysimachia filifolia, Machaerina angustifolia, Metrosideros polymorpha, Kauai G, identified in the legal Family Asteraceae: Wilkesia hobdyi or Panicum lineale; and description in (a)(1)(i)(A), constitutes (dwarf iliau) critical habitat for Lipochaeta (2) Elevations between 182 and 1212 Kauai I, identified in the legal waimeaensis on Kauai. Within this unit, m (597 and 3,976 ft). the currently known primary description in (a)(1)(i)(A), constitute critical habitat for Wilkesia hobdyi on Family Campanulaceae: Cyanea recta constituent elements of critical habitat (haha) are the habitat components provided by: Kauai. Within these units, the currently (1) Precipitous, shrub-covered gulches known primary constituent elements of Kauai I, J, K, L, M, N, and O, in diverse lowland forest and containing critical habitat are the habitat identified in the legal descriptions in one or more of the following associated components provided by: (a)(1)(i)(A), constitute critical habitat for native plant species: Artemisia australis, (1) Coastal dry cliffs or very dry ridges Cyanea recta on Kauai. Within these Chamaesyce celastroides, Dodonaea containing one or more of the following units, the currently known primary viscosa, Lipochaeta connata, Santalum associated native plant species: constituent elements of critical habitat ellipticum, Schiedea spergulina, or Artemisia australis, Dodonaea viscosa, are the habitat components provided by: Panicum spp; and Eragrostis variabilis, Hibiscus kokio ssp. (1) Gulches or slopes in lowland wet (2) Elevations between 44 and 460 m saint johnianus, Lipochaeta connata, or mesic Metrosideros polymorpha (145 and 1,509 ft). Lobelia niihauensis, Myoporum forest or shrubland and containing one sandwicense, Peperomia blanda, or more of the following native plant Family Asteraceae: Remya kauaiensis Peperomia leptostachya, Peperomia species: Dicranopteris linearis, (NCN) tetraphylla, Peucedanum sandwicense, Psychotria spp., Antidesma spp., Kauai I, and O, identified in the legal Psydrax odoratum, Sida fallax, Cheirodendron platyphyllum, Cibotium descriptions in (a)(1)(i)(A), constitute Waltheria indica, or Wilkesia spp., or Diplazium spp.; and critical habitat for Remya kauaiensis on gymnoxiphium; and (2) Elevations between 234 and 1,406 Kauai. Within these units, the currently (2) Elevations between 12 and 685 m m (768 and 4,613 ft). (40 and 2,246 ft). known primary constituent elements of Family Campanulaceae: Cyanea remyi critical habitat are the habitat Family Campanulaceae: Brighamia (haha) components provided by: insignis (’o’lulu) (1) Steep, north or northeast facing Kauai I, J, K, L, M, and N, identified slopes in Acacia koa-Metrosideros Kauai C, E, I, and J, identified in the in the legal descriptions in (a)(1)(i)(A), polymorpha lowland mesic forest and legal descriptions in (a)(1)(i)(A), and constitute critical habitat for Cyanea containing one or more of the following Niihau A, identified in the legal remyi on Kauai. Within these units, the associated native plant species: descriptions in (a)(1)(i)(B), constitute currently known primary constituent Chamaesyce spp., Claoxylon critical habitat for Brighamia insignis on elements of critical habitat are the sandwicense, Dianella sandwicensis, Kauai and Niihau. Within these units, habitat components provided by: Diospyros spp., Dodonaea viscosa, the currently known primary (1) Tight drainages and seepy stream Hedyotis terminalis, Melicope spp., constituent elements of critical habitat banks in lowland wet forest or Nestegis sandwicensis, Pouteria are the habitat components provided by: shrubland and containing one or more sandvicensis, Psychotria spp., Schiedea (1) Rocky ledges with little soil or of the following native plant species: spp., Tetraplasandra spp.; and steep sea cliffs in lowland dry various grammitid and filmy ferns, (2) Elevations between 560 and 1,247 grasslands or shrublands with annual Adenophorus spp., Antidesma spp., m (1,836 and 4,090 ft). rainfall that is usually less than 170 cm Cheirodendron spp., Cyrtandra spp., (65 in.) and containing one or more of Diplazium sandwichianum, Eragrostis Family Asteraceae: Remya the following native plant species: grandis, Bidens spp., Broussaisia arguta, montgomeryi (NCN) Artemisia australis, Chamaesyce Metrosideros polymorpha, Freycinetia Kauai I, J, and O, identified in the celastroides, Eragrostis variabilis, arborea, Hedyotis terminalis, legal descriptions in (a)(1)(i)(A), Heteropogon contortus, Hibiscus kokio, Machaerina angustifolia, Perrottetia constitute critical habitat for Remya Hibiscus kokio ssp. saintjohnianus, sandwicensis, Pipturus spp., Psychotria montgomeryi on Kauai. Within these Lepidium serra, Lipochaeta succulenta, hexandra, Syzygium sandwicensis, units, the currently known primary Munroidendron racemosum, or Sida Thelypteris spp., Touchardia spp., or constituent elements of critical habitat fallax; and Urera glabra; and are the habitat components provided by: (2) Elevations between 0 and 748 m (0 (2) Elevations between 215 and 1,167 (1) steep, north or northeast-facing and 2,453 ft). m (704 and 3,829 ft). slopes or cliffs in transitional wet or Metrosideros polymorpha dominated Family Campanulaceae: Cyanea Family Campanulaceae: Cyanea mixed mesic forest and containing one asarifolia (haha) undulata (haha) or more of the following associated Kauai M and N, identified in the legal Kauai N, identified in the legal native plant species: Artemisia australis, descriptions in (a)(1)(i)(A), constitute description in (a)(1)(i)(A), constitutes Bobea spp., Boehmeria grandis, critical habitat for Cyanea asarifolia on critical habitat for Cyanea undulata on Cheirodendron spp., Claoxylon Kauai. Within these units, the currently Kauai. Within this unit, the currently sandwicense, Cyrtandra spp., Dubautia known primary constituent elements of known primary constituent elements of spp., Ilex anomala, Lepidium serra, critical habitat are the habitat critical habitat are the habitat Lysimachia spp., Myrsine linearifolia, components provided by: components provided by: Nototrichium spp., Pleomele aurea, Poa (1) Pockets of soil on sheer wet rock (1) Tight drainages and seepy stream mannii, Sadleria spp., Scaevola spp., cliffs and waterfalls in lowland wet banks in Metrosideros polymorpha dry Stenogyne campanulata, forests and containing one or more of to montane wet forest or shrubland and Tetraplasandra spp., or Zanthoxylum the following native plant species: ferns, containing one or more of the following dipetalum; and Bidens spp., Dubautia plantaginea, associated native species: various VerDate 11<MAY>2000 22:02 Jan 25, 2002 Jkt 197001 PO 00000 Frm 00151 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\28JAP2.SGM pfrm01 PsN: 28JAP2 4090 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 18 / Monday, January 28, 2002 / Proposed Rules grammitid and filmy ferns, Family Campanulaceae: Delissea sandwichianum, Elaphoglossum spp., Adenophorus spp., Antidesma spp., undulata (NCN) Hedyotis terminalis, Machaerina spp., Broussaisia arguta, Cheirodendron spp., Kauai I and J, identified in the legal Peperomia spp., or Vaccinium spp.; and (2) Elevations between 878 and 1,344 Diplazium sandwichianum, Dryopteris descriptions in (a)(1)(i)(A), constitutes m (2,715 and 4,408 ft). glabra, Eragrostis grandis, Bidens spp., critical habitat for Delissea undulata on Freycinetia arborea, Machaerina Kauai. Within these units, the currently Family Caryophyllaceae: angustifolia, Mariscus spp., Melicope known primary constituent elements of Alsinidendron viscosum (NCN) feddei, Perrottetia sandwicensis, critical habitat are the habitat Kauai O, identified in the legal Pipturus spp., Psychotria mariniana, components provided by: Psychotria hexandra, Sadleria pallida, description in (a)(1)(i)(A), constitutes (1) Dry or open Acacia koa- critical habitat for Alsinidendron Sadleria squarrosa, Smilax Metrosideros polymorpha mesic forests melastomifolia, Sphenomeris chinensis, viscosum on Kauai. Within this unit, the or Alphitonia ponderosa montane forest currently known primary constituent Syzygium sandwicensis, or Thelypteris containing one or more of the following spp.; and elements of critical habitat are the native plant species: Diospyros habitat components provided by: (2) Elevations between 145 and 1,066 sandwicensis, Dodonaea viscosa, m (476 and 3,497 ft). (1) steep slopes in Acacia koa- Doodia kunthiana, Eragrostis variabilis, Metrosideros polymorpha lowland, Family Campanulaceae: Delissea Euphorbia haeleeleana, Kokia montane mesic forest and containing rhytidosperma (no common name) kauaiensis, Microlepia strigosa, one or more of the following native Panicum spp., Pleomele aurea, Kauai E, and I, identified in the legal plant species: Alyxia oliviformis, Psychotria mariniana, P. greenwelliae, Asplenium polydon, Bidens cosmoides, descriptions in (a)(1)(i)(A), constitute Santalum ellipticum; and critical habitat for Delissea Bobea spp., Carex meyenii, Carex (2) Elevations between 139 and wahuensis, Coprosma spp., Dryopteris rhytidosperma on Kauai. Within these 1,006m (456 and 3,299 ft). units, the currently known primary unidentata, Dryopteris glabra, constituent elements of critical habitat Family Campanulaceae: Lobelia Dodonaea viscosa, Dubautia laevigata, are the habitat components provided by: niihauensis (NCN) Dianella sandwicensis,
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