Female surnames are feminized with the basic endings: -ová or -á. For example: GENEALOGICAL WORD LIST Novák - Nováková Pleva - Plevová Novotný - Novotná Slovak Gender. Slovak words for persons, places, and things (nouns) are classified as masculine, feminine, or neuter. Adjectives This list contains Slovak words with their English used to describe the singular and plural forms of Slovak words translations. The words included here are those that you must have the proper masculine, feminine, or neuter endings. are likely to find in genealogical sources. If the word (or For example: some form of it) that you are looking for is not on this list, please consult a Slovak-English dictionary. (See the starý muž old man starí muži old men "Additional Resources" section.) stará žena old woman staré Ženy old women staré mesto old city stará mesta old cities Slovak is a member of the West Slavic sub-group of the Slavic languages of the Indo-European language family. This word list gives only the singular masculine form of It is related to Czech and Polish. It is used in the adjectives. Thus, starý, stará, staré, starí (old) is listed as starý. genealogical sources throughout the Slovak Republic. Slovak is the language of the Slovak Republic, and was The endings of past tense verbs also change depending on the the official language in the Slovak lands in the former gender of the person or thing being described or performing the Czechoslovakia. In addition, the Slovak language may be action and number of its subjects. For example: found in the records of Slovak communities in the United States and Canada or other areas settled by Slovaks. narodil sa he was born narodila sa she was born Before 1918 the Slovak lands were part of the Kingdom narodilo sa it (the child) was born of Hungary which, together with Austria, constituted the narodili sa they were born Austro-Hungarian Empire. Records written before 1918 may be in Hungarian, Latin, German, or Slovak. Slovak This word list gives only the narodil sa (he was born) form of records often contain Hungarian, Latin, or German the past tense verb. You can conclude that narodila sa means words. See the Hungarian Genealogical Word List she was born, etc. (36335), the Latin Genealogical Word List (34077) and German Genealogical Word List (34067). Plurals. Plural forms of Slovak words usually change the singular word as follows: LANGUAGE CHARACTERISTICS Words ending in -a change to -y Variant Forms of Words žena wife ženy wives In Slovak, the forms of most words will vary according to Words ending in -o change to -a how they are used in a sentence. Who--whose--whom, or mesto city mesta cities marry--marries--married are examples of words in English with variant forms. In Slovak any word may Words ending in -e, -í do not change change, depending on usage. This word list gives the ulice street ulice streets standard form of each Slovak word. As you read Slovak records, you will need to be aware that most words vary Words ending in a consonant add -y, a few words add -i, -ové, with usage. The endings of Slovak words in a document -e to form the plural will often differ from what you find in this list. list page listy pages muž husband muži husbands The plural form may change the basic word, for zámok palace zámky palaces example: dieťa child deti children Grammatical Use. The endings of Slovak words can also brat brother bratri brothers vary depending on the grammatical use of the words. 1 Slovak grammar requires a specific type of ending These examples show some endings in context: for a word used as the subject of the sentence, used in the possessive, used as the object of a verb, or Syn zosnulého Josefa Nováka a Anny Plevové means a used with a preposition. Slovak words fall into son of the deceased Josef Novák and of several classes, each with its own set of Anna Plevová (Pleva). grammatical endings. Certain possessive endings give the meaning (of) to a word. Manželstvo medzi Karlem Václavom Havlom a Barborou Marií Kozárovou means a marriage between Nouns change the endings to show Karel Václav Havel and Barbora Marie Kozárová possession as follows: (Kozár). Nouns ending with consonant add -a, -e Alphabetical Order brat brother bratra of brother muž husband muže of husband Written Slovak uses several letters in addition to the 26 letters used in the English alphabet. These are á, ä, Č, Nouns ending with -a add -y č, é, í, Í, ľ, ň, ó, ô, ŕ, š, ť, ú, ý, ž. The letter sestra sister sestry of sister combinations dz, dž, and ch are also considered as single letters, dz and dž is alphabetized after d and Nouns ending with -o add -a ch is alphabetized after h. Letters q, w, x are used only mesto city mesta of city in words of foreign origin. Slovak dictionaries and indexes use the following alphabetical order: Plural (masculine nouns) change to - muži husband muž of husbands a,á,ä b c Č d,ď dz,dž e,é f g h ch i,í j k l,Í,,ľ m n,ň o,ó,ô p (q) r,ŕ s š t,ť u,ú v (w) ( x) y,ý z ž Plural (feminine/neuter nouns) drop last vowel Ženy wife žen of wives This word list follows the standard English alphabetical order. However, when working with alphabetized Slovak Adjectives change the endings to show records, use the Slovak alphabetical order. possession as follows: Spelling adjectives ending in -ý change to -ého narodený born narodeného of the born Spelling rules were not standardized in earlier centuries. In Slovak, the following spelling variations are common: adjectives ending in -á change to -é i, y and j used interchangeably krtená baptized krtené of the baptized s and z used interchangeably w used for v adjectives ending in -é change to -ého rz used for r neznámé unknown neznámého of the unknown sz used for š cz used for Č adjectives ending in -í change to -ího první first prvního of the first Slovak is a phonetic language, which means words are pronounced as they are written. plural adjectives ending in -ý, -í add -ch zosnulý deceased zosnulých of the deceased ADDITIONAL RESOURCES erbovní heraldic erbovních of the heraldic This word list includes the words most commonly KEY WORDS found in genealogical sources. For further help, use a Slovak-English dictionary. Several In order to find and use specific types of Slovak records, Slovak-English dictionaries are available at the you will need to know some key words in Slovak. This Family History Library in the European collection. section gives key genealogical terms in English and the The call numbers begin with 491.87321. Slovak words with the same or similar meanings. 2 For example, in the first column you will find the and days of the week are listed both here and in separate English word marriage. In the second column you sections that follow this list. will find Slovak words with meanings such as marry, marriage, wedding, wedlock, unite, In this list, optional versions of Slovak words or variable legitimate, joined, and other words used in Slovak endings (such as some plural or feminine endings), are records to indicate marriage. given in parentheses. Some Slovak phrases and their translations are listed [in brackets] under the most English Slovak significant Slovak word, not the first word, of the phrase. Words in parentheses in the English column clarify the baptism, baptisms krst, krsty, krestní, krtít, definition. krtil, pokrtil birth, births narodenie, narodený, Slovak English rodný, narodil sa burial, burials pohreb, pohreby A Catholic rímsko-katolický census sčítání lidu a and child díeťa, decko, deťátko adoptovaný adopted christenings (see baptism) adresár directory civil registry státní matriky ale but death, deaths úmrtí, smrt, úmrtní, alebo or umrel, zemrít, zemrel, apríl April zesnul, skonal archív archive father otec, otcové, otce, táta, asi perhaps, about, maybe, circa taťka, tatík, tatínek atď. and so forth husband manžel, choť, muž august August index seznam, rejstrík, indeks Jewish židovský B marriage, marriages sňatek, sňatky, manželství, svatba, stará mať, stará matka grandmother oddavky, oddací, oddaný, babička, babka oddat, oženil se bádateľ researcher (man), vdala se (woman) bakalár student military vojsko, vojenský chalupník, domkár cottager month mesíc bieloruský Belorussian mother matka, matky, máma, bez without mamka, maminka bezdetný childless name, given (krestní) jméno nemenovaný unnamed, nameless name, surname príjmení, rodné jméno, birmovanie confirmations vlastní jméno biskup bishop parent, parents rodič, rodiče blízky near parish farnost, fara blížence twins Protestant protestant dvojčatá, dvojičky, dvojička wife manželka, choť, žena Boh the Lord year rok bol, bola, bolo was boli, boly were GENERAL WORD LIST Bolesť pain Boží, Božia, Božie the Lord=s This general word list includes words commonly brat, bratia brother, brothers seen in genealogical sources. Numbers, months, brat(r)anec cousin (male) bude he/she/it will bývaly former, the late (deceased) budú they will bydlis residence C, Č byť to be bývajúci residing 3 Č. (Číslo) number deväť nine Čas time deväťdesiat(y) ninety (ninetieth) Časť part, portion devätnásť(ý) nineteen (nineteenth) cech guild deväťsto nine hundred celý entire deväťstý nine hundredth census, sčítanie ľudu census deviaty ninth Český Czech, Bohemian dieťa child cesta road dietaťa of the child cestovný pas passport dieťatko little child chalupár cottager, poor peasant diel portion, share, volume chce he wants dievča girl chlap, sedliak, roľník peasant, country fellow diocéza diocese chlapec boy dievka, dievčina girl choroba, nemoc disease dňa on the day choť spouse dnešok today cigán gypsy dnešný
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