UNIVERZITET UMETNOSTI U BEOGRADU Centar za interdisciplinarne studije UNESCO-va katedra za Kulturnu politiku i menadžment u kulturi Master teza: Reality show kao fenomen 21. veka; Vrednosne orijentacije srednjoškolaca koji prate reality 1 programe i živote estradnih ličnosti Autor: Marija Jegdić Mentor: dr Divna Vuksanović Beograd, Septembar 2011. 1 Istraživački deo master teze rađen je pod stručnim nadzorom dr. Ivane Stepanović. Korišćeni su podaci Instituta za psihologiju nastali kao rezultat projekta “Svakodnevica mladih u Srbiji: Snimak budžeta vremena” i projekta “Identifikacija, merenje i razvoj kognitivnih i emocionalnih kompetencija važnih društvu orijentisanom na evropske integracije”, evidencioni broj: 179018. Sadržaj: Apstrakt ...................................................................................................................... 4 1. Uvod ..................................................................................................................... 6 2. Teorijski okvir ..................................................................................................... 6 2.1. Društveno-ekonomski okvir .................................................................. 7 2.2. Mediji ...................................................................................................... 10 2.3. Televizija ................................................................................................. 12 3. Reality show kao fenomen 21. veka .................................................................... 17 3.1. Definicija ................................................................................................ 17 3.2. Istorija .................................................................................................... 19 3.3. Podžanrovi ............................................................................................. 21 3.4. Analiza - ekonomski okvir reality programa ...................................... 23 3.5. Kritika .................................................................................................... 26 3.5.1. Pojam realnosti ......................................................................... 26 3.5.2. Banalizacija sadržaja ............................................................... 29 3.5.3. Instant popularnost (instant celebrity) .................................... 31 3.5.4. „Prodaja“ intime i spektakl poniženja ................................... 32 4. Istraživanje: Vrednosne orijentacije srednjoškolaca koji prate reality programe i živote estradnih ličnosti ................................................................. 36 4.1. Hipoteza .................................................................................................. 37 4.2. Problem ................................................................................................... 37 4.3. Metod ...................................................................................................... 43 4.3.1. Istraživanje Instituta za psihologiju ......................................... 44 2 4.3.2. Istraživanje autora master rada ............................................... 46 4.4. Rezultati .................................................................................................. 47 4.5. Diskusija .................................................................................................. 59 5. Zaključak ............................................................................................................. 71 6. Bibliografija ......................................................................................................... 73 7. Apendiks .............................................................................................................. 76 Biografija autora ................................................................................................... 81 3 Abstract: This thesis deals with the phenomenon of reality show, as the dominant form of TV programs in the contemporary society. It also examines value orientations of young people who are interested in both, reality shows and lives of celebrities. Postmodern brings to the society many changes which are interrelated. Technological advances have impact on both, economics and social sphere, as well as on moral and ethic. In today’s capitalistic society, where ultimate goals seem to be power and money, traditional values such as knowledge, education, dignity, cultural and artistic values, are rapidly being replaced with some new, morally controversial ones. Media, one of the most powerful tools in service of socio-political-economic apparatus, has great impact on its consumers concerning creation of attitudes, values and lifestyles. Reality show is the television form which has basically existed since the beginning of television, but in sense in which we use this term today, it has had leadership among other forms of TV programs during the last decade. Characteristic elements of reality shows, such as blurring the line which separates public and private sector, virtual reality, instant celebrity, spectacle of humiliation and banality of content, very often are subject to critics of many theoreticians. In order to examine the link between values which media and society in general valorize through both this kind of shows and contents related with the life of celebrities and some changes in value systems of people, I chose teenage population as a target group of my examination. Youngsters are population of most importance for the future of one society and hence the greatest attention must be paid to them. Adolescence is a period of life, when young people are confronted for the first time, with some very important challenges and dilemmas. In teenage years, people have to choose in which direction their further education will go, they gain some specific interests and they create their value systems. Also, they are easily influenced by the environment, including the media, so in order to prepare them for life as hardworking, educated, cultural and polite people, state must provide them with appropriate content and messages, through both media and school. Starting from hypothesis that values orientations of those youngsters who both watch reality shows and are interested in life of celebrities, are significantly different from the values of adolescents who don’t, through my research I have came to the conclusion which confirms the starting point of my master theses. Youngsters interested in both reality shows and the lives of celebrities, 4 significantly differ from their peers in following points. They value more popularity as an equivalent to the successful life, they value more money and fame and consider them as good enough reasons for putting their privacy in front of the public eye, and they choose their idols among celebrities. Also, personal goals, such as subordination to the authority, religiosity, healthy life, popularity, love and joining the EU, are more important to them then the socials ones. All of this indicates strong influence of the media (including the contents dominant in them, such as reality shows and celebrity related contents) to the young population in Serbia, and insufficient influence of the institution of school which should be obligated to provide youngsters with knowledge, cultural and artistic values. Key words: reality show, celebrities, value orientations, teenagers. 5 1. Uvod Ovaj rad baviće se, danas veoma popularnim fenomenom reality programa, kao i ispitivanjem eventualnih veza koje postoje između sadržaja karakterističnih za ove programe, njemu slične televizijske formate i štampane medije koji se bave životima estradnih ličnosti i vrednosnih orjentacija njihovih srednjoškolskih konzumenata. Reality show, medijski fenomen, kao i bilo koji drugi, može se posmatrati samo u okviru šire društvene slike. Stoga, prvi deo rada, biće posvećen samom fenomenu, sagledavajući celokupan kontekst u kome se on javlja i deluje, opisujući ga kroz njegovu definiciju, istoriju i kroz kritičku analizu nekih njegovih osnovnih karakteristika. Kako je svaki fenomen u ljudskom svetu, zanimljiv ne toliko sam po sebi, već po tome sa kakvim ga promenama u društvu povezujemo, drugi deo rada ispitivaće fenomen reality show-a na području Srbije, kroz vezu između njega i ostalih medijskih formi usmerenih na takozvanu „laku zabavu“ i vrednosnih orjentacija srednjoškolaca Srbije sklonih ovakvom načinu provođenja slobodnog vremena. 2. Teorijski okvir Termin reality televizija se koristi kako bi se opisao širok spektar programskih formi, uključujući emisije koje se baziraju na nekoj vrsti igre ili takmičenja (kvizovi) i dokumentarce. Ove forme postoje duže vreme, gotovo otkada postoji i sama televizija, ali ono što je novo u 21. veku i na šta pomislimo kada kažemo reality show, jesu emisije koje kombinuju elemente dokumentaraca, drame, igre i koje su se učestalo počele prikazivati na televiziji pre oko jedne decenije. Kako se ni jedan medijski, sociološki ili tehnološki fenomen ne može posmatrati izdvojeno i zasebno, već mora biti razmatran u kontekstu ostalih relevantnih faktora koji čine opštu društvenu sliku, tako je i za razumevanje i proučavanje fenomena reality programa neophodno sagledati društveni, pa u sklopu njega i ekonomski i medijski okvir u kome se on javlja i deluje. 6 2.1. Društveno-ekonomski okvir „Nalazimo se u univerzumu u kome ima sve više informacija, a sve manje smisla.“ Žan Bodrijar2 Razvitkom tehnologije menja se svet koji poznajemo. Tehnološke
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