Taxa Common Size Class Size Category (Cm) Number of Stomachs

Taxa Common Size Class Size Category (Cm) Number of Stomachs

Size Number category of Number of Taxa Common Size class (cm) stomachs observations Agonus cataphractus Pogge (armed bullhead) Js 3 to 4 0 0 Ammodytidae Sandeel Js 3 to 8 0 0 Atherina presbyter Sand smelt L 11+ 0 0 Belone belone Garfish Jm 11 to 22 0 0 Belone belone Garfish M 22 to 32 0 0 Brama brama Rays bream (pomfret) M 32 to 47 0 0 Buglossidium luteum Solenette Js 3 to 4 0 0 Callionymus maculatus Spotted dragonet Js 3 to 8 0 0 Callionymus maculatus Spotted dragonet M 15 to 21 0 0 Callionymus maculatus Spotted dragonet L 21+ 0 0 Dipturus batis Common skate L 185+ 0 0 Engraulis encrasicolus European anchovy Jm 5 to 10 0 0 Engraulis encrasicolus European anchovy Js 3 to 5 0 0 Gadiculus argenteus Silvery pout L 13+ 0 0 Gadiculus argenteus Silvery pout Js 3 to 5 0 0 Galeorhinus galeus Tope shark L 153+ 0 0 Helicolenus dactylopterus Blue-mouth redfish M 24 to 30 0 0 Hippoglossus hippoglossus Halibut M 97 to 151 0 0 Lumpenus lampretaeformis Snake blenny Js 3 to 13 0 0 Lumpenus lampretaeformis Snake blenny L 36+ 0 0 Mustelus mustelus Smooth hound Js 3 to 46 0 0 Myoxocephalus scorpius Bullrout Js 3 to 7 0 0 Pegusa lascaris Sand sole M 19 to 24 0 0 Raja brachyura Blonde ray M 91 to 110 0 0 Sardina pilchardus Pilchard M 14 to 17 0 0 Spinachia spinachia Sea stickleback Js 3 to 6 0 0 Syngnathus acus Great pipefish Js 3 to 6 0 0 Trachinus draco Greater weever fish Jm 11 to 21 0 0 Trachinus draco Greater weever fish Js 3 to 11 0 0 Trigloporus lastoviza Streaked gurnard L 32+ 0 0 Zoarces viviparus Eelpout/viviparus blenny Jm 9 to 19 0 0 Alopias vulpinus Thresher shark Js 3 to 149 1 1 Argentina sphyraena Lsr silver smelt Js 3 to 8 1 1 Blennius ocellaris Butterfly blenny Lv <3 1 1 Blicca bjoerkna Silver bream Jm 9 to 18 1 1 Callionymidae Dragonets M 18 to 25 1 1 Ctenolabrus rupestris Goldsinny Jm 5 to 10 1 1 Gaidropsarus vulgaris Three-bearded rockling Js 3 to 14 1 1 Hexanchus griseus Six-gilled shark L 139+ 1 1 Lophiidae Angler fishes L 44+ 1 1 Malacocephalus laevis Soft headed rattail M 31 to 41 1 1 Maurolicus muelleri Pearlside M 5 to 6 1 1 Merluccius merluccius European hake Lv <3 1 1 Molva molva Common ling L 116+ 1 1 Mustelus asterias Starry smooth hound Js 3 to 36 1 1 Osmerus eperlanus Smelt(sparling) Jm 9 to 17 1 1 Raniceps raninus Lesser forkbeard Lv <3 1 1 Salmo salar N.atlantic salmon Js 3 to 32 1 1 Sarda sarda Bonito M 37 to 58 1 1 Sebastes Redfishes M 26 to 32 1 1 Sebastes Redfishes Jm 13 to 26 1 1 Sebastes marinus Norway haddock L 39+ 1 1 Sebastes mentella Rose fish L 37+ 1 1 Thunnus thynnus Blue-fin tunny Js 3 to 88 1 1 Argentinidae Argentines L 19+ 1 2 Cottunculus microps Polar sculpin M 20 to 27 1 2 Labrus mixtus Cuckoo wrasse L 27+ 1 2 Micromesistius poutassou Blue whiting Js 3 to 12 1 2 Parablennius gattorugine Tompot blenny Lv <3 1 2 Pegusa lascaris Sand sole Lv <3 1 2 Syngnathus acus Great pipefish Lv <3 1 2 Echinorhinus brucus Spiny shark L 98+ 1 3 Helicolenus dactylopterus Blue-mouth redfish L 30+ 1 3 Malacocephalus laevis Soft headed rattail L 41+ 1 3 Perca fluviatilis European perch Jm 8 to 16 1 3 Symphodus melops Corkwing M 11 to 17 1 3 Trigloporus lastoviza Streaked gurnard M 26 to 32 1 3 Alosa fallax Twaite shad L 40+ 1 4 Gaidropsarus vulgaris Three-bearded rockling Jm 14 to 28 1 4 Labrus bergylta Ballan wrasse L 37+ 1 4 Macrorhamphosus scolopax Snipe-fish L 13+ 1 4 Myliobatis aquila Eagle ray L 83+ 1 4 Nerophis lumbriciformis Worm pipefish Lv <3 1 4 Amblyraja radiata Starry ray L 72+ 1 5 Heptranchias perlo Sharpnose seven-gill shark Jm 52 to 104 1 5 Raja circularis Sandy ray M 57 to 70 1 5 Regalecus glesne Ribbon fish L 43+ 1 5 Arnoglossus laterna Scald fish Js 3 to 4 1 6 Nerophis ophidion Straight-nosed pipefish L 13+ 1 10 Syngnathidae Pipe-fishes/seahorses Jm 5 to 11 1 10 Raja undulata Undulate ray Jm 35 to 69 1 12 Dasyatis pastinaca Sting ray L 99+ 1 23 Cepola macrophthalma Red bandfish M 24 to 43 1 26 Cyclopterus lumpus Lumpsucker M 30 to 41 1 137 Cetorhinus maximus Basking shark Jm 246 to 491 1 1020 Cetorhinus maximus Basking shark L 695+ 1 2040 Anarhichas lupus Catfish (wolffish) Js 3 to 33 2 2 Anguilla anguilla European eel Js 3 to 17 2 2 Argentina silus Gt silver smelt M 33 to 38 2 2 Blennius ocellaris Butterfly blenny Js 3 to 6 2 2 Ctenolabrus rupestris Goldsinny M 10 to 14 2 2 Echiichthys vipera Lesser weever fish M 21 to 30 2 2 Galeus melastomus Blackmouthed dogfish Jm 38 to 76 2 2 Labrus bergylta Ballan wrasse Lv <3 2 2 Labrus mixtus Cuckoo wrasse Js 3 to 9 2 2 Raja fullonica Shagreen ray Js 3 to 29 2 2 Spondyliosoma cantharus Black seabream M 23 to 34 2 2 Chelon labrosus Thick lipped mullet Jm 13 to 25 2 3 Conger conger European conger eel Jm 19 to 39 2 3 Gaidropsarus vulgaris Three-bearded rockling L 37+ 2 3 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Witch Js 3 to 13 2 3 Labrus bergylta Ballan wrasse Js 3 to 13 2 3 Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Megrim Js 3 to 10 2 3 Malacocephalus laevis Soft headed rattail Jm 16 to 31 2 3 Phycis blennoides Greater forkbeard L 38+ 2 3 Scyliorhinus stellaris Nurse hound Jm 30 to 60 2 3 Argentinidae Argentines Jm 8 to 16 2 4 Conger conger European conger eel M 39 to 57 2 4 Ctenolabrus rupestris Goldsinny Lv <3 2 4 Mullus surmuletus Red mullet Js 3 to 8 2 5 Pholis gunnellus Butter fish L 19+ 2 6 Zoarces viviparus Eelpout/viviparus blenny Js 3 to 9 2 6 Gaidropsarus mediterraneus Shore rockling Js 3 to 10 2 7 Gadidae Codlike fishes Lv <3 2 8 Labrus mixtus Cuckoo wrasse Lv <3 2 10 Raja microocellata Painted ray Jm 40 to 80 2 11 Thunnus thynnus Blue-fin tunny L 263+ 2 14 Syngnathus acus Great pipefish Jm 6 to 12 2 15 Lampris guttatus Opah (moon-fish) L 43+ 2 62 Cyclopterus lumpus Lumpsucker L 41+ 2 71 Osmerus eperlanus Smelt(sparling) M 17 to 20 2 77 Alopias vulpinus Thresher shark L 395+ 2 140 Raja circularis Sandy ray Js 3 to 29 3 3 Taurulus bubalis Sea scorpion L 15+ 3 3 Trisopterus minutus Poor cod Lv <3 3 4 Cottus gobio Bullhead L 6+ 3 6 Lophius budegassa Black-bellied anglerfish L 61+ 3 6 Spinachia spinachia Sea stickleback Jm 6 to 11 3 6 Squatina squatina Angelshark (monkfish) Jm 44 to 89 3 6 Trigla Gurnards L 33+ 3 6 Enchelyopus cimbrius Four-bearded rockling L 30+ 3 7 Liparis liparis Sea snail Lv <3 3 7 Squatina squatina Angelshark (monkfish) M 89 to 112 3 8 Engraulis encrasicolus European anchovy M 10 to 14 3 9 Maurolicus muelleri Pearlside L 6+ 3 10 Lamna nasus Porbeagle shark M 185 to 243 3 12 Lumpenus lampretaeformis Snake blenny Jm 13 to 26 3 14 Syngnathus rostellatus Nilsson's pipefish Js 3 to 6 3 18 Cyclopterus lumpus Lumpsucker Lv <3 3 19 Psetta maxima Turbot Lv <3 3 21 Echiichthys vipera Lesser weever fish Lv <3 3 31 Somniosus microcephalus Greenland shark L 98+ 3 35 Phycis blennoides Greater forkbeard Jm 13 to 27 3 38 Alosa alosa Allis shad M 37 to 52 3 107 Lamna nasus Porbeagle shark Jm 92 to 185 3 452 Chelon labrosus Thick lipped mullet Js 3 to 13 4 4 Syngnathus rostellatus Nilsson's pipefish Jm 6 to 12 4 4 Symphodus melops Corkwing Lv <3 4 5 Brosme brosme Tusk M 49 to 64 4 6 Brosme brosme Tusk Jm 25 to 49 4 6 Capros aper Boar fish Js 3 to 4 4 7 Arnoglossus imperialis Imperial scaldfish M 10 to 14 4 8 Ciliata septentrionalis Northern rockling Js 3 to 19 4 8 Squatina squatina Angelshark (monkfish) L 112+ 4 8 Spinachia spinachia Sea stickleback L 14+ 4 10 Gaidropsarus vulgaris Three-bearded rockling M 28 to 37 4 12 Raja clavata Thornback ray (roker) L 98+ 4 12 Hippoglossus hippoglossus Halibut Js 3 to 49 4 15 Mustelus asterias Starry smooth hound L 93+ 4 23 Spondyliosoma cantharus Black seabream L 34+ 4 27 Mustelus mustelus Smooth hound M 91 to 124 4 29 Phycis blennoides Greater forkbeard M 27 to 38 4 39 Anguilla anguilla European eel L 53+ 5 6 Helicolenus dactylopterus Blue-mouth redfish Js 3 to 12 5 6 Mugilidae Grey mullets Jm 11 to 21 5 6 Galeus melastomus Blackmouthed dogfish Js 3 to 38 5 8 Lophiidae Angler fishes Jm 14 to 27 5 9 Spinachia spinachia Sea stickleback M 11 to 14 5 11 Trachurus mediterraneus Mediterranean scad L 29+ 5 15 Brama brama Rays bream (pomfret) L 47+ 5 22 Scomber scombrus (european) mackerel Js 3 to 14 5 26 Gasterosteus aculeatus Three-spined stickleback L 6+ 5 27 Aspitrigla obscura Long-finned gurnard M 24 to 33 5 30 Raja fullonica Shagreen ray L 70+ 5 34 Raja fullonica Shagreen ray M 57 to 70 6 23 Gadiculus argenteus Silvery pout Jm 5 to 10 7 10 Mallotus villosus Capelin M 16 to 18 7 11 Trisopterus minutus Poor cod Js 3 to 7 7 15 Mustelus asterias Starry smooth hound M 71 to 93 7 19 Trigloporus lastoviza Streaked gurnard Jm 13 to 26 7 23 Trisopterus luscus Whiting-pout (bib) Lv <3 7 25 Myoxocephalus scorpius Bullrout Jm 7 to 15 7 70 Lophiidae Angler fishes M 27 to 44 8 9 Mullus surmuletus Red mullet Jm 8 to 16 8 9 Arnoglossus imperialis Imperial scaldfish L 14+ 8 10 Argentinidae Argentines M 16 to 19 8 11 Dipturus batis Common skate M 135 to 185 8 11 Dalatias licha Darkie charlie Js 3 to 39 8 14 Dalatias licha Darkie charlie Jm 39 to 78 8 14 Trigloporus lastoviza Streaked gurnard Js 3 to 13 8 16 Agonus cataphractus Pogge (armed bullhead) Jm 4 to 8 8 20 Buglossidium luteum Solenette Jm 4 to 8 8 22 Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Greenland halibut Jm 32 to 65 8 27 Scophthalmus rhombus Brill Lv <3 8 39 Anarhichas lupus Catfish (wolffish) L 96+ 8 53 Gaidropsarus vulgaris Three-bearded rockling Lv <3 8 136 Cyclopterus lumpus Lumpsucker Js 3 to 15 8 157 Trigla Gurnards Js 3 to 12 9 11 Chelidonichthys lucerna Tub gurnard Js 3 to 12 9 11 Hippoglossus hippoglossus Halibut Jm 49 to 97 9 21 Callionymus lyra Common dragonet Js 3 to 7 9 23 Sebastes marinus Norway haddock M 31 to 39 9 32 Sebastes marinus Norway haddock Jm 16 to 31 9 32 Mallotus villosus

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