LEADERSHIP SCHOOL FOR UNDERGRADUATES College of William and Mary Williamsburg, Virginia August 27-30, 1958 Volume LXVII, No. 2 DECEMBER, 1957 T BLE OF CONTE TS FEATURES Page OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE L ew Burdette-Chie[ of the Brave --------------------------------------------- 2 PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY Founded at the University of Virginia, March Mister Trampoline ---------------------------- - --------------------------- 4 I 1868 by Julian Edward Wood, Littleton Waller ' Tazewell James Benlamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick Southgate lay or, Robertson Dr. Patterson Donates to David o n Fraternities ------------------------ 7 Howard, •nd William Alexander. Alumnus Counselor Conference H eld in Memphis -----------:------~---- 14 This magadne is printed by Democrat Printing & Litho Co., N a tiona! A ward \ 1\1i nners --------------------------------------------------------- 16 114 East Second St., Little Rock, Arkansas State IIKA Directory- ew J er ey, ew ifexico, ew York, The magazine is ma iled without charge to •II members of the fraternity. Please promptly Torth Carolina, and Torth Dakota ---------------------------------- 17 report chaniJtS of addreu-include both old and new addresses. Articles and photographs (black a~d white glony prints) are cordially Scholarship Program Announced ----------------------------------------------------- 37 invited. Permanently Pinned a nd Precious Packages ---------------------------------- 46 Address all communications to: Chapter E tern a 1 ------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------- 48 ROBERT D. LYNN, Editor, The Shield and Diamond Magazine, 577 Unlveralty, Memphis 12, Tenl)essee CHAPTER NEWS THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND is published four Gamma JO, Delta 42, Eta 41, Xi 6, Omicron 38, Sigma 9, 44; Alpha­ times a year at 114 East Second St., Little Alpha 5, Alpha-Theta 43, Alpha-Iota 45, Alpha-Rho 42, Alpha-Tau Rock, Ark., in September, December, M~ch 11, Alpha-Omega 39, Beta-Zeta 47, Beta-Kappa 47, Beta-Lambda 44, and june by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Beta-Mu 40, Beta-Upsilon 45, Gamma-Eta 6, Gamma-Theta 4 1, 42; Entered as second class matter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Little Rock, Ark., Gamma-Iota 42, Gamma-Lambda 44, Gamma-Mu 43, Gamma-Nu 47, under Act of March 3, I 879. Acceptance for Gamma-Xi 49, Gamma-Phi 6, Gamma-Psi 41, Gamma-Omega 45, Delta­ mailing at special rate of postage provided Kappa 38, D elta-Lambda 45, Delta-Mu 45, Delta-Pi 43, Delta-Omega for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 191 7, 5, Epsilon-Beta 9, Epsilon-Theta 49. authorized june 16, 1918. the response you have to such labels as If what has been sa id a bove bears The Cover American, football, Susie; or again, to truth, there comes a sobering reali zation In truth, thousands of Milwaukee Phi Beta Kappa, Communi t, Pogo. A of the re ponsibility one has to the name Braves fans would have voted for "Bur­ whole complex of association , both emo­ with which he is identified. The repu­ dette for President" after his superb tional and intellectual, group about tation of your faith, yo ur famil y, your pitching performance in the climactic each name. And the name become a su f­ fraternity will in the eyes of man y people seventh game of the World Series Octo­ fici ent stimulu to form judgments con­ be "guilt" or "glory" because their e ti­ ber 10, 1957. An alumnus of Omicron cerning other persons, groups or things mate of your life has been associated with Chapter at the University of R ichmond, described in terms of the same label. the name of each of them. he reached the sports pinnacle by win­ T he responsibility of fraternity mem­ ning three games of the World Series. An y fraternity man knows the danger of making judgments in this fashion. In bers was aptly phrased during a Chapel Still more spectacular from the stand­ .fact, an y reflective person ought to be service several weeks ago by Professor point of Pi Kappa Alpha was the fact that aware of the inadequacy of forming his Charles E. Diehl, Dean of Students, Yankee relief pitching expert Tommy opin ions by this " blanket" m ethod. For Southwe tern at Memphis: Byrne, an alumnus of Gamma-Phi Chap­ J ohn Q. Public, however, guilt by asso­ "Members of fraternities and orori­ ter at Wake Forest, was the brilliant op­ ciation, long a weapon of clacking ties, I think, reali ze that they have an ponent of Burdette in the final innings tongues, has been "refined" in our day obligation to their local chapters, though, of the seventh game. In a recent letter of mass communication into a major po­ as the president of an y group can tell yo u Brother Byrne states: "Lew Burdette litical tool. with considerable feeling, some of the truly was the greatest player in the Series. members give no tangible sign of this There is another side of the matter. Our problem as Yankees was to keep him rea li zation. R ecognized apparently by a T he writer oE the Book of Proverbs in the from p l ayi n g so much, but we just relatively few students is the fact that couldn't pop him at the right time." Bible puts it this way: "A good name is member of these group also have re­ - - IJKA - - rather to be chosen than great riches." sponsibilities to other chapters of their Almost everyone today has had the expe­ group and to the chapters of other fra­ Chaplain's Corner rience while traveling of mee ting some­ ternities and ororities, for an unfortu­ one from their hometown. When this Dear Brothers, na te inci dent involving any fraternity or happens to a person who like where he YOU n ame it! orority, by the proce s of association in lives, there exists an initial glow and the mind of the public, has a damaging Strange, isn't it? Giving a label to sense of approval for the one he meets something strikes one as a rather simple effect on all the others." simply because he bear the arn e home­ and relatively insignifica nt act. But That puts it on the line, Brothers. Pi town label. Perhaps thi other ide of when the label sticks, the very wo~d gath­ Ka ppa Alpha will be what we name itl the infiuence of a name should be call ed ers to itself all the emotions and ideas Your chapla in, as ociated with that for which it tands "glory b y a sociati on." It too has its as the name. R efl ect for a moment on dangers. Dr. Taylor R eveley. 1 1957 World Series Star Lew Burdette- Chief of the Braves By Dillon Graham, AH Associated Press Correspondent + The lanky, sharp -faced Either the erie was finished or the lions who viewed the games on television West Virginian slowly took a Ia t deep Yan l<.ees had a couple of runs across and wi ll not soon forget this tall , scrawny breath and determinedly went into his were still in the game. hurler with the jittery mannerisms. fidgety routine. The series was over! Mathews fielded They'll not forget how he scratched, He tugged his cap, brought his hand the sizzling grounder neatly and touched and hitched his shoulders and pulled at up to his face and lips and then down third. his cap and fin ally jumped forward, feet aero s the front of hi unifo rm. He Lew was quickl y mobbed by deliriously wide apart, as he deli vered hi s pitch. But stooped t o squ eeze the resign b ag, happy Braves. And, a few hours later, while h e gave every sign of jitteryness in straigh tened up, gave his sho.ulders a after a plane flight home, Burdette was preparation, there was great poise and shake as though his grey £!anne! shirt fit the one all fans cheered in a victory pa­ control and determination and stuff-on­ too tightly, wound up his long right arm rade down Milwaukee's streets. "Bur­ the-ball when he finall y let go at the en­ and fired plateward. dette for President," some yelled. "Bur­ emy batsmen. Pent-up tension in 60-odd thousand dette for Mayor," others cried. He threw them a variety of curves, fans in Yankee S t ad ium exploded as Thinking back over the game, Burdette sinkers, screwballs and fast balls." He Moose Skowron's bat banged the ball to­ sa id he was more worried in the first than moved the ball around all the time and ward third base. Eddie Mathews scooped in the ninth inning. kept it low," a Yankee pitcher admiringly it up, touched the bag, and that was all. H ank Bauer's double in the opening commented. The 195 7 World Series, long to be frame distressed him. "I said to myself, He was the first pitcher to start and known as tile Lew Burdette series, was 'holy smokes, they're not going to get me win three games in a single series since hi tory. The Milwaukee Braves had won out of here this fas t, are they?' " he said. Stan Coveleski of Cleveland in 1920. H e 4 games to 3. And Burdette, a Pi Kappa "I didn't have to be as careful in the was the first in 52 years - since Christy Alpha from little itro, W. Va., and the ninth inning of the last game as I did all (Big Six) Mathewson of the Giants-to University of Richmond, h ad turned in through that l-0 fifth game. Any sli p score two shutouts in a single series. the finest pitching performance since the famous Christy Mathewson in 1905.
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