NEXUS NEW TIMES MAGAZINE Volume 3, Number 6 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1996 PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia < I., .'~ ' 0······ N' N·.... (S'c'; /· .. 'T"(·E·····.. i"'" , .":: ; ,"" , 1 ,,' '.' J..' . LT·',I ... ' C" .' .. ' ". ...'"....: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR .4 CEREAL THRILLERS: THE CROP CIRClES OF '96......57 GLOBAL NEWS 6 By Marcus Allen. This year's bountiful crop-circle harvest in the UK has yielded such intricate, awe­ A round-up ofthe news you probably did not see. inspiring designs as to defy our comprehension. THE PROBLEM WITH POISONOUS PLASTICS..........11 AlIEN AUTOPSY: ROSWELL OR SOCORRO? ..........61 By Barry Densley. PVCs and phthalates have By Michael Hesemann. Evidence suggests that 'the entered our food chain, disrupting our hormones Roswell film' is not a hoax but the alien it depicts and even causing cancer. Should they be banned? was retrieved from an earlier UFO crash at Socorro. REMOTE-VIEWING: THE ESP OF ESPIONAGE..........17 AN ET PERSPECTIVE ON EARTH-Part 3 69 By Turan Rifat. Despite their denials, military and With Alex Collier. We complete this ET contactee's intelligence espionage operatives have been using report with the Andromedans urging us to live and fine-tuning their RV technologies for decades. responsibly in peace and love, or woe betide us. THE "OCTOPUS" CONSPIRATORS-Part 1 25 THE TWILIGHT lONE 74 By Kenn Thomas. Writer Danny Casolaro found Strange tales from around/within/off the world. This more than he expected when he began to uncover issue, a crop-circle creation captured on video, and the crimes of the "Octopus" cabal. He lost his life. in Canada, an alien civilisation found underground. THE DOBKIN TECHNIQUE: A lIFE-SAVER 32 REVIEWS-Books 79 By Jeffrey Dobkin. Utilising an automatic oxygen­ "The Mystery of the Min Min Light" by Maureen Kozicka "Open Skies, Closed Minds" by Nick Pope conserving reflex, this simple procedure can help "Encounter" by Kelly Cahill save heart-attack victims by averting brain damage. "Safe As Houses" by David Cowan & Rodney Girdlestone "Fields ofMystery" by Andy Thomas EGYPT'S SECRETS: A HIDDEN AGENDA? 35 "Pooular Alienation" edited by Kenn Thomas By Graham Hancock. Egyptian authorities have White Death" by lulian Cribb displayed monumental tunnel-vision at Giza, in "Spies" by Ernest Volkman "Mars/Earth Enigma" by DeAnna Emerson snubbing researchers and trying to hide the truth. "I Am With You Alway," by G. SCOlf Sparrow, Ed.D. THE KEY TO HUMANITY'S ORIGINS-Part 3 38 "The Paradigm Conspiracy" by Denise Breton & Christopher "The Natural Way to Belfer Babies" by F. Naish & I. Roberts By David Wood and Ian Campbell. To conclude "Living with HIV/AIDS" by Peter de Ruyter this analysis, could the very secrets of creation be "Keeper ofGenesis" by Robert Bauval & Graham Hancock encoded in the landscape of Rennes-le-CMlteau? "From Atlantis to the Sphinx" by Colin Wilson "Secret Power" by Nicky Hager WHITE POWDER GOlD-Part 2 45 REVIEWS-SOftware 86 With David Hudson. ORMEs are superconducting "CyberSayer" by Maiistyks materials with interdimensional properties that can REVIEWS-Audio 87 raise our consciousness and restore perfect health. "Blood of the Land" by NEW SCIENCE NEWS 51 "Celtic Destiny" by Bruce Mitchell "The Trance ofSeven Colors" by Maleem Maahmoud Ghania A selection of interesting news and views from the "If Then... Else" by Caodice Pacheco underground science network. This issue, we "A River ofSound: A Collection" present Carl C:ella's do-it-yourself water-fuelled car. NEXUS BOOKS, SUBS, ADS & VIDEOS 99 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1996 NEXUS·1 Editorial Welcome to the pages of another bumper issue of NEXUS! I have left writing the editorial unlil last, in the hope that something inspirational would fill my brain and flow out onto this page. But, alas, I fear that all you are going to get in this editorial are my enthusiastic ravings about the articles in the fol­ lowing pages. Our first article covers the dangers ofplastics. This is a subject you will hearing a lot more about in the mainstream media, as much more information is coming to light and many groups are lobbying for a safer replacement. Out-of-body fans and espionage freaks will ,1/1 enjoy the article on Remote Viewing. If anybody goes OOB (out of body) into Pine Gap, or suchlike, be sure to let me know what you see! Be warned, though: some people claim there are 'astral' safeguards around such places. I won't be responsible for any zombie ex­ readers wanting a refund, though! Also this issue is an article by a great guy called Kenn Thomas. Kenn is the Editor of US-based Steamshovel Press, one of our favourite conspiracy zines. His article on Danny Casolaro, JFK, UFOs, etc., etc., and the links between them all, will satis­ fy our conspiracy readers out there. Our other health-based article is about the Dobkin Technique. Everyone should read it (it is only two pageslong!l as it could save someone's life. It is so simple and so brilliant. I have had it in my "possible articles this issue" tray for nearly two years, so I am happy to be able to publish it at last. Renegade archaeological researchers will hopefully appreciate the update on the politics surrounding the mysterious chambers and tunnels under the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. Are these the legendary Halls of Records? The author, Graham Hancock, suggested to me that readers might like to lobby the Egyptian Consulate in their country, to make public any findings instead of keeping them secret. I have taken a punt and published a very interesting set of instructions on how to make your car run on water. Previous attempts have failed, so if you are reading this, we made it to print and you should take these instructions (in Science News) to your nearest (friendly) mechanic or mad scientist and see if he can make them work for you. Marcus Allen, who runs our UK office, has kindly submitted a brief piece on the latest crop circles. The formations this year are quite spectacular! Michael Hesemann, Editor extraordinaire of Magazin 2000 in Germany, has writ­ ten a very in-depth article challenging the popular belief that the Santilli autopsy film is a hoax. Armchair UFO 'researchers' might want to take note of some of his findings! This issue sees the last of the lecture with Alex Collier on the Andromedan per­ spective of Earth, although there is a fair bit of his own perspective thrown in, too. I am sure I will get the usual flood of letters praising the article, plus those few who write me each issue asking why I publish this sort of material. Oh well, you can please some of the readers some of the time... I leave you with a little humour sent to me via the Internet. 'Til again...- Duncan "PSYCHIATRIC HOTLINE RECORDING: "Hello! Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline... If you are Obsessive Compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly. If you are Co-Dependent, please ask someone to press 2. If you have Multiple Personality Disorder, please press 3, 4, 5 and 6. If you are Paranoid-Delusional, we know who you are and what you want; just stay on the line till we can trace your call. If you are Schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press." WARRANlY AND INOEMNITY Advertisers upon and by lodging malerial wilh the Publisher for publicalion or authorising or approving nf the publication of any material INDEMNIFY the Publisher and its servants ana agents agai"'1 all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from Ihe publication and without limiting Ihe generality of tne foregoing 10 indemnify each of them in relalion to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication tilles, unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies witn all relevant laws and regulations and th'll its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in lhe Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular tnat nothing Iherein is capable of being misleading or deceplive or oIhelWise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressinns of opinion are published on the basis lhal lhey are not 10 be regarded as expressing the opinion of Ihe Publisher or its servants nr agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek profeSSional help for individual problems. © NEXUS New Times 1996 2. NEXUS OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1996 UFO Concern with the US military, to test the I history and law and has altered our Marilyn Barry, Raphael COllage, Dear Mr Roads: It has been sug- effects of radiati<?n on humans. I, thinking from personal needs to Findhorn, Forres IV36 OYY, gested that I should take the initia- was one of the gumea pigs! ' highly fabricated needs to fabricat­ Scotland, UK. tive to establish an informal group Suffering from an overactive ed priorities. Historical fact has of sensible and respected people thyroid condition, I was told I been replaced by historical fiction. ' w~uld b~ who. are ,gen~inely concerned with need to transported to a Gre.ed has become a primary Pine Gap and OOREs .. the Implicallons of the UFO phe- Bnstol cobalt umt for a 'new' treat­ mOllve for deception and it is sad- Dear Duncan: I am wntmg to nomenon now manifest world- ment. dening to think that so few at the enquIre whether or not you, or wide, including Britain. After a week of isolation and top have twisted and corrupted the anyone else, know of any informa­ The aims of such a group would doses of radioactive iodine, I was system that we know as society at tl?n relatmg to the US super-seeret include the dissemination of infor- mformed that it was insuffieient.
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