INDEX 7th Heaven (TV) 247 male gaze 200–3 segregation 57–8, 61, 66, 77, 329 9 to 5 (fi lm) 159 Native Americans 46 sexuality and power 329 10 Things I Hate About You (fi lm) 242 newspapers 100 TV 56–8, 64–8, 69–70, 77–8, 91, 104, 12 Angry Men (fi lm) 156 radio 104 304–6, 308–9 20/20 (TV documentary) 295 TV 46, 93, 102, 145, 261–2 age 7–8, 10, 18–20, 232–56, 309, 330 24 (TV) 118–19, 180 Advertising Age (magazine) 75, 273 class 278 Advocate, The (magazine) 226 disability 274 A & E (TV channel) 288 Advocate.com (online magazine) 302 fi lm 233–4, 236–8, 249, 254, 304, AARP Webplace 253 Affl eck, Ben 212 305–6, 318 Abbott, Robert S 76 African-American News and Issues (online myths 233–4 ABC (TV company) 67, 172, 265 newspaper) 292 new media 234, 252–3 class 277, 288, 295 African Americans 9, 56–82, 259, 309, news 233–4, 247, 249–50, 253 Hispanics 89, 91, 93 321–2, 323, 329 number of US seniors 235 LGBT 207, 216, 217, 218, 220, 230 advertising 75–6, 77, 199 TV 232–4, 236, 243–6, 249, 254, 304, ABC Kids (TV company) 245 age 244, 254 305–6 ABC News (TV company) 123, 250 Arab Americans 115 ageism 233, 253–4, 334 Able (newspaper) 324 Asian Americans 136, 139, 145, 147 agenda setting 334 Abraham, Jill 195 class 278, 279, 280, 286, 291, 292 Agent Cody Banks (fi lm) 241 Abraham, Linus 70 “expert” sources 331 Aguilera, Christina 229 According to Jim (TV) 168 fi lm 58–63, 77, 78, 88, 104, 136, 139, a.k.a. Pablo (TV) 89 acculturation 84, 89 305–6 Akram, Susan 128 Adams, James Truslow 282 framing 16–17, 71, 332 Aladdin (fi lm) 114–15 Addams Family, The (TV) 163 gender 158–60, 162, 164, 165–6, 179 Alaska Natives 5 Addams Family Values (fi lm) 33 Hispanics 97, 104 Alba, Jessica 88 Adorno, Theodor 22 Internet 77–9 Albarran, Alan 91 advertising 18, 19, 26–7, 309, 322, 330, interview with Richard Prince 316 Alcatraz Island 50 331 Kerner Commission 50 alcohol 73, 76 African Americans 75–6, 77, 199 LGBT 211–12 Aleiss, Angela 39 Asian Americans 145, 150 magazines 74–5, 76–9, 302, 303 Alexie, Sherman 42 class 277 media business 76–8 All in the Family (TV) 65, 89, 216 disability 258, 261, 271–4 COPYRIGHTEDminority media 323–5 MATERIALAll My Children (TV) 220 gender 184, 188, 197–200, 203, 204 music 68–9 All-American Girl (TV) 142 gender framing 15–16 news 69–75, 299–300 Allen, Richard 323, 325 Hispanics 93, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104 newspapers 70–1, 73–4, 76–7, 97 Allhispanicdating.com (website) 103 Internet 103 “other” 331 Alliance Review, The (newspaper) 225 LGBT 210, 216, 226–8, 229, 230 racial identity 5 Ally McBeal (TV) 141, 169–70 magazines 101, 150, 188, 302 replicating representation 328 Ambushers, The (fi lm) 113 Diversity in U.S. Mass Media, First Edition. Catherine A. Luther, Carolyn Ringer Lepre, Naeemah Clark. © 2012 Catherine A. Luther, Carolyn Ringer Lepre, and Naeemah Clark. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 358 Index America Remembers (TV) 124 Argentina 87 Bates, Kathy 159 American Arab Anti-Discrimination Arizona Republic (newspaper) 49, 95 Batman (fi lm) 158 Committee 127 Armstrong, Cory 194 Batman (TV) 118 American Beauty (fi lm) 241, 287 Arnaz, Desi 89–90 Battle of Elderbrush Gulch, The (fi lm) 36–7, American Black Film Festival 212 Around the World in 80 Days (fi lm) 137 59, 133 American Chopper (TV) 289 Arrowsmith (fi lm) 60 Battlestar Galactica (TV) 180 American Demographics (magazine) 274 Asian American Good Network 309 BBDO (ad agency) 309 American Dream, The 282–3, 287, 289, Asian American Journalists Association Beasley, Maureen 187 294 299 Beautiful Mind, A (fi lm) 262 American Express 198 Asian American Justice Center (AAJC) Beauty and the Beast (fi lm) 162 American Family Association (AFA) 227 147 “beauty and the beast” paradigm 168, 180 American Idol (TV) 184, 296 Asian Americans 4–5, 10, 130–51, 309, Bechdel, Alison 152–3 American Indian Movement (AIM) 50, 330, 331, 334 “Dykes to Watch Out For” (comic 334 age 244, 254 strip) 152 American Indians see Native Americans class 280 Becker, Ron 221 American Indians in fi lm and TV 303 fi lm 131, 132–9, 148–9, 150, 305–6 Beckham, David 6 American Journalism Review (newspaper) gender 170–1 Bedoya, Alfonso 86 249 interview with Huma Razvi 317–18 Behm-Morawitz, Elizabeth 242 American Movie Classics (TV channel) interview with Kent Takano 311–13 Bembry, Sarah 271 219 magazines 302, 303 Ben-Hur (fi lm) 87, 211 American Pie (fi lm) 241 minority media 324–5 Benatar, Pat 174, 175 American Psychiatric Association 209 news 131, 143–7, 299–300 Benny, Jack 243 American Society of Newspaper Editors replacing representations 328 Berkeley, Busby 60 (ASNE) 73, 300–1 sexuality and power 329 Berle, Milton 243 Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) TV 131, 140–3, 145, 150, 303, 305–6, Berry, Halle 159–60 259–60, 261, 334 311–13 Berumen, Frank Javier Garcia 86 Ames, Christopher 158 Asian–Pacifi c American Media Coalition Better Homes and Gardens (magazine) 185, Amos ’n’ Andy (TV) 64 303 187 Anastasia (fi lm) 162 Associated Press 259 Betty Briefcase campaign 198 Andersen, Kurt 195 Astaire, Fred 60 Beverly Hillbillies, The (TV) 287 Anderson, Caitlin 245 Astroff, Roberta 102 Beverly Hills 90210 (TV) 216, 247 Andrews, Naveen 120 Atlanta Journal, The (newspaper) 332 Beverly Hills Cop (fi lm) 158 Anheuser-Busch 227 Aubrey (magazine) 302 Bewitched (TV) 163 Animal House (fi lm) 238 Avalon, Frankie 238 Big Bang Theory, The (TV) 140–1 Annie Hall (fi lm) 157 Awad, Isabel 326 bilingualism 84, 85 annihilation of minority groups 97, 322, Azam, Sharlene 250 home computers 103 330 Aztec America (cable network) 91 magazines 101 anti-miscegenation legislation 5, 132 newspapers 97–100 Anxiety Disorders Association of America Babel (fi lm) 115 radio 95, 104 267 Babes in Arms (fi lm) 60 TV 91, 92, 93 Apache (fi lm) 37 Baby Boom (fi lm) 159 Billboard (music paper) 96 Apocalypse Now (fi lm) 135 Baby Boy (fi lm) 63 Bird, S Elizabeth 45 Appiah, Osei 70 Baby Face (fi lm) 283 Bird of Paradise (fi lm) 87 Apple 272 Bachelor, The (TV) 172 Birdcage, The (fi lm) 215 Apprentice, The (TV) 289 Back to the Future (fi lm) 117, 157 Birth of a Nation (fi lm) 58–9, 133 Arab American Anti-Discrimination “bad buck” 58, 136 bisexuality defi ned 334 Committee (ADC) 119, 334 Baker, Ella 77 see also LGBT Arab Americans 9–10, 108–29, 131, 331, Balcazar, Yolanda de 268 Bitch (magazine) 187, 266 334 Ball, Lucille 89–90, 163 Black Americans see African Americans fi lm 108, 110, 111–17, 128 Bamba, La (fi lm) 88 Black Dragons (fi lm) 134–5 minority media 324 Bancroft, Anne 157 Black Entertainment Television (BET) news 111, 121–8 Banderas, Antonio 88 309, 324 sexuality and power 329 banditos 86, 87 Black Family (TV channel) 77 student conceptions 110–11 Banks, Tyra 74–5 Black Planet (website) 78 TV 110, 111, 117–21, 123, 128 Barol, Bill 171, 173 Blackrefer.com (website) 78 Arab–Israeli confl ict 3 Barrick, Tyler 225 blaxploitation fi lms 61, 329, 335 Arbitron Inc 95 basketball 6–7, 56 Blind Side, The (fi lm) 63 Index 359 BlogHer 203 Butler, Judith 155–6 Cinemax (TV company) 220 blogs and blogging 103, 228, 229, 252, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Cingular 273 292 Subversion of Identity (book) 155–6 Circulation Verifi cation Council 97 Blood on the Sun (fi lm) 134 Byrd, Keith 262 Citibank 272 Blue Collar TV (TV) 288 citizen journalism 295, 335 Bodroghkozy, Aniko 172–3 Cagney and Lacey (TV) 165 Citizen Kane (fi lm) 283 Bogart, Humphrey 86 Callahan, John 8 civic journalism 292, 335 Bogle, Donald 58 Calle 13 (music group) 96 civil rights movement 3, 56–8, 68, 73, Bonanza (TV) 43, 140 Cam Can (magazine) 202 164, 335 Bond, James (fi lm character) 157, 162–3, Can’t Buy Me Love (fi lm) 238 Civil War 59, 61 262 Can’t Hardly Wait (fi lm) 241 Clarkson, Kelly 184 Bones (TV) 119–20, 180, 245, 265 Carlson, Jeffrey 220 class 9, 10, 26–7, 277–97, 335 Botta, Renee 17 Carradine, David 140 advertising 277 Boudinot, Elias 47 Carroll, Diahann 65, 164 fi lm 278, 281–7, 296 Bowser, Yvette Lee 165 Cartoon Network 245 news 277, 290–5 Boyd, Danah Michele 252 Caruso, Michelle 248–9 structure 277, 278 Boyd, Stephen 211 Casino Royale (fi lm) 163, 262 TV 277, 287–90, 293, 294, 295–6 Boys Don’t Cry (fi lm) 215–16 Cass, Philip 120 Clinton, Hillary 196, 204 Boyz n’ the Hood (fi lm) 63 caste system 242, 335 Clueless (fi lm) 180, 241, 242 Brando, Marlon 38–9 CBS (TV network) 67, 168, 265, 303 CNN (TV channel) 91, 123, 124, 127, Brat Pack 238 Arab Americans 118 308 Bravo (TV channel) 229, 289 Asian Americans 140, 142 code-talkers 49 Breakfast Club, The (fi lm) 238, 284–5 Hispanics 83, 92, 93 cognitive schemas 14, 335 Breakfast at Tiffany’s (fi lm) 138 LGBT 220, 228 cognitive script theory 19, 335 Bridget Jones’s Diary (fi lm) 180 celebrity culture 187 Cohen, Stanley 251 Bring It On (fi lm) 241, 242 Central America 85 Coke 272 British cultural studies 22–3 Centre for Contemporary Cultural Cole, Nat King 64–5 Broadcasting and Cable (magazine) 67 Studies 22 Collins, Joan 244 Brokeback Mountain (fi lm) 213 Cerabino, Frank 249 Colombia 88, 91 Broken Arrow (fi lm) 37 “Shady Palms: A Condo Caper” Colombia Pictures 88 Broken Blossoms (fi lm) 132–4 (serialized novel) 249 colonization 34–5, 46, 131–2, 143 Brooks, Clarence 59–60 Chan, Charlie 135, 140 Comida y familia (magazine) 101 Brown, James 68 Chan, Jackie 137 Commander in Chief (TV) 180 Brown, Jane D 70 Chan, Kara 294 commodifi cation of culture 68, 288, 335 Brown, Linda 58 Chasing Amy (fi lm) 212–13 Community (TV) 141 Brown v Board of Education (1954) Cheers (TV) 165 Comstock Act (1873) 226 57–8, 335 Cherokee Phoenix (newspaper) 47–8 Condé Nast 303 Browne, Jackson Chicago Defender, The (newspaper) 76, 332 Confederate Tribes of Grand Ronde “Tender is the Night” (music) 171 Chicago Tribune
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