FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Vol. XXXlll,lNo. 7 Fresno, Ca. Thursday, Oct. 12, 1978 Within minules Seperrcte ccmpus mishopg iniure studenl, lcndscaper Two men were injured in by the pipe, slipped aud ejeeted lot facing the old Adrninistr¿¡is¡ separate accidents occuring Uota into the air. He fell about Building when his motorized å f within minutes of each other on eight feet, landing on his back, wheelehair weut up an asphalt ciampus Friday morning. and striking his hip on a sledge berm and spilled him out. He At 10:37, Shoji Uota, head hammer .he was using. He struck his head on the sidewalk. landscaper' for Gentz Construc- sustained a broken leg and Ambulances responded from tion Co., fell from a tractor scoop possible internal injuries. Courtesy and Jones Ambul¿nce while driving in a length of pipe Meanwhile, Richard IV. Services. No word is avail¿ble on to support a tree near the Gym. Howser, a quadraplegic student, the current condition of either The scoop, partially supported was wheeling along the parking victim. Homecom¡ng Week Nov. ó-lO Homecoming lVeeÈ has been goming Week, climaxing with a Possible activities discussed at slated for Nov. 6-10, it was' football game between Fresno the meeting Íncluded insçct decided at Tuesday's regular City and Reedley Colleges the races, a hypnotist, or a "pie in the - meeting of the ASB Senate. evening of Nov. 10. However, [ace" contest with David Dickie, -Þ The Senate also decided to homeeoming eveuts will be ASB adviser, on the receiving fi schedule events for the noon scheduled at various times end. No aetion was t¡ken on q hour each day during Home- throughout the week. specifie plans. I Ð>r o o âi 'Juno, Poycock' opens Oct.lg E¡ Tickets are on sale now for Oct. 19. Performances are Reserved seat tickets a,rc púced upcoming FCC student play. The for Oct. 1$21 a¡d Oct. at and a¡e avail¡ble at the F nurse Nfargaret McBr scheduled $1.50 CC school îheatre Arts Department will 26-2ß st 8:15 p.m. Theatre .box office. Student to landscapel Shoji Uota after his fall while open its 197E-?9 season with the The play explores the after- tickets a¡e 76 cents and persons working on canxPus Friday rnorning. Irish classis, "J¡no and the math of the free st¿te settlement with student body cards get in Paycock," beginning thwsday, in lrel¿nd in the early 19ã)'s. free. Losing bet Illegc,l pdrkers vs. políce By Michde Lohm¡n "There will be a lot more "'lVe only tow ears away if they tickets given," Campus Police are parked blocking a roadrüay or Chief Ken Shrum said. -NTHISISSU-- She challeúged the campus fire lane or if we cannot easily Activitiee and Newsbriefs. 2. police to find her small, incon- identify the owner, such ¿s .. .. .h,ge spicuous, economy car, without a out-of-state license plates.or no parking sticker, parked amidst plates," Shrum said. tr'e¿ture tMixed Gornpanyl ........ Page 5. hundreds ofother cars in the lot. It is obvious by the numbers-- Last week, she and 442 other area to keep crime, such as over 1,6(X) parking tickets igsued tr'un at the tr'air. Fagee He was .............. 6&?. students lostthe E4 bet. Nearly a vand¿lism to cars, down. since the beginning of the third ofall the tickets given since subject to semester---that parking is a the beginning of the year were why your problem at FCC. Student Poll. ...........ìo....... Pag€¡ 8¡ issue& last week. didn't get though yo Edito¡ials and Lettere. ....... Þges 9&12. Th¡s is not the result of a police parked. crackdown. It is mainly the work Gontinued of one cadet. who was traDs- Sports. ... .... o. ............. Ègee 10&11. ferred from night work at Page I a¡other locality to the FCC ,parkinC lots by d¡y. 2 Thurscey, ael n, ßÆ NE\(/S BRIEFS ACTIVITIES CALENDAR Clubs Sports Get counseled nou FCA, 7 a.m., Committee Rooms Volleyþll, FCC yg. COS, Oct. 12, Vis¿lia, 6:30 p.m. A & B, Oct. 13 spt¡ng VEAC, 7:30-9:30 a.m., Planning Cruee C,oonEy, FCC vs. Americ¿n River & Delta, Oct. 13, for semester Committee Meeting, Commit- Sacramento, 3:30 p.m. tee Room C, Oct. 13 Avoid the spring semester Five community colleges were Brptiet Student Unir¡n, G8 p.m., Waterpolo, FCC vs. Reedley, Oct. 13, Fresno, 3:30 p.m. represented Hartnell, Modes- counseling rush, counseling is Committee Rooms A & B, Oct. Merced,- Sacramento and Footbdl, FCC vs. Cosumnes River College, Oct. 13, R¿tcliff, underway for the spring semes- to, 16 Fresno. 7:30 p.m. ter and students are eneouraged NAISA, 12 noon, Committee visit a counselor as sq)n as Room B, Oct. 17 to Representing the Rampage Tonnfu, Fresno City Open and Tennis Tournament, 14, possible plan programs Chriet¡¡r Fellowehip, 12 noon, Oct. to their were Laura Batti, editor: Sam FCC courts. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. for the gpring. Tull, feature editor, staffers Senate Quarters, Oct. 1? Str¡dent.Scnrte, I p.m., Sen¿te Carol Bell and Julie Benitez, and Soocer, FCC vs. U.C. D¿vis (Jayvees), Oct. 14, Davis, 12 noon emes- Peter Lang, adviser. Quarters, Oct. 17 beins PASU, 12 noon, Senate Quar- Volleybd, FCC vs. Cosumnes ttiver College, Octr 19, Fresno, 8 of the ters, Oet. 18 p.m. lVorkshops were held in p.m., from investigative reporting, photog- MECHA, l2-2 Committee Room A, Oct. 19 18, Euless Ballpark raphy and what makes a good Soccer, FCC vs. Modesto Jr. College, Oct. newspaPer, Chist¡¡n Fellowehip, 12 noon, .(Fresno). 3:Í10 p.m. Sen¿te Quarters, Oct. 19 Baptiet Student Unbn, &9 p.m., Sloccer, FCC vs. Contra Costa College, Oct. 20, Richmond, 4 the spring semester this week. Committee Rooms A & B, Oct. p.m. ?3 NAISA, 12 noon, Committee Volleyödl, FCC vs. Sacramento City College' Oct. 20, Fresuo, 4 Mclqne plons Room B, Oct.24 p.m. PASU, 12 noon, Senate Qu¿r- Cnose Counhy, Mt. Sac Invit¿tional, Oct. 20, Iilalní¡t, 10:30 a-m. ters, Oct. 25 Ger info from homecoming MECIIA, l2-2 p.m., Committee FCC v.s. Merced, Oct.21^, Fresno, 10:30 a.m- Room A, Oct. 26 tV¡tcr Polo, B¡ptirt Student p.m., Peer counselors U¡bn, 6-9 Footb¡ll, FCC vs. Modesto Jr. College, Oct. 21, Rstcliü Committee Rooms A & B, Oct. St¿dium, 7:30 p.m. Mclane High School is having 80 its 20th annual Homecoming OcL Student peer counselors from NAISA, 12 noon, Committee Soccer, FCC vs. Merced College,.Oct. 25, Merced, 3:30 p.m. f3. All alumni are invited to the Room B, Oct. 3l the Supportive Services Center game (SS-10f) and dance that follows. Volleybdl, FCC vs. Reedley College, Oct. 26, Reedley, 7 p.m. will be àvailable at the Any former homecoming queen fount¿in area on Thursday, Oet. p.m. who has not been contacted, Croee Cnuntry, FCC vs. College of the Sequoias & Reedley 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 to please call Mr. Rose at 226-L400, Entertoinment provide informa- College, Oû,. n, Woodward Park, 3:30 p.m. students with Ext. 45. tion about food stamps, Medi-cal, Polo, FCC vs. Sacramento City College, Oct. ã7, FCC legal services, child care serv- Cl¡eeic Film Seriee - "Touch of ìY¡ter Pool, 3:30 p.m. ices, bus passes, Social Security, Evil," at 7:30 p.m. in Forum Hall and consumer services. "4". Admission $1. Students Typewriters with ASB c¿rds - free. Oct. 6. Footbdl, FCC vs. Sacramento City College, Oct. 28, Sacramento, 1:30 p.m. Ihe¡tre Arts Deprrhent nrþr mqy be used production - "Juno and the lY¡t¿r Polo, F00 vs. American ßiver College, Oct. 28, FCC Journqlists Paycock." 8:15 p.m. perform- Pool, 10:80 am. ances. Admission: $1.50 general, Free use of manual typewrit- Soccer, FCC vs._De Anza College, Oct. gl, Cupertino, 8:16 p.m. ers and-. the welfare eligibility $.75 students. Box office opens iourneY October 10 from 2-{ p.m. Call: manual is available to students in W¡tcPob, FCO vs. College of the Sequoias, Oct. 81, Vissliå,3 SS-101 daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 42&nl for more information. Oct. 19, n,21, %, Zl tnd %. P.m. I¡st weekend a journalism c¡mp w8s held at the Asilomar grounds in P¡cific ffåf,;".".* couNsEtoRs' RAP You ccn get help for person¡l problems Just in case you didn't know, work for many years ¿nd tors a¡e not awsre that it even is more than just filling out on a committee, teaching a elass, the counselors in the Counseling continue to do so as a serriice to takes place. It is not unusu¡l for a prereg forms, working registra- or in conference witl¡ a student Center do a lot more than just or¡r students. counselor to receive a phone call tion, and helping you ñnd a needing help. Don't despair, slip pueh ¿ pencil in trying to helP Include-d in the Counseling in the early hours of the morning career. Counseling at City ,a note under our door or inform lou ñ$¡re out your schedule for Center's role of providing on a weekend from a student College is poople coneerned for the secretary. lVe will call you semestei or evaluate your personal-problem counseling is he/she has been working with ¡nople, for you the student! badr.
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