The ______________________________________ ____________________________ May—June 2017 Vol. MMXVII No. 3 ______________________________________ ____________________________ Historical Background In the spring of 1861, decades of simmering tensions between the Upcoming Events northern and southern United States over issues including states’ Civil War Event rights versus federal authority, westward expansion and slavery Sat., June 3 (10 am to 5 pm) exploded into the American Civil War (1861-1865). The election of Sun., June 4 (10 am to 4 pm) anti-slavery Republican Abraham Lincoln as president caused seven FREE No Pets Please! southern states to secede from the Union to form the Confederate States of America. Soon four more states joined them after the first Vintage Base Ball at it’s Best! shots of the Civil War were fired. Four years of brutal conflict were Sun., June 25 1 to 4 pm FREE marked by historic battles. The war pitted neighbor against neigh- What’s Happenings in July bor and in some cases, brother against brother. Fun in the 1900’s History Center In Pennsylvania, the Pennypacker family experienced the war like Sat., July 15 10 am to 3 pm FREE many families. Some members served in the military, such as Samu- el Pennypacker and his second cousin, Galusha Pennypacker. Other Victorian Tea: Here’s Mark Twain family members served on the Confederate side and still other fami- Sun., July 16 4 to 6 pm Pre-register Fee: $40 per person ly members helped as civilians, sending care packag- Continued on Pg. 2. Friend us on FACEBOOK/PennypackerMills Page 2. Continued from Page 1. es to their loved ones and writing letters. knowledge. By the time the war ended with the Confeder- Visit the Civilian ate surrender in 1865, the Civil War was the Street where an costliest war ever fought on American soil, with entire village of some 620,000 of 2.4 million soldiers killed, mil- living historians lions more injured and the population and terri- will be demon- tory of the South devastated. strating everyday life in the 1860’s. At Pennypacker Mills, the Civil War Event is From cooking to hosted each year to honor the members of the sewing; and fashion to quilting. Each year, these Pennypacker family who served, and all the talented people bring a different aspect of 1860’s Montgomery County families who experienced life to the event. the horrors and loss of this war. Plan to attend this event and honor the sacrifices that were A surgeon from the made for our country. 50th PA will host a field hospital, complete with Highlights of the Event authentic medical equip- For many visitors, the daily military battle is the ment, and will speak high point of the about injuries, surgical event. With several techniques, and what medicines and procedures hundred reenactors were available to aid the wounded. and artillerymen, the battle represents an Inside the Pennypacker mansion, tour through opportunity to show two floors as guides interpret each room. the technology, Throughout the mansion, small exhibits focusing strategy, and tenacity of those soldiers who on key family members who served or were in- fought. volved in the war will be on display. Of special interest is Of particular interest are Samuel the artillery demonstra- Pennypacker’s military items tion which is a com- when he served as a Private in bined Union & Confed- the 26th PA Emergency Militia. erate effort. Learn how Look for his kepi hat, knapsack, many men it took to diary and other personal and mili- fire each cannon, the tary items. distance they were able to target, and how they aided troops in battle. Elsewhere, view Galusha Penny- These artillerists are packer’s military items. Galusha Above: Samuel very knowledgeable so was a second cousin to Samuel W. Pennypack- plan to ask questions and became a career military er, circa 1863. and be amazed by the officer after the war. Wounded breath of their seven times in eight months, he was awarded the Reach the site at 610-287-9349 or [email protected] Page 3. Medal of Honor for bravery at the Battle of Fort Fisher, Cape Fear, North Carolina. Known as the youngest General in the Civil War, he was considered a “soldier’s soldier” by his men. After the war, he was assigned to the South where he success- fully led reconstruction efforts. His post-war sword, revolver, Above: Galusha Pen- soldier strap with the rank of nypacker, circa 1863 major, and map of Fort Fisher -1865. will be on display. Several other family members are of particular interest. See displays of their personal items: Elijah Pennypacker, an uncle of Galusha Pennypacker, lived in Phoenixville and his house was The Philadelphia Athletics were founded in on the Underground Railroad. 1859, “with the express purpose of playing Elijah raised Galusha after his what was often referred to as the New York grandfather died. game.” The team competed against amateur clubs who were organized by trade or neigh- Margaret Muse borhood. As the team grew to be a force on Above: Elijah Penny- packer. Pennybacker the national scene, many of these competing lived in the teams became the farm teams for the Athlet- Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. ics, helping to build the team ranks with the She wrote of her war remem- best players. As professionalism took over af- brances, which were significant. ter the Civil War, the Athletics moved on to Her home and land changed sides become the first champions of the new Na- between Confederate and Union Above: Margaret tional Association of Professional Base Ball forces seven times. Muse Players. Pennybacker. Check out the Schedule of Events Wearing authentic styled team uniforms, abid- ing by 1860’s rules and field layout, using on our event website: http://www.ppmcivilwar.org handmade balls and bats, and with the spirit of those early team players, the Athletic Base Ball Club of Philadelphia today offers us the chance to step back in time and cheer the teams! Kids can play Town Ball after the game. See you there! Bring a chair or blanket to sit on Mansion open for tours—FREE Food Vendor on site Website: www.montcopa.org/pennypackermills Page 4. Page 6. We are grateful for the support of these local sponsors: Aiken & Sons Plumbing Asher’s ChoColAtes F. J. Gorman Consulting Landis Markets Phototiles Sat., June 3 & Sun., June 4 Rear porch of the Mansion Are you ready to enlist in the Union Army? You’ll meet the medical officer who will exam- ine you for readiness to serve, sign the Oath of Allegiance, raise your hand and recite the Oath to the Commander of the 71st PA Volun- teers, and then meet members of the PA 69th Irish Volunteer Regiment who will train you to march & drill. A great opportunity for kids to experience what becoming a soldier means. Boys & girls of all ages are welcome! Reach the site at 610-287-9349 or [email protected] Page 6. Page 5. Join Pennypacker Mills and the Saving Hallowed Ground Foundation as we host a Flag Folding Cer- emony using a 20’x30’ Centennial flag to honor veterans who fought in the Civil War. The Ceremo- ny represents a unique way to keep history and the memory of patriotic soldiers alive today. Eu- gene Hough, Co-Founder of the Foundation will lead in the ceremony. Plan to bring your family to participate. The Saving Hallowed Ground Foundation preserves and protects monuments and markers com- memorating veterans. Their second goal is engaging students and communities in learning about the history of the monuments and the stories behind the names inscribed on them. By educating students and communities about these memorials, Saving Hallowed Ground hopes to provide a better understanding of the importance of service and sacrifice. Accompanying the Flag Folding Ceremony will be the members of the 69th PA “Irish Volunteer” Band. You will also hear them perform in the afternoon. The original 69th PA “Irish Volunteer” Regiment was banded together from 1861 to 1865 and fought in every campaign during the Civil War. These volunteers became famous for holding the center of the Union line during Confederate Maj. Gen. George Picket’s advance during the Battle of Gettysburg. The Band today started around a campfire just as its namesake band did 150 years ago. Members brought their period instruments and began performing songs that the original band played. Today the band includes 12 members who play harmonica, spoons, Penny whistle, bass, fiddle, banjo & rhythm guitars. Stop by and enjoy the toe-tapping music & sing along as they regale in the Irish songs of the Civil War! Reach the site at 610-287-9349 or [email protected] Page 6. Raffle Tickets: $2 each or 3 for $5 Stop by Pennypacker Mills to purchase one or with cotton pantaloons and petticoat. An addi- more raffle tickets for beautiful applique art by a tional outfit is included too. The authentic out- prize winning quilter, a replica cannon from the fit will surely make this doll a collectable for U.S.S. Constitution, “Old Ironsides,” and a Mad- children & adults. ame Alexander doll named Violet, dressed in hand -made Civil War Era clothing. This doll is definitely The replica cannon from the “Old Ironsides” one of a kind! You may also purchase raffle tickets ship is “most known for her actions during the at the Civil War Event on June 3-4 at the Friends’ War of 1812, the Constitution was also used dur- table on the Mansion Porch. ing the Civil War as a training ship for the United States Naval Academy.” Mounted on a wooden For the past five years, Jean Perry has created base, the cannon comes with the equipment outstanding quilts to be raffled as a fundraiser for that would have been included with a cannon the Friends of Pennypacker Mills.
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