mpanao Teàa* ' dia nandoa - - elegrafy, Ui, Mahasoa : t(* Izy io ka. loary, dia ndro, fa amj aona, ka na dia tsy m amanjaka a; rahany avy »y ny Alatfe ‘VOL rice fA TAKAI ANTANANARIVO, SATUROAY. JANUARY 19. 1889. [P sin-pasana, SUBSCRIPTIONS. A B ONNEMEN TS. AD VER TISEMENTS. iventy mpai i-joma, fa R One Year. Six Months. Un An Six Mois. £ «• : Filan-ka ly mahalala c. £ s. & c. £ s. For one Insertion Fhll page 2 10 $ e. F. e. s e. F. e. One Column ahay, fa iza Antanananvo ......... 5 00 ‘10 1 0 2 50 or 0 10 ntananarivo ....... 5 00 ou 25 00 2 50 ou 12 50 Per line of 9 words 2Vd. or 5 c. for first in- ìia raharahí 'Other parts óf Mada- Atitrés'pártiès de )ay akory sertion. gasear ............... 6 00 00 0 12 Madágasear... 6 00 „ 30 00 3 00 „ 15 00 Liberal discount for repeated insertions. izy, satria All Foreign Courttries 6 50 25 0 13 Antres Pays....... 6 50 „ 32 5Q 3 :a lainga ts 25 „ 15 25 No advertisement pays less than two shillings ry raha te-ì lao iaha-pa 8UMMARY OF THE WEEK. SOMMAIRE DE LA SEMAINE^ FOTOPOTOTRY NY HER/NANDRO- ny manarn The Roman Oatholie Mission has this week Some people have a riatural tendeney to advertise Tamy ny Talata, 15 Janoary, dia tonga indray ny fanjakana, piibiiehed a iarge Malagasy Freneh Dietionary, by i no hifanao themseves while others hide thèir light under a fotoana fiakaran’ ny Masoivoho aininy Imeri-mienina, Fathers Abinal and Malzao, S. J., Père Abíhal it bushel. Golonel Shervinton and Major Graves the hifampikajakajana ny hahasoa ny toe-draharaha iadi- kely io dia will be remembered reeentiy died in Antananarivo. idiavany h: English offieers in Her Majesty’s Serviee have not diany amin’ izay hahasoa ny fampianarana momba ny The Dietionary eontains 810 pages and is eompiled yet adopted the pompous system of having their Sekoly, ka noravana androtr’ io hiany fa roa volan’ io any fa tsy on the same ìines as Mr. Riehardson’s Màlagàsy- tovonany ei eadets tootle-tootled through Andohalo everv day by indray no miakatra. English one. Thereis evtden'ee ef iriueh ^tady, 'eare buglers as does the Freneit Oaptain Lavoiseau with / ataony, hi and labonr ih the work, ànd beihg.a i'ater editioh than ía 've tsy i his Maiagasy pupils. Captain Lavoi.seaii’s eadets Avy nitifitra tany Ambohidempona tany indray the English oneit.is neeessarily a iittie fnlier. From are all tall soldierly looking fellows, and do him eredit, angaha ny tovolahy ampianarin’ny Farantsay eny 7 mihitsy, an Eiiglish prmter’s point of view the quality of the atsipy any : but their eomparison with the Freneh óft. 1 ineh Antaninàrenina tamy ny Talata, 15 Janoary. Amy paperand the type leave sothething to be desired ; but littíe men who aeeompany thern, is not favourable to ny 5| raaraina, hono, dia efa ren’ ny olona fa efa y mba maty Tne Fréneh do not eonsider theso matters as we do, i tsy ho va tlie latter. Moreover the eìeaaiiriess and general misy hasy mipoaka ; maraina izanv. Tamy ny folo :and the work is nndorihtedly a very pra.iseworthy tenue of the Freneh soldiers the other dav eompared mahery kely izy ho nandalo teny Andohalo avy any. y hoatra ny aehievement. The book i's ori sale fet ÀnHohàio, endrikend sò unfavoUrahly with tbe Malagasy soldiers ae- Mahafinaritra ery ny mijery azy mamindra eny, mia- priee $5. eompanying them that people remarked it on the ràka amy riy bihgona tsofin’ ilay Farantsay teiolahy. nes, dia iui i © ho ka izay ’Streets and from their windows. Brave good fellows s The New Yéar diàs eommeneed with Iaudable donbtless tbe Freneli are wberi it eoriies to fighting, Komitin’ ny Vazaha Englisy eny Faravohitra tamin’ ena aman emnlatiòh oh tiie part of the piiblisbers of Nativè dia zandry ' but in matters of parade unless Oaptain Lavoiseau itv herinandro ity, ka tsy nianàtra ny Normaly Sekolv periodieal Literatnre. Gooti Words (L. M. S.) ha's ‘ean. rendey eomparisons less 'odions for the prest.ige tamy riy Àlàtsinainy sy ny Talata, 14, sy 15, Janoarý. aliana dia£ iiiereased to 20 pàges. Tho Ckildrenf Friend í 9 ela nihatez; of eivilized troops, we sbould advise ìiim to bririg bis ny tany sa • (F. F. M. A.) has gfòwri irttò the Atinít's Frieitid irieri iu by a bàek street. Tàrriy ny Alaròbia ,vao tapàka ny koraitin’ ny and àditeil'ineheà tò- ìts stai&re iri aeeordàrieè. The jazety kely ... - Vazahà Misionáry eny Faravohitra ete., ka tarny ny Fisiíer (N. M. S. ) has srireád ònt into several extrá Mr. Ashweil, iSiiperiritendent of tHe L. M. S. Alakamisy mariria no vao nianatfa uy Normaly Sokely. ' am-batola: I pages ; and the Tale's an.d Thoiights òf the S. P. G. ia tonga na Printing offiee pnblihedr yesterdày the I2th nainber t í monimenòes tho New Yeàr with no abatemerit to its of. the .Àntananarivo Àrinriàl, .editor hy the Rev. J. Mbolà be hiany izào ny nendrà, ka sarnia mitandri- iray lavak usual Spirii of enter-prise. y sobika «■ Sibree F. R. G. S. We intend to re'vievv it iri na tsarà. aoe : “saro I • • , neXt issriò. □ teraka izy The first niimher for the year of the Malagàsy Nitsangantsangana teny Mahazoarivo Her Majosty izay niainai offieial Joiirnal, Ny Gazety Maiagasy, appegred last Mpanjaka sy His Excellency Prime Minister tamy hahafoana Saturday, and i's in mourriirig fò'r ’tiie áeath óf Her Ma- ny marairian’ ny Alaknmisy, 17 Janoary. ìa azy, fa jesty’s Grandmothór. It eontains twó Ro’ýàl Pro- elamations ; one ordering all the Governòrs of Iffierina . í í hanendrikej^ Nizaha iny tokotany manodidindiJina an’ Am- Nisondrotrà kely ho $3 sy s2 e6 ete. ny vidirri-bary izay tai-ní to eome to Antananàri'vo for the 6th òf Febmary. tato ho ato ; ilay an-tanàn-dariy rió rnahatoriga izany. And the seeond forbidding any persòns outsidebring- bavahadimitafo inv His Excellency Prirrie Minister ona ka end sy Coftimàrider-iu-chief tamy ny Asabotsy 12 Jano- angahà. ìhetra midijp ing the bodies of relat'iveè from thè eoast for iriter- #• ment iri Imerina on aeeonnt of the prevalenee of rirý. Asa izay hevitra hatao arriin’ iny, na hànao- * « ■■ ) í ' mividy z vana làlana na ahoàna ? Asa ? nizaha ny famoiesàna landim-bazaha teo tnampy ai small pox. A Notièe informs ris that the Tele- aminy Iribe atsimon’ Andohalo angaha His Excellen- a izao az» graph Line between the Oapital and Ántananarivo ey Prime- Minister tairiy ny Zoma, 18 Janoary, is now the property of the Malagasy Governinent. Tamy ny Asabotsy, 12 Janoary, dia noleforiin’ .ny indrain * ny sasany ny borikin-dRariiarosahanina (Andriamaro ) tamy ny 11 famantaraiiandro maraina. omby ny « Now that the Telegraph Serviee is ín the hands eny Fárávohitra, ka nipotsaka tery ny tsinainy. Asa, * * - 'i • • 1 i ' i ■ o manamp nivoaka alina angaha ka nihinana ny voliny ete. ka Efa misy Vazaha Astronomera—mpandinika ny y io gazet’ of tlie Malagasy, it will be interestirig to see tbis year lanitra tonga eto Antanana ; toa Farantsay mom- how its working will eoinpare with its non-working izany nò naridefonàný àzy. Nony harivan’ riy Ala- moa no i: hadv dia maly. ha ny Romana Katolika izy io ; ary araka ny re, ikendrika of last year. Mr. Meses Andrianisa is Direetor. * ny anton’ ny tsy nanasiana famantaranandro ny ila- Already every village along the line has appointed ìy rehetrí Tamy ny Asahotsy, 12 Janoary, dia nanáo fikam- ny andrefan’ uy trano avon’ ny fiangonan’ ny Moin- dy no lan a nnmber of ffien whose sole drity is to keep eare of prra eo Ambodin’ Andohalo ,hono, dia hasiàna baro- a eertain number of miles of line. The3e men are bananá hiara-mibinana tao Ambobijatovo ry zareo aiza noL Mpiray hina hiará-iriivàvaka ; rehefa niàiigoria hiva- metera—fainàntarana hafánan’ andro'. i-jezika anfl exempted frorii any other serviee—military or fanom- poana—Any person tampering with the line is liable vaka araka ny fanao isan-tsabotsy maraina, dia tna, fa iza . noresahìna fa mety sady tsara raha izao isikà Mpirav misy lozs 'to a fine of 5 oxen and £1 ; arid any person inform- ing the aiithorities of an infringement of this Bye hiua miara-mivaka izao, rio samy mitòndra hariiria raha sah avy any an-dranony avy ; tsy mamoriiia zavatra be TAFAVERINA NY BABO. aza maro 1 Law will reeeive a reward of £1, if his iriformatiòn be true. It Jooks at last as if we are eoniing to hanahirana anefa, fa izay sakafo fihinantsika ìray a izay mi trano hiany no entina ka hiara-komana etó. Dia Filazana rriahaía'.y azon’ ny Editora. y keiy,. fa business. The Freneh pretended reeently that natives 'cut the wire, and they bronght up speeimens of the samy faly an-tsitra-po izy rehetra fa mety izany, Ary izany nolazaina aminareo tompoko : Ilay so- t'anala liant ka dia samy nitondrá, ka riíara-riihinaàa tamy ny lom-pitandrina tao Maromby iasari’ ny fahavalo tamy i mamely ivire cut through as eiean as with a eoid ehisel ou an 'anvil. Such peopie must be devoid of eommon sense. hafaliana araka ny sitra-pon’ Andriamariitra ; ny ny 20 Septembra 1888 dia tonga tamy ny 2 Desembra ìdrao voa sakafo antoandro no tìeritiná ka dia tao rio riisáka- 1888 izy sy olona roa, 1 laiiy, 1 vavy, ka telo izy no izao fa ia Let ariy óne susperid à telegraph wire in a loop of 80 yards and explain to us how a Malagasv could fo izy mianakavy amy ny finoàna'.
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