National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road Co/Jege Parle, Maryland 20740-6001 Accession Number: NN3-197-89-1 Introduction Ageney Background Information The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) was established within the Department ofCommerce ueder Reorganization Plans 3 and 4 of 1940, effective June 30, 1940. The Board was made an independent agency by the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 731), effective January I, 1959. The CAB was given responsibility for regulating economic aspects ofair carrier operations, promulgating aafety standards, investigating accidents, and promoting international air transportation. The CAB authori2ed domestic air carriers to engage in interstate and foreign transportation and regulates the operations offoreign air carriers in the United States. It had jurisdiction over subsidies paid air earners and over tariffs, rates, and fares charged for air transportation and for carrying the mail. The CAB, which regulated the accounting procedures ofair carriers and their financial and business relationships, required the carders to file regular financial aod operating reports aod made that dsta availshle to other Government agencies and the public. The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) cessed to exist (sunsetted)onDecernber 31, 1984. Beginning on Janwuy I, 1985, air carrier reports were bandied by the Depa~tment of Tmnsportation (D01), Research aod Special Programs Administration (RSPA), Office of Aviatlon Information Management. National Archives (NA) Background Information At one time the National Archives operated a depository for non-archival macbine-readsble records ofhigh current interest, which have been ntede, received, or acquired by Federal agencies. Under the tenns ofinter-agency agreements of Septerober 9, 1977, Janwuy 2, 1979, November 14, 1979, and March 25, 1982, CAB traosferred copies of many ofits machine-readsble dsta files to the physical custody ofthe National Archives. The National Archives offered reference on these data files. These recorda were not appraised at the time they were deposited in the National Archives. In 1982 and 1983, these recorda were scheduled and many apprsisedas permanent in Jobs NCI-197-82-1 and NCI-197-83-1. In Apri11986, RSPA signed Standard Form (SF) 258, I NARA-3 ~b she U http://www,lfiiT(l.gov NARA Reference Copy "Request to Transfer, Approval, and Receipt ofRecords to National Archives ofthe United States" this acti911 started the process to formalize the change in status ofthe permanent macbine-resdable files produced by the CAB which were now under RSPA's jurisdiction. The SF 258 [NN3-197-89-I](Attachment I) covers the formal transfer ofall permanent machine-readable files CAB produced through December 1984. The attachment to the SF 2581ists the liles/surveys; Request for Records Disposition Authority (SF 115) citation, sourcelproducer ofthe file, number ofreels, and "permanent" inclusive dstes. (See Attacbm.ent 2) National Archtves Processing Information Terms Accession Number; A National Archives asslgoed number for sgency's permanent records, that are transferred to the legal and physical custody ofNARA. (Example; NN3-I 97-89-1) Contrql Number; These numhers are based on the attachment to the SF 258 (Attachment 2). Some series have the same title but the control number and date span will be different. In these instances, this indicates to the user that there was a change in the record layout. Record Oroyp (RQ); A body oforganizationally related records establiahed by an archival sgency after considering the organization's administrative history and complexity and the volume ofits records. The National Archives uses record group numbera to keep track of agency records during and after the scheduling process, including those transferred to Federal records centers and/or the National Arebives. R0!97; Records ofthe Civil Aeronautics Board RO 467; Records ofthe Resesreh and Special Programs Administmtion (Transportation) Series Title; Obtained from infonnation on CAB Master Data File Description or the "survey" title listed on the attachment to the SF 258 covering [NN3-197-89-1] . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• When the National Archives decided to fonnally accession the liles warranting long-term preservation, validation and preservation work started. Because ofthe large number offiles requiring preservation (677 msgnetic tapes), there was a reluctance to approve the SF 258 without some preliminary validation and preservation work. Based on this preuminary work, the Machine-readable Branch (NNXA) decided to approve the SF 258 in 'une 1989. It was aaticipated that NNXA might encmmter some problems with a few tapes, but would be able to secure another copy ofthe lile or would be able to document the problems sufficierniy to support reference use of the files. There are numerous data sets covered by accession NN3-197-89· I. Ifthe National Archives was able to successfully copy the data set and ifadequate documentation exited and there are no major discrepancies between the data and the documentation then these data sets are included in this documentation packsge. The documentation packsge is divided into surveys/series. (Please see Attachment 2) Each survey is assigoed a "Control 2 NARA-.1 ll¥b sile il http:ltwww.rwa.gO'I NARA Reference Copy Number" which is based on the information in the Attachment to the SF 258. Within a series, there may be more than one record layout that applies to the various data sets. Ifa series/survey has more than one reeord layout, I assigned different "Conlrol Nwnbers" e.g., B9aandB9b. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• List ofSIII"VeySISeries Con!roJ # # ofDala Sets Suryey/Series Title Ala 03 Competition Among Domestic Air Caniers (CADAC)- Annual Detail Alb 07 CADAC·· Quarterly Detail Ale 03 CADAC·· Annual SmnmiUY Aid 13 CADAC- Quarterly SummiUY A2 00 Domestic Air Freight Investigations I Priority A;r Freight Investigations (DAFRIIPRAFRI) A3 01 On Time Performance A4 01 Denied Boarding Bl 15 Service Segment Data [Data Bank (DB) 23) B2 04 T-9 Nonstop Market Data [DB 26] B3 01 Commuter Air Canier Statistics - Online Origin & Destination [Form 298-C, Schedule T-I) B4 01 Commuter Air Canier Statistics- Report ofFlight and Traffic Statiatica [Fonn 298-C, Schedule A-1) Total= 49 Control # # o!Data Sets Suryey/Series Title Paaseager OrigiD & Destimtloa Su.-vey: B5 39 Ticket Origin & Destinstion [DB I] B6 25 Ticket Dollar Value Origin & Destination [DB lA) B7 04 Origin & Destinstion Directional Detail - U.S. Flag ( Croasposted) B8 05 Origin & Destinstion Directional Detail· Foreign Flag ( Crossposted) B9a 03 Directional Origin & Destination (International/ Territorial) [DB 2A], 1968-1971 B9b 14 Directional Origin & Destination {IntemationaV Territorial) [DB 2A], 1973, 1974 & 1916-1985 B I 0 16 Directional Detail-Domestic ( Crossposted) Bll 14 Directional Origin & Destination {Domestic) [DB 2C], 1972 2nd Quarter • 1985 B IIX 03 Directional Origin & Destination {Domestic) [DB 2C) 1968. 1971 Bl2 65 City/Airport Nomenclature [DB 5] Total= 188 3 NARA=s web site is hltp://www.nara.gov NARA Reference Copy Control# #ofData Sets Survey/Series Tille Form 41 Reports- Traffic & Capacity Data: Bl3 01 Schedules I-1, I-I(A), & I-2, Feb. 1961- June 1970 BI3X 01 Schedule I-1, Man:h 1974 ·Dec. 1980 Bl4 01 Schedule I-3 BlS 01 Schedule I -4 Bl6a 08 Schedule I -6 and Form 217 Reports, System Analysis & Research Corporation (SARC) Charter Data, 1968-1975 Bl6b 01 Schedule I-6, Charter Data, Aprill976 ·Dec. 1979 Bl6c 02 Schedule I -6, Charter Data (Modified), Oct. 1979 • Dec. 1983 Total =IS Control# #ofData Sets Survey/Series Title Form 41 Reports-- Financial Data: Bl7 01 Schedule B-1 Bl8 02 Schedules P-1, P-3, P-3(A), & P-6 Bl9 02 Schedule P-5 B20 01 Schedules P-7 and P-8 B21 02 Schedule P-9 Total =08 Grand Total = 260 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• There are documents that are common to all ofthe completed series, except for Control Number B12, Data Bank 5. Data Bank 5 documentation package was completed prior to my involvement with this project. Please see a separate docnmentation psckage covering Data Bank 5, (1969 Qnarter 3, 1969 Qnarter4, and 1970 Qnarter 2- 1985 Quarter 4). The rest ofthe series will include a cover page, table ofcontents page, agency record description, technical description and supplemental information page, validation statement, codebook list, codebook(s), and sample computer dump(s). Agency documentation varies from series to series. NA Created Documents Include the Following: Codebook List: Provides information about the codebooks used dariog the validation/verification process. Sample Computer Printouts: One printout for each data file. NARA staff copied the CAB tapes and then produced two NARA created copies. For the most part, the printouts are dumps of some records from the NARA created copies and the printouts are character representation ofthe bit pattern usually frcm the first part ofeach file. Page 4 (Revised April 16, 2002) NARA Reference Copy Table ofContents: Provides the control number, list ofthe documentation and page count for most sectioos in a series. Under the first National Archives section ofthe Table of Contents, "Format X" is listed. Please disregard this item, there are no pages for this item in any series. This introduction is another item listed in the Table ofContents; Control Number B7 is the only series thst has the page count listed for this item Tecbnjcal
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