www.ukrweekly.com x < JO j. 2: О Л о -c -і D ТНЕ І СВОБОДА^SVOBODA І І О ні о Z ^ "П - о о -о О Z о P z о UlcrainianWeekl aj д) PUBUSHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC. A FRATERNAL NON- PROFIT ASSOCIATION V Vol. L No. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1982 25 cents Easter: We are renewed East European lawyers tell congressmen that Paschal, encyclical of the Sobor of of nations nor individuals. The new Bishops of the Ukrainian Autocepha- occupier of Ukraine was also one who denaturalization defendants are denied rights lous Orthodox Church. despised God and humanity. During the WASHINGTON - A delegation of involving persons of East European first months of the occupation the lawyers and representatives of a number descent who emigrated to the United "Let us cleanse our senses that we may enemy did not scrutinize those who of East European groups recently met States after World War II under the. be able to contemplate Christ resplen­ were destined to be his victims. This with several congressmen and aides to Displaced Persons Act. dent with the glory of the resurrec­ brief period when Christ "brought us protest tactics used by the Justice Allan Ryan, head of the OSI, has tion..." — From the Paschal Canon. from death to life and from earth to Department in denaturalization pro­ indicated that his office is investigating heaven..." was sufficient for the sponta­ ceedings brought against suspected approximately 300 cases. Beloved Brethren! neous renewal of religious life in U- Nazi collaborators living in the United Present at the March 10 meetings Christ is risen! kraine. In Kiev, in the Sobor of St. States. were Ihor Rakowsky, president of the Andrew the First-Called Apostle, divine Great Lent, wherein in sorrow and The group met separately with Reps. Ukrainian American Bar Association; providence provided for yet another penitence we purified our senses and James Leach (R-Iowa), Romano L. Ivan Shandor, UABA vice president; rebirth of the Ukrainian Orthodox acquired spiritual strength for the trials Mazzoli (D-Ky.) and Dan Lungren (R- Ernest Raskauskas, defense attorney episcopate and by so doing provided an of daily life, has concluded. Now, after Calif.), as well as with Tom Schatz, an for a Lithuanian American threatened opportunity for satisfying the tre­ reflecting on the vanity of our earthly aide to Rep. Hamilton Fish (R-N.Y.), with denaturalization; David Springer, mendous need of giving spiritual com­ cares, we are able to enter into the joy of and Harris Jordan, an aide to Rep. a court-appointed defense attorney fort to millions of people. Christ who, as we hear in today's Philip M. Crane (R-Ill.), presenting involved in a denaturalization case in liturgical hymn is "resplendent with the That which occurred in that period of them with a 10-point list of recommen­ Illinois; Alexandra Shwed, co-president glory of the resurrection." history amidst the fire and embers of a dations they said would ensure the of the Ukrainian Anti-Defamation We are renewed and thus become a terribje war, cannot even now be era­ defendants' right to a fair trial. League^ and Ausra Zerr, executive vice different people. Our greeting, "Christ dicated by Soviet atheistic powers. The Justice Department's Office of president for public affairs of the is risen!", is an affirmation of our Those who despised Christ did not Special Investigations, which was creat­ Lithuanian-American Community of awakening, a manifestation of a new succeed in liquidating all, for even in ed to find and prosecute alleged colla­ the U.S.A. Inc. person who thinks and acts in a new today's Ukraine one finds ancient borators, is currently prosecuting about The group's chief complaint is that manner. churches which witness to the rebirth 40 denaturalization cases, most of them (Continued on page 11) This year, the joy of the Resurrection which took place 40 years ago. From is intensified by the recollection of how that time to this day, though oppressed our Ukrainian Orthodox Church seem­ and for the most part underground, our ingly sealed with a tombstone, suddenly Ukrainian Orthodox Church not only Warvariv, U.S. diplomat, dies arose. Thus, in singing "having endured exists but gains strength. WASHINGTON - Constantine crucifixion, He conquered death by Let us heed the words of the angel Warvariv, a high-ranking U.S. diplo­ death," we recall and laud in song both who spoke thusly to the myrrh-bearing mat of Ukrainian descent, died here the past and future passion weeks of our women at the empty tomb: "Why do Tuesday, April 6, following a prolonged Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the you seek among the dead Him who is in bout with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis pious Ukrainian nation which even eternal light? Why do you weep for the (ALS). He was 57. today endure the sufferings of cruci­ incorruptable One in a place of corrup­ Since 1978 Mr. Warvariv had served fixion. tion?" Today, let us be radiant with the as director of UNESCO affairs, Bureau Also in this year, we recall and light of the great feast! For indeed our of International Organization Affairs, observe the 40th anniversary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church calls out at the U.S. Department of State. renaissance of our Ukrainian Auto- to us in the words of the angel so that we Earlier he had held the position of cephalous Orthodox Church in 1942. might not consider to be dead that deputy to the permanent U.S. delegate At that time in Ukraine, under the which is alive, so that we might not to the United Nations Educational, pressure of the Moscow-Soviet regime consider corruptable that which is Scientific and Cultural Organization there was not to be found one active incorruptable. and had been based in Paris, the head­ Ukrainian Orthodox parish, not one As Christ rose, likewise the Church quarters of UNESCO. bishop or active priest. Thousands of rises, and so will the Ukrainian nation He had also served as social officer in the faithful together with their clergy which is faithful to Christ. Let us the Office of Multilateral Policy and perished in prisons and concentration welcome this great day in mutual love, Plans, Bureau of Educational and camps in the far north. The times with our work and by sacrificing for Cultural Affairs, at the State Depart­ witnessed another bloody year of yet those things which pertain to God. In ment. another world war. particular, let us prepare for Christ who For his contributions toward the Combating each other were two is among us, young priests who in time achievement of U.S. foreign policy, Mr. titans who recognized neither the rights (Continued on page 15) Constantine Warvariv (Continued on page 15) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 18,1982 No. 16 Klebanov: Soviet Walesa Radio Solidarity airs program; NEW YORK - Sen. Orrin G. continued their struggle and, accord­ repressions continue in Poland Hatch (R-Utah), writing in the April ing to the senator, have managed to 5 issue of The Wall Street Journal, sustain the Free Interprofessional WARSAW, Poland - In a dramatic sign of Radio Solidarity was the musical said that he was "disturbed" that the Association of Workers, or SMOT, act of resistance to martial law, a refrain of a song called, in translation, U.S. government, while expressing which was formed in 1978 to carry on clandestine station calling itself Radio "Ax, Shovel, Moonshine and Glass," concern for Solidarity leader Lech the work started by Mr. Klebanov's Solidarity made an eight-minute broad­ popular during the wartime occupation. Walesa in Poland, has "overlooked group. cast here on. April 12, according to The refrain, alluding to Hitler, who Mr. Walesa's counterpart in the "Like their predecessors, seven columnist John Darnton of The New once worked as a house painter, sa`ys, Soviet Union - Vladimir Klebanov." SMOT members were arrested and York Tunes. "The foolish painter lost the war." Mr. Klebanov, a former coal confined to either prisons or psychia­ The broadcasters, introducing them­ At the end of the broadcast, the miner, has been incarcerated since tric institutions," wrote Sen. Hatch. selves over an FM band with a signal announcer recalled that April 13 marks 1978 because of his efforts to esta­ "At this writing, two - Mark Мого– taken from a song that was popular the fourth month of martial law, and he blish a free trade union. Much of that zov and Vladimir Skvirsky - are still durirttthe German occupation in asked listeners to turn off their lights time has been spent in Soviet mental incarcerated." Worldwar II, talked of conditions in between 9 and 9:15 p.m., a small way, he hospitals. Mr. Morozov was arrested in internment camps, played an anti- said, to mark the occasion. "In the winter of 1977-78 Mr. 1980, charged with anti-Soviet agit­ government folk song, and promised Meanwhile, Polish authorities are Klebanov founded the Association prop, and sentenced to eight years in that they would be back on the air on continuing to crackdown on opponents of Free Trade Unions (AFTU)," a strict-regimen camp. April 30 with a regular schedule. of martial law. A recent report indicates that a Polish wrote Sen. Hatch. "Shortly there­ Mr. Skvirsky, who was arrested in For days, the Times reported, people priest is under investigation for distri­ after the AFTU was abolished by the Moscow in 1979 on a trumped up had been told in leaflets to expect the Communist Party, and Mr. Klebanov charge of stealing library books, was broadcast on 70.1 megacycles at 9 p.m.
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