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A JOURNAL OF INFORMATION. ART. CHEMISTRY MANUFACTURES. WEEKTJY PRACTICAL SCIENCE. MECHANICS. AND Vol. XLIV.-No. 5. �"lIntlm. [NEW SERIES.] "] NEW YORK, JANUARY 29,1881. [:;l3e20[POSTAGEper PREPAID. 1 AN IMPROVED MOUNTAIN RAILWAY SYSTEM. places. A distinguished engineer, M. L. Edoux, has can· I render it interesting to our readers. The illustrations have The construction, maintenance" and operation SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN of moun· ceived a project which is based upon the application of a been specially arranged for the from tain railways have long occupied the attention of engineers. system of hydraulic elevators to the lifting of cars to any I tbe author's plans. elevations, and sectional views. Many methods of climbing steep inclines Bod of rounding heigh t. This system may be applied to great advantage, I The particular railway under consideration is intended to curves of small radius have been proposed, and several of when an abundance of water under bigh pressure is avail- establish communication between Cauterets and the haths of these methods have been reduced to actual practice. The able. These conditions will be frequently met in a moun- La Raill.ere,France. Cauterets is situated in a narrow valley, systems of Fell and Riggenbach are very well known, and tainous country. Although this project has not yet been at an elevation of more than 900 meters. It is a noted water· the ancient system of rope tramways is in use iu many realized it seems to possess sufficient merit and novelty to [Continued page 66.] I on IMPROVED SYSTEM FOR MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS. © 1881 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC titutifit !mttitIU. J [JANUARY 29, 1881. THE TENDENCY OF RECENT COURT DECISIONS WITH by the United States Supreme Court, in the case of the REGARD TO REISSUED PATENTS. Swain Turbine and Manufacturing Company, appellant, VB. Tbe patent laws provide tor the reissue and correction of Ladd. This was another instance of expanded claim� in a ESTABLISHED �845. patents when tbe original is inoperative or invalid by reason reissued patent. The original specitlcation was as perfect, of a defective or insufficient specification, or by reason of the so far as it went, as the new one, the preteuded correc­ MUNN & CO., Editors and Proprietors. patentee claiming as his invention or discovery more than tions having been introduced to widen the scope of the he had a right to claim as new, provided it is shown that the patent to give its owners a large and valuable monoiJoly of PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT error arose from inadvertence, accident, or mistake, with· an important class of waterwheels. In the Circuit Court of NO. 87 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. out any fraudulent or deceptive intetltion ou the part of the the United States for the District of Massachusetts, the patentee. claims of the reissued letters patent had been restricted to D. A. O. MUNN. E. BEACH. The matter to be introduced into the amended specification the distinct limitation of the invention in the original patent, is limited strictly to such as was clearly indicated, described, and that decision was sustained by the Supreme Conrt. In 'rEKMS FOR 'I'HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. or suggested in the original specification, drawings, or model, the opinion of the court, delivered by Mr. Jnstice Bradley, postage .... One copy. one year included .... .... .. ... .... .. ....... 53 20 . and duch as might have been lawfully claimed, but was not, it was pointed out that" the mistake of the patentee or his One copy, six months, postage included ...... .. .... .... .. .. ... 1 60 SCIENTTFIO AMERICAN assignees seems to have been in supposing that he was en- Chlb •• -oneextra copy of THE will be supplied for the reasons mentioned. gratis for every Club of fivesubscribers at $3.20 each: additional copies at same proportionate rate. Po�ta,ge prepaid. The practice of the Patent Office has been less exacting on titled to have inserted in a reissued patent all that he might Remit by postal order. Address this point than the rules prescribe, so tl.::tt in many cases tbe have applied for and bad inserted in his original patent. CO., York. )lUNN & 37 Park Row. New reissue specifications have contained substalllially new mat- The appellants produced on the argu ment exhibits tending The Scientific Alllerican Supplelllent ter; sometimes matter which the patentee migut lawfully to show that the patentee before obtaining his original patent Is a distinct paper from the SCIE>lTIE'lC A'fEHlCAX. '[,HE SUPPLEMENT have inserted and claimed originally, but failed to. through had made and done all those things which are embraced in Is if!!S 2d weekly. �Jvery number contains 16 octavo pages, uniform in sjze U ignorance or oversight, and sometimes matter which had or covered by the reissued patl'nt. If this were true it SCIENTIFIC SUPllLEMI<NT, with A�IEU.ICAX". 'rerms of subscription for 00 been disallowed by the Office or voluntarilidisclaimed by the would he notuing to.,the purpose. A reissue can only bp­ $5 a year, postage paid, to subscribers Single copies. 10 cents. Sold by all news dealers throughout the country. inventor to secure the issue of his patent. By means of such granted forthesame invention which was originally patented. -The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN and SUPPJ..I�Mr<:NT Combined Rates. to the admis­ reissues the inventor's afterthoughts and discoveries have If it were otberwi�e a door would be opened will be sent for one year postage free. on receipt of seven doUars. Both pap8r::lto one address or different addresses as desired. been covered, and too frequently t he subsequent inventions sion of the greatest frauds. Claims and pretensions shown The safest way to remit is bv draft postal order. or registered letter. of others, or processes and machinery which others may have to be unfounded at the time might, after the lapse of a few Addres, CO. 3i Park Row. N. MUNN & Y. brought into profitableuse, knowIng them to he not patented. years, after a change of officersin tbePatent Office,the death Scientific ,\lllerican Export Edition. of witnesses. and the dispersion of documents, be set up fl1heSCJ1I::-':'l'Il!'IC A:\II<;HICA� Export Edition is a large and splendid peri. In this way much injustice has been wrought, and occllsion odical. issued once a month. E.lCh number cc.ntains about one hundred ny if not most of the more serious complaints anew, and the reversal of the first decision ohtained without large quarto oa.ges, profusely illustrated. embracing: Most of the given for ma (1.) against the patent system. an appeal and without any knowledge of the previous in- plates and pages of the four preceding weekly is�ues of the �(,II'::,\TIFJC A:l\II<:nICAN, At first the courts were inclined to hold that the decision vestigation on the subject. New light breaking in upon the with its splendid engravings an d valua.ble information: (2.) Commercial. trade. and manufacturing nnnounccm(�ntsof leading houses. patentee as the progress of improv ment goes on, and as 'rerms tor Export Edition, a ye tr, sent prepaid to any part of the of the Commissioner of Patents in granting the reissue was � $3.00 final and conclusive, and not be revised. recently other inventors enter the field, and his monopoly becomes �ingle I!T others who could More world. c0pies 50 cents. :Manufacturers and desire to secure forci�n trade may have large. and handsomely displayed an­ there has been a manifest disposition to go behind the Com- less and less necessary to the public, might easily generate nouncements publisiled in this edition at a very moderate cost. missioner's action to inquire whether he may not have ex- in his mind an idea that his invention was really more broad The SCIEV.rIFIC [CAN IDxIJortEdition has a large guarant ed circu­ A1UIW e ceeded his jurisdiction or improperly performed his !luty in and comprehensive than had been set forth in the specifica· lation in all commercial places throughout the world. Address)1 Ul'IN & 37 is ca�y to see how such new light CO.� Park Row. New York. granting a reissue for more than was covered by the original tion of his patent. It patent. Thus in the case of Leggett et al. VB. Avery et al. would naturally be reflected in a reissue of the patent, and NEW YORK, SATURDAY. JANUARY 29,1881. (U. S. Supreme Court, October, 1879), it was held that no how unjust it might be to third parties who had kept pace error had arisen through inadvertence, accident, or mistake, with the march of improvement. Hence there is no safe or Contents. but that the Commissioner had committed manifest error in just rule but that "'hich confines a reissued patent to the asterisk.) hicb was described or indicated i n aUustratcd>articlcs are marked with an allowing the reissue for more than was included in the ex- same invention "' the r o e i tended patent, and for w bat was expressly disclaimed therein. original." ��;��r� rn� o�'r'i: 8ilv:��t i:,:n�� � ��kor::::::: rule can ff�::i'{}��f�gAnthracite. steamer. report on.: ..:: 6-1i� Paraffineas a woodU preserver ... � In this decision Mr. Justice Bradley remarked tbat tbe If an unswerving adherence to this be secured in . C9 Apprentice s stem reviving . ... 67 . y Patent decisions ... ..... .. ....... 73 Patent Office it is obvious that a grave, Beetles. carpet. preventive for. 72 Patents, reissued. Court decision. allowance of claims once formally abandoned by the appli- the practice of the . ... 64 Cast iron, to repair • .. 75 (91... 71 Petroleum. to deodorize (22) __..•• perhaps the gravest source of objection to tbe patent system Cast Iron. to solder . ... .. cant in order to get his patent through is the occasion of im- (18) ..
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