ALIPORESOCIALWELFARETRUST AnnualReport AREPORT RespectedElders,Brothers&Sisters, 2008-09 was an important year for Alipore Social Welfare Trust's evolution and growth as it comprehensively tested our will to survive, succeed and flourish in the midst of current socio- economic, cultural and political situation. The strength of a ship is not tested by the miles navigated in calm water, but by it resilience to withstand the vagaries of the turbulent seas that challenges its very existence. The DNA of an organisation is tested not by its growth potential in good times but its strength to seamlessly sustain through its very survival. Milestones are an important part of journey. They reflect the distance travelled and show the road ahead. Milestones are also occasions to pause and celebrate, regroup and refuel for the journey ahead. In Alipore Social Welfare Trust, we look at milestones that reflect value as seen by our elders, our colleagues, our well-wishers, our donors, our beneficiaries,ourpatientsandourvolunteers. We believe that our consistency is a result of our strategic insights, the conviction to invest on those insights and the ability to rigorously execute and convert the insights to reality. Achieving these landmarks, in a tough environment for the services provided by us in Healthcare and Educational Reliefs and Scholarships was satisfying. Extending our record of accomplishment set over past thirteen years as a Trust and eight years as a Hospitalwasrewarding. Being the most critical part of the process, incubation is a time for forward looking decisions and introspective reflections. The choices made now will have far-reaching repercussionsinthedaystocome. Our objective is to support the economically and socially marginalised communities residinginvariousvillagesandtownsaroundAliporebyProviding: 1. AlltheDevelopmentalNeedsofAliporeHospital. 2. Round-the-Clock Alipore Hospital Ambulance services which serves Emergency andTraumaCareDepartments. 3. HealthAwarenessamongstthelocalcommunities. 4. FreeMedicalCampsofVariousMedicalFaculties. 5. HigherEducationAwarenessamongstthesecommunities. 6. Under ASWT Educational Reliefs and Scholarships, we have encouraged Higher Educations amongst the communities and hence have made a remarkable achievement. 7. Launching Alipore Hospital Patient Welfare and Advisory Committee having members from each villages and towns in the area who also provide with required counselling,informationandvaluableadvises. 8. By successfully making tie-up with Bigger Institutions for those Advanced Medical TreatmentandProcedures,whicharenotperformedatAliporeHospitalatpresent. 1 ALIPORESOCIALWELFARETRUST AnnualReport The End Result of innumerable insights, calculated decisions and assiduous goal- oriented thinking is transformation. This Transformational Excellence puts us at a position ofstrengthinHealthcareandEducationalPromotionFields. Alipore Social Welfare Trust is inspired by the opportunity to make a meaningful difference through the enlargement of its contribution to the national economy by providing HealthcareandHigherEducationalReliefsamongstthelocalpopulation. Our Medical Team drive our Hospital. They Determine our success, performance and services. Our Values define our relationship with our staffs and patients. Our Values: Respect for the Individual and Being Thoughtful and Responsible are the crux of our Talent EngagementandDevelopmentProcess. We provide our Team of Doctors an opportunity to use their time and resources in productive pursuits. We launched two programs 'Rejuve' and 'Enrich'. These Programs allow our Team of Doctors and Staffs to use their time to expand their horizons, professionally and personally thereby preparing them for a more rewarding future. Firstly we, the trustees of Alipore Social Welfare Trust, express our sincere gratitude to the Almighty and Most Merciful for selecting us for the service to Mankind. Alipore Social Welfare Trust was established with a view to serve human beings with best possible way in the remote village surrounded by around 80 villages where there are inadequate modern facilitiesforthetreatmentofsickpatients. Secondly, we all at Alipore Social Welfare Trust, from the bottom of our hearts, thank all of you who have been helpful and have given your time, money and effort for the service of the sick and the poor. Without the donors, Alipore Hospital would not have been asitisoftoday. Alipore Social Welfare Trust has various activities. Here we take opportunity inform toyouregardingouractivities,hencewestartwithAliporeHospital. (A) ALIPOREHOSPITAL Alipore Hospital had built a reputation for fairness and meritocracy. In an effort to further encouragement diversity amongst our workforce, the end result of innumerable insights, calculated decisions and assiduous goal-oriented thinking is transformation. This transformational excellence puts us at a position of strength in ourmedicalservices. At Alipore Hospital, we incubate new practices for serving the patients by creating competencies in emerging technologies. To enhance focus, select technologies are identified, like introducing or Upgrading Modern and Technologically Advanced Machineries and Equipments in each Departments - Spiral CT Scan, Ultrasonography (USG), Hi-Frequency Radiology, Multi-Para Cardiac Monitors, 2D Echo-Cardiography, Computerised Stress Test, Modern Haemodialysis, and many otherservicesinvariousdepartments. (1) ALLTREATMENTSUNDERONEROOF ASWT's participation in building a healthy community manifests itself through 2 ALIPORESOCIALWELFARETRUST AnnualReport initiatives in several areas of healthcare. Alipore Hospital has been serving the sick for the past 8 years, irrespective of any bar of caste, creed, colour or religion. Since inception, that is, 4th June, 2001, we, at Alipore Hospital, have rendered services in General Surgery and Emergency (Casualty) Departments and then we gradually started introducing various departments one after another in the next three years, like Cardiology and General Medicine, Orthopaedic, Radiology and Sonology, ICCU & Surgical ICU, Pathology, Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT), Psychology, Dermatology, Urology, Gynaecology, Neuro-Surgery Consulting, Paediatric, Imaging, Anaesthesia, Laparoscopy and Arthroscopy, Heamo-Dialysis Department and a MedicalStore,soastoenablealltheservicesunderoneroof. To serve and provide better and adequate healthcare to the sick and needy patients, treating them with the best available medical facilities at Alipore Hospital by our Team of Medical Consultants in Various Departments under One Roof, is our first priority. This we achieved by personally contacting medical consultants from nearby cities and towns, requesting and encouraging them to visit Alipore Hospital and by offering them excellent facilities and infrastructure for operations and other medical investigations in our premises. Technology and adopting frequent updated equipmentjustaddstothebetterserviceswecouldprovide. We would like to remind you, that we did mentioned in our earlier report, on the 1st anniversary of Alipore Hospital, the services rendered in various departments and the operations performed here were never imagined or heard previously in this part of the country where a patient has no other option and have to suffer severely. Since January 2002, we introduced Free OPD Dispensary Service, check-up / consulting by our Medical Officers and Housemen where One-Day Medicine is given at a token rate of Rs. 5/- per day. This was only possible because of Almighty's blessings and mercy on us and also because of prayers and good wishesofalltheelders,youngstersandbenefactors. (2) RELIEFGIVEN We are pleased to inform you that since the Hospital services were started 8 years agothefollowingReliefweregiveninvariousdepartmentsatAliporeHospital: DEPARTMENTALRELIEFSGIVENINPASTEIGHTYEARS(ended31stMarch) DEPARTMENTALRELIEFGIVENTOPATIENTS DepartmentalRelief 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 GivenintheYear AmountinIndian Rupees(INR) 967,682 1,042,493 1,250,216 1,511,618 2,260,359 2,228,066 3,005,338 2,824,655 The above Departmental Reliefs in fees were possible due to all the support we have received from our valuable and generous donors. We hereby request all you donorstocontributegenerouslyforthewelfareofthepatients. 3 ALIPORESOCIALWELFARETRUST AnnualReport (3) AVERAGEMONTHLYINCOME-EXPENDITURE OurAverageMonthlyIncome-Expenditureconsistsofthefollowing: HOSPITALEXPENDITURE Current HOSPITALINCOME Current (inIndianRupees) Year (inIndianRupees) Year Salaries 423,085.00 InPatientsBill&O.P.D.Fees 572,310.00 ElectricityBill 54,980.00 OtherIncomes(includingX-Ray, 504,270.00 Hon.Drs.ConveyanceFees 170,205.00 Sonography,Laboratory MaintenanceExpenditure 22,731.00 MedicinePurchase 125,500.00 PrintingandStationary 27,832.00 OtherExpenses&Purchases 230,288.00 MonthlyDeficitDifference 231,980.00 Taxes&ProvidendFund 18,551.00 DepartmentalReliefsGiven 235,388.00 Total 1,308,560.00 Total 1,308,560.00 Every month, after giving reliefs in various departments which is around Rs. 235,000/-, we face a Deficit of around Rs. 231,980/- to maintain the cost of expenditure of the hospital. All these expenses mentioned above are necessary to run the hospital smoothly and efficiently hence we look forward for support and help from all the generous donors to fulfil the same and serve the sick better to meet the deficit. Without your donations we would hardly have been able to give medicalreliefsorchargesubsidisedfees. (4) PERFORMANCE Since inception of Alipore Hospital
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