'SINCE 1966 STUDENT NEWSPAPER August 20, 2007 www.thecurrentonline.com VOLUME 41, ISSUE i l20 \\ INSIDE Attempt to steal textbooks ends in arrest By SARAH O'BRIEN around $400. The young man then attempted to chased with. The other two were released with The books had been stolen out of return the stolen books to the book­ "He said 'Oh, I don't have that' out charges. News Editol' a men's bathroom, where ~ student store without a receipt. and he left," Percy said. The suspect who stole the books who had just purchased them had "We said you need a receipt," said One of the men displayed a gun and the suspect who had the BB gun Four men were apprehended yes­ accidentally left them and returned Percy, "Then he just said, 'Well I'm that was later determined to have were held longer and processed for a terday by the UM-St. Louis police to find them missing only minutes not returning them like that. I'm.·re­ been a BB gun. "stealing offense" and released until force for attempting to steal text­ later. turning them because some6i1e left According to Percy, Officer Gen­ their court dates. books. Two of them were later re­ The student then reported to the them in the bathroom. " , try who is with the University police, According to George Huebner of Interim president leased from custody. police that his books weremissing. According to Percy, " .a:ri0ther pulled his gun on the man showing the University Police, only one of the According to Nancy Percy, the "The young man was roaming the suspect returned about ten minutes off the BB gun. young men processed for stealing visits with students bookstore employee who was han­ halls and I guess went into the bath~ later with the actual receipt for the According to the preliminary re­ was a juvenile. dling the situation, the foW' suspects room right after him and saw that he textbooks and was in the process of port, the young man with the BB gun None of the four men arrested Interim Urv1 System President were working together to return had left the books there and ran out returning them when she asked . to had displayed it and then had it taken have any affiliation with the Univer­ Gordon Lamb visited campus stolen books whose amount totaled ' with the books," Percy said. see the card the bookshad been pur- away by an officer at the scene. sity. on Aug. 8. He was in town for a meeting with the presidential search committee. See page 3 'GREAT EXPECTATIONS' FOR THE YEAR OF THE TRITON Gallery Visio shows off 'Art of War' See page 9 tT orrTO A OOD, START AT UMSL. Fall sports preview: UM-St. Louis Soccer See page 10 ON THE WEB Breaking news Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Glen Cope speaks with students on Sunday, Aug. 19 at the welcome picnic for students. (Seated from left to right: Dean of the College of Optometry Larry Davis, Chancellor Tom George, Dean of the College of A.rts & Sciences Mark Burkholder and Dean of the College of coverage Education Charles Schmitz. Stay Current with UM -St Loui s neW5 by logging on to our Web site for the latest campus news. Longtime UMSL mass 'Key to success' now free of charge By THOMAS HELTON and graduate Infomlation TecJmol­ ogy class in the Fall of 2006, a brain media professor dies Design Edilor child of Balest:reri. Web poll results: "Both classes evaluated the pro­ W here is your dream This summer, the Office of Ca­ cesses of our office, our function vacation spot? By PAUL HACI{BARTH 'boss,' since I was the department reer Services annotmced that a once at the university, our Web site, our chairman when he was hired," Mur­ fee based system would be free to all interaction with students and other 3% Edito,.,in,Cbie! ray said. "But since I was about 10 students. critical areas. Almost every group years old when he started his ad­ Teresa Balestreri, director of Ca­ determined in their outcomes that it Former mass media ' professor vertising business that seemed like reer Services, has been fighting to would be important for UMSL to do and local leading advertIsing CEO a little bit of a 'stretch' to me." make the change since she started ber away with the Career Services fee of Sidney "Sid" Sayan died last Tues­ Murray described Savan as,' a position four years ago. $35.00," Balestreri said. day of congestive heart failure in collaborative coworker and a pro­ "I have been working onthis for "The excitement also comes from Chesterfield at the age of78. fessor who was interested in what . almost four years. Changing a' policy employers who believe that this will Savan taught in the mass media srudents were thinking about, espe­ that is based on fucal operations is increase the candidate pool ofUMSL department at UM-SI. Louis statt­ cially their political opinions. riot a 'quick fix.' While ittook longer students and graduates seeking em­ ing in 1988 and retired in 2004. He Murray said Savan had a "lib­ . than I anticipated, I am thrilled with Maria Jenkins • Slaff PlXJlograpber ployment" A beac h taught courses in mass media, ad­ eral" perspective on public affairs this new policy and believe that this Balestreri explained employers vertising, public relations and po­ that dominated his thinking, "But is a strong indication that theadmin­ Director of Career Services who target UM-St. Louis students The mountains. Teresa Balestreri. litical campaigning while he was a he made no bones about it and stu­ istration believes in the career devel­ will be even more proactive in gath­ A jungle. faculty member. dents understood where he stood - opment process 'of UMSL students." ering interns and graduates now that Michael Murray, chair of the - even though many disagreed with Balestrerisaid: faculty become aware of the change, there is no fee. The tundra. theater, dance and media studies his politics." While the office made no of­ citing a meeting they had with the Balestreri also has noticed "fac­ • Summer school. department, worked with Savan as Jason Granger, graduate stu­ ficial release, Career Services has College of Education last week. ulty and administrators are excited department chair for more than 10 dent, english, took one of Savan's been notifying deans and faculty to John Nichols, senior, business because it meets the goals and mis­ 'Tn!5 week's question: years. classes, a script \\Titing course. spread the word. Many students may administration, after hearing about sion of the university." Have the past weeks of "Sid will be remembered as "He was energetic without a have received an e-mail from Robert the service change, said he was en­ Critics of the change say that too iiltenSe heat caused you to someone with an incredibly fun­ doubt and he was passionate about Bliss, dean of the Honors College, thusiastic about joining the Career many students would sign up. Morris be lreve in global warming? ny sense of humor who was very what he taught. He was also very about the change. Services program. believes that is the goal. knowledgeable and very generous outspoken. He was' not shy about Kristi Morris, a career services "I've always been a member of "It would be ideal if too many Sru­ INDEX with respect to his willingness to telling you what he thought," coordinator, said that even though career services. It's too important to dents showed up," she said. When . ---------~---- What's Curent 2 share his insights and experience," Granger said. there has not been a campus wide let a fee get in the way," said Kelcy asked about a review of the change, Murray said. announcement, registration has in­ Siddall, senior, economics. Balestreri said, "No formal reView is 2 Crimeline Savan was selected as "Lecturer creased in comparison. A big jump in the fight to lose the in place at this time, but We will be Op i llio~~ 4 of the Year" in 1997. Monis went on to say that regis­ Career Services fee was an evalua­ watching closely as we move through See SID SAVAN, page 14 A&E 8 "Sid often introduced me as his tration is expected to increase as more tion done by both an undergraduate the year. " 10 Sp o0s .. .. .... sucloku 15 Stay Current Monday Tuesday WedneSday Thursday Q Friday Saturday Sunday Weather predictions with this ..... taken from NOAA Cros~word '" 15 Hi/Low: 88/75 Hi/Low: 94176 HifLow: 97176 Hi/Low: 90176 HilLow: 93176 HilLow: 86170 HilLow: 85/69 national weather • system . week's weather Prccip: 60% Precip: 10% Pl'ecip: 0% Precip: 30% Precip: 30% Precip: 40% Precip: 10% PagL , e 2 August 20,2007 CAMPUS CRIMELINE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS FIND NEW HOME The l'nive,,;[(l,' of Nti,5iluo- St. LlJu'is THURSDAY, JULY 12 TUESDAY, AUG. 14 Stude[\[ N ~\\:SPJper Since 1966 STAff BURGLARY/STEALING OVER $500 • POSSiBlE DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE· 7840 NATURAL BRIDGEROAD SSBTOWfR Paul Hackbarth· Editor-in-Chief Carrie Fasiska· Managing Edltor The St. Louis City Police De­ Ai approximately 5:30 a.m., the Michael Kennedy. Business Manager partment arrested a suspect on Sat­ UM-St. Louis Police Department Rob Borkin • Ad Director urday June 30, during a traffic stop. receivcd a call for a possible dis­ Judi linville· Advi ser further investigation determined turbance benveen a boyfriend and a that some coppe r pipes and a valve girl friend on the fourth floor of the Mabel Suen. Copy Edi to r fo und in his vehicle wcre tah:n from Tower building.
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