GARDEN AND GROVE GARDEN AND GROVE The Italian Renaissance Garden in the English Imagination, 1600-1750 John Dixon Hunt PENN University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia First published 1986 by J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. Copyright© 1986 by John Dixon Hunt Preface to 1996 edition copyright © 1996 by John Dixon Hunt First paperback edition published 1996 by the University of Pennsylvania Press All rights reserved Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Hunt, John Dixon. Garden and grove : the Italian Renaissance garden in the English imagination, 1600-1750 I John Dixon Hunt. p. em. Originally published: London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1986. With new pref. "The Franklin Jasper Walls lectures"-Pref. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8122-1604-0 (pbk. : alk. paper) l. Gardens, English-Italian influences. 2. Gardens, Italian­ Influence. 3. Gardens, Renaissance-England. 4. Gardens, Renaissance-Italy-Influence. I. Title. SB457.6.H86 1996 712'.0942'09032-dc20 96-11371 CIP List of Contents List of Illustrations Vll Preface to the 1996 Edition Xlll Preface XV Introduction xvii Part One ITALY: THE GARDEN OF THE WORLD Firm 1 The garden on the Grand Tour 3 2 Classical ground and classical gardens 11 3 Villa and vigna 30 4 Ovid in the garden 42 5 Garden and theatre 59 6 Cabinets of curiosity 73 7 Variety 83 8 Art and Nature 90 Part Two ENGLAND: THE WORLD OF THE GARDEN 101 9 'My patterne for a countrey seat' 103 i. Elizabethan beginnings ii. Gardens in the masque iii. Jacobean garden mania iv. The Danvers brothers, and Lucy Harington v. Grottoes vi. Wilton House gardens 10 'The way of Italian gardens' 143 i. 'Great Changes in Gardens' ii. Evelyn at Wotton and Albury iii. Aubrey, and 'variety' iv. Scenes and scenery v. The scientific garden vi. After 1688 ... 11 'Palladian' Gardening 180 i. How English was the English Landscape Garden? ii. 'Rural Gardening' iii. Castell, Burlington, and Pope iv. Kent v. The progress of gardening Notes (together with abbreviations of travel writings 223 used throughout) Index 261 The Franklin Jasper Wails Lectures Franklin Jasper Walls, who died in 1963, bequeathed his residuary estate to The Pierpont Morgan Library to establish a lecture series in the fine arts, iconography, and archaeology, with the provision that the lectures be ultimately published in book form. Throughout his life, Mr Walls was interested in the fine arts and in the study of art history. When the Association of Fellows of The Pierpont Morgan Library was organized in 1949, he became one of the founding members. He was particularly concerned with the Library's lecture programme, and served on the Association's Lecture Committee. Without ever revealing his testamentary plans, he followed with keen attention the design and construction of the Library's new Lecture Hall, completed a few months before his death. Professor Hunt's lectures, here printed in revised and expanded form, are the ninth series ofthe Franklin Jasper Walls Lectures to be published. List of Illustrations 1 Johann Cristoph Volkamer, Palace and gardens of the Principe Doria, 8 late seventeenth century drawing (Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Niirnberg). 2 Jan Massys, Venus Cythera, painting of 1561 (Nationalmuseum, Stock- 9 holm). 3 Panorama of the hills of Frascati, covered with villas, from Jean Blaeu, 16 Theatre d' I talie (1704). 4 Reconstruction of Nero's gardens on Monte Vaticano, from P. Totti, 17 Ritratto di Roma antica (1627 edition). 5 Reconstruction of the grounds of Nero's Domus Aurea (Golden House), 17 from P. Totti, Ritratto di Roma antica. 6 Villa Lante, Bagnaia, fromDescrizione di Roma Moderna (1697 edition). 17 7 Reconstruction of the gardens of Ovid, from Giacomo Lauro, Antiquae 18 urbis splendor (1612). 8 Reconstruction of the gardens of Sallust, from Roma antica e moderna 19 (1750). 9 The Villa Medici, from G. B. Falda, Li Giardini di Roma (1683). 19 10 Virgil's tomb drawn by John Raymond and published in Il Mercurio 20 Italico (1648). 11 Detail from G. B. Falda's map of Rome (1676). 21 12 Remains of Roman baths with modern gardens, from A. Donati, Roma 22 vetus ac recens utriusque aedificiis illustrata (1694). 13 The Horti Bellaiani and the Baths of Diocletian, from Etienne du Perac's 23 map of Rome (1577). 14 Henrick van Cleef III, The Vatican Belvedere sculpture gardens, painting 25 of 1550 (Musee des Beaux-Arts, Brussels). 15 Henrick van Cleef III, Cardinal C esi' s Antique Sculpture Garden, painting 25 of 1584 (The National Gallery, Prague). 16 The Villa Ludovisi, from Falda, Li Giardini di Roma. 26 Vll List of illustrations 17 The Villa Mattei, from Falda, Li Giardini di Roma. 27 18 The Orti Farnesiani on the Palatine Hill, from B. Marliani, Urbis Romae 29 Topographia (1588 edition). 19 The Duke of Parma's gardens (formerly the Orti Farnesiani) on the 29 Palatine Hill, from Falda, Li Giardini di Roma. 20 Paul Brill, The month of May: walking on the terrace, drawing of 1598 34 (Louvre, Cabinet des Dessins). 21 Paul Brill, The month of March: work in the vineyard, drawing of 1598 34 (Louvre, Cabinet des Dessins). 22 Gustave, Utens, The Medici Villa of Castello, painted lunette of 1599 35 (Museo Topografico, Florence). 23 Gustave Utens, The Medici Villa of Poggio a Caiano, painted lunette of 36 1599 (Museo Topografico, Florence). 24 Ettore Romagnoli, drawing of the Villa Celsa, near Siena, dated 1863 37 (Municipal Library, Siena). 25 Inigo Jones, A Peaceful Country, masque design of ?1640 (Trustees of 39 the Chatsworth Settlement: photograph, Courtauld Institute). 26 John Evelyn, drawing of Italian countryside after Titian, dated 1656 40 (Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Fund). 27 Anonymous design for a 'Belvidera After ye Antique ... ',dated 1723 41 on the proposed building (Map Room, The British Library). 28 Walk of the Hundred Fountains with the bas-reliefs from Ovid's 44 Metamorphoses, from Falda, Le Fontane ... di Roma (1675-1691), Part IV. 29 The Hall of Apollo, Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, from Falda, Le 46 F ontane, Part III. 30 Domenichino and assistants, Apollo and Daphne, fresco originally in the 47 Hall of Apollo, Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, 1605-6 (National Gallery, London). 31 The Water Theatre, Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, from Falda, Le F on- 48 tane, Part III. 32 The first room of Buonta1enti's grotto, Boboli Gardens, Florence 49 (Gabinetto Fotografico, Superintendent for Monuments of Florence). 33 Gerrit Houckgeest, Loggia of a Renaissance Palace, painting of mid- 51 seventeenth century (Louvre). 34 The nymphaeum and its courtyard in the Villa Giulia, Rome, from 52 Falda, Le F ontane, Part III. 35 The catena d'acqua at the Villa Lante, Bagnaia. 53 36 Gustave Utens, The Medici Villa of Pratolino, painted lunette of 1599 55 (Museo Topografico, Florence). 37 Giovanni Guerra, hydraulic show in a grotto at Pratolino, drawing of 56 about 1600 (Albertina, Vienna). 38 Giambologna, statue of the Apennines, Pratolino. 57 39 Grotto, from Salomon de Caus, Les Raisons des Forces M ouvantes (161 5). 60 Vlll List of illustrations 40 The gardens of the Villa Madia, near Lucca, in a late seventeenth- 61 century engraving. 41 Exedra in the Vatican Belvedere, from Serlio, Tutto l' opere d' architettura, 62 Book III (1619). 42 Theatre in the gardens of the Isola Bella, Lake Maggiore, from M. A. 62 Dal Re, Ville di Delizia (1726). 43 Villa D'Este, Tivoli, engraving from Jean Blaeu, Theiitred'ltalie (1704). 64 44 Fountain of the Dragons, Villa D'Este, Tivoli, from Falda,Le Fontane 65 di Roma. 45 The Grotta del Mugnone, Pratolino, engraving by Stephano della Bella. 66 46 Giovanni Guerra, Parnassus, Pratolino, and the 'theatre' for viewing it, 66 drawing of about 1600 (Albertina, Vienna). 47 Water theatre, Villa Mondragone, Frascati, from Falda, Le Fontane di 67 Roma. 48 The satyric scene, from Serlio, Tutto l' opere dell' architettura, Book II. 70 49 Fountain theatre in the gardens of the Villa Doria Pamphili, Rome, from 71 Falda, Le F ontane di Roma. 50 G. F. Barbieri, theatrical performance with audience in a garden, draw- 72 ing of the mid-seventeenth century (British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings). 51 Rockwork within a grotto and grotto plan, from Joseph Furttenbach, 75 Newes Itinerarium Italiae (1627). 52 Imaginary garden, from Furttenbach, Architectura civilis (1628). 86 53 Plan of the Villa Borghese, Rome, from Falda, Li Giardini di Roma. 87 54 View of the grounds of the Villa Borghese, Roma, from Falda, Li 87 Giardini di Roma. 55 Plan of the grounds of the Villa Doria Pamphili, from Falda,Li Giardini 88 di Roma. 56 The Villa Medici, Fiesole. 89 57 Jan Siberechts, Wollaton Hall, Nottinghamshire, oil painting of 1697 108 (Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection). 58 Wimbledon House, drawing probably copied from an engraving of 109 1678, undated (London Borough of Lambeth, Archives Department). 59 Wimbledon House, view of the garden front in 1678, drawn and 109 engraved by Henry Winstanley (London Borough of Lambeth, Archives Department). 60 Inigo Jones, Garden backdrop for a masque, drawing of 1630s (Trustees 116 of the Chatsworth Settlement: photograph, Courtauld Institute). 61 Inigo Jones, Garden backdrop for a masque, drawing of 1630s (Trustees 117 of the Chatsworth Settlement: photograph, Courtauld Institute). 62 Daniel Mytens, portrait of the Countess of Arundel, 1618 (National 121 Portrait Gallery, London; on display at Arundel). 63 Anonymous, detail from the portrait of the Earl of Arundel, about 1627 121 (Welbeck Abbey Collection: photograph, Courtauld Institute). IX List of illustrations 64 Hydraulic device of Hercules slaying the dragon, from John Bate, The 123 Mysteries of Art and Nature (1634). 65 Design for reclining giant in Richmond Gardens, from Salomon de 124 Caus, Les Raisons des Forces Mouvantes (1624).
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