www.WeeklyVoice.com FRONTNATIO NPAGEAL Friday, August 21, 2020 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, DecemberJune 2, 2017 25, 2020 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 26, 23, No. No. 52 22 PM: 40025701 Ottawa, Ontario To Support Beef Farmers, page 7 Brampton Queen Street Rapid Transit Study, page 13 It’s Lockdown Again In Ontario! Move Expected To Minimize Transmission Of COVID-19 Virus As Hospitals Get Overwhelmed TORONTO: As COVID-19 to shutdown the province and ask cases continue to rise at an alarm- people to stay home. Nothing is ing rate, the Ontario government, more important right now than in consultation with the Chief the health and safety of all Ontar- Medical Officer of Health and ians.” other health experts, is imposing In response to these excep- a Provincewide Shutdown. tional circumstances, the Prov- Additional restrictions will be incewide Shutdown would put in put into place and reinforce that place time-limited public health Ontarians should stay at home and workplace safety measures as much as possible to minimize similar to those in other jurisdic- transmission of the virus and pre- tions. It would help stop the trend vent hospitals from becoming of high COVID-19 transmission overwhelmed. The Provincewide in communities, preserve health Shutdown will go into effect as of system capacity, safeguard vul- Saturday, December 26, 2020, at nerable populations and those 12:01 a.m. who care for them, and save Details were provided on Picture: Doug Ford/Twitter lives. Measures include, but are Monday by Premier Doug Ford, not limited to: Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier Officer of Health, and Dr. Naveed continue to rise putting our hos- deadly virus. That’s why, on the • Restricting indoor organized and Minister of Health, Stephen Mohammad, President and CEO, pitals and long-term care homes advice of Dr. Williams and other public events and social gather- Lecce, Minister of Education, Dr. William Osler Health System. at risk,” said Premier Ford. “We health experts, we are taking the ings, except with members of the David Williams, Chief Medical “The number of daily cases need to stop the spread of this difficult but necessary decision Continued on page 2 Moderna Vaccine Also Ottawa Launches 10-Year Gets Approval; Will Start Arriving In Few Days Plan For Two Billion Trees $3.16 B Program Aims For Zero Greenhouse Emissions by 2050 OTTAWA: The Government Meeting this commitment will nities and support for biodiver- of Canada has launched a mas- help Canada address climate sity. It also provides spaces for sive plan to plant two billion trees change by reducing carbon pollu- recreational opportunities that over 10 years, with an investment tion and is a key part of Canada’s improve quality of life and form of $3.16 billion. efforts to achieve net-zero green- part of our Canadian identity. Announcing the program, Min- house gas emissions by 2050. Canada’s plan to plant two bil- ister of Natural Resources, Sea- There is no path to net-zero lion trees over the next ten years mus O’Regan, said that “Plant- emissions that does not involve is projected to reduce greenhouse ing two billion trees is more than our forests. Planting trees is a gas emissions by up to 12 mega- a plan for climate action. It’s a natural climate solution that re- tonnes by 2050. It will create up PM Trudeau interacts with Moderna co-founder Noubar Afeyan. plan for creating thousands of duces emissions while providing to 4,300 good jobs. good, green jobs. We’re confront- other benefits such as improved Simply Science - Natural Re- OTTAWA: Health Canada parency. As such, Health Canada ing the urgency of climate change air and water quality, particularly sources Canada tweeted : “In 10 HAS authorized the second CO- is publishing a number of docu- and getting trees in the ground in urban settings; decreased risk years, the #2BillionTrees Canada VID-19 vaccine in Canada, man- ments related to this decision, starting this spring.” of wildland fire to rural commu- Continued on page 3 ufactured by Moderna. Moderna including a high-level summary is an American biotechnology of the evidence that we reviewed company based in Cambridge, to support the authorization of the Massachusetts vaccine. More detailed informa- Health Canada received Mod- tion will be made available in the erna’s submission on October 12, coming weeks, including a de- 2020, and after a thorough, inde- tailed scientific summary and the pendent review of the evidence, it full clinical trial data package. has determined that the Moderna Health Canada and the Public vaccine meets the Department’s Health Agency of Canada will stringent safety, efficacy and closely monitor the safety of the quality requirements. vaccine once it is on the market Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and will not hesitate to take ac- said:”The first doses of Moder- tion if any safety concerns are na’s COVID-19 vaccine will ar- identified. rive in Canada in the coming days SAFETY & EFFICACY - and we’ll roll them out across The terms and conditions of the the country as soon as possible. Moderna vaccine authorization Canada launches ambitious ‘Greening Plan’. Picture: Simply Science - Natural Resources Canada As for the Pfizer vaccine, we’ll be require the manufacturer to con- receiving an additional quarter of tinue providing information to a million doses next month. Health Canada on the safety, ef- That takes us up to a total of al- ficacy and quality of the vaccine Federal Funds To Help most 751,000 doses from Pfizer in to ensure the benefits of the vac- January. Between the early doses cine continue to be demonstrated we’ve already received, and the through market use. Long Term Care Homes shipments now scheduled, we’re To further support the safe use on track to have at least 1.2 mil- of the Moderna vaccine, the Na- TORONTO: Through funding dian Red Cross’s support expand- lion doses of vaccines from both tional Advisory Committee on provided by the federal govern- ed to include retirement homes Pfizer and Moderna delivered by Immunization (NACI) will up- ment, Canadian Red Cross teams and will continue until at least the January 31st.” date its recommendations on the are providing short-term support end of March 2021. Wednesday’s authorization is a use of COVID-19 vaccines to in- to an additional 20 long-term care The Canadian Red Cross will critical step in ensuring additional form federal, provincial, and ter- and retirement homes in Ontario. assist each home with their in- COVID-19 vaccines are available ritorial immunization programs. They will assist with ongoing ef- dividual needs. In addition to to all Canadians in all parts of The vaccine is indicated for use forts to keep residents, staff and supporting the improvement of the country. The different stor- in people 18 years of age or older. caregivers safe in homes facing infection prevention and control BROKER age and handling requirements of Moderna is currently conduct- significant challenges due to CO- measures, they may also help BROKER the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine ing additional studies in children VID-19. with daily living activities such mean that it can be distributed to from 12 years of age and older, Today’s announcement is an as the delivery of meals, house- isolated and remote communities, and this indication could be re- expansion of the province’s exist- keeping and light cleaning duties. REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE including the territories. vised in the future to include chil- ing partnership with the federal Resident Support Aides will also The Department said it was dren if the data from these studies government for seven long-term continue to socialize and engage committed to openness and trans- Continued on page 2 care homes. It will see the Cana- Continued on page 3 A-2 | Friday, December 25, 2020 NATIONAL www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Restrictions Detailed In Lockdown Order Bala Menon same household (the people you CONTRIBUTING WRITERS live with). Individuals who live Amb. Praveen Verma (Retd.) alone may consider having exclu- Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu sive close contact with one other Harj Chaggar household. Amitabh Saxena • Prohibiting in-person shop- ping in most retail settings - curb- Graphic Design side pickup and delivery can Tamarind Tree continue. Discount and big box ACCOUNT MANAGERS retailers selling groceries will be Manu Ramachandran limited to 25 per cent capacity for Maha in-store shopping. Supermarkets, grocery stores and similar stores ONLINE MARKETING that primarily sell food, as well as MANAGER pharmacies, will continue to op- Amitabh Saxena erate at 50 per cent capacity for in-store shopping. LEGAL ADVISOR • Restricting indoor access to Dr. Keshav Agnihotri shopping malls - patrons may only go to a designated indoor ACCOUNTS Asha J Singhh pickup area (by appointment only), essential retail stores that are permitted to be open (e.g. PHOTOGRAPHER Picture: Doug Ford/Twitter Manohar Sagoo pharmacy, grocery store), or, subject to physical distancing a Provincewide Shutdown, we istry of Labour, Training and January 11, 2021, and second- Gross Circulation: 30,000 and face covering requirements, can work to stop the virus in its Skills Development is leading a ary school students will continue CCNA Verified Circulation: to the food court for takeout tracks, safeguard hospital capac- multi-ministry COVID-19 Safety learning remotely until January 29,997 purchases. Shopping malls may ity, and save lives.” Team. The team will partner with 25, 2021, at which point they Aug 14, 2015 also establish outdoor designated The government is also provid- local authorities to carry out addi- may resume in-person learning.
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