California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Hispanic News Special Collections & University Archives 1-22-1992 January 22nd 1992 Hispanic News Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hispanic News, "January 22nd 1992" (1992). Inland Empire Hispanic News. 522. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Hispanic News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EDITOEDITORIAL:RIAL: Resurrecting the ""DecadeDecade of the Hispanic" - Page 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE PERSONAL PROFILE: Mel Albiso,Albiso, he works for everyone. P. 5 rfovitToil f"'V ■* A Publication of the r qqT. Hispanic Communicatiorr& . v\ ^ Development Corporation <5 i:.l i:.l 60 =• E--- t!) ~ z 0 INLAND EMPIRE << i:iZ Wednesday ll(~~ January 22, 1992 i§Ill January 22,1992 ~ ~ ~ l,l Volume 5, =~ .z.,.;i " Number 10 :~ Dr. AugustineAuguStine Ramirez Retires From County SchoolsSchoois . MM9rquezft rquez New Director of SanSaa Bernardino & Riverside American Heart Association MMarquezarquez as its newnew director,director, effectiveeffective January 13th. The AmericanAmerican HeartHeart Association,Association, with ititss headquartersheadquarters in Dallas,Dallas, Texas,Texas, funds national research,research, oorganizesrganizes sci­sci­ entifientificc meetings and providesprovides nationnation­­ wide support to state affiliatesaffiliates and locallocal chapters.chapters. The loclocalal chapterschapters are componentscomponents of the CaliforniaCalifornia Affiliate,Affiliate, withwith branchesbranches throughoutthroughout the two countiescounties ooff the In­In­ land Empire.Empire. The local chapters'chapters' primaryprimary goalsg9als are education atat schoolschool sitsites,es, woricwork sites, healthhealth ccareare sites and principallyprincipally to the general public on cardiovascular diseases and publicpublic aawarenesswareness of prepre­­ ventiveventive healthhealth programs.programs. TheThe locallocal chapterschapters are supportedsupported byby generalgeneral publicpublic Jose Marquez donations.donations. Mr.Mr. MarquezMarquez was previouslypreviously aassosso­ TheThe AmericanAmerican HeartHeart AssociationAssociation - ciatedciated with the Inland CountiesCounties Health San Bemardino/RiversideBernardino/Riverside ChaptersChapters ' System Agency since 11980.980. HeHe had announcedannounced the appointmentappointment ofof Jose held various professional managementmanagement Continued on back page Calderon heads S.B. County Hispanic Employees'Empioyees' Alliance Dr. Augustine "Augie" Ramirez, 39 years in education Corona-Norco School district. --- 1 mended by Robert Martinez, previous Dr.Dr.AugustineRamirez,63,Assistant Augustine Ramirez, 63, Assistant Corona-Norco School district. "¾" director of the Department of Mental Superintendent, San Bernardino County In 1984, Dr.Dr. Ramirez was appointed : Health approximately two years ago. Superintendent of Schools, has retired, Assistant Superintendent by Dr.Dr. Charles Informal monthly meetings have been effective on January 4, 1992, after 39 Terrell.Terrell. held to develop the mechanics of the years of professional service in the field Among his key accomplishments fledgling organization. Manuel Ahuero, of education. during his tenure were two reorganizareorganiza-­ q newly-appointednewly-appointeddirectorofRealEstates directorof Real Estates "It's time to close one chapter of my tions; working with the county ComCom­­ Services and Michael Trujillo, director life and open another," he stated as he mittee on School District Organization of Cooperative Extension, have served announced his retirement. After retire-retire­ (was involved in four unifications); inin­­ as interim co-chairpersons. ment, he will continue to serve as a strumental in identifying the need, dede­­ The organization's mission statement consultant with the SBCSS. velopment and documentation by byby-­ is "to promote the hiring, advancement "I have been very lucky in that I have laws and code of ethics for the SBCSSSBCSS,, and welfare of Hispanics in the county done everything that I wanted to do in which is currently being used by the workforce.workforce." the field of education," he stated in an state and as a model and reference by When interviewed after the election, exclusive interview. every county. Mr.Mr. Calderon stated that "Our He began his' teaching career at Dr.Dr. Ramirez was bomborn and raised in organization's goal is to develop a net­net­ Fontana High School in 1953 to 1956 Corona.Corona. His wife,wife, Connie, retired in Robert Calderon Robert Calderon work system withwith the various Agencies withwith a twotwo year stint in the Army.Army. SinceSince 1991 from the Corona-Norco School RobertRobert CaCalderon,lderon, AssistantAssistant Auditor within the County in order to become 11956,956, Dr. Ramirez'Ramirez' professionalprofessional career District where she served as a teacher Controller-Recorder,Controller-Recorder, has beenbeen electedelected more fully aware of promotions, em­ involvedinvolved administrative work,work, includ­ and counselor.counselor. The famfamilyily resides inin chairpersonchairperson ofof the HispanicHispanic EmployeesEmployees ployee development programsprograms and otherother ing:ing: Director of StudStudentent ActivitiesActivities at Corona.Corona. Alliance-CountyAlliance-County ofo{ SanSan Bernardino,Bernardino, at incentivesincentives beingbeing offeredoffered to the FontanaFontana High School,School, AssistantAssistant PrinPrin­­ GrGraduatingaduating from CoronaCorona HigHighh itsits January 8th meeting.mee.ting. workforce.workforce. Secondly,Secondly, our goalgoal is to cipal at CoronaCorona High, Principal at NorcoNorco SchSchoolool in 1947, Dr. Ramirez attended The HEA is a newly-formed, and the encourage employees to join ourour orgaorga­­ Junior High, Director, Administrative Chaffey Junior College, UCSB, with a first, Hispanic-oriented organization in nizations, to develop a communication Services and Assistant Superintendent. Spanish Major and Physical Education the County.County. The concept was recomrecom-­ ContinuedContinued onon pagepage 6 In 19771977,, he became Superintendent of Continued on back papagege co·mmentary__ 2 ____________________ Commentary Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, J~nuaryJanuary 22,22,1992 1992 EDITORIAL: Polanco Calls for Study: RESURRECTING THE DECADE OFOFTHE THE HISPANIC Impact of Free ~radeTrade on Calif. V_____________ ___________________________y It was a grand sight to wimesswitness a tion to accomplish positive results with hundred or more invited persons, gath­gath­ activities that will impact the derelict Assemblymember Richard GG.. ered at San Bernardino Valley College subject areas longing for resolution. Polanco (D-Northeast ·Los Angeles), on January 11, who were involved in A second summit is scheduled for chair of the Assembly Select Commit­Commit­ high level discussion, analysis and February. It is imperative that the tee on California-MexicoCalifomia-Mexico Affairs, has definement of problems relative to baba­­ concepts, resolutions and composite asked the California Policy Seminar to sic subject areas of political activism, assertive drives which were displayed fund a study on the impact the proposed economics, social, education and im­im­ throughout the initial summit be North American Free Trade Agreement migration, and interest shown in the transmitted in. the second summit (NAFT(NAFTA) A) willwin have on California. development of strategies and priorities, The most important item on the Citing a lack of data on the possible and planning for the forthcoming elec­elec­ overall agenda for the forthcoming impacts ofaof a NAFTNAFTA, A, Polanco called on summit is the conversion of resolutions the University of California institute to tion year. summit is the conversion of resolutions the University of California institute to Professors Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda of By observation, many persons were into a pragmatic PLAN OF ACTION provide the resources to undertake an UCLA and Sherman Robinson of UC recognizable as long-time and experi­ for each of the subject areas. Although analysis of the major sectors of the recognizable as long-time and experi­ for each of the subject areas. Although analysis of the major sectors of the Berkeley will conduct a study of seven enced activists in their .respective redundantly utilized in the past, key California economy. The study_will be enced activists in their respective redundantly utilized in the past, key California economy. The study will be major sectors most likely to be impacted communities, and in varied areas of words like organization, development an invaluable resource and will directly communities, and in varied areas of words like organization, development an invaluable resource and will directly by a free trade agreement. The scholars involvement which was impressive, just of goals and objectives and imple­ affect California's ability to make in­ involvement which was impressive, just of goals and objectives and imple­ affect California's ability to make in­ will use a computer model - Comput­Comput­ by the very nature of this accumulation mentation should be stressed for suc­ formed decisions regarding free trade, by the very nature of this accumulation
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