THE STUDENT VOICE Vol. 4 No. 1 0 TheStudentVoice, Inc. 6 Raymond Street, N.W .. Atlanta 14, Ga. December 30, !91) 'i jACKSON, MlSSlSSlPPI - The Student Nonviolent Coordinatiile: Committee (SNCC) has askedSe­ cretary of Defense Robert Mc­ Namara to " act immediately to halt discrimination in the pro­ ATLANTA, GEORGIA - The Christmas in an Atlant::t ja • Mrs. Gregory and the two young cessing of inductees in Jackson, Chairman of the Student Nonvio­ SNCC Chairman john Lewis women arrested with her are Mississippi.'' lent Coordinating Committee, the Mrs. Lilli:ln Gregory and the oth­ stockholders in Dobbs House, the The SNCC protest, from the wife of commedian Dick Gregory er 22 workers were jailed at a Tennessee corporation that owns group' s chairman, john Lewis, frnd..22..SNCC-=-ker:rspem their Toddle House Restaurant here. Toddle House. All were, in.ek. said SNCC worker MeA rthur Cot­ feet, arrested on their own pr o­ ton was refused service ;; t the perty. They are beingheldunder Air Base Grill here while he was $100 bail. The three were placed taking a phys ical examination. in solitary confinement on Satur­ Cotton also said he and other day night, December 28, when Negroe s were made to ride in the they refused to obey jail rules. rear of an Army bus to jackson Protests at the segregated eat­ from Kosciusco, his home town. ing place began on Saturday even­ Cotton said the jackson induc­ ing, December 21. after SNCC tion center was "totally segre­ wor kers visited and sang Free­ gated." dom Songs, with the Honorable The SNCC worker said he pro­ Oginda Odinga, Minister of Home tested the segregation of govern­ Affairs of Kenya. ment facilities to officers there, Two members of thegroupthat and was told "the induction cen­ met and sang with members of ter is a city establishment and the Kenya delegation trie<l to get not controlled by the govern­ coffee at the Toddle House. When ment.'' they were refused, and entire Cotton said he entered the group sat-in and 17 were arrest­ white dining room for one meal ed but was refused service. He The next morning, Sunday, De- said he did not eat another meal cember 24, Christmas Eve, Mrs. during his two day stay here. Gr egory and SNCC worker s Pra­ The SNCC worker, who has thia Hall and Roberta Yancey been jailed three time s for his were arrested. Misses Hall and participation in the civil rights SNCC WORKER ROBERTA YANCEY is dragged to a police car. Yancey, who refusedtocooperate drive, heads a vote drive in Mc­ Miss Yancey, Prathia Hall and Mrs. Dick Gregory, all arrested with police as did most protes­ Comb, Mississippi. at the Toddle House on Christmas Eve, are all stockholders in the tores ar r ested at the eating place, CONTlNUt=.D ON PAGE 4 Toddle House. pletely wrecked" it, according to the office files, including a large chett Jr., printers who prepared Nine Arrested one SNCC worker. number of leaflets promoting a the boycott leaflets. Willie C. Robertson, 24, who selective buying campaign in Sel­ Miss johnson andMurraywere SELMA, ALABAMA -The she­ was arrested in the SNCC office ma. arrested in downtown Selma as riff of Dallas County, the Coun­ this afternoon, said Sheriff jim Earlier this week, a federal they distributed the leaflets. Spi­ ty Solicitor and four policemen Clark tore a telephone from the judge had refused to allow Dallas vey, Pickett, Austin, andRobert­ r aided the office of the Student wall and pushed SNCC worker County officials to subpoena the son were arresred in the SNCC Nonviolent Coordinating Com­ james Austin, 21, against a win­ r ecord of the organization. office. Williams was jailed in mittee (SNCC) here today and ar­ dow. Arrested were FrankSpivey,l8 the "Freedom House" when he rested nine people. Robertson said Sheriff Clark · Louise johnson, 22;josephPick­ walked in on Sheriff Clark and The same policemen al so broke told Austin, We've been after you ett, 16; David Murray, 25; Al­ the policement there. They had into "Freedom House"-a three­ for a long time.'' very Williams, 21; and Austin broken into the house, Williams room apartment used to house The officers also confiscated and Robertson. Al so jailed were CONTINUEb ON PAGE l SNCC workers here and "com- materials and affidavits from .D. Pritchett Sr. and Prit- I Page 2 STUDENT VOICE Leaders Sentencedj On Perjury Charge Government, in attempting to ob­ tain their constitutionally gua­ ranteed rights. " The sentencing followed sepa­ r ate trials for the five during November, at which the defen­ dants flatly denied the charges against them. A sixth person accused, Mrs. Eliza Jackson, is to be tried Jan. 27. She is the recording secretary of the Al­ - bany Movement. Or. w.G. Anderson, former of the Albany Movement. is to April 6. A jury was unable to b1s first trial in the fall. with conspiring to mtUI1~ .......,..._ Jui juror. Tbe otbers are dlaqecl t».LLAS COUNTY SHERIFF Jim Clark arden SNCC E)tecutive with lying to a federal &nDd Sectetaq .)ames Forman away from a Uoe of Nearoe• trying to MACON, GA .-- Five leaders jury about~ IMbH'S dir- nc1-.r to ~ dlar'ID& an extensive vo~ campalln thta aummer, e Albany Movement-includ- iDg Its iD...estlptt-cllf.._pktat- -r.o SNCC field aecretades were beaoen by Clark'• poUcemen ing a worker were sentenc- iDg of.._ ~ s11on17 after tb1s picture waa taken. Forman and the two workers ed in U.S. Court bere Tie cr-1 )ll:y was ....ll wsttp-HI:jllra- w1ao were beaoen were teytDg to brinl food to the Negroes, some of on Dec. 23 as a res ult diC dlu:1De bJ CUI Smlda,. a 8 wl>om w to staDd in l1De all dav wldaout ead.ntt. d d ing of a supermarket in Au..-~----. IMt Ids p1.-:e Md beell last spring. Tbe formal c:laeqe ...._retalla~ ~ · · Office Rai e against them was perjury. dltt lie p...e'a s a )lror In Fed- Voter S11t Halted cONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Those sentEDced were Slaller .eraJ. Coun. reported. · · King, acting presldslt of die AI- Smlda 8Dd od!ers on the jury SELMA ALABAMA A Fed- All were charged with "illegal ' bany Mo-vement. wbo was gl"f'eD bad fouDd in favor of Sbertff L. era! judge has "temporarily" circulation of literature pro­ a year and a · day In prtsoo; Warren Johnson of Baker Co1.Dl­ suspended a hearing on a Justice moting a boycott." All were re­ tbe Rev. Samuel B. Wells, a ty, accused of beating and shoot­ De partment suit charging the leased on $500.00 bail. year and a day;Mtss Jon1Rabino- ing a Negro, Charlie Ware, Wilcox County, Alabama board SNCC has conducted an ex­ wltz, SNCC worker and white while Ware was a prisoner. of registrars with discriminating tensive voting drive in Dallas and Antioch College srudent, three Smith closed down the super­ against Negro voters. Wilcox Counties since January months to four years, and Tho- market after it had been picket­ The Wilcox County hearing 1963. Negroes are 57 . 7%, of Dal­ mas Chatmon andRobertThomas ed for about an hour. The pick- followed a r ecessed hearing on las County's population, Only .9%, a Justice Department plea to halt suspended sentences and five ets said they were protesting of the voting age Negroes are a grand jury in Selma from in­ years' probation. Smith' s failure to upgrade Ne­ registered voters, according to vestigating government action in Attorneys immediately filled groes employed in the store. the United States Civil Rights this central Alabama town. notice of appeal to the Fifth U.S. Smith was represented by a Commiss ion. The U.S. Depart­ Judge Daniel H. Thomas said Circuit Court of Appeals at New law firm which included Mavor ment of Justice has filed suit s Orleans. judge W.A. Bootie set A sa Kelly of Albany. This firm hearings on the grand jury in­ against Sheriff Clark, Solicitor appeal bonds at $5,000 lor Kl.ng; vestigation would continue after requested the investigation by th~ McLeod and the White Citizens $3,000 for Miss Rabinowitz, and Federal Government. The Jus­ -arguments.. were heard in the vot­ Council jlere chargii:Jg them with ing cast. $2,500 apiece for the others. tice Department conducted the intimidation of and discrimina-­ None had ever been arrested Before taking up the Wilcox tion against potential Negro most vigorous prosecution yet County suit, Thomas r uled the previously except for taking part seen in the civil rights move­ voters. Dallas County Improvement As­ in integration activities. Albany ment. was the scene of a great upsurge The guilty verdicts wlll be ap­ sociation and the Dallas County Two white men testified they against segregation in 1962, dur­ pealed on the ground that Ne­ Student Nonviolent Coordinating had been given help by the re­ ing which It became a symbol of groes are discriminated against Committee would not have to pro- glstrar on their voting applica­ duce member ship rolls, litera- tions. the integration movement throu­ in the selection of jurors in the ghout the world. U.S. courts in the Middle Dis­ ture, financial s tate ments, pay- There are no Negroes reg ~ st­ .... fter he was sentenced, Slater trict of Georgia. Of 93 per- . rolls and pahphlets . r equested by ered in Wilcox County. In 1960 King declared; "I knew from the sons called as possible jurors the defense. Negroes were 77% of the total beginning that it would be an im­ for the Albany leaders' trial, The Justice Department called .....!oo~o::::ul!:a:.:t=:io::::n.:...:::o:..f ..:th:;e:....::c.:.oun=.;,;ty;::..;.•___ _ possibility for all of us who had Lonnie Brown, a Negro farmer, • only three were Negr oes.
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