*.-■- fc, ,' li.. »' * .V- r ', I ■;■ ■ ■■ '/ ; ■ AVEBAOB DAILY 0IB01JLAT10N for tho MooU* of <loBmr7 , I fS t Partiy .cbiidy 5 3 6 8 fair; ifM much dbange in teimpefa^ Memb^ of Die Audit Borean ture. ___ . " "'of cironlotloBOt . : ; . V (BTGHtEfiN PAGES) PRICE rHRRR (Clauilled Adrertialiig oo Pofo 16.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1932. VOL. LI., NO. 126. J - a i . SENATE TO SUMMON Cantonese Troops Await Invaders’ Charge N. Y. ‘BEAR RAIDERS’ Senator Walcott After Visit RUSSIA DEMANDS In Stashing Connter Attadk With President Says They JAP EXPLANATION Foreigners Ask Japs Chinese Drive Ont Enemy Discussed Short Selling; To Remove Warships At M iaochangden— Ni[h Grain Traders Fde Protest Believes Troops Are To Be ponese Threaten To Either T okyo, Peb. 26.— (A P )— The<^ They alfo requested that any fur­ Sent To Soviet Border; American, British, PYench and Ital­ ther Japanese troops arriving at Washington, Feb. 26 — (AP) — ian ambassadors to Japan visits Shanghai ' be disembEurked outside "B om b Them Ont Or President Hoover was informed to­ Back '"White Russians.” the Foreign office toddy and com­ the Secernent day the Senate Banking Committee municated to Foreign Iitinlster YOs- T h e JapEmese were Eisked to move Starve Them Ont” — A4- intends to “call in several New hlzawa ^eir desire of tbdir govern­ the warships lying in the Wbangpo York “bear raiders” for its hear­ ments that Ja{)lTO .do its utmost to off the Intemationsd Settlement to Moscow, Feb. 26.—(AP)—The keep military operation^ at positions where they would not at­ ings beginning tomorrow on short mit Defense Has'Not Been Soviet government, it was learned Sbangliai outride, th. borders of the tract Chinese shells which might i selling. today mad's a formal demand last Ihtemational Settlement. fEdl inside the Settlement. Senator Walcott, (R., Conn.) said Weakoied By Bombaid- Wednesday on Kokl Hirota, Japa­ The ambassa<tofs cadled separate­ The memoranda were confined to after a conference with the :.'r6si- ly and e| ich presented a* memoran­ local problems of the ShEmghEd situ­ nese ambassador for an explanation dent that they had discussed short dum. ’The memoranda were not ation, avoiding mention of the larger selling. He declined, 'however, to of a proposal of the Japanese com- identical but were .of slfifilu' tenor. Issues involved and were not con­ meots. \ name those who would be called to mand in Manchuria to use the Chi­ It was understood they expressed sidered EM protests. It WEM under- testify. nese Eastern railway, partly Rus- appreciation fo r the Japanese dom^ st(^ that'thb American ambassa­ Walcott said he had gone over tfie siem owned, for troop transporta­ mahd’s efforts- to beep ti^. fighting dor acted on instructions from BhEmghEAi, (Saturday) Feb. 27.^ list with the President tion, charging that “in reality the Their only barricade the scattered ruins of a building demolished by shellfire, troops of the defending area outside the Settlement and WEMhington as a .result of consulta­ (AP)—In a slashing coimter-attoA The President has kept close troops were expocted to be sent to Chinese forces are shown in this Herald-NEIA Service picture as, with machine guns and rifies leveled, they hoped it would continue to do so. tions by the four governments. just Effter midnight the Chinese track of the effect of bear raiding the Soviet border.” crouched to await a Japanese charge. These are Cantonese soldiers; note; on their hacks the huge, umbrel­ upon general market prices and has axmy drove the enemy out of ,tb6 The request for an explanation la-shaped straw hats which are part df their year-round equipment. ^ kept up to date in his office a large was made by L. M. Karakhan, So­ MiaocbEmgchei) sector this morai^ chart Jof short selling ramiflcatiohs. viet acting commissar for foreign and. held on against desultory am- It was stated in a usually authori­ affairs. It <^as revealed today fol­ FIND SWIMMING POOL chihe gun firel- tative quarter recently that the lowing the publication in Moscow JAPS USING CHINESE President has obtained the names of IN ANCIENT PALACE “We can’t clalrh any g^eat gain,’” newspapers of reports from the cor­ said General Tsai Tang-ifai'to an. a g;roup of bear raiders, but was respondent of the ’Pass (Russian) TO SPEED UP MEASURE Chicago, Feb. 26.—(AP) — refraining from publication because News Agency at Peiping that a early morning communlmtipn, but he had received them in confidence. Picture a private swimming pool TO SERVE BIG GUNS we have succeeded; to ousting the "White” Russian force was being Millers and grain traders Joined 45 feet long and 86 feet wide, JapEmese from the MiSochEtogcheh. recruited in northern Manchuria completely lined with brick, sector during a counteir-attock. The befote the House agriculture copi- under Jhpanese ausplQes to invade TO MAKE MUHON JOBS hydraulically operated “with a mitee in opposing restrictions on Vladivostok and the Russian prov­ outcome df Fridfiy's flgl^tlng was commodity future trading, includ­ gentle flow of water constantly Shanghai Coolies Carry Am­ more than gi^tif^g.” ince of Prlmor. passing through the i>ool.” PRESDENnYIEWS ing the practice of short selling. The dispatch to the Tass Agency When the fury of the attack had May Stop Salea No, it’s not Hollywood. It’s spent itself the sector : ,balded 'nto from Peiping was dated February All Legislation To Be Side­ KIDNAPER IS SHOT, :Gsh. in the middle of the Desert munition That Is Killing relative quiet smd on the (Jhapel The committee is considering 23, two days before Acting Commis of Irak. Prof. Stephen Langdon, MMSPOTUGHT front there were only' ccEMional putr legislation to give the secretary of sar Karakhan’s request, although It tracked Tomorrow To director of the Field Museum- bursts of 'Xtlllery and rifle fire as agriculture athorlty to restrict or was published only yesterday. P E SURROUNDED Oxford University Joint expedi­ Their Own Brothers and scouttog parties sto’’ ed each othto prohibit short sales on the g r^ Supported by Japan tion to Mesopotamia, reported in No Man’s Land. and cotton exchangres. M. Karakhan’s conversation with Hake Place For Debate On todlng the swimming pool in the Fred J. t inghsm of Lockport, N. Relatives On Other Side. Party Leaders Give Ont On the KlEmgwsin front, where the Japanese ambassador was oral. excavations of the Palace of the JapEmese have threatened to T., for the Millers’ Na­ ifarairhan Charged thaL the “White” Bahram Gor, who was mentioned “bomb them out or staxve them tional Federation, said: . Russian activities‘were being car­ Road Constmetion Bill. Suspects In Bank Robbery by Omar Khayaiu. He dated It Statements On His Ecf- out.” the belesiguered Chinese werO ‘ •We, a s m filers, w ant to to do ried on in Maachurtd “under the about 4(M A . D. Shanghai, Feb. 36.— (AP) — The holding the town Eigainst the grea^ record as opposed to any lagmUoA protection and with'the direct sup- ------------------------------------- ------^ men behind the Japim^> guns in will Interfere with free trading; Steal Ante and Take Three er pact of the attacking army.- rt of the Ji^mneee.” J ’or this he Washington, Feb. 26— (A P)—^The ShEinghEd’s . wEm o f ' p/xadoxes are nqmic» Dry Law Opiimm. Yesterday’s advance swung tha The' authority in this bill is too lo requested an explBKtion from 8132,500,000 Cfilmocratic sponsored Chinese coolies. Japanese Use around the wMled vtl^ nauch power to give any one man. ethe Japanese government. Men With Than, lage, but volleys of rifle and ma- "Any restriction on free trading Besides this^ K m »hl^ employment emergency road con­ In addition to their own irmeA will mean a larger PMBgin between REICHSTAG "REDS” WaahinJiton, Feb. 26.—(AP)^~ chlne gun fire sidkied. an. e^ort to aneae military ainorltiee of ] struction bill today was given legis­ and khaki-clad legions, the Japan­ >(doee.toe ImtOe-iiecb^wait- toe what tltt grower gets and what the pr^xMSd a contrnct nra the Chl- lative right of way in the House by ese are being EMCteted in thclf ■ as^ Preeident ' Hoq(^x*s tcpnomic and towh' torougtt'^^cii tld defenderfr consumer pays. naae Bastera rallwaa^uto transport the Rules Ctipmlttee. 'Bogalnsa, La., Feb. 36— (AP) saulkt. upoft the prolfibil^gi^jf^V^ crashed, ipto the •Tf we could not hedge our coo- All legislation Will* b^ aidetincked were receimg food aUd amm^^ Higalar tixiopa at a reduction of 50 A fte r k i^ i| > W and Army by larga gwupn clad tracts on a moment's notice f t * prfr'COPTentiQn . presidential race .tioft.. » -‘ '-.iA'. ■ ■ per cent .of ordlnAfF cost end to hunorrow by Speaker -. Gamer to pistol battles ;Witii ofticers, one of Otinese who. und|F would have taepeiate on a permit , quick House action. aibtitunltlofl ta t^e & thd epotHi^i today.''• . The Japantoa theadsAteei ciaUMto- carJy gratis Japanesi troops sent two Jmuths suspected’of Tpbbihg the 6 m argin.” The bill will make Immediately Japanese forward- potitiohi* an* Secretory'Hurley .sidd Chadrmah ed that toua was n t- toe sU|||li!M to guard the rsdlway. In addition, bank of Lumberton at Liumb^ton, Indication that, the deftose George H. Davis, a Kansas CJity he called for Information about tbq ^ available for allotment to the states Walk Ont of Chamber Sbont- m ic t io n whiqh is to be used (m -this RELskqb of the Democratic Netlonal grain trader, said - the, prciposed a total of $12,000,000; to National Mass., wa^ shot sihd seriously coolies' own brothers and cousins cofnmitiee and his associates were weakened under the merOileto legislation “would gradually elimin­ maracteir Of the newly formed Man-' wounded today and the other was pouijufing.
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