International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized SecM87-87 FROM: Vice President and Secretary January 29, 1987 Public Disclosure Authorized MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY OF BANK AND IDA PROPOSED PROJECTS (As of December 31, 1986) Public Disclosure Authorized Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates President Senior Vice Presidents Senior Management Council Public Disclosure Authorized Vice Presidents, IFC Directors and Department Heads, Bank and IFC This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION REGION PAGES I. EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA 1 11 Botswana 1 Burundi 1 Comoros . 2 Djibouti 2 Ethiopia 2 Kenya 3 Lesotho 3 Madagascar 4. Malawi 5 Mauritius 5 Mozambique 6 Rwanda 6 The Seychelles 7 Somalia 7 Sudan 7 Tanzania 8 Uganda . 8 Zaire 9 Zambia 10 Zimbabwe 11 Regional 11 II. WESTERN.AFRICA 12 26 Benin 12 Burkina Faso . 12 Cameroon . 13 Cape Verde 14 Central African Republic 14 Chad 14 Congo, People's Republic of the 15 Cote d'Ivoire 15 Equatorial Guinea 16 The Gambia 16 Ghana 17 Guinea 18 _Guinea-Bissau 19 Liberia 20 Mali 20 Mauritania . 21 Niger 21 Nigeria 22 Sao Tome and Principe 24 Senegal 24 Sierra Leone .. 25 Togo 26 - ii - SECTION REGION PAGES III. EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC 27 - 38 China 27 Fiji 29 Indonesia. 29 Korea 32 Lao People's Democratic Republic 32 Malaysia 33 Papua New Guinea 34 Philippines 35 Thailand 37 Vanuatu 38 Western Samoa 38 IV. SOUTH ASIA 39 - 51 Bangladesh 39 Bhutan 40 Burma 41 India 42 Maldives 47 Nepal 47 Pakistan ~ 48 Sri Lanka. 50 v. EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA 52 - 61 Algeria 52 Cyprus 52 Egypt, Arab Republic of 52 Hungary 53 Jordan 54 Morocco 54 Oman 55 Portugal 56 Romania 56 Syrian Arab Republic 56 Tunisia 57 Turkey 57 Yemen Arab Republic 58 Yemen, People's Democratic Republic of 59 Yugoslavia 60 VI. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN 62 - 75 Argentina 62 Bahamas 63 Barbados 63 Beli?:e 63 Bolivia 63 Brazil 63 - iii - SECTION REGION PAGES LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN (Cont'd) Caribbean Region 66 Central America Regional 66 Chile 66 Colombia 66 Costa Rica 67 Dominica 68 Dominican Republic 68 Ecuador 68 El Salvador 68 Guatemala 69 Guyana. 69. Haiti 69 Honduras 70 Jamaica 70 Mexico 71 Panama 73 Paraguay 73 Peru 74 Uruguay . 74 VII. NEW PROJECTS 76 - 79 EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA 76 Ethiopia. 76 Rwanda 76 WESTERN AFRICA 76 Congo People's Republic of. 76 Ghana. 76 Mauritania 76 Nigeria 76 Senegal 77 Togo 77 EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC 77 Fiji 77 Indonesia • 77 Papua New Guinea 77 Philippines • 78 Europe, Middle East and North Africa 78 Turkey 78 - iv - SECTION REGION PAGES LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN 78 Argentina 78 Belize 78 Chile 78 Ecudador. 78 Haiti • 79 Jamaica 79 Secretary's Department Member Country, Amount & and Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency l_/ Lender '!:._/ Consulting Services Action on Procurement!±/ I, EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA BOTSWANA Ministry of 7.6 Selebi-Phikwe - Technical Consultants will be re­ Approved by the Executive Finance and (Bank) assistance for diversification quired for technical Directors on May 15. Development of mining town; regional devel­ assistance for multi­ Planning opment. Total project cost sectoral promotional about $12.0 million, of which unit, industrial devel­ $7.6 million in foreign ex­ opment/promotion, and change. irrigation agronomy; studies for various as­ pects of small scale industry and irrigation development and market­ ing; and technical assistance for housing policy implementation at national/regional level. Water Utilities About (R) Fourth Water Supply - Augment­ Consultants recruited for Appraisal report Corporation 11.5 ation of water supply to detailed engineering. being prepared. (Bank) Gaborone/Lobatse area. Total project cost estimated at $50.0 million. Ministry of About (R) Agriculture Muyinga - Develop­ FAO Cooperative Program Appraisal report under Agriculture 14.0 ment of coffee and foodcrop pro­ prepared project. preparation. (Cofinan­ (IDA) duction in the Muyinga Consultants will be cing will be required Province. Total project cost required. for about $4.5 million.) estimated at $34.0 million. Ministry of About Agricultural Services. Total A consultant has been re­ Project under prepar­ Agriculture 15.0 project cost to be determined. cruited for preparation. ation. (IDA) Ministry of 7.0 Health/Population I - Strength­ Consultants have been Appraisal mission tentat­ Health (IDA) ening of basic maternal/child recruited for prepar­ ively scheduled for health services; support to fam­ ation. February 1987. ily planning activities. Total project cost estimated at $11.0 million. Ministry of About (R) Economic and Public Enterprise Consultants will be Appraisal report Planning 5.0 Management - Strengthening of required. under preparation. (IDA) services of Ministry of Plan­ ning, Finances and Technical Ministries in support of struct­ ural adjustment program. Ministry of About (R) Education IV - To be identified. No decision has been made Project under Education 30.0 whether consultants will preparation. (IDA) be required. Ministry of About (R) Communication II - Improvement Consultants have been Negotiations scheduled Transport, Post 4.5 and expansion of postal and recruited for tariff for February. and Telecom­ (IDA) telecommunications services. study. munications Total project cost estimated at $28.S million. 1/ Addresses of the Implementing Agencies of new projects are given in Section VII of the Summary. I_! The amount is in millions of U.S. dollars and is approximate and tentative. SAF is the acronym for the Special Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa. }..I The letter (N) before the project means that the project is a new listing in the Summary; the letter (R) means that the information about the project has been revised since the last issue of the Summary. Section VII of the Summary contains a recapitulatioD. of the new projects listed in this issue. This column contains available information, if any, about action with respect to the procurement of goods and services expected to be financed by the Bank or IDA. - 2 - Member Country, Amount & and Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1./ Lender Y Consulting Services Action on Procurement fi/ BURUNDI (Cont'd) Ministry of About (R) SAL II - Second phase of the Consultants will be Project preparation under Planning 43.0 structural adjustment program. required. way. (IDA) Ministry of About Urban II - Urban Development in Consultants have been Project under Pub lie Works 30.0 five secondary centers: Gitega, recruited. preparation. (IDA) Ngozi, Kayanza, Burundi and Rumonge. Ministries of About Public Sector Management - To Consultants will be re- Project under prepara­ Finance and 5.0 assist Government in improving quired. tion. Planning (IDA) formulation of economic policy, planning, and management of key IDA Project Preparation sectors. Facility advance of $300,000 approved to finance start up of technical assistance activities. Ministry of 7.9 (R) Education II - Educational plan­ No consultants required. Approved by the Executive National Educ­ (IDA) ning and technical assistance; Directors on January 6. ation, Culture, vocational management and Youth and Sports teacher training. Total project (MEN) cost estimated at $8.8 million, of which $6.1 million in foreign exchange. DJIBOUTI Institut 5.0 Geothermal II - Follow up Consultants will be Project under Superieur (IDA) project to Cr. 1488. required. preparation. d'Etudes et de Recherches Techniques et Scientifiques (ISERST) ETHIOPIA Ministry of About (R) Livestock IV - Support for Consultants will be re­ Negotiations substan­ Agricu 1 ture 41.0 improving animal health and quired. tially completed. (IDA) nutrition, utilization of graz­ ing land, soil conservation, and applied research. Ministry of About Peasant Agriculture Development Consultants will be re­ Appraisal report under Agriculture 68.0 I - Support for expansion and quired for technical as­ preparation. (IDA) intensification of integrated sistance. agricultural services, including IDA Project Preparation construction of rural roads, Facility advance under seed multiplication programs; consideration. provision of training facilities in selected areas. Total proj­ ect cost to be determined. Ministry of About (R) Family Health - Strengthening of Consultants will be Appraisal report under Health 42.0 family planning and health required. preparation. (IDA) services; support for training, information, education and An IDA Project Prepara-\ communication and pharmaceutical tion Facility advance oi development. $0,5 million approved fo\• consultants for manpower\ development; pharmaceu- 1 tical development; in­ formation, education and cODDunication; insti­ tutional development; preparation of a zonal project; over.all project preparation and archi­ tectural services. Ministry of About (N) Irrigation - Small scale Consultants will be Negotiations concluded. Agriculture 7.0 irrigation and conservation. required. (This project was (IDA) developed by IFAD,) See page 1 for footnotes. - 3 - Member Country, Amount & and Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency};_/ ~?:/ Consulting Services Action on Procurement!±_/ gHIOPIA (Cont'd) Commission for About (R) Technical Education and Training No decision made whether Pre-appraisal mission Higher Education 60.0 - To be defined.
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