************************5-DIGIT 02906 241 1/31/89 ** 32 R. I. JEviISH HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Inside: Local News, pages 2-3 136 SESSlONS ST. FRC'JIDEN:::E, RI ono6 Opinion, page 4 ....__ Around Town, page 8 THE WVL Y ENGUSH--JEW!SH WEEKLY lN R.I. AND SOLTHEAST MASS. VOLUME L XXV, NUMBER 28 T HURSD AY, JUNE 9, 1988 35¢ PER COPY Rabbis Call To Ban Surrogate Motherhood Belle Frank Opens by Andrew S ilow Carroll surrogate mothe rs "has the The New ,Jersey Supreme Court potential to undermine I he dignity voided the contract between NEW YORK (.JTA) - Rabbis of women, children a nd human Whitehead and Stern, ruling t hat participating in a New York state reproduction.'' surrogacy cont racts invo lving fees Art Exhibit bioet hics task force said that they In rase of disputes, t he tas k force violc1te 1 he state's adoption laws. support the panel's endorsement recommended that custody always Nevert heless. t he court awarded of a han on surrogate mothe rhood he awarded to the mother, unless custody of t he child to Stern. contracts. there is "clear and convincing Whitehead has since won the right In recomme nding legisla t ion evidence" t hat awa rding custody to weekly visits. that would prohibit pay m ent H to tot he fat her would he int he child's In his statement, Rudin said surrogates a nd bar su rroga<'y best interest. that "commercia l su rrogate brokers from operating in the In an interview last Tuesday, pa renting is simila r to state, the New York State T ask Rudin said he hoped that baby-sell ing. It also placed a Foree on Life and the Law has legislation based on the report will cont ractual 'price tag' on huma n taken "a proper sta nd," Rahhi A. he brought befo re the New York reproduction." .Ja mes Rudin. inte rreligious a ffairs state legislature in the near fut ure. According to Bleich, a professor d irector o f the Ame rican .Jewish Cov. Mario Cuomo said last o f T almud at Yeshiva's Rabbi Committee, said in a statement. Saturday that he would use t he lscrnc Elchanan Theological A second rahhi on the report to initiate d iscussion with Semina ry, ,Jewish law forbids holh :L(i -memher panel, Rabbi ,J. David t he legisla ture concerning a a rt ilicial insemination a nd Hleirh or Yeshiva Universit y, said surrogate parenthood hill. .. baby-selli ng." that he essentially agreed wit h the Surrogate contracts are void a nd Hut halacha a lso treats recornmendat i<)llS, released unenforceable in four states: placement of children horn of such Saturday. India na. Ke ntucky, Louisiana and a n a rrangement ns "a simple The panel did not call for a total Nevada. Hegulatio ns are pending custody d ispute." han on surrogacy arrangements, in mo re tha n 20 other states. " A consensus hold!-t t hat there is a nd "would st ill permit surrogacy The issue gained nat io na l a paternal re lat ions hip established Pro udly looking at t heir moth e r's paintings are Mel and Buddy a rrangements when they a re a ttention when surrogate mot her hy a rtificial insemination," said Frank with t heir mother Belle Frank w hose a rt exhibit opened at undisputed a nd when they do not MMy Heth Whitehead tried to win Hl eich. "The fat he r is ohliga1ed to the Jewis h Commu nity Cente r's Gallery 401 last Sund ay. See involve pc1yment of a l'ee to a cus1ody of her child, referred to as support nnd maintenance, page 8. Photo by Dorothea S n yder. surrogate.'; expla ined Rudin. " Hahy M." from W illiam Stern, regardless of who gets custody, Hut the panel said the pnirt ice t he natural rat her. with whom she which s hould always he decided in of paying women to serve as had contracted to have a hahy. the ('hi ld's hes! interest." The '88 Congressional Races------- by Howard Rosenberg, JTA Hr.van of Nevada, a I 1e mocrat . \hafee is not a n "avowed (H-Wash.), William Proxmire s hoo-in to win. He received $6,000 The three ,Jewis h senators up fo r Bryan also received $17,000 from opponent·· of Is rael. (D-Wis. ). Hoerl Stafford (R-Vt.) from the PACs. The November elect ions are not re-election this year all fare stiff ot ht>r pro-lsrnel PA C's. Hut a nother analyst said C'hal'ee ancl Paul Trible (R-Va.). likely t o produce a major shifl in competition in elect ions this Metzenhaum, 71. is bei ng has been a ll right on foreign aid, In Flo rida, Republican Rep. voting patterns on Is rael in the November, political analysts t halleng:ed hy Cleveland Mayor hut had on arms sales. He a lso Connie Mack will likely face o ne of U.S. House of Representa1ives, agree. Ceorge Voinovich, a Republican. noted Licht has raised more money fou r possible Democrats, in what analysts say, if incumbents are But while Sens. Fra r)k C' hri~ (:er:-; len, exen11ive director than Chafee, a strong'indicator of Amitay termed a " no lose" re-elected wi th the same Lautenberg (D. N.,J.) and Howa rd oft he Natio na l ,Jewish Coalition, a ability to win. sil uat ion. 98-percent success rate that they Metzenbaum (0-0hio ) have Republican group here, said In California. Republican Sen. In Washing-ton. Democratic achieved in the 1986 races. received a lot of support from 17 of Voinovich " has the best shol of Pete \1/ilson received $2fi,800 from Reps. Mike Lowry a nd Don Analysts point out , however, the la rgest pro-Is rael polit ical a ny potential Hepuhlic seven pro-Is rael PACs through Bonker a re vying fo r t he that there are a few " friendly" act ion committees, Sen. Chic 1.:halleng:e r. " Ma rch J I , while his challenger, nominal ion against former Sen. lawmakers in trouble this year, as Hecht (R-Nev.) has been s hunned One of Mel zenhaum 's problems Democratir LI. Cov. Leo Slade Corton. All of them are well as some "opportunity" races by most of the 17, because of his 1s that Voinovil·h may win McCarthy, did not receive a ny considered p ro-1:-,rael. One analyst to knock off some of t he least support for weapons sales to Met zenhaum 's t rad it ional urba n funding:. McCarthy did receive praised Gorton's voting record in supportive members of Congress. ,Jordan a nd Saudi Arabia. base of suppo rt in Clevela nd, $G.OOO from the Multi-Issue PAC. the senate from 1980 to 1986. Seventeen of the la rgest The 17 PACs ma ke campa ign a nalysts said. which was fo rmed hy ,Jews to Wisconsin features six pro-Israel polit ical action cont rihut ions based solely on a In New ,Jersey, Lautenherg " is in rounter t he single-issue pro-Israel candidates fo r Proximire's seat , committees awarded close to $1.4fi ca ndidate's commitment to the deep 1 rouble," (;erst en said, PACs. with many of the PA Cs ta king a million t hrough Ma rch :31 to pro-Is rael position. T hey awarded although, li ke Voinovich, In Connecticut , the state's wait -and-see posit ion. congressional campaigns this close to $ 1.4.'i million through Hepublinrn challenger Pete .J ewis h attorney general, ,Joseph In M ississippi, Democrat ic Rep. elect ion cycle. Federal Elect io n Ma rch :1 I to congressiona l Dawkins has not received any Lieberma n, a Democrat, is Wayne Dowdy will face Commission records show. campa igns this election cycle, money from the 17 PACS. challenging: incumbent Republica n Hepuhliean Hep. Trent Lott. W hile $900,000 had been spent Federa l E lect ion Commission Amitay predicted that the race Sen. Lowell Weicker. But the Nationa l PAC gave hoth on Senate campa igns, only about records show. "could he ext remely tough" for PACs are sticking: with Weicker, candidates $0,000 for their $.'i00,000 went to House races. About $900,000 has gone to Laut enhefg: against Dawkins, a having given him $60,000 th rough primaries, hut its execut ive T hose numbers are expected to Senate campaigns a nd $000,000 hrig:adier general, fo rmer Heisman Ma rch :1 1. director, Richard Alt ma n, said it tighten because of the early has been spent on House races. T rophy winne r and Rhodes In Nehraska, (;ov. Bob Kerrey, a has not ta ken a posit ion on the publicit y generated by senate The remainder. $40,000, was schola r. Democrat. received $0,000 from general election. In other Senate races, Sen. Washinl(lon PAC for the general race~, a na lysts said. T he dist ributed to various president ial Amitay, whose PAC is David Durenberger (R-Minn.), elertio n. while Nat ional PAC gave remainder, $45,000, was candidates. supporting. Dowdy. criticiied dist ributed to various presidentia l Among the three ,Jewish who is being opposed by Hubert inl'umhent Republican Sen. David Nationa l PAC's decisio n to candidat e!-.. irn:umhents, Metzenhaum received .. Skip" Humphrey lll, a Democrat, Karnes $0.0UO fo r the Republican support hot h candidates, saying T he PACs awarded $280,288 in $76,f>OO from 14 pro-Israel PACs, has a "healthy lead," (;ersten said.
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