Thirty-Third Annual Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1922 Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Experiment Station. Publisher College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ) Rights Public Domain: This material has been identified as being free of known restrictions under U.S. copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. Download date 04/10/2021 13:16:14 Item License http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/196704 jtf Aripma College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT For The Year Ended June 30, 1922 This Report constitutes Part III of the Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, made in conform- ity to Article 44-83, Title 42, Revised Stat- uteb of Arizona, 1913, PUBLISHED BY of Arizona UNIVERSITY STATION TUCSON, ARIZONA ORGANIZATION BO-\RD OF REGENTS EX OFFICIO MI:1I,fBERS 'I~ k,XCELLENCY, TIJ01\{AS E CAMPBELL, G<>velflor o! "'"zo"" Phoen x "0'< I:!<;lF TOLE<; St,te Supellntendent of PublIc rmtrucMn PhOent1 -1.PPOINTED MEMBERS ()II" If C\l\[PBELL LLM, Clnncellor TU"M 1 \ \!}~ G COMPTO"', ~ecretl", Tucson llhE DR \CHM'I."<, Tr."urel Tucson J 1\IOTI!Y 'I. RIORDAN Flag.t.if , !l \tuNC W WELLS _Pre,cott [aUI'> D RICKETTS, So 0, LL D _Warren I ~T1\iIER W HUDSON Tempe 1)\\ IGH'l n HF "RD PhOeTllT 1)1 \l\" FRANCI<; C LOO.WOOO, ph D J) W WORKING, B So, AM Deon, College of Ag1Jcultule lOHN J THORNBER, 'I. M D,rector Expellmen! StatIon Botan"t ROBERT H FORPES, Ph D Re,earch Speclalm \l BERT E VINSO'\, Ph D Agncultural Che:ru,t GEORGE F P SMITH, C E I,r,g,tlOn Eng-meer RICHARD H WILLI'l.MS, Pic D ";mmal Hu.b-mdman W'l.LTER S CUNNINGHAM, B S D1<IY Hu.bandman CH<l.RLES T VORHIES, Ph D EntomologIst GEORGE E THOMPSON, B S A Agronom"t rRANKLIN J CRIDER, \1 S H<>rtlcultumt WALKLR, E BRYAN, M S Plant Bleeder J ->,.MES G. BROWN, M S Phnt P.thologllt ROYAL B. THOMPSON, B S A __ Poultry Hu.bandman CLIFFORD N CA'ILT!I., fl.M AI!.eelat~ AgncultuMI Cherm,t WIT LrAM E CODE C E A,,,.tant I,ugatlOn Engln~c U.LFN F KINNISON, B <; A _ Aislataut HortIculturIst R.\LPH S HAWKINS, B S A A",.tant Agronom"t ELIAS H PRESSLhY, B S .Amstant Plant Breeder IH.ROLD C ~CHWALEN, B S ASI,&t~nt h,,&",t,on EngJUL<' FR~EST B STANLEY, BS A'''stant AnImal HUlhndm~r D'l.VID WALBERT, B S AUl1!1nt Hertl.ulton" ~T \NLEY P CLoS.RK, B S A,&!<tant Agronomm RICHARD N DAVIS, B S A,,,,tant Dairy Hu,b~ndm,,, 1 r 1-1 rL N IKfNnFRRY, n ~ Secretary, Col\elre of Agt'lcultu c c r WOOD Foreman, Salt RIVet' Valley Expenment F~rlb T L STAPLEY _ Forem.n, Tempe D~te Orch.r~ LF~LlE BEATY, B S FOlem'n, Yuma Valley ~nd Me" F~rm' ( \RL CLARK, B S Foreman, P,e.eort Dry-Farm F G GRAY Forem~n, Sulphur Sprmg V,Uey Dry-rarm i R REED Forem~n, Ulllve, "ty F~rm ·On lewe CONTENTS ';'DMI!'<I~-:IRATION 177 Ch~nges m the Work of the l:xnenment St.tlon 17" Re~,.,on of the M'llhng L,st In :experIment St ,-,,,n Pubhcnt'Onl us Stud, 'f tn~ Kan&~'oo Rat li9 V. ark w,th D.te Palms 1>" WOlk Wltl- G,apes _ 18:: Unlverolty Pmdt,y Phn! 182 Ille E~peflment SlltlOn F" n. 182 M,scelll!l.ou! 184 ResIgnations 185 '\ppou,tments anri P,omotlons 105 Publ,catIon, 1" BulletIns 186 r,meiv Hmts fo, Fatnler3 186 ClreU"'. 186 TechnIc II Papers 186 PROJl>CTS 187 Agrlcult"r~l Chez!llstry 187 Agronomy ____ 187 An,m,l Hu,bnnd,y _______ 187188 Botany Dauy Hu.b.ndry 188 Entomology -------- 188 HortIculture _________ 189 Irrigation 1" Piant Iheerimg ____ 189 Plant P.thology ____ _ 190 Poultry Husband" ___ 190 AORICULTURAL CHEMISTRY_ 192 BhcJ... Alkal! Stud.. " nt the Unlve"ltv Fum 192 The Treatment wIth Sulphunc Ac,d of '>o,ls for Black A!ka1I 192 Pot C Iitule Exp""mento wIth Black Alkali 193 The Sv;elllag CoefficIent of SOIl. 19+ The Tempe Dnmage DItch 19+ MIscelhneous 196 'l.C,RONOMY _____ 198 Conbnuatlon of Studl .... at the Prescott Dry-Farm 19'1 ContmuatlOn of Stud e, .it the Sulphur Spring Valley Dry_Farm _ _ _ 199 A Study of the Culture and the Varlet,es of Legumee _ __ 199 Varietal and Cultunl T eeLS of Com and Sorg"hum. _ _ 20. The Culture 1nd Field Ma~ag"=ent of Plnla_Egypt,an Cetton ______ 202 Culture and M.nagement of 'i\l!lter and Spring Grains 204- Vmetal and Cultural Test5 of Grlln and Forage Cropll, and of GU.5e. and MI&eellaneeus c,op.____ _ __ 205 CoOpel'ltlVe Demonatrat'Oni __ 205 Study of Ind,an Agriculture ___ 207 Seed Te,ttng _ _ _ _ ____ __ __ _ __ 207 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY _ 207 L,ve'tock Cond,t,ons the Pa.t Ye~r _ _ _ __ 208 "'ge and QualIty a' F1cton In Cattle Feeding ____ 208 Small Calves Versu& Large Clilvee Ver.us Yearllllg Steers for Feed,ng __ 209 Feedl!l/l' Ste~r C~lv""·Ver.ue Old Cows oa SunJlower S,lage and Cottonseed Mcd _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ __ _ 209 <l.lf,lf, Hw 11 a Su~ple",.nt to D,y-F.,m Slh;e ,ud Cotton.eed Mell In f Ittenlng C11ves 210 Supplements to Cottonseed Me11 m htten<ng Old R1n~e Cows 2l\l Alt Lit, % , Suppl,m.nt to ClOck~d [{e~'" .nd T1nk1ge fOL P g. 211 (,11~l..cd Heo:m ""d T,,,1..1ge fOl Developing OLlt' 21Z G1Iblge Al<ne VelSu, G1Ib'ge and Alf1l1a p,.ture for F,ttenLng PIg, 2B SI..Llllm 11.. 1$ , Supplement to Cldded HegJ" ond Alfalfa P,stule for G,owlng P,g. 211 BOTA'fY D>\IRY HUSB\NDRY 215 Adv1nced Registry Te.t. 215 G,een AJhlt\ V."u, Alhlf. n'l for OOlrV COWl 217 M neo ,1 Suppleme,t. m R1!10n' for O'ury Ca!tl~, .nd G,een Feed VelSu, Cured Fee<! for DallY C1ttle 217 M,II.. Sub,t Me. fOJ C,ive. 2!~ ENTOMOLOGY 219 R,n". R,dcnt, _ 219 Aw;ona P,nk BoU"orm 219 >\ Nu" Insect Pe't of Gr1pe, _ 221 Ree Cultu, e 220 M"celi meou. 220 IrOR1ICLLTURE 220 ("tru. Fruit. 22, Expel,ment"l Plantmg' 221 Eff<.ct of rempel~tule and 221 Bud Selechon 222 D,te Stud,e. no Date Vanetles 222 P, np1g?t<on 222 The Obve 22l Orapc. 223 New Plant,ng, n; Gnpe V",et,e. 22'l Ringing the CUlT1nt G"pe 224 G"pe An1lyse. 224 W,ter ReqUl1emcnt Swd,e' 224- Prun,ng Dec,duous FrUIt 225 The W,lnut and Pec1n 225 V1rlety Tests of Orchard Frmu 22, Pe1Ts 226 Imh Pol, toe. 226 Sweet Potatoes _ 227 Tomatoes 27& Ga,.dcn Peas 223 OfilOns 228 Fru,! Surveyl 228 Other Art,v,t,e. 229 IRRIGATION 229 Groundw.ter swd,es _ _ _ __ 229 Stream Flow MeasuremenU __ _ __ _ _ _ __ 231) The Effect of the Tranlp,ratJon of Treel upon the Groundwater Supply _ 231 Fuel 0,1$ for Pumplng _ _____ __ _ __ 231 PumpIng M1ehmcry ___ ~ ________ 232 The Colorado RIver and Its Ut,llutlon· 232 Con~rete Lmmg. for Imga!lOn DItches 232 PLAl\! BREEDING All ,lfa 2H Cellon '"235 Whe1t _ 236 PL ... ~r PA,Il0LOGY 2.>3 lotton Projects 23S The S lhu.nt1 Plota 2\9 rhe Yum1 PI"t' 2<0 Salt R"er Valley fa1m Plota 2-1-1) Comp'lro.on or R ..ult. 2-1-J Date Rot Project MJscollmeoll' StJldJes '402-1-2 Alhlt I GJJdle 242 Sunburn 'lnd AphJd Injury of So, B.,n. and CO"'l'e1$ Z·E Cooperotlve Pol,to SproYUlg ,24.J B"ef Summ'~lv ~f Fhn! D seJ'~ DetL!mm~twns 243 F,eld Crops 243 Orrh1Jd T,ees :-1+ Sm,'l F,UI!. ~ _ 246 G~rden Ve,,~I,ble, 246 OJ~'m.~t1b 2+5 OthCl '\ct,Vlt" 246 I "t~n"on W",l _ HS Selent,,," 'VlcelLngs Pubbe1tlOm Needed In\e,l,gl!lOn, POULTRY Ht:SR \NDRY Poultry PIlOt Well ILLUSTRATIONS I ig I—Annual Field Day at the Salt River Valley Farm, Octobei, 1921 178 I ig 2—Date offshoot propagation shed at the Salt River Valley Farm — 181 Fig 3—Field of selected began at the Silt Rivei Valley Farm 201 Fig 4—Field of Double Dwnf milo at the Silt River Valley Faim - 202 Tig 5—Fertilizer tests vuth wheat 204 1 !0 6—The new dairy barn at the Umveisity Firm 218 Jri^ 7—The iclition of dnvi down to yield and the ielation of discharge to lift at the East Well pumping plant on the Lnnersity Campus _ 233 F 8f 8—Umbrella tiees in a city paik in Tucson being killed bj Texas root lot (Oxomtftv onw vorum^ 239 tic; 9—Root rot disc ise on cantaloupe caused by nematode (Heterodora tad tcicola] 241 1 4 10—Blossom end rot of tomato caubed b\ nmgus 243 1 g 11—Root lot of ilfalla caused by Fttsanum sp 245 I ig 12—Tomato plant attacked h doddei (Cuicuta so ) 247 >ij 13—Egg 1 tying house at the Lnneisty poultn plint 249 TABLES 1 ible I—Showin? Evpenment Station expendituies by funds ind schedules foi the yeai ended June 30, 1922 190 I ible II—Showing iccupts from all stuices and disbursements foi all pur poses on account of the College of Agncultuie foi the ve 11 ended June 30, 1922 191 1 ible III—Monthl> variations m compositicn oi \ater from Tempe Diamage Ditch, 1921 22, parts per 100,000 19-> I able IV—Analyses of Anzona feeding <5tuas 197 Tible V—Effects of feitilizeis on cotton yields, 20 f ible VI—Results of cooperative demonstrations 205 I able VII-—Alfalia as a supplement to cracked hegiri and tankige foi pigs 21 ^ Tiblc VIII—Ad^ anced legistiy tests of co\\s on the Umveisitv Faim 216 Table IX—Yields of dan> co^s at the Unu ei sit} Taim, 1921-1922 216 I ible X—Showing the effect of pruning on the vield of 6 \ear old olive trees 22j> I ible XI—Showing results obtained in use of seed potatoes, gio\\n locally in spring and fall 22" Table XII—Showing the efiect of vine pruning on the yield of s-weet potatoes 227 Table XIII—Runoff recoids for Sarta Crur md Rillito mers, 1920 md 1921 2U Table XIV—Yield, percentage of lint, length, and stiength of nbei ot uplmd cottons 2^0 T ible XV—Baking results obtained "with flours milled from pedigreed stiains of A^r/ona gro\vn wheats, ciop of 1922 2"1" THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL RfiPORT ADMINISTRATION J.
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