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Russian Entomol. J. 15(4): 409–417 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2006 To the knowledge of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) described by V.Motschulsky Ê ïîçíàíèþ æóêîâ ëèñòîåäîâ (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), îïèñàííûõ Â.Ìî÷óëüñêèì L.N. Medvedev Ë.Í. Ìåäâåäåâ Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia. Институт проблем экологии и эволюции РАН, Ленинский проспект 33, Москва 117071, Россия. KEY WORDS: Chrysomelidae, types, collection of V. Motschulsky, new synonyms, new combinations, new names, status ressurect. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Chrysomelidae, типы, коллекция В. Мочульского, новые синонимы, новые комбинации, новые замещающие названия, восстановленный статус. ABSTRACT. 41 poorly known type species of leaf chulsky, 1860), comb. n. = C. paviei Lefevre, 1890, syn. beetles described by V. Motschulsky were studied. n.; Pseudoides coeruleipennis (Motschulsky, 1860), Transferred to other genus: Orsodacne indica Mots- comb. n. = P. flavicollis Jacoby , 1903, syn. n.; Atra- chulsky, 1866 to Hyphaenia Baly, 1865; Melixanthus chya bimaculata Hornstedt, 1788 = A. maculicollis flaveolus (Motschulsky, 1866), M. acutungulus (Mots- (Motschulsky, 1858), comb. et syn. n.; Chaetocnema chulsky, 1866), M. nigrolimbatus (Motschulsky, 1866), (Tlanoma) gracilis Motschulsky, 1859 = Ch. indica M. suturalis(Motschulsky, 1866) — to Coenobius Suf- Weise, 1916, syn. n.; Chaetocnema (Tlanoma) puncti- frian, 1857; Scelodonta aenea Motschulsky, 1866 — collis Motschulsky, 1859 = Ch. discreta Baly, 1876, to Pagria Lefevre, 1884; Colasposoma rugipennis syn. n.; Longitarsus suturellus (Motschulsky, 1866) = Motschulsky, 1860 — to Colaspoides Laporte, 1833; L. rangoonensis Jacoby, 1892, syn. n.; Aphthona al- Trichochrysea rufula Motschulsky, 1866, T. fuscula bescens (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. n. = A. opaca Motschulsky, 1866 — to Aoria Baly, 1860; Monolepta Allard, 1889, syn. n.; Nisotra gemella Erichson, 1834 = maculicollis Motschulsky, 1858 — to Atrachya De- N. javana (Motschulsky, 1866), syn. n.; Dactylispa jean, 1837; ; Atrachya nigrocincta Motschulsky, 1858, longicornis (Motschulsky, 1861) = D. severini Gestro, A. basalis Motschulsky, 1858 — to Monolepta Erich- 1897, syn. n.; Dactylispa nigromaculata (Motschul- son, 1843; Longitarsus albescens Motschulsky, 1866 — sky, 1861) = D. xanthospila Gestro, 1890, syn. n.; to Aphthona Chevrolat, 1837; Luperus coeruleipennis Dactylispa nigripennis (Motschulsky, 1861) = D. xan- Motschulsky, 1860 — to Pseudoides Jacoby, 1892, thospila Gestro, 1890, syn. n.; Gonophora zinzibaris Anisodera nigricauda Motschulsky, 1863 — to Gono- (Motschulsky, 1861) = G. akalankita Maulik, 1919, phora Baly, 1858; Tricliona oblonga (Motschulsky, syn. n.; Gonophora nigricauda (Motschulsky, 1863) 1866) removed back to Basilepta Lefevre, 1885. New = G. taprobane Gestro, 1902, syn. n. Dactylispa fili- synonymy are established: Coenobius flaveolus cornis (Motschulsky, 1861), stat. rest. is a good spe- (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. n. = C. acutangulus (Mots- cies. Renamed because of homonymy: Monolepta ni- chulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. = C. nigrolimbatus grocincta Jacoby, 1900 to Monolepta jacobyana (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. = C. suturalis Medvedev, 2006, nom. n.; Monolepta basalis Harold, (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n.; Nodina subdi- 1880 to Monolepta haroldiana Medvedev, 2006, nom. latata Motschulsky, 1858 = N. rotundata Motschul- n. Redescription of 1 genus and 16 species are given. sky, 1858, syn. n.; Basilepta viridipenne (Motschul- For 55 species with clear taxonomical status lectotypes sky, 1860) = B. frontalis (Baly 1867), syn. n.; Basilepta and paralectotypes are designated. sculpturata (Motschulsky, 1860) = B. bhamoense (Ja- coby, 1892), syn. n.; Pagria restituens Walker, 1859 = РЕЗЮМЕ. Изучен 41 тип малоизвестных видов P. aenea (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. = P. жуков листоедов, описанных В. Мочульским. Пере- costatipennis Jacoby, 1887, syn. n.; Scelodonta dillw- несены в другой род: Orsodacne indica Motschulsky, yni Stephens, 1831 = S. strigicollis (Motschulsky, 1866 в Hyphaenia Baly 1865; Melixanthus flaveolus 1866), syn. n.; Aoria nigripes Baly, 1860 = A. rufula (Motschulsky, 1866), M. acutungulus (Motschulsky, (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. = A. fuscula 1866), M. nigrolimbatus (Motschulsky, 1866), M. (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n.; Cleoporus lat- suturalis(Motschulsky, 1866) — в Coenobius Suffrian eralis (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. n. = C. variabilis 1857; Scelodonta aenea Motschulsky, 1866 — в Pagria Baly, 1874, syn. n.; Colaspoides rugipennis (Mots- Lefevre, 1884; Colasposoma rugipennis Motschulsky, 410 L.N. Medvedev 1860 — в Colaspoides Laporte, 1833; Trichochrysea Introduction rufula Motschulsky, 1866, T. fuscula Motschulsky, 1866 — в Aoria Baly, 1860; Monolepta maculicollis Motschulsky’s collection, deposited in the Zoolog- Motschulsky, 1858 — в Atrachya Dejean, 1837; Atrachya ical Museum of the Moscow State University, includes nigrocincta Motschulsky, 1858, A. basalis a lot of unclear Chrysomelid species, which were never Motschulsky, 1858 — в Monolepta Erichson, 1843; throughoutly revised, except one Ogloblin’s publica- Longitarsus albescens Motschulsky, 1866 — в tion [1930] concerning rather large amount of Alticinae. Aphthona Chevrolat, 1837; Luperus coeruleipennis In the publication proposed I have studied 41 type Motschulsky, 1860 — в Pseudoides Jacoby, 1892, species from this collection, partly with redescriptions, Anisodera nigricauda Motschulsky, 1863 — в partly with synonymization and taxonomical notes and Gonophora Baly, 1858; Tricliona oblonga (Motschul- also designated lectotypes and paralectotypes for spe- sky, 1866) перенесена обратно в Basilepta Lefevre, cies with clear taxonomical status. 1885. Установлены новые синонимы: Coenobius Bad safety of Motschulsky collection not always flaveolus (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. n. = C. acut- allows to determine a sex of some specimens, therefore angulus (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. = C. nigro- it is specified not for all types. limbatus (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. = C.suturalis (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n.; Nodina subdilatata Motschulsky, 1858 = N. rotundata Taxonomical part Motschulsky, 1858, syn. n.; Basilepta viridipenne (Motschulsky, 1860) = B. frontalis (Baly 1867), syn. n.; Coenobius flaveolus (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. n. Basilepta sculpturata (Motschulsky, 1860) = B.bhamo- = Coenobius acutangulus (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. ense (Jacoby, 1892), syn. n.; Pagria restituens Walker, = Coenobius nigrolimbatus (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. 1859 = P. aenea (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. = = Coenobius suturalis (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. P. costatipennis Jacoby, 1887, syn. n.; Scelodonta = Coenobius basalis (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. n. TYPE MATERIAL. Lectotype of Monachus flaveolus Mots- dillwyni Stephens, 1831 = S. strigicollis (Motschulsky, chulsky, 1866 (designated here), “Ceylon”. 3 paralectotypes 1866), syn. n.; Aoria nigripes Baly, 1860 = A. rufula with same label as lectotype; (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n. = A. fuscula Lectotype of Monachus acutangulus Motschulsky, 1866 (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. et syn. n.; Cleoporus (designated here), “Ceylon”; Lectotype of Monachus nigrolimbatus Motschulsky, 1866 lateralis (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. n. = C. variabilis (designated here), “Ceylon”. 2 paralectotypes with same label Baly, 1874, syn. n.; Colaspoides rugipennis as lectotype; (Motschulsky, 1860), comb. n. = C. paviei Lefevre, 1890, Lectotype of Monachus suturalis Motschulsky, 1866 (designat- syn. n.; Pseudoides coeruleipennis (Motschulsky, 1860), ed here), “Ceylon”. 4 paralectotypes with same label as lectotype. comb. n. = P. flavicollis Jacoby , 1903, syn. n.; Atrachya NOTES. We have studied 4 Motschulsky’s species placed in the genus Melixanthus [Clavareau, 1913] and found that bimaculata Hornstedt, 1788 = A. maculicollis they are identical morphologically and belong to the genus (Motschulsky, 1858), comb. et syn. n.; Chaetocnema Coenobius Suffrian 1857. Monachus basalis Motschulsky, (Tlanoma) gracilis Motschulsky, 1859 = Ch. indica 1866 was already synonymized with M. flaveolus as colour Weise, 1916, syn. n.; Chaetocnema (Tlanoma) variation [Clavareau, 1913]. We have not seen the type of puncticollis Motschulsky, 1859 = Ch. discreta Baly, M.basalis, but it seems to be correct. A short description of 1876, syn. n.; Longitarsus suturellus (Motschulsky, the species is given below. 1866) = L. rangoonensis Jacoby, 1892, syn. n.; Aphthona REDESCRIPTION. Colour very variable. Body entirely albescens (Motschulsky, 1866), comb. n. = A. opaca fulvous (typical C. flaveolus), or elytra darkened along basal, Allard, 1889, syn. n.; Nisotra gemella Erichson, 1834 = lateral and sutural margin (C. suturalis), and might be rather N. javana (Motschulsky, 1866), syn. n.; Dactylispa broad and almost reaching apex (C. nigrolimbatus) or elytra longicornis (Motschulsky, 1861) = D. severini Gestro, dark brown with apex often pale (C. acutangulus); underside sometimes dark brown, legs always fulvous. 1897, syn. n.; Dactylispa nigromaculata (Motschulsky, Body short ovate. Head distinctly punctuate, eyes large, 1861) = D. xanthospila Gestro, 1890, syn. n.; Dactylispa contiguous along all their length in both sexes. Antennae nigripennis (Motschulsky, 1861) = D. xanthospila Gestro, short, segments 3–6 small and subequal, next segments clear- 1890, syn.n.; Gonophora zinzibaris (Motschulsky, ly widened. Prothorax

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