US 20070275021A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0275021 A1 Lee et al. (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 29, 2007 (54) NEW COSMETIC, PERSONAL CARE, Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/456,196, CLEANING AGENT, AND NUTRITIONAL filed on Dec. 7, 1999, now abandoned. SUPPLEMENT COMPOSITIONS AND Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/456,195, METHODS OF MAKING AND USING SAME filed on Dec. 7, 1999, now abandoned. (75) Inventors: Sean Lee, Karlsruhe (DE); Susanna (60) Provisional application No. 60/192.216, filed on Mar. Kessler, Ergolding (DE); Oliver 27, 2000. Provisional application No. 60/197,162, Forberich, Oberursel (DE); Claire filed on Apr. 14, 2000. Buchwar, Wiesbaden (DE); David C. Greenspan, Gainesville, FL (US) Publication Classification Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl. KRAMER LEVN NAFTALIS & FRANKEL A6IR 33/00 (2006.01) LLP A6IR 8/25 (2006.01) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DEPARTMENT A61O 1704 (2006.01) 1177 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS (52) U.S. Cl. .............................. 424/401; 424/59: 424/65; NEW YORK, NY 10036 (US) 424/70.1; 424/724; 510/511 (73) Assignee: SCHOTT AG, MAINZ (DE) (57) ABSTRACT The present invention involves new cosmetic, personal care, (21) Appl. No.: 11/775,615 cleaning agent, biocidal agent, functional food, and nutri tional Supplement compositions. These new compositions (22) Filed: Jul. 10, 2007 incorporate bioactive glass into cosmetics, personal care Related U.S. Application Data items, cleaning agents, biocidal agents, functional foods, and nutritional Supplements. The present invention also involves (60) Division of application No. 09/818,466, filed on Mar. methods of making and methods of using such composi 27, 2001, now Pat. No. 7,250,174. tions. US 2007/0275021 A1 Nov. 29, 2007 NEW COSMETIC, PERSONAL CARE, CLEANING As used herein “bioactive glass” is an inorganic glass AGENT, AND NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT material having an oxide of silicon as its major component. COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF MAKING The use of bioactive glass for unrelated purposes such as AND USING SAME orthopedic repair is described by Larry L. Hench and Jon K. West in “Biological Applications of Bioactive Glasses' Life RELATED APPLICATIONS Chemistry Reports, 1996, Vol. 13, pp. 187-241, the contents 0001. This application claims priority from co-pending of which are incorporated herein by reference. U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/192.261, filed Mar. 27, 2000, co-pending U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/197, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE 162, filed Apr. 14, 2000, co-pending U.S. application Ser. INVENTION No. 09/456,196, filed Dec. 7, 1999, and co-pending U.S. application Ser. No. 09/456,195, filed Dec. 7, 1999. The full 0007 Bioactive glass is a sodium-calcium-phospho-sili disclosure of each of these applications is incorporated cate glass. As used herein, the term “bioactive glass' may herein by reference. refer to particulate melt-derived and/or sol-gel derived bio active glass. In addition, the term “bioactive glass may be FIELD OF THE INVENTION used to refer to an aqueous extract of particulate melt 0002 The present invention involves new cosmetic, per derived an/or sol-gel derived bioactive glass. Sonal care, cleaning agent, biocidal agent, functional food, 0008. The present invention utilizes bioactive glass pref and nutritional Supplement compositions. These new com erably between 40 and 96% by weight of silicon dioxide positions incorporate bioactive glass into cosmetics, clean oxide (SiO), between about 0 and 35% by weight of sodium ing agents, personal care products, biocidal agents, func oxide (NaO), between about 4 and 46% by weight calcium tional foods and nutritional Supplements. The present oxide (CaO), and between about 1 and 15% by weight invention also involves methods of making and methods of phosphorus oxide (POs). As referred herein, bioactive using Such compositions. glasses are typically silicon dioxide based compositions capable of forming hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA). More BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION preferably, the glass includes between 40 and 60% by weight 0003 Preservatives are necessary and important ingredi of silicon dioxide oxide (SiO2), between about 5-30% by ents that ensure the stability and safety of different products. weight of sodium oxide (NaO), between about 10 and 35% Many problems exist with respect to known preservatives. by weight calcium oxide (CaO), and between about 1 and Many have unwanted effects on the products they are in or 12% by weight phosphorus oxide (POs). The oxides can be on the person or thing for which the products are used. Many present as Solid solutions or mixed oxides, or as mixtures of are relatively expensive and have no beneficial effects oxides. besides preservation. Many, in fact, are not efficacious as preservatives. Many have effects on the products texture or 0009 CaF, B.O.s, Al2O, MgO and KO may be taste that make them undesirable. Better preservatives are included in the composition in addition to silicon, Sodium, needed. phosphorus and calcium oxides. The preferred range for BO, is between 0 and 10% by weight. The preferred range 0004 There has also been a great need for ingredients for KO is between 0 and 8% by weight. The preferred range that can be used safely and beneficially in products that have for MgO is between 0 and 5% by weight. antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, ion releasing, anti-inflam matory and/or pH properties in the products themselves 0010 Typically, bioactive glasses have the following and/or on the person or thing for which the product issued. composition by weight percentage: Ingredients that can express one or more of these properties are needed. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Component Wt. Percent SiO, 40-90 0005. Applicants have found that bioactive glass when CaO 4-45 used in a wide variety of cosmetics provides exceptional Na2O O-3S qualities to the cosmetic including a beneficial preservative POs 2-16 effect. Applicants also have found that bioactive glass pre CaF, O-2S serves a variety of standard household and industrial clean B2O3 O-4 ing agents. Further, certain bioactive glass compositions KO O-8 provide excellent cleaning properties and greatly enhance MgO O-5 the cleaning properties of standard household and industrial cleaning agents. In addition, applicants have found that certain bioactive glass compositions are useful as a func 0011. A more preferred composition by weight percent tional food and nutritional Supplement or used in such. age for bioactive glass is as follows: Moreover, certain bioactive glass compositions act as an excellent preservative for food. 0006. In addition, the compositions of this invention can Component Wt. Percent be formulated as disclosed herein to have enhanced and SiO2 40-68 beneficial properties that include antibacterial, antiviral, CaO S-30 antifungal, ion-releasing, anti-inflammatory and pH effects. US 2007/0275021 A1 Nov. 29, 2007 environment. While not being bound by a specific mecha -continued nism of action, it is believed that this action is a result, inter alia, of the greatly increased bioactivity of the Small par Component Wt. Percent ticulates, which leads to an increased pH of the Surrounding Na2O 1O-35 environment. The combined properties of being both POs 1-12 broadly bactericidal while at the same time maintaining tissue biocompatibility make a variety of formulations com prising Small particles of bioactive glass resistant to micro 0012. The present invention includes formulations which bial contamination and especially Suitable for formulations may comprise metal ions such as AgNO, CuO, and ZnO, or which will contact the skin. other antimicrobial salts, including but not limited to, silver, 0018. The antimicrobial action increases with decreasing copper and Zinc ions. These metals may be in nitrate or particle size. The preferred particle size depends, in part, on acetate form. The preferred range for these salts is between the expected microbial challenge and the desired purity of 0 and 15% by weight. The present invention also includes the formulation comprising bioactive glass For example, formulations which do not comprise metal ions. formulations having bioactive glass particles averaging 20 0013 The most preferred glass is Bioglass(R (a trademark microns ordinarily is sufficient. However, for a longer last of University of Florida), which has a composition including ing preservative effect or to maintain a higher degree of about 45% by weight silicon dioxide, about 24.5% by purity, particles averaging less than five microns as mea weight sodium oxide, about 6% by weight phosphorus sured by SEM or laser light scattering techniques may be oxide, and about 24.5% by weight calcium oxide. Another used. When highly porous bioactive glass is used in place of preferred material is hydroxyapatite. Another preferred or in addition to Small particles of bioactive glass, the pore material for several applications are the porous Sol-gel size is between about 0 and 500 um, preferably between glasses. about 10 and 150 lum, and more preferably, between about 50 and 100 Lum. The degree of porosity of the glass is 0014 Particulate, non-interlinked bioactive glass is pre between about 0 and 85%, preferably between about 30 and ferred for many embodiments of the present invention. That 80%, and more preferably between about 40 and 60%. is, the glass is in the form of Small, discrete particles, rather Porous bioactive glass can be prepared, for example, by than a fused matrix of particles or a mesh or fabric (woven incorporating a leachable Substance into the bioactive glass or non-woven) of glass fibers. Note that under some condi composition, and leaching the Substance out of the glass. tions the discrete particles of the present invention may tend Suitable leachable substances are well known to those of to cling together because of electrostatic or other forces but skill in the art, and include, for example, Sodium chloride are still considered to be non-interlinked.
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