Alesolc eI€ serJeds..eesoureJEu-ser\Jeurun), eruos l€ql u,rorls e^eq eCuepr^eJo saurl luapuedepur 'la^e,$oq 'esEc .pe,rloser Jo Jequnu € euo uI ,(11n;ueaq lou e^eq ,a\aulpolltlld snue8qnsuqlr,lrr ,sdnoJg exul Jeqlo o1 sdrqsuorlulu :reql pue eseql uea,rleq sdrqsuoqelu crleua8olfqd eq; .,roleq pessntsrper€ qcrq,r ,dnorg DuotoJJnwoeoJv,, puv ,dnorg nuwtd ucocy,,,,dnor1 otetroqoluw t1lrDrv,, eq! puB (S661 ur1se11).dnorg olloltltKw DlrDoV,,eqt.(7661 uqsul$ aouolctrr '(266I ,dnott- DtJoJV,,eql ultser{ pue uuurdeq3) ,.dnotg nsouanq opoJv,, eq!,oldur€xetoJ,,,sesoulaceu -sa^Jaulun,, eql urqlr,lrpazruSocar ueeq e,req exel pelular,4lesolcJo sJelsnJc eleJcsrpJo JeqrrJnu V '(9861 T 816l) ,{a1pe4pue (Z16I) IBssuAJo suoqecrJrss€lc eql ul flllue ,urIsEI cRuouox?lIBJquu e sBpezruSocer 1ou se,,,r 1r :(9661 ? Iltddeq3 ur 7 ern8rg aas) Jllelfqd.{lod ftqeqoJd sr pue (,roleq aas)ExelJo sdnot8 el€ludsrp sesrrduroc 'Je^e^\oH ,,oesotueceu-se^Jeuru1l,, eqt srelcuJuqcJo uorl€urquoc srql Sur,reqsatceds o1 pellddu ur:a1 luaruer\uo, pu€ .seuecpJ pesn-ueqouB sr .,e?souecBd-sa^Jeurun,,tuJet eqJ pe1€Buoleur pe8ue.uespeeq plo8uolqo ,.reln8uerpenb,e1are1 setulteruosJo ftlnqolS pue ( cle eru sepo11,(qdueq,r ser\Jeu:nog ,{lpnsn Jo lelol E'to'lBU arc sepoll^qduaq,r uo e^Jeuouo.e.D sepoll,{qd,,pa^Ieu_l,, Bur,req fq 'J(f pezrJelc?JEqceJ? puv aDaulpollfqd rot4aesolJDcV ot 8uo1eqe:eg pepnlcur salcodsuel eqJ uoqJnpoJlul '(y991)ureqtuag,{q peurJap sE ar2souarrd sarrasqns sa^lautunset:es ol elq?JeJeJeJe pu€ socuecselogur esoutacur o,ruq:eded aql ur pepnlcursercads ue1 '\tueg .V.eJooIN.S .y eql qotadotdal y pue'gtuegfiaMDq !!pJD^ots JoJpelreles aru sad,(1o1ca1 'rlrqelN .V ,t:rlsulq urorlln y pue urtsell Dp!8uqns opolcoelJs .y ,ullsehtrDutsqa? .V ,urlsrlN 'V '(reussral^I ouuasrop Dloqdacontwnt olltrqdora\.y ,{lpuorsr^ordpus ,uaprul uou eloohl .S 'V .y .urlsuw ,urqelN .V , llptool.ots :u,{s)urlssl l uoapDwDrp srpwntq V DraDllooq\uo Alewuu 'paqrrcsep .(g66I) erBBrTeJlsnv uJalsel\ rno{ aDaupontqduor]ces plrorv lo sercedsreu lqSls t1Z,-IBl :Q) 0I €rsl,4nN(aoautpollKtld rortces :eoeprosourtr I :eesoururn8el) serceds ,,eesoruecrg -se,\reurun,, .y1 .U.g .urlsuj uerleJlsnvulelsel\ euos Jo ,{uouoxEJ ..{uullecsryq,?rrry I lJBrlsqY ,ouroC't0l Z9l9 rrtvJlsnvurotsoy'd xog Od 'tueula8eual ,unwqlaH puEI pul, uoDeNasuoCJo ludluuedeq ucrlDJlsnvulalse/A Is€htr'u g (aoaqpoytr14 uo11tts :eEoplosoulllJ :eEsoulun8a-J)sebeds ..oBsoureJ€u-sealeurufl,, uBllBrlsnv urelso l eurosJo ,{ruouoxe; ,lI f,uellersltli. m)Dw (966t)toz-t8I :(Z) 0t ersfnN t82 NuytsiaVol.10, No.2 (1995) related to certain bipinnateleaved speciesof seclior,Botrycephalqe (Benth.) Taub. (seeTindale & Roux 1969 & 1974, Andersonet al. 197| & 1984, Anderson1978, Vassal 1972,Chappill & Maslin 1995,Brain 1987,and Brain & Maslin in prep.). While phyltode nerve number and inflorescenceform are useful charactersfor recognizing ,,uninerves-Racemosae"species these are not completelyreliable charactersfor ascribingtaxa to this (artificial) group. For example, A. difformis R. Baker has 2 longitudinal nerveson each face of its "Acaciq phyllodes yet its inflorescence and carpological characterssuggest its inclusion in the microbotrya Group"; similarly, A. binen'ata DC. and A. wardellii Tind have Prominently 2- or 3-nervedphyllodes but are clearly relatedto A. bancrofrii (l-nerved phyllodes)which is placed in the "Acacia microbotrya Group" (seenotes below underA. brumalis sp.nov). There are also a number oftaxa, especiallyftom southwestwestern Austxalia,with 2 nervesalong the (often thickened)upper margin of the phyllodes, thus making a total of 5 nervesper phyllode (2 along the upper margins, I on each face and I along the lower margin); thesetaxa uncommonly have racemoseinflotescences (e.g. A. scleroclada sp. nov. below). Similarly there are some caseswhere species with simple "Acaciq inflorescencesare closely related to racemosetaxa, e g. A synchronicia Maslin in the victoriae cfor]p,, (Maslin 1992). The length of the raceme varies considerablybut within section Phyllodineae thereseems to be a significanttaxonomic discontinuity between those taxa having very reducedracemes (the axesgenerally not aboveabout I mm long and supportingI or 2 heads)and those having more elongatedracemes with more numerousheads. A recent study by Brain and Maslin (in prep.) using serologicaldata suggeststhat specieswith very reducedracemes are most closely related io non-ru""-or" speciesand that there is little or no relationshipbetween this combined group and the ,,Uninerves-Racemosae",These relationshipsbased on biochemical data wele an unexpected result ofthe Brain and Maslin study,however, ifthey arecoroborated by other evidencethen a major rearrangementof the classificationof sectionPhyllodineae will be needed. "uninerves-Racemosae"; This paperis not a revision ofthe the intentionhere is simply to describe "Flora new speciesand lectotypify namesahead of their inclusion in the forthcoming of Australia' volumes. Methods The taxa included in this paper are ananged alphabeticallyby speciesname. unless oth€rwise statedall plant measurementsare taken from dried herbadummaterial. Botanical Distdcts referred to under the Distribution of eachnew speciesare defined by Beard ( 1980). speciesdisfiibutions ale also expressedby 1: 250 000 map number (seeMaslin and Pedley 1982 for maps of the Ausfalian Acdcia flo'a published in this sameformat). My approachto both typification and the application of rank are discussedelsewhere (Maslin & Cowan 1994a and Cowan & Maslin 1995 respectively) --1 'JN 'Ohl 'JgJ) 's8uuds :(HJUgd OLZVuUsow U g eeJql spJE.,'\olE,\\erotr^tr ruo4 ur{ 9 l :(HIUAd) ',{uatqSrg 6lIE ultsow y g letseoClseld rl}IoN uo ra^IU uoslqcrnl l Jo N lu) tZ :(HJUad) t99€ SuMtwnJ y'ef1n; spre,,no1eruuBl€) le u])pJng ol p"oJ Jo g ru)l 9 €I:(HIdAd) 66tg pla{uotJ fA 'uosqrClunol ''l({t|.) '(sppor Jo A\SS uDltl :(HJXgd tIgI Stpt) I quoNnuIIF,,$[PCpul? uelr€l&Jo 'yg6l 'uIqniA:( uoqresratur)eruu€lql Io ld:(g99I fI00 lf'J-dgd) u s r lrog 11Jg ngwatdrs HJdAd 'Ay) W09 qqsv W y'repuldJo N ur'l8I :VI-MJS1V NUqISAI1^ paulaDxasuawlrads paJraPS 'olBllrJexa'qsrppeJ '3uol 'uJJoJqt4 {Jpp urtu Z alJlunl 'pue 'eJncsqo :ll€us eloelE :pedEqs-,,n,,,{l,rolpqs JBIIqls uedo lu€.ISoJneld:e4uec 1t qsrmo11e,{ 'qsDlc"lq 'llnp 'epr,a\ '8uoy ol u,rorq {.rBp ruru S 0-€ uur g-y'elu,to ro ctldltle ol Suolqo'pod eq} uI 'u,$orq 'spees purpnlr8uol spaa5 elElncrleJ^losre,\suuJl ,{leJncsqo lqBIl uee^\leqpalculsuoc fpq311s 'spees 'll?u 'snoac"uuqc 'epl,,!\ '3uol ro pe8pe-lq8ru.lls .re^o papunor lqSrcrts + ullu 8-9 tuc A 8 ol 'sluled 'Suolqo fl,,!\orrru,spo7 ssele,rreu'3uo1utuZsftpd socldespJElt\ol u,toJq 'alulnql"ds-r€euIl 'c,t! 'uaplo8 lo qt?uel ZII r spdas snoreu-S vaA4ol1 luasqz sapapDtg pele.4\og-9€-92 1q311 're1nqo13 'cr1y1otd rsnolJ€csru,$olq '3uol 'sp?aq 1q3rrq 1uefiu4q spoag e,\ecuoc lutu t , eql esolcue 'snocnpec ,{1ele1duroc,(eql ereq,r spnq ur snoncrdsuos spolq .nln)unpad lDsoq :rcpua9'8uol tutu 'Jepuals'lq8rcJls (gI)ZI-t(g) saputlpad srseqluElD lno,^doJBol Sutuut8aqseuoatllos san) awaoDJ 'slculq 'snolJucs'u,tolq :uellEIe^pq slJBJqeJeq,r sexe auec€l Jo es€q]a luepl^e sJEcslceJq elEclJqrul 'snoncrdsuoc.{q 3uno,{ueq,r pesolrue'speeq 6-7 qlrm8uo1 ulru (ZZ)Sl-/(t)'ltxn J€dTn l sawacoy '3uo1 'luounuord 'snur^lnd ruur g g J lou aql e^oq? uu (01)9-0 apoll,iqd;o ur8:eurreddn uo prtr1g 'pel{uu,r 'elnce ^lesJe^suBrlfleurl'8uol ultu 6-7 snut,tlnd:lue8und tou xedu:luesqv ^llulJIPedns Jo '(plcsr^ 'u,to:q oJncsqose^lau lurelcl ]ou lnq) snoursoJsaunauos lq8rl ro ,,tto11efse,tleu putS:uur put 'pe^Jncul qupru :elrq,r sau[au]os elaltnc 'snocnplSqnsJo u$J3'soclds le pe^lnceJ^l/!\olpqs ueuo 'lcere 'qloouts relqlxeu ,t1,no1pqsol lq8ruJls 'SulpueJdsseulleuos ol SurpuecsB,{llsour puu ulql '09-02 'epl\\ '8uol 'mouIl Jorllor oDurttlpl^ ot qlSuel tutu (9)9-Z tuc (02)gl -6(9 r) Kl/'t\orJtr-usapoll,{Ud 'slooqs 'snocnpcc 3uno,{,{ra,ruo fluo luasald Apeesa\ndug euq,&uelJo elcqnc'u,4 olq IqBIIJo,,\\olle.{ J 'ueer8 'peqqu ,(leurJ'eleJel uoos 'seqruellxa lu peueltDllJo polBuustal\cutug s1uu1d3uno,{ uo uea;3 ro u,rorq lqSrl puu qloours'qloorus 3sr^ueqloseqcuurq uI€uI puu qunJl uo pelnsslJ{11uutpntt8uo1 I 'Aefi ryog esuepsu/hoJJ'lo^ol punoJElu peqcuurq-(eJouro) 9-Z'u^\oJc PepunoJc qll\\ cluoJqo I 'eseq 'u 'llut Jo pepunoJ lu ruErpruc 0t-09 qunJl / seulleuJos w 9-Z saa.tlJo sqr./{s snoJq"l0 I t '(luuue^epoll.{qd 3uo1'saya4waq y su pelnqrltsrp - '^\SN "IaW ') 'C rgNVC 'CV . osr :ottr€ :olotl) unsDw X g IIe ,\N t00 HJUAd V899 l '?g6l Jequaldes g 'urprlsny ure1sa16',{s^\q8rHuroquoN leug uo purg seu,{u4 UDI :,wdfi Jo S 9 t0 t L a 'EIEIITJ€xe'Eloalnl oJluacpes er8tu pe seuunrq-oJlEEJnJSqo S 'e8uo1 'ElE^o pE uqeutpnlt8uol ouwas EaunnJq-otnltpueceueqc urur E-t 1e,rucr1dr11a D8uolqo I pu1wn3a7 saloll elel unu 8-g te E8uot uc A 8 pe enbsnu?uo1qo etsr8uu srlalcslp sllBdesue'jj-g J 'srToetcurq 'snqrJourgg-gg 'sreJnu-olnllp slludD) eurs ept,rt,t snquulnqolS sltl1utuoJesglnuuJed J 'seyrcer8 'sllnlldEc r8uol uru (gI)ZI-L(g) lfrunpad Isnlrul sqeclrqur slloolc€rq3 alnlue^nf e 'r8uo1 'Elu^reulunecnelSqns 6-7 uw (Zdgl- LO) lanDY s\lnu Ie slJntsqosnqlleJelel sl^Jeu 1a,t I 'sls,\Jn3e.r 'elce.Ie Brpur^ ralrAaIede€s luecldE pe le €lE^JncurJelIAel pe €lceJ PBEr]uepuecse enburnreld L .Ertrxel+ 'e8uoy 'BlnJE €rnuel tlet ulu] (9)9-Z ruc al-6 etrueutl etrsn8ueolpqfqd €qlB ulnsrlnc S srsserdruoc1a,r sqelnSue ssluarxe p€ ,sllnur2d'oteJnssrJ snqrledtcuud soruer 1e socuml ur oqp edeus s 'sntle 'snl€puntoJ 'snsuep alluoC ru , unpJelur pas ru 9-6 raqu18srln€crllnur anburnreld raJnJl '^ou 'I ds'ullsEl I eJeBqJoqlu"BlJetv suollBJutddlolral puu salaeds^|a6tr il,{UE ersrr,,{rlrrry'ullsnN d g 184 NuytsiaVol.10, No.2 (1995) 2.5 km NW of Carnamahon Midlands Road to Three Springs,B.R. Maslin 6583 (MEL, PERTH); Mouroubra Station, 68.5 km S of PaynesFind, B.R. Maslin 6666 (PERTH); East Yuna Reserve, A28415,29231, c. 70 km NE of Ceraldton, B.G. Muir 158(2.7)(PERTH); 5 km E of Kanoun Hill, 2 P.
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