I I R 8 2 2 I IN.UT 8 5 I INDIA I Repor mission o t Uttao t 3 nr1 Pradesh (UP-13) I I Sector: Rural Water Supply Purpose Progres— : s evaluatio f rurano l water supply projects under I Sub-Projects I and III — Final appraisa f recaslo t water supply schemes I r Sub-Projecfo V I t Commissioned by: Development Co-operation Department Asia (DAD I of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs I I I I I I water supply I I October 1985 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 Compositio f missiono -13P nU : I R. Trietsch - DHV Consulting Engineers, leader of the mission m A.K. Ghosh - Asstt. Adviser (PHE), CPHEEO - RWS J.A. Speets - Water Supply Coordinator, Royal Netherlands Embassy 1 I I I I I INDIA Repor mission o tUtta o t 3 rn1 Pradesh (Ur~1o) I I § Sector: Rural Water Supply Purpose: — Progress evaluation of rural water supply projects under • Sub-Projects I and III * — Final appraisal of recast water supply schemes r Sub-Projecfo V I t I Commissioned by: Development Co-operation Department Asia (DAL) Netherlande th f o s Ministr Foreigf yo n Affairsf| I I I . I I I _ October 1985 I jf Edite: dby R. Trietsch — DHV Consulting Engineers — Amersfoort, The Netherlands I 1 I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I LIST OF RURAL WATER SUPPLY REPORTS, UTTAR PRADESH 4 5 1 LIS ABBREVIATIONF TO S 0 1 1. INTRODUCTIO SUMMARD NAN Y I 2. SUB-PROJECT I (UP EAST) 13 2.1. Physical progress 13 I 2.1.1. General aspects 13 2.1.2. Progress of schemes in Rae Bareli District 14 2.1.3. Progres schemef so Allahaban si 5 1 d District 2.1.4. Progres schemef so Varanasn si 5 1 i District I 2.2. Public standpost privatd san e 6 connection1 s 2.2.1. 6 Publi1 c standposts realized 2.2.2. Type constructiod san publif no c standpost0 2 s I 2.2.3. Privat1 2 e connections realized 2.2.4. Income generation from private connections 25 7 2 2.2.5. Conclusions 2.3. Power supply 28 I 2.40 3 . Operatio maintenancd nan e 2.4.1. Supply hours 30 2.4.2. Monitorin0 3 schemf go e operation I 2.5. Project duration 32 2.6. Project costs 33 I 3. SUB-PROJECT III (HAND PUMP SCHEMES) 35 I 6 3 4. SUB-PROJEC P EAST(U V )TI 4.1. Appraisal Report 36 6 3 4.1.1. General I 4.1.27 3 . Population projections 4.1.3. Public standposts 38 4.1.49 .3 Implementation schedule I 4.2. Addendum to Appraisal Report 40 I 1 4 5. FINANCIAL PROCEDURES 1I I I I I ANNEXES: I A. Term Referencf so Revier efo w Mission UP-1 Uttao 3t r Pradesh B. Itinerary of mission C. List of authorities visited/senior staff involved in imple- mentatio schemee th f no s I D. Conclusion Recommendationd san Indo-Dutce th f so h Review Mission of October 1985 to Uttar Pradesh (UP-13) E. Scheme-wise summary of data (Sub-Project East-I) I F. Short histor f Sub-Projectyo , IIIV II I , , sI I G. Salient features of schemes proposed for Sub-Project IV I I1 I I I I I I I f I I I 1 1 1 4 1 LIS RURAF TO L WATER SUPPLY REPORTS, UTTAR PRADESH Report Dated Subject Sub-Project f No. UP-1 November 1978 Appraisal East-I 1 UP-2 March 1979 Appraisal West- I UP-3 November 1979 Reappraisal East-I I UP-4 April 1981 Progress evaluation East-I Reappraisal West-I 1 UP-5 December 1981 Progress evaluation East-I Reappraisal East-II UP-6 March 1982 Hydro-geological appraisal 2, I Preliminary Report, West-I UP-7 May 1982 Progress evaluation East-I, -II f UP-8 February 1983 Comprehensive revied wan East-I, -II appraisal West-II ,-I 1 UP-9 October 1983 Progress evaluation East-I UP-10 October 1984 Progress evaluation East-I, -II, -III I West UP-11 March 1985 Work plan for sanitation, East-I, -III, -IV drainage and health 1 activities UP- 12 May 1985 Progress evaluation East-I 1 Appraisal East-Ill, -IV UP-13 October 1985 Progress evaluation East-I, -III 1 Re-appraisal East IV 1 1 1 1 1 I i LIS ABBREVIATIONF TO S AC asbestos cement AE assistant engineer CE chief engineer CI cast iron CPHEEO Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organization DCP Dutch Credit Progamme EE executive engineer E&M electrical and mechanical ESR elevated service reservoir Gol Governmen Indif to a HC house connection HOPE high-density polyethylene Ipcd litres per capita and per day O&M operation and maintenance PA personal assistant PHC Public Health Circle PHE Public Health Engineering PHMechC Public Health Mechanical Circle PHPC Public Health Project Circle PHSSubDiv Public Health Sanitary Sub-Division PHWDiv Public Health Works Division PPRD Project Preparation, Research and Development PR public relations RCC reinforced (cement) concrete SC/ST scheduled castes/scheduled tribes SE superintending engineer SEB State Electricity Board TW tubewell UP Uttar Pradesh UPJN Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam V.P. ' vandal-proof VT vertical turbine UP'. 3 ,-. UTTAR KASHI I . •—k \ - •. TEHRI | CHAMOLI <fc, \GARHWAU x ,"\ PITHORA . 1 GARH ^AHARASAHARAN N/ . MUZAFFAR '"-•^X*^ NAGAR VBWNOR / MELRUT i 1 x \MORADA /RAM ,—r- «. .,.J BAD /PUR/ ? , (GORAKHf yBASTI • """^ x GARH PALLIA GARH >JAUNV ALLAHABAD RAE BARELI DISTRICT 1 ToSultanpur ASHRAFPUR GOVINDPUR BHOJPUR To Pratapgarh X FEROJPUR Rural Water Supply Projects in Rae Bareli District Illllllllllllllllll Sub-projectI c f::::';:SS'j Other schemes I/O ALLAHABAD DISTRICT PRATAPPUR GHURDAULI 00 Rural Water Supply Project Allahaban si d District ^ -^ Sub-project I Sub-project IV Other schemes c VARANASI DISTRICT """\ \ HATHIBARNI "'"*• BIRAONKOT HARHUA SEWAPURI VARANASI MIRZAMURAD MAHADAPUR Rural Water Supply Projects in Varanasi District Sub-project I Sub-project IV Other schemes c IP u I I I 10 I 1. INTRODUCTIO SUMMARD NAN Y I In October 1985 the Indo-Dutch Review Mission UP-13 visited the State of Uttar Pradesh firse .th Thits visiswa reviea f o t w mission aftee rth reorganizatio Ministre th f no Workf yo Housingd san , whereby this swa I divided into separate department urbar srurafo d nan l development- ,un der different ministries. As a result of this, a new representative of CPHEEO participate missione th n di , viz A.K. .Mr . Ghosh, Assistan- tAd viser CPHEEO-RWS. The other mission members were: Mr. J.A. Speets, Water I Supply Coordinato Royae th lt ra Netherland sTrietsc. R Embassy . Mr hd ,an of DHV Consulting Engineers missios ,a n leader. I The mission had the following main tasks (see Annex A, Terms of Refer- detailea ence r ,fo d description): revieo T physicae 1.wth l progres Sub-Projecf so (East)I t , with em- I phasis on the following aspects: - implementation of public standposts - policy regarding house connections vs. public standposts 1 - financial procedures regarding financin projece th f go t revieo T progrese wth . 2 Sub-Projecf so (hanI II t d pump schemes) 3. To check the project reports on the revised projects under Sub- I Project IV After its arrival in Lucknow the mission had extensive discussions with the Chairman and senior staff of the Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam. In addi- I tion, discussions were held wit Ministee hth Statf ro Housinr efo d gan Urban Development, Mrs. Padma Seth wit d Secretare an ,hth Governo yt - ment, Housin Urbag& n Development Kama. ,Mr l Pandey. I Thereafter, the mission visited the three Districts involved: Rae Bare- li, Allahaba Varanasd dan i (fo mission'e rth s itinerar Annee yse . xB) Becaus numbea f eo holidaysf ro missioreturt e no ,th Lucknoo d nt n di w I directly afte fiele rth d trip missioe .Th n leader therefor sepaa d -eha rate session with the Managing Director and senior staff of the U.P. Jal Niga Lucknown i m discuso ,t mission'e sth s "Conclusion Recomd san - I mendations", after his participation in a mission to Gujarat. maie Th n conclusion missio e summarizee b th y f so nma followss da : I 1. Progres Sub-Projecf so (EasttI ) Progres especialln si Barele yRa i Distric s sufferetha d badly from combinatioa thref no e factors: I a. severe drought b. severe floods c. unprecedented shortage of funds available to the Uttar Pradesh I State Government As a result of these, a shortage developed in manpower and funds r carryin ongoine fo th t gou activities Barele Ra avail e n th I i. - I able capacity was concentrated on the Udari scheme, which had the I I I I I 11 I most severe backlogscheme e Districe th th t orden n si i ,ge to rt 1 at approximatel same yth e leve f completiono l . Allahabae Ith n Varanasd dan i Districts almos schemel al t s have I been commissione meantimee th n i d . 2. Public standposts I requiree Mosth f to d numbe publif ro c standposts (or: taps) have been constructed, especiall Allahabae th n i yd Varanas dan i Dis- tricts, but their designs were found to be different in each of the Districts publie th s c.A standpost mose th t e importansar t I means of direct contact between the consumer and the water supply undertaking, they should be of a very durable construction, and preferably tamper-proof opinioe th missioe f o .Th n s thanwa t more I attention should be paid to the structural aspects and standard- izatiopublie th f cno standpostsschemew ne e sth under .Fo r Sub- Project IV it was, therefore, recommended to have all cost cal- culations based on 'vandal-proof standposts in reinforced con- 1 crete, with adequate drainage facilities.
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