PBOCEEDINGS SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, SESSIONS MDCCCLVII.-VIII.——MDCOCLIX.-LX. VOL. III. EDINBUKGH: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY. MUCCCLXII. TS N TE N C0 Extract from Council Minutes. List of Offlce-Bearers 1859-60. List of Fellows, June 1860. Lis Honorarf o t y Members, November 1860. Table Contentf so . III. Partf II so . , sI ..i ii . LisIllustrationsf o t , .....x i . Proceedings durin Seventy-eighte 1 gth . h Session . , Proceedings durin1 Seventy-ninte 15 gth . h Session . , Proceeding1 32 s durin . Eightiete gth . h Session . , Index, ......7 50 . TABL F CONTENTSO E , PART I., 1857-58. PAGE President's Address. By COSMO INNES, V.P.S.A. Scot.,... 3 Historical Description of the Altar-Piece, painted in the reign of King James Thire th f Scotlanddo Palace th f n Holyroodi ,eo Dy AB vi. e LATNG, P.S.A. Scot. (Plate I.), .....8 . NoticAnciene th f eo t Monument, suppose e tha b f James o to dt , first Earl of Morton, in the Church of Dalkeith. By JAMES DBUMMOND, R.S.A., F.S.A. Scot. (Plates II., II.*), ..... 25 Remark Roune th n so d Towe Brechinf . o rJERVISE A y B . , Corr. Mem. S.A, Scot. (Plate III.), ....... 28 NoticLoce Isle th Banchoryf f th he o o f eo othed an , r example Crannogesf so . By JOSEPH ROBEKTSON, F.S.A. Scot., .... 35 Notice of the Boman Altars, &c., presented by the Right Hon. Sir GEORGE CLER Penicuikf Ko , Bart. (Plate IV.), ...7 3 . "Notico Crannogetw f eo sPallisader "o d Islands Butn i , e; wit h Plansy B . JOHN MACKINLAY, F.S.A. Scot. (Plate V.), ..3 4 . Notic Hile Toma Roseislef f th eo o l n bo , Morayshire, recently opene dals; o of the Chambered Cairns and Stone Circles at Clava, on Nairnside. By COSMO INNES, V.P.S.A. Scot. (Plates VI., VII.), ... 40 Account of a recent discovery of Stone Cists, containing Urns and human bones, in the farm of Windymains, Humble, Haddingtonshire. By Mr EOBEET FOEMAN ; communicate Reve th .y db JAME S DODS, Dunbar0 5 , PresenOe nth tQuestion e Statth f o e , " Wher Johs ewa n Knox borny ?B " JOHN RICHAEDSON, Procurator-fiscal, Haddington; with Supplementary Notice DAVIy sb D LAING, F.S.A. Scot., ...2 5 . Notic Kere th f Samuelstonf so eo THOMAy B . S THOMSON, F.S.A4 .6 Scot., Notic Sculpturef o e d Stones foun t "a d Dinnacair," near Stonehaveny B . ALEXANDER THOMSON of Banchory (Plate VIII.), ... 69 The Law of Treasure-Trove : How it can be best adapted to accomplish useful . resultsHENEA y B Y. RHIND, HonG 7 . Mem . S.A. Scot.. , IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Notice of Cists recently discovered on the Sea-shore at Lundy in Fife. Com- municated by Mrs DUNDAS DURHAM of Largo, . 76 Notice of a Stone Coffin which contained an Urn and Jet Ornaments, dis- covered near Pitkennedy, paris Aberlemnof ho , Forfarshire ANDREy B . W JERVTSE, Corr. Mem. S.A. Scot., ....8 7 . Notice of -a Coffin cut out of the Solid Book, containing an Urn, &c., dis- covere t dFemea , Forfarshire ANDREy B . W JERVISE, Corr. Mem. S.A. Scot., .......0 8 . Notes of some Curiosities of Old Scottish Tenures and Investitures. By Pro- fessor INNES, V.P.S.A. Scot., ..... 81 Historical Notices of the Family of King James the First of Scotland, chiefly. from information communicated by JOHN RIDDELL, F.S.A. Scot. By DAVID LAING, F.S.A. Scot., ...... 87 Notice of Bronze Relics, &c., found in the Isle of Skye. By JOHN ALBX. SMITH.10, . M.D.,1 Sec. S.A . -Scot., Notic f Farthingeo f Johnso , Kin f Englandgo , fro mhoara f Coindo s dis- covered at Newry. By JOHN LINDSAT, Hon. Mem. S.A. Scot., Cork ; communicated by GEORGE SIM, F.S.A. Scot., . 107 Notice of a Chamber recently excavated in the Stone Circle of Callernish in the Lewis. By Sir JAMES MATHESON, Bart., M.P., . 110 Remarks Stonoe nth e Circl Callernishf eo Lieuty "B .. W F . THOMAS .L , R.N., Corr. Mem. S.A. Scot., . .112 Notic Voluma e f "o e th Account f eo r Willia Si f so m Bruc f Balcaskieeo , General Surveyor of His Majesty's Works (1674-1679)," now in the General Register House. By JOSEPH ROBERTSON, F.S.A. Scot., . 113 Remarks on the Ancient Barrier called " The Catrail;" with Plans. By WILLIAM NORMA . N KENNEDY . 11, Hawick7 . , Notice of the Burg of Mousa in Shetland. By Sir HENRY DRYDEN, Bart.; communicated by JOHN STUART, Sec. S.A. Scot. (Plate IX.), . 123 Accoun Circulaa f o t r Building d othean , r Ancient Remains, discoveren di Sout HENRr hSi Uisty YB DRYDEN. .12 . , Bart.4, Notic f Beehivo e e House n Harrii s d Lewisan s ; with Traditione th f o s " Each-uisge," or Water-horse, connected therewith. By Commander . THOMASL . W . F , R.N., Corr. Mem. S.A. Scot. (Plate XVII.)o t . 7 sX 12 , Note of the Recent Excavation of a Cairn on the High Law, and of other Antiquities Parise th n Cruden,f i h o , Aberdeenshire . Reve B th . .J y B .• PRATT; with Additional Note JOHy sb N STUART, Sec. S.A4 .14 Scot. , PART II., 1858-59. PAGE President's Address Hony B .. Lord NEAVES2 , V.P.S.A15 . Scot. , Repor e Affaire e StatSocietyth th th f f n eJOHy o o o ts B .N STUART, Sec. S.A. Scot., ........ 157 Notice of a Deed by Sir James Sandilands of Calder, relative to the Parish Church of Mid-Calder. By JOSEPH ROBERTSON, F.S.A. Scot. (Plates XVIII., XIX.) ......0 16 . Notic f Armoriaeo l Bearing Inscriptiond san Churce th n s i f Mid-Calder ho . By JOHN STUART, Sec. S.A. Scot. (Plates XX., XXI.), . 166 Proposal Cleaninr sfo Lightind gan Cite g th Edinburgf yo yeae th r n hi 1735 . With Explanatory Remarks by DAVID LAING, F.S.A. Scot., . 171 Descriptio Isle Caira f th Bute ef o JOHy n o n ni B .N MACKINLAY, F.S.A. Scot., .......0 18 . Notic t Govane'S f eo s Hermitage, near Pembroke, South Wales COSMy B . O INNES, V.P.S.A. Scot., ...... 184 Remarks on the Ancient Structures called Picts' Houses and Burghs, with especial referenc e Burgth f o Moust o eh n Shetlandi a y JOHB N. STUART, Sec. S.A. Scot . (Plat.18 . e XXIII.)7 . , Notic Barroa f eo wt Huntiscarta Parise th Harrayf n hhi o , Orkney, recently opened GEORGy B . E PETRIE ; communicate JAMEy db S FARREB, F.S.A. Scot. (Plate XXII.), .....5 19 . Contract betwee Cite nth f Edinburg yo d Johhan n Meikle Chima r f fo , o e Musical Bells, 1698. Communicated by DAVID LAING, F.S.A. Scot., 196 Report respecting the Applications to the Treasury on the subject of Treasure-Trove. By JOHN STUART, Sec. S.A. Scot., . 203 Descriptio f Beehive'Houseo n Islane th f Harrisn di so y CommandeB . r F. W. L. THOMAS, R.N., Corr. Mem. S.A. Scot., . .206 Ben Jonso Edinburgn i yeae th rn hi 1618 DAVIy B . D LAING, F.S.A. Scot.6 20 , Account of " The Dane's Dyke," an ancient Camp at Fife-Ness. By JOHN MACKINLAY, F.S.A. Scot . (Plat.20e . XXIV.)9 . , Not Incisef eo a Circl f d o f Standin o Markee on n so g Stone Islane th n si d of Lewis. By JOHN STUART, Sec. S.A. Scot. (Plate XXV.), . 212 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Notic Hospitae th f t Martheo S f lo t Aberdouraa Reve ,th Fife.y WILLIAB . M Boss, Aberdour, . .214 Notic Eare Bona th Irviuf f eo lo y dotheb d ean r Officer Scote th f so s Guar d of the French King (Louis XIV.), for Expenses of the Corps, &c. By JAMES LAW, W.S., . 222 Notice of a Beehive House in the Island of St Kilda. By THOMAS S. MUIE ; with Additional Notes by Captain F. W. L. THOMAS, R.N., Corr. Mem. S.A. Scot., ......5 22 . Notice of the " Quigrich" or Crozier of Saint Fillau. By DANIEL WILSON, LL.D., Hon. Mem. S.A. Scot. (Plat . e XXVI.).23 . , 3 subjece Papeth n Burns'f ro o t s Eeve Pistolsth .y BishoB . p GILLIS9 23 , . Lis f Treasure-Troveo t , from Orkne d otheyan r places, presentee th o t d MuseuEXCHEQUERe th y mb , .....5 24 . Notic"e Bluidth f eo y Banner Drumclof "o Bothweld gan l Brig, preserved at Dunbar. By JAMBS DRUMMOND, F.S.A. Scot. (Plates XXVII. to XXIX.), ... .... 253 Saint Maelrubh Histors hi a: Churchesd yan WILLIAy B . M REEVES, D.D., Hon. Mem. S.A. Scot., ...... 258 Notice of the Ancient Church of St Helen at Aldcambus, and of Fragments of a Monastic Building at Luffness ; with Plans. By THOMAS S. Mure, (Plates XXX., XXXI.), .....6 29 . Notice of an Anglo-Saxon Styca of Osbercht, King of Northumbria. By JOHN ALEX. SMITH, M.D., . Sec. S.A.30 . Scot.0, e RounTh d Towe f Abernethyo r y RICHARB . D ROLT BRASH, Architect, Cork (Plate XXXIL), .. .303 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART III.-1859-60. PAGE Anniversary Address COSMy B .3 O 32 INNES . , F.S.A . Soot. , Vice-President's Address on Archaeology, its Aims and Uses. By LORD NEAVES, ........ 325 Accoun Lieut.-Colonef to l William Mercer. Autho "f o rAnglk e Speculum." Lond. 1646DAVIy B . D LAING, V.P.S.A .
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