Index to Volume 109 The Auk 109(4):950-962, 1992 COMPILED BY STEPHANIE A. WALKER This index is primarily one to new information. Previouslypublished information referred to in this volume has not been indexed unless extensive comparisonsor reinterpretations are involved. For some species, especiallyones not in the AOU Check-list,only scientificnames have been entered. New generic,subgeneric, specific,and subspecificnames are printed in boldfacetype. Accipitergentills, 844 Anthropoidesparadisea, 75-76; virgo,75 Acrylliumvulturinum, 41-42 Anthusspinoletta, 127 Adams, Albert W., see Keating, Jeffrey F., et al. Antilophiagaleata, 911-913 Aethia pusilla,576-584 Antshrike, Variable (see Thamnophiluscaerulescens); African francolins (seeFrancolinus spp.) Western (see Thamnomanesoccidentalis); White- Age, determination of, 444-450, 490-491; effect on shouldered(see Thamnophilus aethiops) breeding success,167-172 Aphelocomacoerulescens, 95, 133-147, 585-593; ultra- Agelaiusphoeniceus, 44-55, 126 marina, 133-147; unicolor, 133-147 Agelastesmeleagrides, 41-42 Aptenodytespatagonicus, 758-770 Ainley, David G., and RobertJ. Boekelheide,Seabirds Arborophilabrunneopectus, 41-42; torqueola,27-28 of the Farallon Islands:Ecology, dynamics, and Archilochuscolubris, 853-862 structure of an upwelling-systemcommunity Ardea herodias, 843 (rev.), 688-689; see also Spear, Larry, et al. ArgusJanusargus, 41-42 Ainley, Marianne Gosztonyi, In memoriam: Louise Arizona, 113 De Kiriline Lawrence, 909-910 Arnold, Todd W., Continuous laying by American Aix sponsa,812-818 Cootsin responseto partial clutch removal and Alabama, 216-217, 219-220 total clutch loss, 407-421 Alaska, 57-72, 126-132, 576-584, 896-897 Asthenes baeri, 353 Albatross,Sooty (see Phoebetria fusca) Auklet, Least (see Aethia pusilla) Alberta, 488-489 Auriparusfiaviceps, 173-177, 179-183 Alca torda, 556-562, 844 Australia, 14, 15, 800-811 Alectorisbarbara, 358-367; chukar,358-367; graeca,27- Avise, John C., see Ball, R. Martin, Jr., and -- 28, 41-42, 358-367; rufa, 358-367 Awards, Elliott Coues Award, 1991, see Wiens, John Alectura lathami, 41-42 A.; William Brewster Memorial Award, 1991, see Alkon, Philip V., see Randi, Ettore, et al. Oring, Lewis W. Amazonaochrocephala, 74 Ammodramusmaritimus, 126; savannarum,699-705, 706- 710 Bahamas, 277-279 Ammoperdixheyi, 41-42 Bakken, George S., and Kimberly F. Lee, Effectsof wind and illumination on behavior and meta- Anasbahamensis bahamensis, 277-292; formosa, 465-473; platyrhynchos,465-473, 844;rubripes, 465-473; ver- bolic rate of American Goldfinches (Carduelistris- sicolor, 465-473 tis), 119-125 Anatomy and morphology of Carpodacuserythrinus, Balearicapavonina, 75; regulorum,75 637-642; Bombycillacedrorum, 722-730, 807-808; Ball, R. Martin, Jr., and John C. Avise, Mitochondrial Columbalivia, 874-885; Francolinus spp., 24-42; Spi- DNA phylogeographic differentiation among zella arborea, 863-868; Thamnomanes occidentalis, avian populationsand the evolutionarysignifi- 307;Turdus migratorius, 98-11 I; Zonotrichiaquerula, canceof subspecies,626-636 863-868 Bambusicolathoracica, 27-28, 41-42 Andrews, Peter, Owls, caves and fossils. Predation, Bancroft,Robert P., see Flemming, Stephen P., et al. preservationand accumulationof small mammal Barnard,Phoebe, review by, 208-209 bones in caves,with an analysis of the Pleisto- Barton,Tim R., see Williams, Tony D., et al. cene cave faunas from Westbury-sub-Mendip, Bates, John M., and Robert M. Zink, Seasonal varia- Somerset,United Kingdom (rev.), 402-403 tion in gene frequenciesin the House Sparrow Anhingaanhinga, 843 (Passerdomesticus), 658-662 Ankney, C. Davison, see Gilliland, Scott G., and Beauchamp,Guy, Diving behaviorin Surf Scotersand Barrow'sGoldeneyes, 819-827 950 October1992] Indexto Volume 109 951 Beehler, Bruce M., editor of book reviews, 208-214, Bonta, Marcia Myers, Women in the field (rev.), 211 398-405, 683-696, 939-948; reviews by, 404-405, Borgia,Gerald, see Coilis, Ken, and -- 694-695, 695-696, 944-945 Bowerbird, Satin (see Ptilonorhynchusviolaceus) Behavior,activity patterns, 119-125, 223-234, 315-320; Brachyramphusmarmoratum, 844 aggressive,422-434; agonistic, 602-605, 819-827; Brant, Black (seeBranta bernicla nigricans) altruistic (see Communal breeding); antipreda- Brantabernicla nigricans, 896-903 tor, 601-608; breeding, 90-97, 167-172, 192-195, Brazil, 786-799 197-199,199-201,277-292, 407-421,563-575, 585- Breedingof Anasbahamensis bahamensis, 277-292; Cor- 593, 601-608, 697-705, 706-710, 711-721,748-757, vusbrachyrhynchos hesperis, 609-619; Crax dauben- 786-799; copulatory, 563-575; diving, 819-827; toni,197-199; Guira guira, 786-799; Grusamericana, dominance, 422-434; egg rejection, 596-598; 522-523; Parula americana,215-222; Taeniopygia feeding, 67, 98-111,223-234, 235-241, 242-248, guttata,13-23; Troglodytesaedon, 192-195 315-320, 334-345, 758-770, 863-868; flight, 235- Breeding seasonof Aix sponsa,813-815; Anas baha- 241,256-267, 268-276, 500-510, 869-873, 874-885; mensisbahamensis, 277-292; Crax daubentoni,197- individual distance,203; mate guarding, 563-575; 199; Dendroica coronata, 334; D. caerulescens,321- mate replacement,280-292; mating preference, 333; D. petechia,249-255; Larusoccidentalis, 242- 563-575;nesting, 280-292, 556-562, 610-612, 786- 248; Picoidesborealis, 90-97; Taeniopygiaguttata, 799, 812-818; nest helper (seeCommunal breed- 17-19 ing); parental care, 491-492, 496, 556-562, 828- Breedingsuccess 167-172, 312-313, 407-421,474-487, 846; preening, 68-69; sexual selection, 197-199, 488-499, 522-523, 543-545, 603, 606-607, 620-625, 199-201; site fidelity, 576, 578-579; 812-818; so- 697-705, 706-710, 737-740,747-757, 812-818, 896- cial, 277-292, 422-434, 609-619, 786-799; terri- 903 torial, 194, 278;thermoregulatory, 112-118, 119- 125 Breedingsuccess of Aix sponsa,815-817; Ammodramus savannarum,707-709; Branta bernicla nigricans, 896- Behavior of Anas bahamensisbahamensis, 277-292; Bu- 903; Chen caerulescenscaerulescens, 737-740; Corvus cephalaislandica, 819-827; Calidrisalpina, 57-72; coronecorone, 543-555; Corvus coronecornix, 543- Carduelistristis, 119-125; Caribbean avifauna, 148- 555; Dendroica coronata, 334; D. caerulescens,321- 166; Juncophaeonotus, 112-118; Melanitta perspi- 333;D. petechia,249-255; Grus americana, 522-523; cillata, 819-827; Phalaenoptilusnuttallii, 315-320; Larus occidentalis,242-248; Lonchurastriata, 620- Thamnomanesoccidentalis punctitectus, 303-305; 625;Milvus migrans,748-757; M. milvus,748-757; Turdusmigratorius, 98-111 Pooecetesgraminus, 707-709; Passerculus sandwich- Behle,William H., Utah birds: Historicalperspectives ensis,707-709; Tachycinetabicolor, 491-492; Zena- and bibliography (rev.), 210-211 ida macroura, 312-313 Behnke,Keith C., see Keating,Jeffrey F., et al. Briggs,Dirk R., seeWilliams, Tony D., et al. Bill coloration in Taeniopygiaguttata, 13-23; effect of Brigham,R. Mark, and RobertM. R. Barclay,Lunar crowding on, 14, 15, 20; effectof diet on, 14, 15, influence on foraging and nesting activity of 19-22; effect of reproduction on, 14, 15, 17-18, 20-22 Common Poorwills (Phalaenoptilusnuttallii), 315- 320 Birkhead,T. R., Spermstorage and the fertile period Briskie, James V., Copulation patterns and sperm in the BengaleseFinch, 620-625 competition in the polygynandrous Smith's Bj6rklund,Mats, Selection of bill size proportionsin the Common Rosefinch (Carpodacuserythrinus), Longspur, 563-575 637-642 British Columbia, 819-827 Blackbird, Jamaican(see Nesopsarnigerrimus); Red- Brittingham,Margaret C., seeKarasov, William H., et al. winged (seeAgelaius phoeniceus); Yellow-headed (seeXanthocephalus xanthocephalus) Brush,Alan H., reviews by, 211-212, 403-404, 693- Boag,Peter T., seeSeutin, Gilles, et al. 694 Bobolink (seeDolichonyx oryzivorus) Bubovirginianus, 844 Bobwhite, Northern (seeColinus virginianus) Bucephalaislandica, 819-827 Bock, Walter J., see Schuchmann, Karl-L., and Buchholz, Richard, Confusing models with tests in studies of sexual selection:Reply to Jones,199- Boekelheide, Robert, see Ainley, David G., and 201 Bugeranuscarunculatus, 74-76 Boismenu,Claire, Gilles Gauthier, and JacquesLaro- Bunting,Corn (seeMiliaria calandra);Indigo (seePas- chelie,Physiology of prolongedfasting in Great- serinacyanea ); Reed(see Emberiza schoeniclus ); Rus- er Snow Geese (Chen caerulescensatlantica), 511- tic (see Emberizarustica); Siberian Meadow (see 521 Emberizacioides); Snow (seePlectrophenax nivalis) Bombycillacedrorum, 722-730 Burley,Nancy Tyler, Donald K. Price,and RichardA. Bonasa umbellus, 844 Zann, Bill color, reproductionand conditionef- 952 Indexto Volume109 [Auk, Vol. 109 fects in wild and domesticated Zebra Finches, Chordeiles minor, 315-320, 844 13-23 Chrysolophuspictus, 41-42 Burtt, Edward H., Jr., In memoriam: Ralph Warren Ciconia ciconia, 843 Dexter, 906 Clench,Mary H., Pterylographyof birds-of-paradise Bustamante, Javier, see Vifiuela, Javier, and -- and the systematicposition of Macgregor'sBird- Buteojamaicensis, 844 of-paradise(Macgregoria pulchra), 923-928; and Butorides virescens,843 John R. Mathias, Intestinal transit: How can it be delayed long enough for birds to act as long- Cacholote,Brown (seePseudoseisura 1ophotes); Rufous- distancedispersal agents?, 933-936 crested (see Pseudoseisuracristata) Clutchsize of Brantabernicla nigricans, 896-903; Corvus Caffrey,Carolee, Female-biased delayed dispersal and coronecorone, 548-549; Corvus coronecornix, 548- helping in AmericanCrows, 609-619 549; Dendroicacaerulescens, 324-325; D. petechia, Calcariuspictus, 563-575 249-255;Fulica americana, 407-421; Guira guira,
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