A�.,._.<,•nrthn1 THE r•WESTFIELD UADING AND MOST WIDELY CiaCULATED W£EKL y NEWSl'Al'E• INLEADER- UNION COUNTY WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1941 Stnat1 Appoint• Judge Tlaomp1on Adalt School R11iltration For 11UrteenFuture ladactiot ·: C..mpaip Stcond T1rm To Taken Monday Soldiers To N1w J1r11y'1 Highest Coart· Speed Be Procea ofTroops Two Wnl Ceunea Fer Lderelta State'• Hirlaeat Ce.t SixS37,115.1 2 TraYeler 43 Al F� FortLeave Quliicatia c.... , •r o. Olered Fer New DD. Be·HeW Nut T..ta1. lejed · Seaien ••• Lin•ller1 ..... Sec•• Te Rep. Ju. , Cleuilr Up nr"Cavalry .. Agencies' la­ Werk Emu; teia ,.,... ZO Gn•P tf SelectiYea .. LMYI Forty-three eourees for which reg­ ,County Judge Lloyd Thompson of M n i e p istrations will be aecepted Monday Z Vtluateers ou tains d was ap ointed a lay NenWeek cWiq member of the Court of Errors and Rapid progress was made thll wffll 'activity of West eld' social evening at the Roosevelt Junior High Thirteen men comprising the sec fi - Appeals Monday night by the State e the growth of the School being offered in the sec­ ond qu.cita of Selective Servke Board by the two local troop& of the· Hh4 ,,a� nate. L. Hetfield' III, of to ond · of e Westfield Adult - Se Walter ot result in a mar ed in­ th No. 4 left West eld yesterday morn· Cavalry in the process of lnductiq k tetin fi Plainfield was named Thompson's suc­ amount to be raised in School. The list Includes a number .ing for Induction into federal mili- cessor on the Common Pleas bencb. them in federal rv e phylleal of new classes as well as a l rge tary service In Newark. Campaign for Westfield a to te lc ae group <>f s Qualification ceremonies for the two examinations were rushed to ies for 1941, William M. course continu.ing from About thirty persons assembled jui·ists will probably be held next eom.. e the fimt term of ten weeks. Regis ple t.Ion. �hahman of th campaign, ­ at headquarters in McKinley School tration is Tuesday. at a meeting of agency scheduled from 7 :30 to at 7 a. m, yesterday to witness the Members of the Induction tt.. 10 o'clock, Monday evening. The Lommon Pleas bench will not onday night in the West- cHemony conducted by the chair- are: Major be officially vacant until Judge Thomp­ • Only $1166.81 more will Among the new wurses are two man, F. S. Parker. Chief Clerk Clar Lyman Parka of W•&­ - son is sworn in as a member of the field, infantry reserve, who chief n was asked for in 1940, to be given by Prof. C. R. Rounds, ence W. Hodge called the roll and II state's of the Un\on County Park Pelill4'1 e campaign will open on head of the EnJt]ish Department of read the charge. Brief talks were highest court. - Before assum­ ing his new post in Tl'enton, Judge and Lieutll. S. Lawrence Saa11el1 and close on March 3. Trenton State Teachers College, made by Mr. Parker and by Robert ' ' Thompson is anxious to dispose of and Robert T, Fielding both of, s were greed upon by Correction of Common Errors in nevily, the government appeal , 11 s. S some matters pending in the county Plainfield ; and Edward T. tati es of Westfield social English, and Modern Poetry. Both agent. Lynch of v ourt Elizabeth, all physicians of the lledl· r a study of a report by classes have attracted large enroll The selected men left at 7 c ­ :30 in In t. he words of State Senator Chas. cal Reserve. Ca pt Thom• ns, chairman of the bud'­ ments in the Trenton Leisure Hour , company with other draftees from E. Loizcaux regarding the Thompson HowellCo l'}}Sof 'Belleville, regimental med· tee. Amounts needed by School where Prof. Rounds has given Plainfield ca e by special bus. who confirmation, confid nt that icul o cer, gave lnnoeulatlons. were scrutinized by com- them for five consecutive terms. e Inf ntr th way t<> the 113th y ho p "I 's amrecord e om­ ffi in t and then On a T m son in the C With most of the men having been he agency CAllVETH WELLS Flower Arrangements offered by Armory jn Newarm stops were made Judge k mon Pleas Court justifies his eleva­ eumined, only three have been drop. y the budget committee Mrs, David George; Golf clll6ses un­ at Cranford and Roselle for selected eir tion. His ju icial ability is recog­ ped because physical d.llablllty, d Campaign. With th der the direction of Bruce Heatly, men from these towns. d nized throughout the state and I am A f cases ofof f i e vision were the agencies provided Echo Lake p o the Westfield Town ew de ect v Carvetb Wells r ; The men who were induded are: par mittee with statements happy to have ticipated in his found, but all' were corrected with Meeting coordinated by former au a rison pe r t George D, Br n of 36 H r appointment and confirmation." eyeglasses. e and ex nses fo he Mayor William M. Beard; Person­ JUDGE LLOYD THOMPSON venue, na med leader; Volunteer Judl!;e Thompson was unanimously years. a Troop A Is seeking about twenty. To Speak Monday alized Interior Decorating, in which Cla e John R. Lindberg of 308 rk confirmed by the Senate for the E1·­ to be rais d carry women niay learn to make draperies five recruits reach authorized to strete, assoc.late leader; Volunteer rors Court vacancy created by the to It.a helping help and other decorating materials, and st1ength of 123 enlisted men. others to John C. Gibbona of 1 24 Ludlow e t of ud Walter Hetfield Jr. · 1941 was set as $37,- Noted Explorer to Describe d h J ge L. era! p os c were interviewed Bev•thl1 a course for men who are interested of 6 0 a League Sponsors r pe tll e place; Walsh 5 Jud e Thompson's term expires In 0, th amount asked Experiences in All Parts In Military Science and Tactics, are week. Application for enliltment ShadowlawnHoward drive; 0. Do ald I. Stiles September,g 1943. As an Errors .31. classes which w,ill be introduced to may be made between 8 a. m, an• of 439 entral C he will receive $9,000 the report of Mr. Hav Of World ourt judge, ElectionTalk p. m. to Capt. J ohn L. Lee, the -. the school for the first time this year, Vigliantl C 616 avenue;Cenntr Ennloavenu J. ; rtionment of the $37,­ of al e a year and he may practice law. 6 d ng he s co d te m commanding off.icer, or First Serirt. uri t e n r . Frank Curtis of Farley avenue, busy clearing their : District Nursing As- "Around the World in olor" will Both men are Roger Beam. Troop E, acout car C Courses which have been arranged Scotch Plains; Harry J. Hol es of desks pending matters this Calls Public Meetin1 to Dia . 61.70; YMCA, $13,881- be the interesting subject Carveth of current · outfit, reached ita strenrth of to accommodate new registran Scotch Plains avenue; Ralph Di- preparatory to the Induction 121 uts, $4,552.51; YWCA, Wells has chosen to present at the ts as week, cuu Reform of Pre ent men Sunday. well as those who were enrolled In Nizio211 t avenue;m Peter irl Scouts, $3,967.21; regular meeting of the Woman's Club of 645 Cen r ceremonies. Hetfield J>lanned to spend s enlisted t e t r n ude : al Troops A and E were officially enter, $4,451.70. of Westfield Monday at 2:15 in the h m during the first e m I cl Salioli of 201 Cacciola place; Max much time with Judge Thompson In State Law Art for Beginners, Contract Brldge Moun- inducted at 8 m. Monday and are Hutson was appointed Masonic Temple. Rnnsenberg of the Towers, going over matters which the latter 11. for Beginners, Dressmaking, Metal s f 07 m slated to leave for a year tralnl11111 retnry of the campaign. Although an engineer by training, tain lde ; Arthur S, Eldr.idge o 4 will wish pass on for the attention 'l'he Westfield League of Wo en '• to at Fort Jacbon, S.' C., between Jan• l up n Crafts, Painting, Woodshop, Choral Prospect street; and George W. Tho- of his su cessor. Judge Thompson Voters will present Morl'is Schnitzer attended' were Mrs. W. S. Mr. We ls took exploratio as his c Singing, Current World Problems, mas of 16 Central avenue, by trans- u after his appointment that he of Newa k as guest speaker tomor­ uary 15 and 17, · Geo ·ge D. Crosby, Frank profession and has proceeded to en­ s id r • 1 Social Dancing, English or Foreign­ fer from2 Murray, Utah. d not a ed to submit a for- row in the Municipal Building at 8:15 Both troops have received a con­ r. George Bray, Mrs. F. joy a most exciting career. He has f ha been sk ers, Gardening, How to Listen to e amined fif- s Common p. m. at a public meeting designed' siderable amount of equipment, . , Mrs. C. M. F. Egel, D. led exped tions to Africa, Malay, Lap­ The medical board • x mal re ignation from the i Music, Novels of Today and Yester­ teen registrants last Saturday and Picas post but assumes that his pro­ to raise interest in election law re­ which ls being is1111ed to the men a1 ndler, Howard C.
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