May 11, 1971 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 14521 of Idaho, Mr. KING, Mr. KUYKENDALL, H.J. Res. 629. Joint resolution proposing other dangerous drugs, and for other pur­ Mr. MAzzOLI, Mr. MCCLOSKEY, Mr. an amendment to the Constitution of the poses; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. RUNNELS, Mr. SHRIVER, and Mr. United States relating to the freedom of SIKES): choice; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 8301. A bill relating to the conserva­ By Mr. O'HARA: tion and restoration of marginal farmland; H.J. Res. 630. Joint resolution providing MEMORIALS to the Committee on Agriculture. for the designation of the third week of Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memorials By Mr. SPRINGER: October of 1971 as "National German Shep­ H.R. 8302. A bill to extend the act of Sep­ herd Dog Week";· to the Committee on the were presented and referred as follows: tember 30, 1965, relating to high-speed Judiciary. 167. By the SPEAKER: memorial of the ground transportation, by removing the ter­ By Mr. PETI'IS: Legislature of the State of Nevada, relative mination date thereof, and for other pur­ H .J. Res. 631. Joint resolution proposing to the recreational values of public lands; poses; to the Committee on Interstate and an amendment to the Constitution of the to the Committee on Interior and Insular Foreign Commerce. United States with respect to the flag of Affairs. By Mr. STEELE: the United States; to the Committee on the 168. By the SPEAKER: memorial of the H.R. 8303. A bill to amend the Omnibus Judiciary. Legislature of the State of Alabama, relative Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968; By Mr. QUILLEN: to designating an "American Creed Week"; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 632. Joint resolution amending to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 8304. A bill to amend the Omnibus title 38 of the United States Code to au­ Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, thorize the Administrator of Veterans' Af­ to provide assistance for the development of fairs to provide certain assistance in the nonlethal weapons and police protection establishment of new State medical schools PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS equipment, and for other purposes; to the and the improvement of existing medical Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Committee on the Judiciary. schools affiliated with the Veterans' Admin­ bills and resolutions were introduced and By Mr. VIGORITO (for himself, Mr. istration; to the Committee on Veterans• HECHLER, of West Virginia, Mr. NIX, Affairs. severally referred as follows: Mr. REES, Mr. HARRINGTON, Mrs. By Mr. BENNET!' (for himself, Mr. By Mr. BEGICH: GRASSO, Mr. EILBERG, Mr. SCHEUER, DELLENBACK, and Mr. HALPERN): H.R. 8307. A b111 for the relief of Michael Mr. EDWARDS of Louisiana, Mr. H. Con. Res. 295. Concurrent resolution: A. Korhonen; to the Committee on the Ju­ HAWKINS, Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. Wn.­ Joint Committee on Impoundment of Funds; diciary. LIAM D. FORD, and Mr. SElliERLING): to the Committee on Rules. By Mr. HELSTOSKI: H .R. 8305. A bill to provide that no de­ By Mr. WHITEHURST: H.R. 8308. A bill for the relief of John and partment, agency, or instrumentality of the H. Con. Res. 296. Concurrent resolution Liberia Chimenti; to the Committee on the United States shall contract to purchase that it is the sense of Congress that the Judiciary. coal which has been mined by the surface Federal Government should take appropri­ By Mr. MILLER of California: mining method; to the Committee on the ate steps to determine if new research meth­ H.R. 8309. A bill to gr.ant a Federal Charter Judiciary. ods for its research projects can be devel­ to the National Association Legions of By Mr. PERKINS: oped, where feasible, to complement or elimi­ Honor; to the Committee on the District of H.R. 8306. A bill to further provide for the nate current methods involving the direct Columbia. farmer-owned cooperative system of making or indirect use of animals; to the Committee By Mr. ROYBAL: credit available to farmers and ranchers on Science and Astronautics. H.R. 8310. A bill for the relief of Kang-Be and their cooperatives, for rural residences, By Mr. ZABLOCKI (for himself, Mr. Chu; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and to associations and other entities upon NIX, Mr. FRASER, Mr. BINGHAM, Mr. By Mr. TERRY: which farming operations are dependent, to BROOMFIELD, Mr. MORSE, Mr. FIND­ H. Res. 436. Resolution commending the provide for an adequate and flexible flow of LEY, Mr. FuLToN of Pennsylvania, Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Chlldren and money into rural areas, and to modernize Mr. THOMSON of Wisconsin, and Burns Institutes; to the Committee on the and consolidate existing farm credit law to Mr. MAILLIARD) : Judiciary. meet current and future rural credit needs, H. Con. Res. 297. Concurrent resolution and for other purposes; to the Committee calling for the humane treatment and re­ on Agriculture. lease of U.S. prisoners of war held by North PETIT'IONS, ETC. By Mr. FOUNTAIN: Vietnam and its allies in Southeast Asta, H .J . Res. 628. Joint resolution proposing and for other purposes; to the Committee Under clause 1 of rule XX!I, an amendment to the Constitution of the on Foreign Affairs. 71. The SPEAKER presented a petition of United States relating to attendance assign­ By Mrs. IDCKS of Massachusetts: the city council, Brook Park, Ohio; relative ments in public schools on the basis of race H. Res. 435. Resolution calling upon the to restoring a bulk mail handling station to or color; to the Committee on the Judiciary. United Nations to help to eliminate the the greater Cleveland area; to the Commit­ By Mr. HAGAN: illegal international traffic in narcotics and tee on Post Office and Civil Service. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WHITE HOUSE WORSHIP SERVICE Mother's Day, which has become a Day observance occurred exactly 63 years FEATURES GRAFTON, W. VA., HIGH permanent part of American life, is the ago yesterday in the Andrews Methodist SCHOOL CHOIR AND STIRRING work of one woman, Miss Anna Jarvis. A EpiscopaJ Church at Grafton. Today that SERMON BY REV. JOHN C. HARPER native of West Virginia and Taylor church is the center of a developing County, Miss JarviS campaigned daunt­ International Mother's Day Shrine. lessly for a special day of the year on The Grafton Senior High School HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH which Americans could honor mothers. choir, under the direction of Kenneth OF WEST VmGINIA I knew Miss Jarvis personally, and Godwin, Jr., had 25 participating mem­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES recaJl ow· mutuaJ fondness for the words bers of the larger choir group in the Tuesday, May 11, 1971 of the poet Henry Van Dyke, in the trib­ chorus. They include: ute to his mother: Bob Bryan, Roger McCauley, Fred Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, the Smith, Chuck Kelley, Bob Leonard, Pam White House worship service this past I cannot pay my debt Stevens, Kathy Davis, Dawn Jenkins, Sunday, was impressive and inspiring. For all the love that she has given; Mike Fawcett, Nancy Ludwick, Janine The occasion was of especial significance But thou, love's Lord, Will not forget Manley, Steve Thompson, Bob Weaver, to Representative HARLEY STAGGERS and Her due reward Judy Godwin, Linda McWilliams, Mary me, with members of the Grafton, W. Va., Bless her in Earth and Heaven. Reneau, Pam Sapp, Nancy Warder, High School concert choir were present Laura Ferrell, Pam Knotts, Ron Wolfe, to sing the moving anthem, "Gloria," by The project to create a special day for Dave Phillips, Tom Walls, Joe Radcliff, Franz Schubert, and other selections. mothers became the life's work of Miss and Lloyd Spring. President Richard Nixon, in opening Jarvis in memory of her own mother. She Other participants in the White House remarks, noted that the proclamation buttonholed industrialists, businessmen, visit, in addition to Mr. Godwin, were designating the second Sunday in May as politicians, and church officials in her faculty members and staff, including: Mother's Day was signed by President ceaseless drive for a national observance. Ted Thompson, Mrs. Calvin Morrison, Woodrow Wilson on May 8, 1914. Fittingly, the first organized Mother's Mrs. Frank Sador and James Havenner, CXVII--913-Part ll 14522 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 11, 1971 together with Grafton High School II with change-the rapids of life--no less than Principal Edward A. Whitecarver, teach­ One of America's wisest historians today With the abiding rocks. er Russell Walls, pianist, Mrs. Robert is the retired professor at Harvard Samuel III Gough, and Miss Ellen Jane Wiseman, Eliot Morison, biographer of two of our in· The religiously oriented person today is photographer. domltable heroes, Christopher Columbus and called to accountability as he acts out his John Paul Jones, not to mention the author faith in whatever circumstances are appro­ The following Grafton High School of the fifteen volume history of Naval opera­ students were at the White House for the priate to his particular life. He is called to tions in World War II. At the age of eighty­ try to redeem his society rather than to con­ reception when the President and Mrs. four, at a time when a. lesser breed of men tinue to condemn what is wrong without any Nixon met personally with approxi­ would be winding down, Admiral Morison has possibility or resurrection; he is motivated mately 300 worshippers: just published the first of what he expects to act upon his religious hope rather than Patti Weaver, Robin Lucas, Earl Bart­ will be three volumes about the European to live in the ghettos of despair.
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