![Caledonia County [Vermont]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
^'iiS':';. * **^\ % ^ '^ 9* dP'at* 11 !-.»""VV^ ••Vjo' V-i^W-*^ 'o^*^V^%p' V'i^-y 'o.' #% <•-.*'••***<** V^'^V ^'-'f-i'^o*" v^^'^V t.-.^-V(>** v^^> V'^-\o** V™'<^ ;/ -o^-^W*/ V^V v^^*/ V^ \. o^^.tSJ^i^A >^\c^/ie. /.t^i;:i.'\ .^^':.- 4^^ ^ ,/ V"^^\1J^ %.'^**%p^ ^«."^^\^^ %,' *^ "•^^^.c^ **^0* : Bennington and Caledonia. No. III. AprH, 1862. .o}~. Cc V, It:. VEEMOI^T. ::>.>. - A niSTOMCAL MAGAZINE, EMBRACma A DIGEST OF THE HISTORY OF EACH TOWN, ^ " She stands fair Freedom's chosen Home,. Our own beloved Green Mountain State." " "Where breathes no c.istled lord or cabined slave j Where thoughts, and hands, and tongues are free.' '•: B 1 T E D E Y ABBY MARIA HEMENWAY, C03IPILER OF " THE POETS AXD POETKY OF VEK3IOXT." Terms: One Dollar per Year. Clubs solicited. LUDLOW, YT. * AND SOLD BY AGENTS THROUGnOUT TUE STATE. Press of Geo. C. Hand Jt Avery, Eosfon. , ^^ — . -A. SERIES OE TO^V^ ECISTORIES, GROUPED IN COUNTIES, A Quarterly, which is a free Historical Channel for eFvery Town. Entered according to Act of Congress, ia tlie year 1S59, by Abuv Mauia Hemenwat, in the Clerk'a Oflice of the District Court of the District of Vermont. T E R INI S Fifty Cents a Number; $1 a year; or Fourteen Numbers for 53— Invariably in Advance. Postage, three cents, paid at Office of Delivery. WjLNTED. — One or more Lady Assistants or Local Agents in each uncanvassed Town. The Agents have all been instructed to solicit through or. yearly subscriptions, ytt to as readily take quarterly ones, with the understanding tliat the subscribers arc to pay on delivery for each number of the work, till they may regularly discoutitiue the same. I\'o subscriptious should be paid to TraveUing Agents, unless they bear our CeitiHcate ot Ageucy. CLUB TERMS. — The field is open in every Town for Clucs, which may be sent direct to the Publisher. Terras Everv Fourth >i'umbkr Fuke ; or for Four Wnr/i/, or equivalent, a copy of the "I'oets and I'oetry of Verm(jut," 12mo. 400 pp.; or Si.v I'liotographs of leading Vermont I'oets; or for the above list doubled. Twelve I'lates, or a I'lated and elegantly (jilt copy of the I'oets; or lor Four Yearly Subscriptions, a copy of the " Vermont School Journal,"—a work devoted to a cause that ought to bring twice the patronage it has yet received; or Dr. C. H. Cleavlaud's ably conducted " MedicalJouriial,'' published at Cincinnati, O. HISTORICAL CONTENTS. No. 3. Lyndon, " .....<.. Hon. G.C. Gaboon. — Concluded. BENNINGTON No. 4. Sketch of Jeremiah Evarts, by E. E. Tracy. CALEDONIA COUNTY- - Concluded. '' AVinhall, . .0. Chamberlain, Esq. Lyndon — Concluded, . by Hon. G. C. Cahoon Woodlord, " . Stephen Gleasou. '' Newark, . L. M. Sleeper. CocxTV Items. — Printing, County Agricult. Society " I'eacliam, . Kev. A. lioutelle. and County Census Table, by Governor Hall. The •' Ilyegate, . Kev. James 31. Beattie. Artificial Pond and Orvis Kocking Stone, &c. " St. johnsbury, . Edward T. Fairbanks. " Ge>'ERAL Items. — Addison County Corrections, &c. Shellield, . A. S. Lamb. " Letter from the Chicago Historical Society, &c. Sutton , . John Ueckwith, Ksn. '• liell. Walden, . Hon James CALEDONIA. AVaterford, " . T. A. Cutler. " County Chapter, by . Kev. Thomas Goodwillie. Wheelock, . Hon. T. J.Cree. " Barnet, " .. IJev. Thomas Goodwillie. Goshen Gore, ...• Burke, " A. Burington, Esq. Danville, " M. T. C. Alexander. CHITTENDEN. Groton " Eev. O. G. Clark. County Chapter, by Hon. D. Keed. Hardwick, " Kev. J. Torrey. Bolton, " G. W. Kenedy, Esq. Kirby, " C.H.Graves Burlington, .... .' • • . Historical Contributions for Chittenden County. Joslnia Received from Henry Stevens, Esq., G. Sawver. Esq , Rev. Mr. Flemming, Rev. Dr. Witherspoon, Kev. Young, .F. N. Pomeroy, Esq.. Professor N. G. Clark, James Johns, Dr. Ceorge L. Lyman. Hon. David Reed, Henry .'^liller, Esq., Rev. William Hough, Hector Adams, Esq., Congregational Pastor of Milton, H. Law- rence, Esq., G. H. Naramore, Esq., Hon. Rev. J. H. "Woodward, and E. Bostwick's History of Uinesburg, compiled by Rev. 3Ir. Ferrin. Other contributions of value promised by Rev. Dr. John Hix, l{ev. Dr. Foster, Rev. .Mr. Converse, Professors Torrey, Henedict, and Buckham; Sketch of Hon. llemen Allen, by Professor George Allen, of Philadelphia, Shelburne and Richmond Histories, by G. T. Sutton, A. B., and S. U. Davis, Esq., respectively. F XJ B Xj I S li E n' S C-A.XIID- Thfre are no class of citizens", perhaps, as well circumstanced to render ready and efficient aid in the distiibution of this work, especially to quarterly subscribers, as the postmasters of the State; and with much pleaiurc we embrace this occasion to return our most hand.'^ome and courteous thanks to each and all -who have thus rendeied most essential service: and would particular) v thank, as the most obliging and e/ficifiit, E. S. masters of Westminster, Orwell, and Arlington. Not of the postmasters, but among our practical Iricnds. not Esq., Biir- lieretolbie mentioned, nun who give a hand to the circulatiim, we gratefully lecord Charles Allen, inooskie lin"-ton: Joshua Lclaiid. Ihiltimnre; Benoni Buck, Esq., Ludlow; and .Mr. Weaver, meichant at \\ propose Fafis. Others will be iluly remembered in the patronage table continued in ne.xt number, in whidi we will be to give an especial "star-table" to lady live assistant and patrons — terms to admis.>-ion to which twelve yearly subscribers, or the equiveleiit. The income of this publication, thus far, has been barely enough even partially to pav its printing cxpcn-ses. The editorial labor and expense bestowed upon it has never been continued exer- remunerated. Its completeness and forwardness will, in a great measure, depend upon the to endeavor and tions of its practical friends. It is, therefore, most respectfully solicited of every subscriber — known in unto success — to add one or more to the present list, by calling the attention to it of each person ot our their vicinity to have a taste for history or biograpliy, a veneration for the memories and mementoes lis CUMUlMUll IUIU^|JU11U cwlumiiT i.\f Ji.- ......i.-, ...v... .... ...v.v. .,..,. M..,.u,iwi, ...> ..", j -. number of the Gazettker will be published in April, and drawn from the press as soon as tlic suDscnptiona of its patrons cancels the printing bill. The plate of Governor Fairbanks will appear in No. 4. VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. i~' CALEDONIA COUNTY. COUNTY CHAPTER. Only three towns in this county are so laid down, Barnet, Ryegate, and Peacham ; the latter town BY KEV. THOMAS GOODWILLIE, OF BARXET. being located west of Eyegate, which shows that Peevious to the American Eeyolution, that Groton, which was charterted by Vermont, was part of the country now known as "Vermont " was sur\'eyed long before Vermont became a State. In " called The New Hampsliire Grants," and was a large map of New York (now before the writer), claimed by New Hampshire and New York. The constructed by order of Gen. Tryon, governor of General Assembly of York divided it into New that province, January 1, 1779, from sun'eys pre- four counties, viz : Bennington and Charlotte on viously made, the whole of Vermont is laid down the west, and Cumberland and Gloucester on the as a part of New York. On this map Cumber- east side of the Green Mountains. land County is bounded on the north by Canada Gloucester County was organized March 16, and on the east by Connecticut River, separating 1770, containing it from New Hampshire, and on the other sides " all that certain tract or district of land situate, ly- by a line beginning at the Connecticut River in ing and being to the northward of the county of Nonvich, and running a little north of west to Cumberland, beginning at the northwest corner of the said county of Cumberland, and thence running the Green Mountains, to a point probably in the north as the needle points fifty miles, thence east to town of Ripton ; thence running northerly along Connecticut Kiver; thence along the west bank of the mountains to a point near Onion River, prob- the same river, as it runs, to the northeast corner ably in the town of Duxbury ; thence running of said county of Cumberland, on said river, and northeast to Canada line, which it joins in Der- thence along the north bound of said county of Cumberland to the place of beginning." On the by, a few miles east of Lake Memphremagog. 24th of March, 1772, by an act " for the better ascer- The whole of this district is represented on this taining the boundaries of the counties of Cumber- map as sm-veyed into townships, except some parts land and Gloucester," these limits were changed and on the northwest. Gloucester County was bounded •' on the south by Within the present limits of Caledonia County the north bounds of the County of Cumberland ; on the east by the east bounds (Connecticut River) of the towns of Barnet, Ryegate, Peacham, and Gro- this colony (New York); on the north by the north ton are laid down nearly according to the New bounds thereof (Canada) ; on the west and northwest Hampshire surveys. The most of the other parts partly by a line to be drawn from the northwest cor- of the county are surveyed into townships, which ner of the said County of Cumberland on a course north, ten degrees east, until such line shall meet with in number, form, and location are altogether differ- and be intersected by another line proceeding on an ent from the other tovrats now in this county. east course from the south bank of the mouth of Ot- On the Connecticut River, above Barnet, was ter Creek, and partly by another line to be drawn and a large township called "Dunmore," including continued I'rom the said last-mentioned point of in- the whole of Waterford and a considerable part tersection, on a course north, fifty degrees east, until it meets with and terminates at the said north bounds of St.
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