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OHIO JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 227 AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Anderson, R.J., 159 Gallaway, M.S., 167 Olive, J.H., 112 Anderson, T.D., 146 Gandee, R.N., 182 Opdycke, G., 195 Angle, M.P., 83 Arscott, T.G., 191 Harmon, R.S., 112 Rudolph, E.D., 104 Hatfield, C.B., 27 Rupp, R.F., 16 Bart.J., 186 Heath, R.T., 184 Bellisari, A., 129 Henry, J.J., 148 Schumacher, G.A., 56 Beuerlein, J.E., 191 Hummer, J.W., 154 Seibert, H.C., 163 Boettcher, S.E., 122 Hurnmon, W.D., 167 Shrake, D.L., 49, 56 Boyd, R.C., 148 Snow, R.S., 16 Bugliosi, E.F., 209 Javadi, M., 191 St. John, F.L., 172 Jezerinac, R.F., 108 Stanley, T.R., Jr., 186 Camp, M.J., 27 Johansen, J.R., 118 Storck, R.J., 90 Chang, S.S., 146 Strobel, M.L., 209 Clapham, W.B.,Jr., 199 Kalisz, P.J., 122 Swinford, E.M., 56 Conover, J.H., 163 KnokeJ.K., 159 Szabo, J.P., 90 Coogan, A.H., 35 Kulander, B.R., 2 Tipton, R.M., 2 Dayner, D.M., 118 Lacki, M.J., 154 Dean, S.L., 2 Larsen, G.E., 69 Webster, H.J., 154 Deitchman, R., 182 Louie, R., 159 Wells, N.A., 35 Dzik, A.J., 134 Lowell, T.V., 16 ForsythJ.L, 2, 77 Majoras, J.J., 35 INDEX TO VOLUME 91 A horizon, 123 gerardi, 124 bahia grass, 159 abscission, 194 scoparius, 124 Ball State University, 16 Acadian orogeny, 212 anhydrite, 214 Department of Geology, 16 Acanthoclema ohioense, 33 annelids, 30 Barletts Run, 110 Acer Anomoeoneis vitrea (Grun.) Ross, 120 Barren Group, Lower, 70 rubrum, 125 Anse des Feves, 195 Barren Group, Upper, 70 accharum, 125 ants, 164 Barren Measures, Lower, 72 Achnanthes apoplastocyanin, 193 Bass Island Group (Late Silurian), 211 linearis (W. Sm.) Grun., 120 Appalachia, 135 Bath Road Station, 112 marginulata Grun., 120 Appalachian bats, 157 acid mine-polluted water, 167 coal region, 69 Bean Creek, 195 acid seepage, 167 orogen, 46 beaver, 155 acidosis, 170 Appalachian Basin, 74, 47, 212 Bedford Falls, OH, 35 Adams County, OH, 59, 122 Appalachian Plateau, 80, 169 Bedford Shale, 35 Adaptation to Acid Mine Waters, 167-171 Appalachian Plateaus Province, 118 bedrock wells, 212 adhesive-coated cards, 159 Kanawha Section, 123 bedrock, 167 aerial photographs, 149 Appalachians, 213 geology, 108 aeromagnetic map, 51 aquatic topography, 90 aerophilic species, 118 biota, 112 Bell County, KY, 65 Africa Run, 108 ecosystems, 112 Bell Shale of Michigan, 27 Africa, 130 habitat, 118 Bellefontaine Devonian Outlier, 79 African-American, 130 organisms, 113 Bellefontaine Outlier, 86 airborne toxics, 207 aqueous treatment plants, 203 Bellefontaine Till, 77, 87 akinetes, 119 Arachnida, 165 Bellepoint Member, 17, 118 Akron Water Pollution Control Station araphid valve, 120 Bellevue Limestone, 56 (WPCS), 112 "Areas of Concern," 112 Bellevue Member, 56 Akron, OH, 90, 112 arenite, 53 Bellevue, OH, 3 Alexandria soil, 77 argillaceous limestone, 30, 61 Belmont County, OH, 69 algae, 118 arkose, 51 benthic algal Arnheim formation, 56 invertebrates, 116 flora, 118 Arnold, OH, 85 macrofauna, 168 taxa, 118 Arthroacantha carpenteri, 33 macroinvertebrates, 113 Alleghenian orogeny, 209 Ashland County, OH, 86 species diversity, 167 Allegheny Formation, 72 Ashley, OH, 148 benthic invertebrate surveys, 114 Allegheny Group, 71 Ashlock Formation, 63 benthonic fossils, 30 Allegheny Group, Lower, 90 Asia, 129 Berea Sandstone outcrops, 35 Allegheny Plateau, 86 Asian-American, 130 Berea Sandstone, 35 Allen County, OH, 203 Athens County, OH, 73, 163 Berkey Member, 31 alpha diversity, 154 Athens, OH, 163, 167 beta diversity, 154 Altonian substage, 88 Athyris, 34 Bethlehem Township, OH, 92 Alum Creek, 108 Atlantic Coastal Plain (Tidewater), 134 Big Four Creek, 167 aluminum, 167 Atrypa, 31 "Big Lime," 209 "Ambocoelia umbonata", 32 costata, 34 "Big Water," 210 American Aggregates Corporation, 49 Auglaize County, OH, 108 biofilms, 116 American Commission on Stratigraphic Auglaize River, 78, 108 Birmingham Quarry, 46 Nomenclature, 74 Aulocystis, 32 Bisher Dolomite, 123 American, 129 auloporoids, 32 Black River Group, 50 Ames marine zone, 70 Avena sativa L., 159 Black River Valley, 35 amino acids, 193 azimuths, 149 Black River, 35 ammonium nitrate, 192 Black Swamp, 7 amphibians, 163 B3 horizon, 80 black willow, 157 Andropogon bagworms, 164 blackberry, 157 228 INDEX VOL. 91 blackfaced leafhopper, 159 Brown County, OH, 57 One Hundred Years of Plant Science Blarina brevicauda, 155, 164 Brush Creek marine zone, 70 1891-1991, With an Ohio Perspective, blastoids, 30 Bryan, OH, 195 104-107 Bloomington till, 77 bryozoa, 30 The Ohio Academy of Science and Section Bloomington, IN, 16 cryptostomatous, 33 M: Growth and Continuity, 182-183 blow flies, 165 massive, 30 Centerburg ("soil") till, 80 "Blue Hole," 2 ramose, 30 "Centerburg" soil, 77 bluestem Buck Hill moraine, 90 Centerburg till, 77, 86 big, 124 Buckeye Lake, 108 Centerburg, OH, 110 little, 124 buckthorn, 124 cephalopods, 30 bobcat, 186 Buffalo, NY, 8 Cercis canadensis, 125 Boise, ID, 163 Bufo sp., 164 Ceriodaphnia dubia, 112 Bokes Creek moraine, 86 americanus, 164 CEROPHYLL®, 113 Bold's Basal Medium, 118 fowleri, 164 cervids, 188 Bombus, 164 bulk chemical analysis, 113 Chagrin Falls, OH, 35 Book Reviews Bull Fork Formation, 62 Chagrin River, 108 A Short Guide to Writing about Biology, Burning Springs anticline, 213 Champaign County, OH, 83 139 Butler County, OH, 52, 57, 172 Champaign till, 77 A Short Guide to Writing about Film, 140 Channeled Scabland, 25 A Short Guide to Writing about History, Cabin Creek Channel, 47 Cheat River, 168 141 Caesar Till, 77, 87 chemical industries, 203 A Short Guide to Writing about "Calcareo-Silicious Rock," 70 chert, 53 Literature, 141 calcareous shale, 30, 61 Chillicothe, OH, 80 A Short Guide to Writing about Social calcite, 53, 90 Chilopoda, 165 Science, 142 calcium carbonate, 113, 118, 134 China (PRO, 130 Balancing on the Brink of Extinction: The calliphorids, 165 "Chinatown," 134 Endangered Species Act and Lessons For Camarotoecbia, 32 Chinese, 129 the Future, 217 cambarid, 170 chinkapin oak, 124 Climate Change and U.S. Water Cambarus Chippewa Creek, 112 Resources, 143 bartonii cavatus (Hay) (Decapoda: Chironomus tentans, 116 Darwin Without Malthus: The Struggle for Cambaridae), 167 Chlorella miniata (Naeg.) Oltm., 119 Existence in Russian Evolutionary (Cambarus) bartonii cavatus, 108 chlorophytes, 118 Thought, 175 (Lacunicambarus) diogenes, 108 chloroplasts, 191 Digital Signal Processing: Applications to (Puncticambarus) robustus, 108 plastocyanin concentrations, 191 Communications and Algebraic Coding robustus, 169 chronostratigraphic units, 73 Theories, 174 Cambrian, 50 Chrysemys picta, 164 Far More Graphic Graphics. Slidewriter^ Cambridge arch, 214 chrysomelid, 164 Plus: The Presentation Graphics Solution Camden, OH, 173 chrysophytes, 118 Version 3, 217 Campbell County, KY, 52 cigar-headed ridge (CHR), 16 Flowering Plants: Nightshades to Canadian Shield, 10 Cincinnati Arch, 2 Mistletoe, 111 canids, 188 Cincinnati group, 50 Molecular Cell Biology, 219 canopy photosynthesis, 194 Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, 122 Molecules to Models: Advances in Cantley, Quebec, CAN, 21 Cincinnati, OH, 16, 49, 56, 203 Neuroscienc, 143 Canton, OH, 90, 113, 206 Clark County, OH, 51 Mountain Environments: An Examination CAP Technical Reference Manual, 203 clastic ratios, 56 of the Physical Geography of Mountains, Capacity Assurance Program (CAP), 199 elastics, 93 98 Carbonate Rock Newburg Zone in Ohio, clay, 90, 116, 127 Principles of Geology, 218 209-215 Clean Air Act, 207 The Cambridge Illustrated Dictionary of carbonate Clean Water Act, 207 Natural History, 111 bedrock, 87, 209 Clermont County, OH, 57, 207 The Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and petrology, 16 Cleveland Heights, OH, 80 Walruses, 176 carbonate aquifer system, 210 Cleveland Shale, 35 The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, carbonate buffering capacity, 167 Cleveland State University, 199 Medicine, and Reform in Radical carbonates, 93, 124, 167 Department of Geology, 199 London, 216 Carboniferous Conglomerate, 71 Cleveland, OH, 40, 112, 199, 210 The Universe in Time, 174 Carboniferous-Permian, 213 Clinton County, OH, 59 The Visual Display of Quantitative Cardinalis cardinalis, 164 Clinton Formation, 210 Information, 218 cardiovascular disease, 134 CLUSTRAN®, 38 Volcanoes, 98 Carduus nutans, 9 Clyde, OH, 2 Boone County, KY, 52 career choices cnidarian, 30 Bouguer gravity map, 51 women, 129 Coal Measures, 69 Bowling Green fault zone, 2 female gender role expectations, 129 Coal Measures, Lower, 70 Bowling Green fault-Lucas County carrion feeders, 165 Coal Measures, Upper, 70 monocline, 3 Carya spp., 125 Coal Series, Lower, 70 Bowling Green State University, 2, 77 Cascade Park Station, 112 Coal Series, Upper, 70 Department of Geology, 2, 77 Cascade Park, 36 coal, 135 Bowling Green, OH, 2, 77 Casselman Formation, 74 miners, 136 Bowls Fork, 110 Castalia, OH, 2 mining, 167 box trap, 148 Castor canadensis, 155 outcrops, 167 BPB Instruments, Inc., 50 Catfish Creek Drift, 79 coccoid green algae, 118 brachiopods, 19, 30, 212 cations, 127 Coccygus americanus, 164 chonetid, 19 cattail, 154 Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 56 strophomenid, 19 cave algae, 118 Coleoptera, 165 Brandywine Creek, 112 caves, 118 colluvium, 123 Brevispirifer lucasensis, 34 cedar, 122 Columba livia, 164 briars, 148 Cenozoic, 2 Columbus formation, 118 brines, 209 Centennial Notes Columbus Limestone cuesta, 2 Broadway Moraine, 83 Ecology: The First One Hundred Years, Columbus, OH, 49, 56, 69, 80, 83, 108, 148, Brominal, 192 184-185 186, 191, 203, 209 bromoform, 124 Ohio Geography in the One Hundred Compositae, 124 Brookville coal, 71 Years of The Ohio Academy of Science, Computer Oriented

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