CENSUS REPORT OF KARAULI STATE 1931 BY Babu Kiatoor Chand dain, B. A., Census Superintendent, KARAULISTATE, RAJPUTANA. LUCKNOW: PRINTED BY K. D. SETH AT THE NEWVL KISHORE PRESS, 1.933. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAca:. Ihtroducti{)n '0. I-IV Chapter J. Distribution and movement o~ the population. SUbject-ma.tter ... \-1\ Subsidiary tables ... 7-11 Statement of rainfall. cultivated area 1~-13 Chapter II. Population o~ cities, to",,""a and villages. Subject-ma.tter ... H,-Hi SubAidiary table!' 1!J-':U Chapter III. Birth-place and migration. Subject-matter ... Subsidiary tables Chapter IV. Age. Subject-IDS.tter 27-31 Subsidiary tables 32-4-2 Chapter v. Sex. Subject-matter Subsidiary tables Chapter VI. Civil Condition. Subject-matte!' Subsidiary tables Chapter VII. Infirmities. Subject-matter 64-67 Subsidiary tables 68-71 Chapter VIII. Occupation. Subject-matter 72-83 Subsidiary ta.bles 84-104 Chapter IX. Literacy. Subject·matter 105-109 Snbaidia.-ry tableR }, \ 'C<-l.l'3 Chapter x. Language. Subject-matter 114-115 Subsidiary tables 116-11'1 Chapter XI. Religion. S11bject-mattel' US-UJO Subsidiary tables 1!U-l!i!8 Chapter XII. Ra.ce. Tribe and Caste. Subjectrmattel' 1~<&-li6 Subsidiary tablos ... ... UI7-18!1 PROVINCIAL TABLES. PAGE- Tabl. I. Area and Population 138 Table II_ Population of districts by religion and literacy 1340 Table III. Caste 135 Table I V. Language 186 Il\IIPERIAL TABLES. Table I. Area-HouBes and popUlation Karauli State, 1931 137 Table II. Variation in population during the last 50 years 138 Table JII. ToWDS and villages classified by population 139 Table IV. Towns classified by population with variation. for so years 140 Table V. Towns arranged territorially 141 >Table VI. Birth-place 14:i-146 Tabl. V.lI. Age-Sex and Civil condition 147-152 Table VIII. Civil condition by age for selected castes 153 Part I-Infirmities 154 TablfJ IX. { Part 1I-lnfirlDities 155 Table X. Occupation 156-17~J TabZfJ XIII. Literacy by religion and age 174-180 Tallie XI V. Education by selected castes 181 Tabl. XV. Part I-Languages 182 Tabl. XVI. Religion ... It-a Table XVII. ~ Race-Tribe and Caste ... > •• 184-191 Tabl~ XVII. ( Variation of population of selected castes. I9i lVIAPS AND GRAPHS. I. Skeleton lDap of Karauli State }t~acing IV ~. Graph showing quinary age periods for the census of 1931 and 1921 Do. 26 3. Graph sbowing the general distribution of occupa.tion Do. 74 4. Graph shOwing tbe num.ber of litera.tes in the State by religion Do. 104 INTRODUCTION. This report dea.ls with tbe sixth Census taken in the State on tbe night of the il6th February 1981. According to it the population .of the State is 1.40.525 which when compared with 148,670 returned in 1881 shows a fall. The only redeeIDing feature presented by this Census is that the dowDward tendency exhibited by the population since 189~ has DIet with a setback. (For details of population see Imperial Ta.ble II.) This report is divided ioto 1.2 chapters, of these the chapters relating to Age, Civil Condition, Occupation, Literacy and Religion W'ill prove of interest not only to statisticians but to la.ymen as well .. The subsequent paragrapbs deal with the adlD.inistrative feat.ure of the work. An official inform.ation was cOIDJD.unicated by the Local Govern­ ment to this State on 17th Decern.ber 1929 for appointing & State Censur Sup-erihtendeDt-- and- .ceordiugly the onerous work: of Oensus was entrustwed to IDe on 24th Mareh 1980 in addition to t-he duties of the Secretary to the State Council, Karauli. The regular Census Office was organised soon after by the deputation of B. Narain Lal, Second Master of the Mabaraja"s High School, Karauli. as the Head clerk. and by the appointID.ent of a new band. B. Jarnuna. Lal as the Second clerk, Cba.ubey Bhagwati Lal "Was e:ngaged a.s record-keeper in October 1900. The village register was Dot compiled previous to my appoint­ zneot. and therefore it had to be done at a very sbort notice after enq uiry froID. the _tebsUdars. Though there bas been DO cha.nge in ~j.U~ges since 192 ~ yet t.he haID1t?t.s b,ave siD~e then uD_dergone a grea.t .change. The Register 'Wa.s ~oni.plet.e- by the 8ot.h April 1980 when aD Abstract thereof was sublDitted to the _Politica.l Agent, Eastern RajputanB Statea~ Bbaratpur. througb "the St.ate Council as well &s to the Provincial Census SuperintendeDt. Rajputana and AjID.el:"­ Merwara, Ajmer. The Register of Towns also was soon completed BOcJ, the abstract thereof wa.s subo::Litted to the Provincial Census Superin-. tendent direct. on 17th Ma.y 1980. A map of the whole Sta.te having the names of all thte villages and t.heir positions and another map of the town of Karauli showing each Muhalla., tbe main thoroughfa.res and the streets were got prepared through the State Engineer. The scale map of each t.ehsil having the na.lnes and the positions of all the villages and the hamlets in the tehsil was got prepared by the tehsil staff by 15th July 1980. The Tehsildars were appointed as Charge Superintendent.s of their ~espectjve t;ebsiIs by 2nd May 1981 under oraers of the St~f;e Counci~, Karauli. L. Kanhaiya. La!, the Head clerk of the Municipl:I:l CODl.­ mittee, Karauli, was appointed as the Cbarge SJl.perinteq.de!J,t of KarauH town. Tbe supervisors 'Who were generally -the State officials were appointed by the 15th .June 1980 and the eOuIDerators by lobe end of . Augus~ ~980. by the is~ue of printed parwanas' under the signature . of the Sta'te CeDSus Superintendent.. it The Charge Registers. bot.h for ~inages and towns. were complete by 17th July 1930 when the abstracts thereof were submit-ted to the Provincial Census Superintendent.. Ajmer. The .J'agirdars 'Were given f'IiII opportunit~y to appoint. 'their awn enumerators but in case of failure, paid enumerators were employed by the Charge Superintendents. A great. difficulty ~as experienced due to paucity of enuIDerator&~ specially in Hazur tehsil. 'W'eekly reports as t.o prog:Ress of the Census W'ork 'WeJ:.'e got trom aU the Charge Superintendents and on the basis of _them £oJ:'toig.htly Progress Reports 'W'ere submitted to the Provincial· Census Superin­ tendent, AjOler, through the ·S'tca:t.e Council with effect. frOID 15th September 1. 980. I attended 00 29t.h August 1980 the conferelJce of a.JI ~he State Census Superintendents held at Ajmer. Practical demonstrations as to Dum bering houses, filling in house :schedules &s- well as: general schedules were given. Practical demonstrations as 'to house-nulD bering and filliog in general schedules were given to all the Charge Superint~ndents and a large number of supervisors at a meeting held on 2"2nd September ],980 at the Capital under the chairmanship of the Chief Member of the State Council. Shriman Mabaraj Knowar Ganesh Pal Saheb Bahadur 'Was also pleased to gra.ce the occasion with his noble pre­ Sence. The next step ta.ken to ensure that the instruc~ioDs ha.ve been correctly uDde~s-tood by the Censu.s operat.ors '\Vas the selection of a village in each tehsil where under my own supervIsion the Charge Superintendent instructed the Supervisors under him. House-numbering commenced on 1st October ],980 and was finished. on 81st October "ttJ1JO".-- In- the course of bouse-numbering Lieut.-Colonel B. L. Cole, I.A., Superintendent of Census Opera.tions .. Rajputana and AjlDer-l\lerwara. visited the State on 18th and ~ .. tb October 1980 and W'BS pleased to remark :_U The census work is well up to time. House-numbering and t.he preparation of the house lists a.re pra.ctically complete. The super­ visors and enumerators have a fair. knowledge of their du.ties and the Sl;ate Census Superintendent is to be cODgrAtu~ated on the progress that is being [Dade." The State Census Superintendent was on tour for 19 da.ys during the Dlon"th of October ],980 and inspected the house-numbering in all the charges. TheRevised Charge Register was cotnplete by t.he 7th November 1980 when the abstract thereof was submitted to t.he Provincia.l Census Superintendent, AjDler. According to it, t;here were 75 circles and 788 blocks in the rural area. A circle had from 20 to 777 houses and a block froID 1 to 64, houses inclusive of unoccupied houses. .In 'lobe urban area there were 14 circles with 1.42 blocks. The houses in a circle varied frOID 42 to 728 and in a block froIn 2 100 69. The latter half of NovelDber 1980 and first half of December 1980 were devoted to the additional training in filling up Genera,ISchedules. iii The Cbarge Superintendents w-ere required to fill in the entries of a -"feW' houses which W'ere corrected by the St.a.te Census Superintendent. The supervisors too were asked to fill in a few. forIDs that were cor­ rected by the Charge Superintendents.. sim.ilarly tbe enumerators· "Work was corrected by the supervisors. The preliminary enumeration cOIDlDenced on 16tb December 1980 and was finished on 31st .January 1931. The State CeQ8US Superintendent w-as on tour for 21 da.ys during the months of .January and February 1.931 inspecting and correcting the entries in General Schedules on t.he spot. Adequate arrangements w-ere made for supervision of Fina.l Census on the Census night and high officers of the State were kind enough to accede to my request for ins pecting the act.-ual working on the Census night.
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