9I@>?KFECommunity News www.brightoncommunitynews.com.au | [email protected] VOLVOL 11 10 NO NO. 6 4SEPTEMBER AUGUST 20092008 80 jobs in bridge upgrade THE $14-million upgrade would begin next month allow boats and shipping of the historic Bridgewater supporting up to 80 jobs vessels to pass under the Bridge is one step closer during construction. bridge once again. with the recent signing of “The Bridgewater bridge “The project, which contracts. project will restore a Tas- includes the works currently McConnell Dowell Con- manian icon to its former under way at the Midland structors (Australia) was glory,” he said. Highway/Lyell Highway Brighton Hardware’s award-winning combination of Paul Diaz and Leanne Taylor-Diaz with Telstra Country Wide awarded the contract to “The lifting mechanism junction, will help cushion manager Noel Hunt. undertake construction. of the bridge has been out of the local impact of the global Federal Minister for action for nearly three years. economic recession.” Infrastructure, Transport “This project will use Tasmanian Minister for Hard work and loyal customers and Regional Development modern technology to Infrastructure Graeme pay off for Brighton Hardware Anthony Albanese said work restore the lifting system and Continued Page 2 BRIGHTON Hardware owners Paul the difference between a nail and a bolt. bought more and more,” Paul said. Diaz and Leanne Taylor are over the While Paul had strong background “It’s just as much a social place for moon with their recent win in the Tel- knowledge of what was needed in terms the customers that come here – a bit like stra Small Business Awards but say the of stock to ensure the shop would flour- going to the barber.” win is all down to their wonderful ish, both also relied on finding out what Paul said he was amazed at how BRIGHTON customers. customers wanted and then let their Leanne had become such an expert in Paul and Leanne won the Tasman- friendly personalities to deliver it. Paul working out solutions for people, ian business owner micro-business and Leanne’s loyal customers have done including a growing number of women, award after turning Brighton Hardware the rest. who were doing their own renovations. – “a dying business” – into the success “It really has been a pleasure to help He said getting the business into Need a doctor? that it is today. our customers in this way,” Leanne said. shape had been a difficult experience, Brighton Doctors is a comprehensive general practice clinic. “We couldn’t have done this with- “We really need a strong retail sec- particularly in the first 12 months out our wonderfully loyal customer tor in our community and we are before they could afford sales help. Our clinic provides you and your family with convenient and caring medical base and we would really like to thank thrilled that we have been able to pro- Leanne said she loved what she attention including: minor emergencies, family medicine, children’s health, men’s them for helping us achieve what we vide service that our customers want could do for customers even though it health, women’s health, senior’s health, vaccinations, skin checks and mole scans, have been able to achieve,” Leanne said. and continue to come back to us for.” was a major learning curve for her. sports injuries, executive health checks, pre-employment medicals, ante natal Paul and Leanne said when they In three years Brighton Hardware “It’s wonderful to be able to help care, lifestyle management, diabetes care plans, asthma care plans, nutritional took over the store the stock was has developed into a $450,000-a-year people with their hardware needs and products and travel medicine and vaccinations. depleted, there were few customers and business. we are grateful that our customers have they had only about $20,000 to stock “It’s a local shop and once they saw recognised this,” she said. *HSSMVYHUHWWVPU[TLU[@V\»SSÄUK\ZUL_[[V[OL(TJHS7OHYTHJ`PU)YPNO[VU the shop. that they could come in here and get “The Telstra award is just extra icing Leanne admitted she hardly knew what they wanted, they came and on the cake.” Call 6268 0758 for an appointment. Open 9am to 5pm Residents urged to vote in local elections Need a doctor after hours? THE 2009 local government elections Brighton Community News went to Brighton elections. A maximum of 200 *HSS(M[LY/V\YZ+VJ[VYZVU6244 1240 will be held next month and Brighton print. words will be published for each can- 6WLUL]LY`KH`\U[PS WT9VZZ(]LU\L9VZU`7HYR6WWVZP[L4HJKVUHSKZ residents are encouraged to vote. The nomination period closes at didate in the election. The statewide roll for local govern- noon on Monday, September 28. Please send your editorial contri- ment elections closes on September 17 Nomination forms, together with bution with your name, occupation and and you can check your status by phon- Information for Candidates booklets a brief summary of your policies/vision ing 13 23 26 or going online at are available from Council or the Elec- for Brighton to editorial@brighton - www.aec.gov.au toral Office. communitynews.com.au. For advertising If you are currently on the state elec- Ballot papers will be delivered to inquiries and bookings, email advertis- toral roll you are automatically on the electors from October 13-16, with the ing@brighton communitynews.com.au. local government roll for the council in poll closing at 10am on Tuesday, Octo- The newspaper’s current advertis- which your enrolled address is located. ber 27. Further information about the ing rates can be found on the website This year, Brighton will have five local government elections is available at www.brightoncommunitynews.com.au councillor vacancies together with at the Tasmanian Electoral Commis- A new website for women candi- vacancies for Mayor and Deputy Mayor. sion website at www.electoral.tas.gov.au. dates for the 2009 local government A notice of election was scheduled Brighton Community News will elections is at www.dpac.tas.gov.au/divisions/ to be published in the daily paper as again provide editorial space for the lgd/women Brighton Community News is published by the Brighton Council for the residents of the Brighton Municipality. 2 – BRIGHTON COMMUNITY NEWS SEPTEMBER 2009 COUNCILCOUNCIL MEETINGMEEETING DATESDATES & TIMEST Science and literacy: YOUR COUNCIL TheThe followingffollllowing mmeetingseetiings aarere sscheduledchedulel d ffoforor OOctoberctobber Barbara Curran making the connection 1 Daniel Place The public is welcome to attend. Brighton 7030 DURING term three, St Tel: 6268 1522 OCTOBER 2009 Paul’s Bridgewater will add [email protected] a new science program to Finance Committee, Heritage & Heritage & Environment the school curriculum. Environment Committee, Brighton Primary Tuesday, October 13 - 4.45pm Principal Cameron School Council, Waste Management Committee. Parks & Recreation Committee Brown said the Primary Tuesday, October 13 - 5.00pm Connections program was Tony Foster (Mayor) an innovative and exciting ‘Glendower’ Finance Committee approach to teaching and 6 Glebe Street Tuesday, October 13 - 5.15pm learning. Pontville 7030 “The program links the Tel: 0419 357 927 Planning Committee teaching of science with the [email protected] Tuesday, October 13 - 5.30pm teaching of literacy in Aus- Finance Committee, Heritage & tralian primary schools,” he Environment Committee, Southern Tasmanian Councils Ordinary Council said. Association, Emergency Management Advisory Tuesday, October 20 - 5.30pm Primary Connections Committee. Agendas available for viewing at the Council was designed in partnership between the Australian Students at St Paul’s Bridgewater are making the right Wayne Garlick available online at www.brighton.tas.gov.auwwww..brigghton.tas.govv..au Academy of Science and the connections with science. 18 McShane Road MeetingsMeetings datesdates andand timestimes areare subjectsubject to change.change. Federal Department of Edu- eracy enriches the learning prior knowledge. Bridgewater 7030 AnyAny changeschanges willwill bebe advertisedadvertiseed inin TheTThhe MercuryMerrccurryy. cation, Employment and experience for students. “To help students make Tel: 6263 7946 Workplace Relations “The Primary Connec- the connections between 0407 097 263 (DEEWR). tions 5Es model is based on what they already know and [email protected] “The program links the the theory that students new information, the Pri- Parks & Recreation Committee, Heritage & Environment COUNCIL CONTACTS teaching of science with lit- learn best when they are mary Connections units use Committee, Bridgewater-Brighton Online Access Centre eracy to enrich the learning allowed to work out expla- five phases: engage, explore, Advisory Committee. experience for students. nations for themselves over explain elaborate and evalu- General Enquiries 6268 7000 “Primary Connections time through a variety of ate. Peter Geard Fax 6268 7013 supports teachers to learning experiences struc- “Grade 3/4S and grade 269 Elderslie Road Email Address [email protected] improve students’ scientific tured by the teacher. 3/4R have been trialling the Brighton 7030 Website www.brighton.tas.gov.au literacy, as well as their learn- “Students use their prior program with great success Tel: 6268 1143 knowledge to make sense of and the students and teach- General Manager ing outcomes in both sci- 0418 515 649 these experiences and then ers have thoroughly enjoyed ence and literacy,” Mr [email protected] Ron Sanderson 6268 7000 make connections between participating in the different Brown said. Finance Committee, Brighton Senior Community Liaison Officer 6268 7035 “Linking science with lit- new information and their lessons and activities.” Environmental & Development Services Citizens Management Committee, Waste Management Committee, Southern Waste Strategy Board Joint General Enquiries 6268 7015 Authority, Hobart Regional Water Board Joint Authority, Building Services 6268 7016 John broadens Brighton’s Jordan River Fire Management Committee, Bicycle Users Health Services 6268 7029 Group.
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