2008 XK THE XK. D E S I R E B Y D E S I G N . HERE IS A WORK OF EMOT IOO N A L ENN GGII NEER INN G THAT G OES BEYYOO NND T HEE S TA NNDD AARR D S P O RTTSS C A R S OLU T IONS. BEAUTIFUL, FAST, AND DIIST I NNCTTIVVEE , THE XKK E PITOM I ZES A DDAR I NGG V IISS I O N TTHH A T H AASS B EEEE N B R O U G H T T O LIFE BY JAGUAR’S PASSIONN A T E DDES I GNN A N D E NGINEERRING TEA M S , WWOR K ING CLL OOSELY TTOO G E TTHE R F R O M T H E IDEA’S INCEPTION. EVERY MMIL L IMM ETT ERR I S TTHOOUGHT OOUT AND FII T T E D I N T O A DRR I V I N G EEXP E RRII E N C E T H AT I S FAR GREATER THAN THE SUMM O F T H E X K ’S E X T RAORDI NARY P A R T S . THIS I S WWHH AT M A K EESS T H E X K A J A G U A R . AND THIS IS WHAT MAKESS J AAGG UAA R UUNN IQU E . TTHH E S L EEK SKIN O F TH E XK is a monocoque aluminum- alloy design bonded with aerospace epoxy and riveting. Incredibly light and stiff er than the previous steel body, this revolutionary body quickens acceleration, reduces pendulum eff ects in turns, shortens braking distances, and sharpens agility and performance. TTHH ISS L IGH T WEIGHT VEHICLE A R C HITECTT U R E (LVVAA ) also results in improved fuel economy1 and lower emissions. at the xk’s heart is jaguar’s all-aluminum 32-valve, 4.2-liter aj-v8, with camshaft phasing to quicken response. This refi ned 300-hp engine is matched with a 6-speed, sequential-shift zf automatic transmission. Gears are selected via automatic, automatic sport, or manual modes, using the COO NSOLE FORMU L A 1–TTYY PE S TEE R ING W H E E L – M O UNTED PAD D LES, which provide super-fast responsive fi ngertip command (shift times of 600 milliseconds), ensuring smooth torque control. And for stopping, the xk off ers oversized ventilated abs discs, and Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (ebd) that measures load and speed. A harmony of power and control. 1 XK EEPPA essttimateedd 16 MPG city/25 MPG highway. XKR EPA estimated 15 MPG city/23 MPG highway. THT H E XKX K R.R . E XHH ILI ARR AATIOO N BEB GINNS H ERE. With its muscular stance, hood louver supercharger ports, and bold r badging, the xkr exudes aggression. The red start button beckons, and when the engine ignites, this Eaton-supercharged, active-exhaust, 323 2 -VAALLVEE , 44.2-LIL I TET E R AJA -VV 8 leaves no doubt: it’s time to move. 420 hp at 6250 rpm and peak torque of 413 lb.-ft. at 4000 rpmpropel the convertible from 0 to 60 in 5.0 seconds, and the coupe in just 4.9 seconds. Combine this with the 6-speed sequential-shift zf automatic transmission and ultra-quick steering wheel paddles, a quad exhaust, enhanced Computer Active Technology Suspension (ecats), and an engine roar that’s riveting; and you have driving at its most thrilling. TECHH N O LOO G Y A N D I N T UUITION. in the xk, electronic controls off er intelligent, benefi cial support, assisting the driver without complicating the drive. O N T H E D A S H, A 7" C O L O R T OUCHSC REEN uses Macromedia Flash® software – for the fi r s t time in a car – to enable easy management of climate, audio, navigation, and B L UETO O T H ® W I RELEE SS C OONNECT IVITY. Optional active front lighting turns SELF- L EVEELL I N G BI--XX ENN OON H EADLAM PS to see around bends. Noise is diminished by INTEGRATE D ACOU S TIC DAMMPP ENN ING ((IAAD), with under-hood absorbers, engine compartment seals, and laminated windshield glass. KEYLES S EENN T R Y AD DDS C ONVENIENC E and tightens security. Available D O LBY® P R O L OGIC®II 522 5-WAT T A U D IO and 160-CCHH ANN E L SSIRIUUSS® S ATELLITE RADI O completely surround you with sound. In the convertible, the top is a power-latching, self-stowing, three-layer, fl u sh-fold engineering marvel with color-keyed tonneau cover. JAGUAR’S DESIGN P H ILL O S O P HHYY I S T R A N SFF O R MMII NG L UXUURR Y. NNOO TTHH INN G IS S P A R E D I N T H E CRAFTING OF AN X K INN TTEE RRIOORR . EVV ERR Y DEE TA ILL I S RENNDD ERE D W I T H confidence and care – F R O M THE FLUID METALWWOO RRKK T O T H E B E A U TTII FULLY S T IITT CHEEDD , I TAALL IAA N LLEE AATT HHEE R H E AT E D S EATING WITH AVAILABLE 1 6 - WWAAY AADD JJUU S TA B ILL I T Y. FROM THE 7" C O L OORR D ISS P L AAYY S C R EEN T O A 1 8 0 - MMPH S P EEE DDOM E T E R . F R O M TTHE S E M I A C T I V E SPORTS EXHAUST O N TTHH E X K ( F U L LY AACTIV E O N THE XKR ) T HHAA T MMUU T E S W H E N A PPR O P R I A T E BUT ROARS WHENN U N L EEAA SSHH EEDD . F R O M T HE F L AWLE S SLY SHA P ED A NNDD P O L I S H EED W OOD VENEERS TO THE UNIQUE A L U M IINN U M - W E A V E D AASH T R I M . This is Jaguar craftsmanship at its finest. LEFT TO RIGHT: LUXURY SPORT SOFT-GRAIN LEATHER SEAT (SHOWN HERE IN CARAMEL), SPORT LEATHER SEAT (SHOWN HERE IN WARM CHARCOAL), LUXURY SPORT LEATHER SEAT (SHOWN HERE IN IVORY). THE XK IS A HIGH-PERFORMANCE VEHICLE THAT PERFORMS CONFIDENTLY IN UNEXPECTED CIRCUMSTANCES. This requires innovative, intelligent 1 protection systems. Doors are reinforced with ANTI-INTRUSION BARS to guard against side impact. 3-POINT SAFETY BELTS serve all seating positions, with pretensioners in the front. 4-WHEEL ABS DISCS, over- sized and ventilated with fl oating aluminum calipers, stop the car. DYNAMIC STABILITY CONTROL (DSC) aids braking by varying stopping force at each wheel and reduces engine torque to manage grip and yaw in hard cornering. ADAPTIVE RESTRAINT TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM (A.R.T.S.) deploys airbags according to occupant weight and safety belt use. AN ENGINEERED SAFETY CELL helps protect the occupants in the event of an impact. The radar-based cruise control is designed specifi cally to function well in inclement conditions. AND IN THE CONVERTIBLE, massive bars sensor-deploy instantly in the case of a rollover to help create a shielded zone. 1Drive responsibly. Always wear your safety belt. Even advanced technology cannot overcome the laws of physics or regulate all factors that influence vehicle control. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS XK 4.2L V8 COUPE/CONVERTIBLE XKR 4.2L V8 S/C COUPE/CONVERTIBLE XK 4.2L V8 COUPE/CONVERTIBLE XKR 4.2L V8 S/C COUPE/CONVERTIBLE ENGINE SUSPENSION Type All-alloy, quad overhead camshaft, 32-valve, All-alloy, quad overhead camshaft, 32-valve, Front Independent double wishbone suspension with Independent double wishbone suspension with 4196 cc 90° V8. Continuously variable inlet 4196 cc 90° V8. Continuously variable inlet coil over enhanced Computer Active Technology coil over enhanced Computer Active Technology camshaft phasing. Fully catalyzed exhaust camshaft phasing. Fully catalyzed exhaust. Suspension (eCATS) adaptive dampers and Suspension (eCATS) adaptive dampers and with semi-active exhaust system Supercharged, intercooled engine anti-roll bar anti-roll bar Cylinders 8 8 Rear Independent wishbone suspension with coil Independent wishbone suspension with coil Valves per cylinder 4 4 over enhanced Computer Active Technology over enhanced Computer Active Technology Bore 3.39 in. (86 mm) 3.39 in. (86 mm) Suspension (eCATS) adaptive dampers and Suspension (eCATS) adaptive dampers and Stroke 3.56 in. (90.3 mm) 3.56 in. (90.3 mm) anti-roll bar anti-roll bar Capacity 4196 cc 4196 cc R suspension tune Maximum power (SAE) 300 bhp 420 bhp @rev/min 6000 6250 BRAKES Maximum torque (SAE) 310 lb.-ft. 413 lb.-ft. System Trac Dynamic Stability Control (Trac DSC) with Trac Dynamic Stability Control (Trac DSC) with @rev/min 4100 4000 Traction Control (TC). Anti-lock Brake System Traction Control (TC). Anti-lock Brake System Compression ratio 11.0: 1 9.1 : 1 (ABS Plus). Emergency Brake Assist (EBA). Electronic (ABS Plus). Emergency Brake Assist (EBA). Electronic Transmission 6-speed ZF automatic 6-speed ZF automatic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD). Hydraulic Brake Brakeforce Distribution (EBD). Hydraulic Brake Assist (HBA). Passive Brake Booster. Electronic Assist (HBA). Passive Brake Booster. Electronic PERFORMANCE Parking Brake (EPB) Parking Brake (EPB) (MANUFACTURER’S ESTIMATES) Front 12.8" (326 mm) diameter ventilated brake discs 14.0" (355 mm) diameter ventilated brake discs Acceleration and cast iron, single piston, sliding calipers and cast iron, single piston, sliding calipers 0–60 mph (0–100 km/h) Coupe: 5.9 sec.
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