34874 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 23, 1973 ment of the President of the United States; to the Committee on :::nterior and Insular monwealth of Massachusetts, relative to the to the Committee on the Judiciary. Affairs. Charles River watershed proposal of the Army By Mr. REUSS: Corps of Engineers; to the Committee on H.R. 11073. A bill for the relief of Grace Public Works. Nien-Tsu Yu; to the Committee on the PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, privaJte PETITIONS, ETC. bills and resolutions were introduced and MEMORIALS Under clause 1 of rule XXII, severally referred as follows: 331. The SPEAKER presented a petition of By Mr. FREY: Under clause 4 of rule XXII, Milton Mayer, New York, N.Y., relative to H.R. 11072. A bill for the rellef of South 321. The SPEAKER presented a memorial redress of grievances; to the Committee on Florida Council, Inc., Boy Scouts of America; of the House of Representatives of the Com- the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MARVIN JONES MEMOIRS men in history to hold top jobs in all three it for six months and then be confirmed to branches of the federal governm ..mt. any other position. In a book newly published by the Texas "He laughed again and said, 'You can'," Western Press at the University of Texas­ Jones relates. HON. GEORGE H. MAHON El Paso, Jones tells his story in a folksy For the remainder of the war, Jones wa.s OF TEXAS manner. the dom.lna.nt voice in allocating food to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He calls the book simply, "Marvin Jones armed forces, the civ111an population and to Memoirs." It is filled with anecdotes and our primary allies. Tuesday, October 23, 1973 personal bits of philosophy with which the In an appendix to the book, editor Joseph Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, one of the West TeX'S.S reader can easlly identify. M. Ray notes that "one technique Marvin most distinguished Americans of this Jones did, indeed, go to Congress. He Jones mastered (whlle in Congress) might served the Panhandle-Plains area from 1917 be termed 'dealing from strength'." century is Judge Marvin Jones, who to 1941 and was chairman of the House Agri­ In one such instance, Jones ran into a served 24 years in Congress, from 1917 culture Committee when the New Deal record bureaucratic stone wall with regard to the to 1941. of farm legislation was written. special problems of dealing w1h wind ero­ The Texas Western Press of the Un1- During the war, Jones strved as War Food sion. versity of Texas at El Paso has pe~ormed Administration, earning a "You did a great He won his point by holding up the annual a :fine public service in publishing a few job, Marvin" from President Franklin D. appropriation for any Soil Conservation untll weeks ago the memoirs of this outstand­ Roosevelt. the bureaucracy saw the light. Jones was appointed chief judge of the Jones' book is filled with anecdotes, some ing government leader, who h~s devoted U.S. Court of Claims in 1947 and became a at his own expense as when he asked another more than half a century to public Senior Judge of U.S. Courts upon his partial Congressman to agree that his hat "makes me service. retirement in 1964. look like a statesman." Elected to Congress from the Amarillo, Th~rough it all, he carried with him the "No, I wouldn't quite say that," came the Tex. district, Judge Jones served in the phllosophy that "it's all right to dream if reply. "It goes as far as a hat can." Hou~e of Representatives with distinction you don't go to sleep." until he resigned to take a position as Among those who gave the young Con­ Judge of the u.s. court of Claims in 1941. gressman good advice during his early years BUYERS OBJECT TO BUCKLING UP As a Congressman he wrote a record of in Washington was John Nance Garner. ''He advised me to be careful of what I achievement in the :field of agriculture placed 1r.. the Congressional Record the first HON. JOSEPH M. GAYDOS without parallel in the history of this two or three years," Jones writes. "He told country, serving as chairman of the me a man is not beaten on what he does not OF PENNSYLVANIA House Committee on Agriculture from say." IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1931 until his resignation from Congress. Jones got favorable response, though, to a Tuesday, October 23, 1973 In 1943 Marvin Jones became Assistant speech he made in 1919 about a move advo­ Mr. GAYDOS. Mr. Speaker, auto sales­ Director of Stabilization and later that cating use of the bomb and torch to achieve social and political reform. men in my western Pennsylvania district year War Food Administrator, a position He suggested that those who preached report a strong and bitter customer oppo­ which he held until the end of World War violent resolution be deported to remote sition to the federally regulated seat­ n. Judge Jones enjoys the distinction of islands to try out "their absurd doctrines on belt, shoulder-harness combination sys­ being one of a very few U.S. citizens to one another." tem which is mandatory on the 197~ have served in a high-level position in During the first 100 days of the Roosevelt Administration, Jones recalls, he handled models. all three branches of the Government. The objection is to the fact that the Serving from 1947 to 1964 as chief more major bills in their passage through Congress than did any other member. harnesses must be buckled up completely judge of the U.S. Court of Claims, Marvin "These included the Agricultural Adjust­ before the new cars can be started. The Jones has been a sen1or judge of the U.S. ment and Soil Conservation Act, the act for people, according to the salesmen, do not courts since that time. He divides his Refinancing of Farm Mortgages, the Farm like this. Indeed some fear it, citing the time between his old hometown, Ama­ Credit Administration Act and the measure possibility of being trapped if the rillo, Tex., and Washington, D.C., where reducing the gold content of the dollar," he apparatus fails. he maintains an office at the Court of points out. During that time, too, he was instrumental I know the safety experts who dictated Claims, 717 Madison Place, NW. this regulation have good reasons to be­ Friends of Judge Marvin Jones and in getting a number of regional governmental offices ~eadquartered in Amarillo. lieve that seat and shoulder belts can students of the history of this century will Jones became a favorite of President save lives by holding a person in place be interested in his colorful memoirs. The Roosevelt's, who appointed him to the U.S. and keeping him from being thrown following is a captivating column about Court of Claims in 1940. Early in World War against the windshield or out of the car Judge Jones which appeared in the Ava­ II, though, he was asked to become assistant in case of a crash. But the complaints in lanche-Journal newspaper of Lubbock, to James F. Byrnes, the Director of Stabiliza­ the auto showrooms, the salesmen say, Tex., on September 18, 1973. tion. Then, in 1943, Roosevelt summoned Jones. go beyond this theory and into the realm ONE MAN'S OPINION "The President called me to say he was of individual liberty. (By Kennet:!:l May) appointing a new United states War Food "People just do not like to buckle up, AB a small schoolboy, Judge Marvin Jones Administrator, adding facetiously that the and we are the first to know about it,'' of Amarlllo recalls, he walked across a. pas­ choice was between Herbert Hoover and me," salesman Jerry Nuzum told William ture of a field where some of his brothers Jones writes. Allan, Pittsburgh Press features editor, and sisters were working. "I responded that Mr. Hoover had had a lot of experience. He (the President) laughed who investigated the matter. "My brother Hub asked me where I was "Everyone wants to know how get going and I replled, 'I am going to Congress'. and said that I must take it," Jones adds. to They made quite a joke of it," Jones writes "He suggested that I should resign and around them,'' Joe Mazza, a sales man­ in his memoirs. that he would later reappoint me to the place ager, added and then summed up the "Brother Hub" is Hub Jones of Lubbock I then held or a better one. I said the way public reaction to the belt system as and Judge Marvin Jones is one of the few he had the food job set up, no man could hold "terrible!" October 23, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 34875 Jim Stockton, another salesman, told quility without reasonable assurance of few psychological benefits to black children Mr. Allan that more complaints can be success has to be highly questionable. and may infiict harmful psychological con­ expected once the new car purchasers I include for the REcoRD the column sequences upon them." find (3) Improved Race Relations: "In sum­ "really there is nothing they can do" of Kevin P. Phillips: mary, the busing studies available demon­ about the belts. [From the Chattanooga News-Free Press, strate rather conclusively that busing for It seems to me that, in this regulation, Oct. 17, 1973] racial integration has produced little or no the power of Government indeed has FORCE BUSING Is IIXNDERING RATHER THAN improvement in race relations.
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