Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 6 6 11/18/1968 Memo Memo from Rose Mary Woods to John Mitchell et al RE: Loren Berry's recommendation of Maury Stansfor a cabinet post in the Treasury. 2 pgs. 6 6 11/17/1968 Memo Memo from Rose Mary Woods to John Mitchell, cc Ehrlichman and Haldeman, RE: Mrs. Reynolds expressing concern about Bill Rentschler being given an appointment with the administration. 1 pg. 6 6 N.D. Other Document Index card with one handwritten quote on each side. Author unknown. 2 pgs. 6 6 N.D. Other Document Index card with one handwritten quote from the New York Times on each side. Author unknown. 2 pgs. 6 6 11/06/1968 Other Document Victory statement of RN. 5 pgs. Duplicates not scanned. 6 6 N.D. Other Document Transcript of victory statement of RN. 3 pgs. Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Page 1 of 4 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 6 6 12/18/1968 Memo Memo from Rose Mary Woods to Bob Haldeman RE: Pat Nixon requesting that Diane Tankoos be considered for a job in the White House office. 1 pg. 6 6 12/04/1968 Memo Memo from Rose Mary Woods to RN RE: Elmer Bobst recommending Tom Evans for an assignment. 1 pg. 6 6 12/04/1968 Memo Memo from Rose Mary Woods to Bob Haldeman and John Ehrlichman RE: John Davies expressing interest in a position. 1 pg. 6 6 11/16/1968 Memo Memo from Rose Mary Woods to John Ehrlichman, Bob Haldeman and Bryce Harlow RE: Dale Grubb wanting to be a part of the new Administration in some way. 1 pg. 6 6 12/06/1968 Letter Copy of letter from Rose Mary Woods to Miss Lang Yun (Lun) of the Tiger Tea House in Miami, Florida, RE: Appreciation of an invitation to visit the tea house. 1 pg. 6 6 11/07/1968 Other Document Telegram from Miss Lang Yun of the Tiger Tea House in Miami, Florida, to RN inviting the Nixon family to visit the restaurant. 1 pg. 6 6 12/03/1968 Letter Copy of letter from Rose Mary Woods to Mr. Sidney Banks of the Lago Mar Hotel RE: Banks' invitation to the Nixons to visit the hotel. 1 pg. Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Page 2 of 4 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 6 6 11/06/1968 Other Document Telegram from Sidney Banks of the Lago Mar Hotel RE: Banks' invitation to the Nixons to visit the hotel. 1 pg. 6 6 N.D. Other Document Inventory of files boxes containing files labeled Transitional in List D. 1 pg. 6 6 12/21/1968 Letter Letter from Mrs. Patty S. Gallucci to Dr. and Mrs. Billy Graham RE: Submitting the original song "The Prayer of Our Nation" for use at the Nixon Inaugural Ceremonies. 1 pg. 6 6 N.D. Other Document Lyrics to Patty S. Gallucci's original song "The Prayer of Our Nation". 1 pg. Duplicate not scanned. 6 6 N.D. Other Document Original copyrighted sheet music for Patty S. Gallucci's original song "The Prayer of Our Nation". 4 pgs. 3 copies. Not scanned. 6 6 12/04/1968 Other Document Envelope addressed to RN, attention Rose Mary Woods, from Harrold K. Hovey containing various newspaper clippings. Clippings not scanned. 1 pg. 6 6 01/02/1969 Letter Copy of letter from Rose Mary Woods to Harrold K. Hovey RE: Letter and newspaper clippings sent by Hovey. 1 pg. Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Page 3 of 4 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 6 6 12/04/1968 Letter Letter from Harrold K. Hovey to Rose Mary Woods RE: Newspaper clippings for RN. 1 pg. Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Page 4 of 4 I· I 18, 1968 John Mitchell et a,l Woo- . FROM: I Rose M r y lI , 1 "1 II . RE: II . Cab i ne t Pos t f'o~c Ma.ury Stans I 1,11 1 I , 1: I I I Loren B rry has c ~ll e d : here several tim~s I , I , d h s aske <;l me t o pass a l on the following,:­ I .• I II 1 I ,II , · ' "The r easons ,­ am ~o r Maury for the spot I . 1 I ;a r f~ la ury are:. ' He ~s I ' II III. I Ill. i s honest, Ion the square and he I '! . II, f' u l ~ ~ ,II I I 1 1 I I . 11 2. He would be t ,r emendously loyal to RML1. I I thlnk ' theman il"l t hat spot mus t have loyalty to the I I i Pr esident . I 1 , II ·; I · ' 111 thin" t hat is prOb a~ lY most important: because the moneyl s itua t i on looks co plicated at this time. I think Maury ~ 1 ~ Ii ' . i WGuldl us pla i n cornm on horse sense . I believe he would be a I I' ' I , .atur al and, he WO ~ld do the job . : i' . 1: , . "3. IThey are putting up big trial haloons f ] r o t h e~ people . 1 ' I " , I • i I I: .' I . 1 . I' ll Cert aiuly \"r hen RMN picked Agnew he made the I , 1 . I 1 r ght decision1 (I pe r sonal ly believe this helped in the border \' :." I I I states ). I I lam l nter e s -e d i n seeing this sail along as well a J possib+ I. Cer t ~in lY i t i s a lways better when you have men i 1111 I I or people a nound you WDO are loyal to you. 11 ,r 1" ! I I"l _! II ' ~ . II , i - 2 ­ I ' I : I ; I I ' I 1 I "Maur y St ans is t' a t ; to the last degre ei II ! I I , ' Ths.r e , l S no que stion . I t' ink 1' 0 know he is not pressing i i i ' I I I : a nything ,f or himself at al l . ' :I I: . I II . I I ." At · the s ame t i me , I am a little on the , I " I I OUILiS i de -~ I have a 'ight t o e xpr s s my opinion. II I I ~ , I .' I i I "II I LOREN BERRY II: /' 'I I, · 1 'I I' I · I I I , . 1 I I . ; I I . 1 .,, , I I II I I I ' , ~, I I I , , I ' I I , I II II i I Nove m bel' 17, 1968 MEMORAND UM TO: John Mitchell cc: John Ehrlichman Bob Haldeman FROM: Rose Mary Woods RE: William Rentschler of Illinois On November 13 when Mrs. Reynolds was in to see Maury Stans she asked a friend of RMN to be sure to pas s along what she had just told Mau ry -- "that if Bill Rentschler gets an appointment in Washington it will really ups et the apple car t in Illinois. II She, as you probably know, was one of our contributors and helped l- aise money from others throughout the campaign. On the same subject -- a m.an who does know Bill well and likes him -- said if we were considering him we should first look into the personal side because we would not want to be embarrassed. (I will glve you details on this if there is any need. ) I~~~,,--~ ~~~~~ ~~~tr-7L ~r.lr;'~ Crt ~ . statement of RICHARD M. NIXON November 6, 1968 New lbrk, New !brk Following is the victory statement made Wednesday afternoon by President-Elect Richard M. Nixon. The gift Mr. Nixon refers to at tbe end of this statement 1s the replica of the President1al seal made by Mr. N1xon's daughter, Julie. Ladies and gentlemen. I dndn't realize so many of you would stay up so late. I want to express first my grateful appreciation to all of those 1n this room, but more than that, through the medium of television and radio, to the thousands , and, I understand, millions , across the country who lforked for our cause. I know that many that I will never have a chance to speak to personally gave hours and days of time, and we will always be grateful for what you did. And we hope we can be worthy of the support that we had of the thousands of volunteer workers 1n state after state who did far beyond the call of duty in helping us to the victory that was won. I, as !OU probabl7 have heard, have received a very gracious message from the Vic~ President congratulat1ng me for winning the election. I have also had a telephone conversat10n with him, and I thought I might share w1th ~u and also our television audience some of the thoughts that I expressed to him in that telephone conversation. I congratulated him for his gallant and courageous fight against great odds. I admire a fighter, and he proved himself to be one. He never gave up and he gave us a good fight. - 2 ­ 1.. also told him that as he finished thls campaign that n know exactly how he felt. I know how it feels to lose a close one. Having lost a close one eight years ago and having won a olose one this year, I can say this -- w1.nning's a lot more fun.
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