Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu CCCXC Botanika – Steciana , , - ISSN - MATERIALS TO THE VASCULAR FLORA OF THE NEGLECTED EVANGELICAL CEMETERIES OF THE WESTERN PART OF THE DRAWSKO LANDSCAPE PARK POLAND ANNA SIGIEL-DOPIERAŁA, ANDRZEJ M. JAGODZIŃSKI A. Sigiel-Dopierała, Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection in Szczecin, Department in Złocieniec, Dworcowa , - Złocieniec, Poland A.M. Jagodziński, corresponding author, Department of Forest Protection, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Wojska Polskiego C, - Poznań, Poland; Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Parkowa , - Kórnik, Poland, e-mail: [email protected] (Received: May , . Accepted: June , ) ABSTRACT. Old cemeteries link historical, architectural and natural values and are considered to be some of the most interesting elements of Polish rural landscape. In the Drawsko Landscape Park area, which is situated in the north-western part of Poland, there exist ca. neglected Evangelical cemeteries and they are very suitable habitats for vascular plants. We inventoried fi ve abandoned Evangelical cemeteries of the western part of the Drawsko Landscape Park, i.e. in Lipno, Toporzyk, Śmidzięcino, Cieminko and Uraz. The survey showed relatively poor fl ora with the total number of taxa of vascular plants derived from families. The richest in species were the following families: Rosaceae (), Liliaceae (), Ranunculaceae (), Asteraceae (), Carypohyllaceae (), Lamiaceae () and Poaceae (). The number of species occurring in individual families ranged from to and the number of species per cemetery ranged from in Lipno to in Cieminko, with an average of species per cemetery. The native fl ora is represented by % of total taxa with apophytes outnumbering spontaneophytes. The examined fl ora is dominated by hemic- ryptophytes (%) with signifi cant proportion of phanerophytes (%). The cemeteries are habitats for relatively numerous plant species which are protected in Poland, i.e. Convallaria majalis, Frangula alnus, Galanthus nivalis, Galium odoratum, Hedera helix, Hepatica nobilis, Leucoium vernum, Lilium bulbiferum, Lilium martagon, Lonicera periclymenum, Polypodium vulgare, Primula veris, Ribes nigrum, Viburnum opulus, and Vinca minor, however most of these species were most likely planted by local inhabitants. KEY WORDS: vascular fl ora, dendrofl ora, cemetery, nature protection INTRODUCTION ANTKOWIAK and HEINE ). In general, the herba- ceous fl ora of cemeteries is not extensively researched. Old cemeteries are some of the most signifi cant ele- Moreover, publications concerning other groups of or- ments of the Polish rural landscape and are also integral ganisms, such as lichens, growing on the territories parts of architecture and green areas in cities, linking of cemeteries, are very rare (e.g. KISZKA and LIPNICKI historical, architectural, cultural and natural values. Old , GROCHOWSKI , JASTRZĘBSKA , MATWIE- cemeteries provide with some of the earliest written lo- JUK , ). cal history (USLU ). The arrangement, architecture Most of the cemeteries are planted with trees and and fl ora diversity of cemeteries are the result of many generally are highly shaded. They are also subjected to factors – both geographical (i.e. the geographical region, long lasting human impact on the environment, espe- topographic features, climate conditions) and histori- cially when situated in cities (SUDNIK-WÓJCIKOWSKA and cal and social factors (i.e. the date of the establishment, GALERA ). Trees in old cemeteries are particularly the time the cemetery was used, religious practices and valuable because they perform many important func- customs of inhabitants, management practices, etc.) tions, especially in deforested rural areas where they (CZARNA et AL. b). Old cemeteries may contain modify the local climate and diversify the landscape. a surprising number of plant species – both native and They are generally of great importance not only for local exotic, that includes a high proportion of generally population (ANTKOWIAK and HEINE ). Cemeteries ‘infrequent’ species in rural areas (MCBARRON et AL. were recognized as an important centre for alien plant ). However, research of the vegetation of cemeter- invasions (GUDŽINSKAS ). The occurrence of some ies is very uncommon (ŠILC ), most of fl oristical species within the areas of cemeteries might be related studies on cemeteries generally pertain to inventories to their symbolism, aesthetic reasons and practical roles of woody species (trees and shrubs), while herbaceous (KOLBUSZEWSKI , ANTKOWIAK and HEINE ). studies are less frequent (STYPIŃSKI , DORDA , Moreover, the design form of a particular cemetery may A. Sigiel-Dopierała, A.M. Jagodziński be also determined by the surface features of the sur- . The Evangelical Cemetery in Lipno (°' rounding area (CZARNA et AL. a). According to ."N, °'."E): it was established in the second CZARNA () cemeteries may also play an important half of the XIX century and it covers . ha. It belongs role as refuge for native plant species. to the Agricultural Property Agency (previously: the Agri- There are - thousand cemeteries (both mu- cultural Property Stock of the State Treasury). It is located nicipal and religious) in Poland and they cover from in the forest, on a small hill in the south-eastern direc- to thousands ha of land (SICIŃSKI ). After tion from buildings of Lipno, ca. m east from Nowe the Second World War some old Evangelical cemeter- Worowo – Połczyn Zdrój road. The cemetery is adjacent ies, especially in the cities, were taken over by Catholics to a fi eld road (western and northern boarder), and a for- and converted into their own needs; however, some of est (southern and eastern boarder). The cemetery is sur- them were destroyed and converted into green areas rounded by fi eldstones. In the unpublished records from and parks. The cemeteries situated in small towns and Połczyn Zdrój District (dated on ), it was stated that villages or in their vicinities were often plundered for old trees were present in the cemetery, i.e. six oaks, seven valuable objects. Moreover, elements of gravestones spruces and one pine. Moreover, it was mentioned in that were sometimes used by local inhabitants as building record that there exists an iron churchyard cross from material on farms. However, the old cemeteries, even . Based on the current investigation, the churchyard when destroyed, are still very interesting from many cross was not found, but the old pine-spruce-oak stand points of view. still exists. The graves were razed to the ground; the ar- In the Drawsko Landscape Park area, which is sit- rangement of paths and sections is invisible at present. uated in the north-western part of Poland (West Po- . The Evangelical Cemetery in Toporzyk (°' meranian Voivodeship), there exist ca. abandoned ."N, °'."E): it was established in the fi rst cemeteries and most of them are Evangelical cemeteries. half of the XIX century and it covers . ha. At present, They have never been studied as habitats for vascular it is the northern part of a municipal cemetery. The cem- plants. Thus, the aim of our study was to determine the etery is situated in the north-eastern direction ca. list of vascular plant species in the most valuable and m from Toporzyk village. The arrangement and borders well preserved, abandoned Evangelical cemeteries in the (an avenue of spruce trees) of the Evangelical Cemetery western part of Drawsko Landscape Park. are well preserved. There are many gravestones, graves and iron churchyards dated both to the fi rst and the sec- ond half of the XIX century and the fi rst half of the XX MATERIALS AND METHODS century. The oldest churchyard is dated back to . The Evangelical Cemetery in Śmidzięcino The inventory was conducted in fi ve abandoned (°'."N, °'."E): the area of the cem- Evangelical cemeteries. The cemeteries are situated in etery is . ha. It is situated on a small hill behind the following locations: Lipno and Toporzyk – Połczyn the pond in the abandoned Śmidzięcino village, on the Zdrój District, Śmidzięcino and Cieminko – Ostrowice right side of the road from Bolegorzyn. The cemetery is District and Uraz – Czaplinek District. surrounded by wastelands (meadows). The borders of The investigations were conducted between March the cemetery, made of fi eldstones, are still visible. The and October in two consecutive growing seasons of gravestones and graves are devastated and plundered. and . The cemeteries are not fenced (ex- . The Evangelical Cemetery in Cieminko (°' cept Toporzyk cemetery), but their borders are clearly ."N, °'."E): the area of the cemetery is marked by stones and the area of the cemeteries may . ha. It is situated ca. m east from Cieminko be more or less precisely determined by the line of old village, on a small hill. It is surrounded by arable lands trees growing around cemetery. Thus, since the borders (north, east and west) and a mixed forest (south). Grave- were clearly visible, we listed all vascular plant species stones and churchyards are not very numerous. The growing in the area of each cemetery, excluding spe- cemetery is not fenced. cies growing outside the borders. Plant species grow- . The Evangelical Cemetery in Uraz (°' ing outside the cemeteries were not included in the list ."N, °'."E): the area of the cemetery is . of taxa. Nomenclature of species was based on MIREK ha, it is located ca. m north-east from Uraz village, et AL. (). Diameters at breast height (. m above on the steep Drawsko lake shore. Form
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