THE MOST THE THOROUOBLY FRIENDLY READ PAPER 10 PAPER ALLIANCE RECREATIONAL NEWS pfetrttouted free by carrier. By r No. 35 •i-M per year. Otherw.ee eold 5 CENTS ALLIANCE, OHIO, DECEMBER 13, 1925 .A: .tiers ann arms."anil ihen *i«v-*ei. "II* must have returned," he said, timidly, almost helplessly, as it firs! In an odd voice. "Those lights—" cap* In contact with resplendent op­ "Let us go in, dear." she pleaded. position. The actress was a head tall­ "I—I hear somt-rhmg moving a..toot, HEY! LOOK er than Mrs. Grimes, who nevertheless the weed* down there. It s grisly, Oli­ bravely stood her ground and faced ver—creepy." Oliver yielded to her comparison with all tbe hardihood of entreaties and they made their way KIDF WHO'S the righteous. .tick to the house. Mr. Sage, witb a distinctly bewil­ Mrs. Sage was holding forth In her dered and somewhat embarrassed ex­ most effective English when tbe two HERE pression keeping company with the entered the sitting-room. She may Write your let­ proud and doting smile that seemed have eyed them narrowly for a second ters to Santa to be atamped upon hi* Inn visage, or two, but that waa all. Claus—mail them stood across the room witb hi* datigh Sammy Tarr, However, who ted to him care of ter and Mrs. Sammy. 'Wrereational been observing Oliver vary closely, get "Do yon mean to toll me, Oliver News, Box S93— up from his chair and marched across aad • we will that those blighters Intend to begin the room, his hand extended. digging np ytwr place tomorro-r**" , print them ia "Congratulations, old man!" te this column so Josephine asked Incredulously. ,-houted J i.vously. ke wfll be sure to Oliver laughed. "1 think we'll all OLIVER And little old Mrs. Grimes, from her see them. rather enjoy the excitement. Aunt place on the sofa, remarked, as she Josephine,' be said. "I suppose thev'li leaned back with a sigh of content: begin prying up th* kitchen floor to­ "Well, goodness knows it's about L OCTOBER^ morrow, or digging trenches In tbe tune." cellar, or tearing np the flower-beds." WrSa Proving .hat since the entrance of M | Sbe looked at him narrowly. "What GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON tte lovers tte great Josephine ted IMPt-R'i A.vi—_-arems will. )-least- sign each latter and see that correct address Is n tter rot 1 Do they expect to find jwnr COPVRIOHT.BELC SYN0ICATE.(WN.U. StR-VlCE.) falled to -old her audience spellbound. given. Parents signatures will not be published as It is only required as aa father burled in the cellar or under assurance tbat tte letters are sent In good faith. SYNOPSIS the kitchen floor?" 1 here is more ot this int.resting deal' slower and infinitely more haz­ "Hie^den't pT.ngcf to And .him at CHAPTER I—OHver October Baxter, ardous." srorv appearing on Page 8 Alliance, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1925 whatever you think I would like. % 9t„ was born en a rile October day. aH," replied Oliver, wlrb unintentional Dear Santa: live across the street from tbe Hor­ lils parent* Were prominent la the *Tve taken that Into account," an- shortness. Please bribe tne a pair of rubber ace-Mann School and will leave the eoinroerclal, eoclal and Hpiritual life of notmceA tbe detective, looking straight lite town of Rumley. His rather waa Be glanced over his (boulder at boots, tool chest, candy and don't door unlocked. roprietor of the hardware store. The ahead. "I was about to say tbat it's forget the tree. I will have daddy Dorothy Jane Zimmerman, Pl_:ht that Oliver tV-tober waa born a going to take a good deal of tight lane. Their eyes met and their gnxe type? quea* reada hie father'a fortune held ter some seconds. Be detected to let the front door open so you 1712 Grace St., N. E. ana telle him what a wonderful future squeezing, Mr. Baxter, to get yon In­ the clouded, troubled look In hers anil can get the tree in. Be sure to come his eon haa before him. but after the dicted, tried and executed inside of down the chimney to the living Dear lia Clai: reading, the gypsy becomes angry and was suddenly conscious of what, mns; waves the bouse la a rage after tellint; the next 80 days. The time Is pretty room fire place as that is the only one I ..---,» a football and my sister* Mr. Baxter that his son. will never short, eli?" He laughed jovially. have seemed to ber a serious intensity big enough. I am 4 years old and Cecelia. Lacher, Would like a baby each the age of thirty, that he will In bis own. Be knew now that be was Ie hanged fer * crime of which he te Oliver turned on him. Til knock a good boy. , doll. Age 9. And my brother, Al- net srnfltr. In love—that he always had been In He Started Violently, the Word* Dying Harold Spies '_ Lac- er, would like to have a four d—d head off, Malone, if you love with Jane, that he always would CHAPTEH Tl' Tf years elapse and *n His Lips, 1305 Parkway Blvd. train. Albert Lacher. age 7. A baby make any mote cracks like that Re­ he tn love with her. Be compressed Oliver*s father Is the owner ef a busi­ member tbat, will you?" be cried Richard Lacher, would Ilk* to have ness block hi the town. Mrs. Baxter his lips and fought against tbe might ask Tier to give me B~fhlrty-day New York City, Dec. 12:—Fifteen , Alliance, Ohio. Dec 1% 1925 a bail. K.chard Lacher, age li died when Oliver was nearlng seven hotly. minutes at Columbus Circle: Nine Josephine Sage, wife of the minister <trange, mad Impulse to shoot that he option, or something like that" Dear Santa Claus: j months thoroughfares pouring mad-hatters • Muses a sensation when she leaves Malone was genuinely surprised. He was In love with her, that she was "Tou goose!" Please bring me a Desk and Chair, Willim Lacher, age 11 Rumley to go en the stage. She be- Went very red In the face. Be pressed her arm to his side, and into a vortex of shrieking taxi 532 S- Arch St. omes a "mar" and later gees to Lon- Ma—all his—and that no man should new dress, manicure set, handker­ "-"eVjie said thickly, TU be sure was serious when he spoke again, aft­ brakes, s'*rill ng cops and emot'y ng Alliance, Ohio ion, where she scores a hit. Her ' take her away from blm. subway kiosks. Electric displays chiefs and anything else you would; daughter Jane and young Oliver be- to remember it" er a moment's pause. think a girl 15 years old would l.ke. Alliance, O., Dec. 8, 1925. eoine greatly attached to one another. And she? She was thinking of thul blinking in the daylight. Leon hrrpl Dear Santa: After finishing college, young Oliver Oliver apologised to Malone as they dry. hot night when he came to, sue "I have never asked a girl to marry an old friend, Don't forget my daddy and mother. accepts a position In Chicago with an I am a irl just nine years old and were on the point of separating In her after leaving his father, out of me. Jane. Never Is all my life. Do emerging from Winifred Spies tntrineerlng company. He goes to , 1305 Parkway Blvd. I want you to bring me a doll, books, Chins on an Important mission for hie front of tlie house. Tbey bad trav­ breath, his shoes covered with fresh yoa krfow why?" the Cosmopoli­ firm. Upon hie return be enlists in the ersed the hundred yards or more In Sbe hurled her face against his shoul­ tan. Was in sev- wrist watch, ring beads and a cedar Canadian army black mud. There had been no rain chest for my dolls clothes. You silence. der. A vast, overwhelming thrill raced ^ eral edt'bns of Alliance, O.. Dec. 5, 1925 CHAPTEK III.—The war over. Oliver for weeks. The roads were thick with Dear Santa Claus: won't need to bring any dresses for returns Us Chicago and is told by hie "I am sorry I spoke to you as T did, dust And Lansing, too, had noticed through him. His arms went about my London Hip­ the doll as I will make them. This employers that his services are no Mr. Malone. I hope you win overlook her and drew her close. I am a little girl, I go to school longer required. He returns home. that his shoes were muddy. Be had podrome shows. and I got honor pupil on my report will save Mrs. Santa from making He hears Jane Is In love with Doctor it" "I never realised it, Jane—I never A six-story ci­ them. Lansing;- Jans and Oliver meet again. spoken to her about them, he had card. I want you to bring me a Malone held out hla hand. Tve been wondered where Oliver had been to even thought of It till just a little garette s'gn over bath robe, a pair of skates and a Dorothy Winifred Derry, Oliver In reprimanded by his father the head of Anti- lor not gettfng aaother .position Oli­ spoken to a good bit rougher than that get into mud up to his shoe tops! wblfa ago—but BOW.
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