Winter ... Wear Is <iGh,e atominrntntor Woolen Here .. ·Tzltzis · Official Undergraduate Newspaper of Yeshiva College Vol. LVIII NEW YORK CITY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ,4, 1963 No .S Students'P~o.blems_Need Rabbi Soloveit-chi.k w-~nls Uni:ted Personal Religious Therapy Action Against.- Missiorraty 1Threat "Extend your experienced hand halachic roles as one proficient in . ·· , by Stewen_PtJ1to'lir1ky . f ·. · to our college students," was the active field , work:, counseling, and · appeal made by Dr. Menachem intellectual and spiritual attain- Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik the G-d~'of-Israel .•• This is evangelize the whole Jewish corn- M. Brayer, speaking as consulting ments, is now obscured. ·. addressed the students and faculty,, . .. our only answer ;· .. No com- munity as.such;'' psychologist at Yeshiva College, in After classifying Yeshiva stu- of the three Hebrew divisions in promise and no retreat .. ·• We The· ris'e of· the. State of Israd an address before the YU Rab- dents into a host of psychological a special assembly convoked "to follow ·our destiny, we defy even is ' a'. prime reason for the new binical Alumni in Furst Hall, No- categories, Dr. Brayer called upon meet one ..f the most awesome our own common sense • .. we evangelical interests. The-.Church vember 27. ' the rabbis to use traditional re- challenges in the millenia of our have our commitment." has ;taught thai: Jews can never ligious values as the basis for ther- history." ' Rabbi Soloveitchik:'s address return to ,.Zion because :riiey rc- THE COMMENTATOR staff apy. "Judaism," he declared, "lives Rabbi Soloveitchilc discussed and ' ·.. ; . extends a hearty maze/ tor, in today and prepares for tomor- analyzed the evangelical missions to Mr. and Mrs. Norman row. The clergy has learned much of the Christian Church in Israel B. Abrams on the birth of from psychological therapy and re- and the Diaspora and the Ecu­ their second grandchild. The ligion. The one a piocess, the other menical Council schema on· anti­ parents of the little girl, a goal, can help each other." Dr. Semitism. This was the first' time Lisa Paula, are 11,:Ir. and · Brayer added he could not suffi- that Rabbi Soloveitchik has lec­ Mrs. Stanley Cohen of ciently stress the need for rabbis tured before the student bodies on Montreal, Canada. to find time for religious counsel- modem_ problems facing Jewry. ing, especially since outside, non- He spoke at Nathan Lamport Au­ The ,novel topic of the address religious agencies are not always ditorium ori Thursday, November was: "The Psychological Prob­ suitable for the Yeshiva student. 21. lems of the Yeshiva University Colle~e S111aromes Eternal Problems Pre-Smicha and Smicha Student." Problems of Yeshiva College The problems facing Jewry to­ Dr. Brayer outlined a drastic students were, it was stated, usu­ day, stated Rabbi Soloveitchik. are widening of the rabbi's role in the ally of the "psycho-religious syn­ the same that faced Jacob. Esau drome." When Yeshiva students asked-Jacob's scouts, "Whose are . : . .. i-. ] ., . ' • . fields of counseling the perplexed Rabbi f. B. So~oveltchlk addresses ~~';ta .on . ~lonarles In. lsml. student and recruiting qualified find they must cope with the real­ you=:.and where are you . going?" applicants for the rabbinate. For ity of the world, they also find :rhese two questions are now be­ was fervid and' emotional, but lie j~ed Jesµs;- yet, thJ see that both purposes, he maintained, the that their training clashes with ing aslccd by another Esau in a spoke clearly and lucidly. "The thef S~te of Israel i~ .established. student should- be led to identify the nihilistic approach of self-per­ "new guise"-the Church, both Church sug~ts to us directly ) ln,cy are thui; faced ~th a con­ meaningfully with the full image missiveness prevalent in today's Protestant and Roman Catholic. and indirectly: a revision of our trapiction between th·eozy and re- of the "Rav" and to look upon materialistic world," Dr. Brayer They ask to whom do you belong 2000 years old decision against ality• . Atco~ding to Rabbi Solo­ him as the real M oreh Derech. observed. as a spiritual personality and what Christianity and its founder. The veitchilc, the Church's: solution is Rabbi's Role Dr. Brayer noted that his cal­ is your. ultimate goal and way of Church has decided to approacli ,baptism. Since th~ JC\\iish ,State is The best students cannot be endar was constantly filled with life? Who is after G-d? us again; The aim of the Church • now· ""°'fu; the Chi'.ri:h. SC<:S a attracted to the rabbinate, Dr. students with home problems, poor Our· · answers now, declared is to convert the Jews in. Israel .i:o secular . Jew; one 'wh.; . abandoned Brayer continued, if the rabbi in adaptation to the YU eo.viron­ Rabbi Soloveitchik, are no dif~ Christjanity and .. they are . .ap- his identity . as . a . ''.member of a his community is merely a "mixer, ment, sexual frustrations, and an­ ferent from those in the time of proaching us with these [Esau's] . metaphysical, h,,:I~Z'etic: group." social organizer, or book review­ xiety due to intense competitive­ Jacob. Jacob and what he repre­ questions. · · : •• Reccmmllatkm ' · • . er.''. The deeper meaning of what ness in the "compulsive race" of sented are highly relevant in 1963. Church . Dogma . ·)'The. Church now: :feds that it is actually expected of a rabbi, is college. "We ar~ committed t<> Jacob and «The evangelical mission of the is possible • to explore a recon- , Church is unequivocally a part of ( Continued :·on page 3) . , its dogma. Both Protestants ··- and . The Pro~lems Of Orthodox Me:dical Roman Cathoiics concur ori this · · · · · mission, although they may difier J S·P ~R'eceives slightly. While in the past the · · - ' ·· · · · · Students Reviewed By Dr. Zelefsky baptisin of i:he single . Jew-one, lib_ra,r ,_·•~,: Fun . d s ten, or one thousand-was the I i Halachic problems in Medical ish partner be asked -lo do the ac­ is frequently responsible for pa­ goal, today the Church· is out to · · A sum of ~ne' tho~d dollars School was the subject of a talk tual anatomical work, with the tient ,care, the hete,: of preserva­ by Dr. Melvin Zelefslcy to the Jewish student watching but not tion of life is valid. However, it has been add~·to the JSPSC e.~­ Pre-Medical society November 14. participating. In this connection, should be avoided wherever pos­ Private Dorm ·Phones penditures during the 1963-64 aca­ Dr. Zelefslcy, a graduate of Albert he recommended against pairing sible, either through exchange of I demic year/ arim>unccd Secrctary­ Einstein College of Medicine, is with another yethiua student be- shifts with a non-Jewish student · Proposed By Council ~reasufer. Fred[ Rufiinger. The Chief Resident · in radiology at or by the advance preparation of announµ:ment was made at a No­ The possibility of installing pri- vember( 21 meeting ·of . the · Coun• Jacobi Hospital. He studied Jar loosely worded forms . to cover vate phones in college dormitory cil -d~d• , the' . budget, the rabbinate while attending med­ normal contingencies. · w~/ch rooms upon the request of the comnut,tee appo~tmerits, . and fu- ical school, obtaining his smicha Rosh Bashonah student and at his expense was ture plans., _ : : · , . from Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Sh'- On other Sabbath problems. Dr. discussed at a recent meeting of Two hundred'. arid fifty dollars lita. Zelefslcy recommended that. lab­ oratory tests on patients be per­ Student Council A proposal fa~ . will be ~d for<the: establishment Dr. Zelefsky stated that hala­ voring the right of . residents to · of a reserve h"br:1ZY; ofseforim. for chi.c restrictions could be m~t, formed during the weelc, that packages of needed supplies be have such phones if all roommates the use oLJSP students; wiili the with some effort, in medical scho()J. opened before Shabbor, and that are in agreemC\li: was ; passed remainder : :of' the )one · thouknd He indicated, however, that the · unanimously. dollars · left for ,·expenses• . heter of preservation of life halachic prohibition of wringing be avoided by the use of tongs, Council recommended to the · Chairmeri ·Wl!re :'appointed to doesn't generally apply during the Dean that intersession be length~ . permanent coinmittees. '..fhey are: first two years of medical study. rather than the hands, in hand- , ling sponges. enecl from a weekend to. a full Ed Fritz '65; G.uidance Progrlun On the problem of Saturday class­ Dr. ,Zelefsky (L) has the .answer. Rosh Hashonah presents few week and .that compensation for Committee' Arth'ur, Katzman '64 es one which does not apply at ·cause both would be unable to problems at medical · school, ac­ the ~tra days, if necessary, ~ · Curriculooi- Confe~ce Commit~ Einstein, attend but do not talce work: on the Sabbath. He indi­ cording, to Dr. Zelefslcy, because made : at the end of .._i:he school tee{Mel:vi4 Got,ilieb''66; Studerit­ notes. cated that the use of a microscope the schools generally recognize its year. · . Fa;:ulty Committee; and Theodore Similarly, one may not take e;c­ on Shabbos is permitted. sanctity to Jewish students and In' other action it'' was pro- Sylvetslcy '6_4; temporazy c:hainnan. aminations on Shabbot, but wh1~e As to dissections for the study arrangements can· be· made for ex­ , posed that a letter be dr~ed to . of the . Assembly- p!Ud: Student being firm in so informing his in­ of .human anatomy, Dr. Zelefslcy cuses from clinical duties. Two- the Dean demali'ding that tlie stu• Functions Commi~i . : ' · · structor, one should not be defiant. stated that it is halachically pre­ . day-yom tovim followed by 81:ab­ dent lounge be ,9,pcrted in the near The JSP '.
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