Miss Verna E. Weber, BERGEN, Alta. PRAIRIE REGION SCHEDULE May 14 . 20, 1950 Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME III-No. 20 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG, MAY 5 5c PER COPY $LOO PER YEAR This Week: Ronald Gibson, Organist (Page 2) * Bernard Braden (Page 3) * William Primrose (Page 5) * Court Of Opinions (Page 6) * CBC Square Dance (Page 8) r * AUGHS don't often just happen-yoll have to L work for them, and jOlINNY WAYNF; and FRANK SHUSTER know that as well as anybody. This photograph shows them hard at it in the special den Frank has fixed up at his home in Toronto, where most of the work is done. They write their own scripts, always keeping at least two weeks ahead of the game. Each Friday they l.'OlIlpletc a draft script which, with a multitude of revisions and additions, will be used on their Thursday show thirteen days later. On Thursday afternoon the scheduled script starts coming to life in rehe..usal. The pressure mounts from then until broadcast time, and when the show finally goes on the air the script contains a mass of pen­ cilled changes. The general excitement is carried over right into the broadcast, and the boys pick up many a laugh over their difficulty in following its hieroglyphics. The May 18th bro.1dc.1st will be the 150th Wayne and Shuster Show amI, to mark the occasion, CBe producer Jackie Rae has written H little tribute which follows: Wayne and Shuster *** Four Years With Wayne and ShuSl.er vaudcville background, and we had met the odd It has been a great experience keeping up with time. the pace set by their energy and drive, their By JACDE RAE I mention this particular night because it was tremendous capacity for work, and their knowledge Four years ago Johnny Wayne, Frank Shuster then and there that Johnny and Frank asked me to of show-bwiness "know-how." And it really has and I, were invited to attend a party at the home join them as producer of theit soon-to·begin series been a Jot of hm. Both Johnny and Frank, espe­ of a mutual friend. We had known one anoU1fJr of radio shows. We've been working together sincc cially at rehearsals, are unpredictably funny-even before, but not well. I had secn und admired their then, and indeed it has been a wonderful education to me, and I'vc been one of their most constant work in the entertainment field, ther knew of my for me, and so much fun. fans for four years now. (Tum to page 3) Page 2 CBe TIM ES Prairie Region CLEARING UP THE WEATHER BALLET MUSIC Sunday, May 14th, 1950 This program is on thc move, origi­ CDC orchestra conducted by Samuel nating in a different part of the coun­ Hersenhoren in a program of modern try each week, The first two programs American ballet music. Suite from CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CDT) came from the studios in Vancouver Billy the Kid, written for the Ameri­ 8:55 Musical Program 1:00 eBe News 8: 00 Stage 50 and EOUlonton. This Sund:.l.Y's broad­ can Ballet Caravan by Aaron Cop­ 9:00 eBe News 1:03 Capital Report 9:00 eBe Nalional News cast will originate in 'Winnipeg, where land; ami Fancy Free (Leonard Bern­ 9:03 Weather. Interlude 1:30 Religious Period 9: 10 Weekend Review 9:15 World Church News 2 :00 Invitation to Music 9: 20 Our Special Speaker D. M. Hohcrtson of the Dominion stein). The second work was later 9 :30 Sunday School of the 3:30 Church of the Air Puhlic Weather Office there will talk rewritten into a musical sCOre for the Air 4: 00 Land 01 Supposing 9:30 Ballet Music 10:00 CBe News 4:30 Critically Speaking 10:00 Winnipeg Sunday abdut \Veather and the Farmer. The film On the Town. Terence Gibbs, 10 :02 Neighbourly News 5:00 John Fisher Concert next fuur programs will come from producer. From Toronto. 10:15 Prairie Gardener 5:15 GBe News 11:00 Organ Recital 10:30 Recital 5:11 Clearing Up The 11:30 Vancouver String Toronto, Montreat Halifax and Gan­ W-9:30 p.m. K-8:30 p m. X-7:30 p.m. 11:0051. Poul's Anglican Weather Orchestra der, Newfoundland. Church 5:27 Weather 12:00 CBC Naws 11 :59 Dominion Time Signal 5:30 My Uncle Louis W-5: 17 11."'. K-4;17 p.m. X-3:17 p.m. 12:00 Alan Mills 6:00 Sunday Evenlnq Hour 12:10 Weather WINNIPEG SUNDAY CONCERT 12: 15 Just Mary &:45 The Old Songs 12:15 Canadiana Winni­ 7: 00 Startime 12:30 Vesper Hour cnc 12:30 Way of the Spirit SUNDAY EVENING HOUR peg Orchestra CIlK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MDT) This 'Neeks' speaker is Rabbi conducted b y 9:55 Weather 1:00 Invitation to Music 8: 10 Weekend Review Abraham Feinberg nf Holy Blossom E ric Wi I d; 9:00 CBC News 2: 30 Church of the Air 8:20 Our Special Speaker Therese Deni­ 3:00 Land of Supposing Tcmple in Toronto. 9:02 Neighbourly News 8 :30 Ballet Music set, soprano, 9:15 Prairie Gardener 3:30 Critically Speaking 9:00 Winnipeg Sunday \V-6:00 p.m. K 5:00 p,m. X-4:00 p.m. 9: 30 Recital 4:00 John Fisher Concert Orchestra: 10:00 BBC News 4:15 CBC News 10:15 World Church News 4:17 Clearing Up The 10:00 Organ Recital Overture - L e Weather 10:30 Vancouver String Lac de Fees 10:30 Harmony Harbour Orchestra THE OLD SONGS 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 4 :27 Weather (Allher); Chil­ 11 :00 Alan Mills 4:30 My Uncle Louis 11:00 CBC News The Four Gentkmcn's selections II: 15 Just Mary 5: 00 Sunday Evening Hour 11:10 Weather today will include To My Mother, drf'!1's Corner 11:30 Way 01 the Spirit 5:45 The Old Songs 11: 15 Canadiana Sui t c No. 1 6:00 Startime II :30 Vesper Hour lIedge H.oses, The Old Hugged Cross 12:00 eBC News __ :Sb~... (Debussy); 12:03 Capital Report 7: 00 Stage 50 12 :00 Prelude to Midnight and Through the Years. Fro III 12 :55 CBC News 12:30 Religious Period 9:00 CBC National News Toronto. Therese Deniset Pavanne(Havel); CIlX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc) (MST) S 1I i t e for Or­ \V-6:4.=i II.m. K-5;45 p.m. X-4:45p.m. chestra ( Rameau); Algerian Suite 7:55 Musical Program 12:00 Invitation to Music 7:10 Weekend Review (Saint-Saens). Therese Deniset: 9:00 CBC News 1: 30 Church 01 the Air 7 :20 Our Special Speaker 9:02 Neighbourly News 2:00 Land of Supposing 7:30 Ballet Music STARTIME Comille autrcfous dans Ie nuit, from 9:15 Prairie Gardener 2:30 Critically Speaking 8:00 Winnipeg Sunday The Pearl Fishers (nizct); L'Abscnee 9: 30 Recital 3:00 John Fisher Concert Ordwstra conducted hy Neil Cho­ 9:00 BBC News 3:15 CBC News tern; Les Disciples de Massenet, a (Bcrlio:l); L'amour :lU moi (tradi­ 9: 15 Music for Meditation 3:17 Clearing Up The 9: 00 Organ Recital tional); Minuet (Martini). This pro­ 9:30 Harmony Harbour Weath8'r 9:30 Vancouver String fifty-voice choir; Yoland Guerard. one 9:59 Dominion Time Signal 3:27 Weather Orchestra of French CanacL'l's most prolilising gram of music by French composers 10:00 Alan Mills 3:30 My Uncle Louis 10:00 CBC News will be announced by Jean-Charles :roung b.'lSS singers; and pianist Max 10:15 Just Mary 4:00 Sunday Evening Hour 10:10 Weather Chapais, hilingual announcer at CBC, 10:30 Way 01 the Spirit 4:45 The Old Songs 10:15 Canadlana Chamitov who has been playing with 11:00 CBC News 5:00 Startime 10:30 Vesper Hour "Vinnipeg, and producpr of the French II :03 Capital Report 6: 00 Staqe 50 11 :00 Prelude to Midnight American and Canadian name bands 7:00 CBC National News 11:55 CBC News language programs heard daily on 11:30 Religious Period for the last fifteen years. Lcs Disdples CBK, Suskah:hewan. Tom Taylor, CBC DOMINION (MDT) de Massenet: a group of gypsy airs; producer. From '~innipcg. the Pilgrims' Chorus fro1'll Tannhau­ 3:30 Aldrich Family 5:30 Amos 'n Andy 7:30 Bod's Scrapbook '\V-lO:OO p.m. K-9:00 p.lIl. X-8:00 I ser. Yoland Guerard: Stout-Hearted 4: DO Roy Rogers 6:00 Bergen and McCarthy 9:00 Contented Hour p.m. 4: 30 Our Miss Brooks 6:30 Enchantment 9:30 Don Wright Chorus Men from New Moon (Romberg); 5:00 Alan and Me I 7: 00 Opeora Concert 9:00 Dominion News When the Flame of Love from Fair For Corrections and Late Program Hotes for Last Week·s Maid of Perth (Bizet); Jalousie ORGAN RECITAL Times-See Page 8. (Maurice Yvain); Max Chamitov: Ay Ronald \V. Gihson, organist, will be Que Verguenza and Cumana, two heard in recital from All Saints' « « NOTES » » concert of long-plaving symphonic Latin American numbers; '~hat Is Church, Winnipeg. Prelude and recordings. TIe will playa tape record­ This Thing Called Love. Orchestra: Fugue in C Minor (J. S. Bach); RECITAL ing of an interview with the noted Y'a d'ia joie, a French chansonette; Anoante (Karl Stamitz); Paradise George Horvath, 'cellist, and Leo conductor and records of Mozart's A Motherless Child (arr.
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