SMART CITIES INDIA READINESS GUIDE The planning manual for building tomorrow’s cities today Smart Cities India Readiness Guide 1 CH 1: INTRODUCTION TO SMART CITIES Smart Cities India Readiness Guide® The planning manual for building tomorrow’s cities today © 2016 SMART CITIES COUNCIL Smart Cities India Readiness Guide 2 CH 1: INTRODUCTION TO SMART CITIES Acknowledgments 7KH,QGLD5HDGLQHVV*XLGHLV¿UVWDQGIRUHPRVWDFROODERUDWLYHHIIRUW:HDUHJUDWHIXOIRUWKHH[SHUWLVHWKHHQHUJ\DQG WKHPHWLFXORXVGLOLJHQFHRIGR]HQVRIHQWKXVLDVWLFVPDUWFLW\DGYRFDWHV±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¶V$GYLVRU\%RDUGDFROOHFWLRQ RIWKHZRUOG¶VIRUHPRVWVPDUWFLW\WKLQNHUVGRHUVDQGYLVLRQDULHV2XUSOXV$GYLVRUVDUHOLVWHGRQSDJHRIWKLV *XLGH¶V$SSHQGL[ $XWKRUVDQG.H\&RQWULEXWRUV 7KLV*XLGHZDVZULWWHQDQGHGLWHGE\6PDUW&LWLHV&RXQFLO)RXQGHUDQG'LUHFWRU3UDWDS3DGRGH(GLWRULDO'LUHFWRU)DOJXQL 3DGRGH(GLWRUDQG6PDUW&LWLHV([SHUW'DUVKDQD0DOLDQGUHVHDUFKDVVLVWDQWV6XSUL\D*DZGHDQG6XUHNKD<DGDY (PDLO3UDWDS3DGRGH#LQGLDVPDUWFLWLHVFRXQFLOFRP Smart Cities India Readiness Guide 3 CH 1: INTRODUCTION TO SMART CITIES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction to smart cities 2. How To Use The India Readiness Guide 3. Universal 4. Smart People 5. Built Environment 6. Energy 7. Telecommunications 8. Transportation 9. Water And Wastewater 10. Waste Management 11. Health And Human Services 12. Public Safety 13. Finance And Payments 14. Ideas To Action Appendix Smart Cities India Readiness Guide 4 CH 1: INTRODUCTION TO SMART CITIES 1 Introduction To Smart Cities Welcome to the Smart Cities India Readiness Guide. This document was assembled with input from many of the world’s leading smart city practitioners — the members and advisors of the Smart Cities Council India and Smart Cities Council. It will help you create a vision for the future of your own city. Equally important, it will help you build an action plan to get to that better future. Smart Cities India Readiness Guide 5 CH 1: INTRODUCTION TO SMART CITIES KURXJKWKH,QGLD5HDGLQHVV*XLGHWKH¿UVW 7KLVLQWURGXFWRU\VHFWLRQGH¿QHVVPDUWFLWLHV including city governments, schools, hospitals, and foremost goal is to give you a ‘vision’ and then explores the current environment and infrastructure, resources, businesses and of a smart city, to help you understand GULYHUVRIVPDUWFLWLHVLQ,QGLD7KHQLWORRNVDW people. As you’ll read, smart technologies have how technology will transform the cities the various supporting government missions. matured to the point that cities of all sizes can ofT tomorrow and how people will contribute in And, then it discusses some of the barriers DϑRUGDQGEHQH¿WIURPWKHLULPSOHPHQWDWLRQ enhancing and realising the transformation. FLWLHVPD\IDFHDQGEHQH¿WVLWZLOOEULQJ )RUH[DPSOHQHZFORXGFRPSXWLQJRϑHULQJV DOORZHYHQWKHVPDOOHVWFLW\WRDϑRUGDEO\ The second goal is to help you construct your tap into enormous computing power. So the own roadmap to that future. It suggests the lessons of this Guide apply regardless of size goals to which you should aspire, the features and you’ll see real-world examples in the case and functions you should specify, the best Taking a holistic studies featured throughout. practices that will gain you the maximum EHQH¿WVIRUWKHPLQLPXPFRVWDWUHGXFHGULVN view of ‘city’ The transition to smart cities will be a long and and the collaborative environment you should gradual one. Ten years from now, the transition %HIRUHZHGH¿QHWKH¶VPDUWµSLHFHKRZHYHU create to envisage and assimilate all aspects of will have been made in the minds of citizens ZHVKRXOG¿UVWGHDOZLWKWKHZRUG¶FLW\µ5HDO smart cities together. DQGGHFLVLRQPDNHUV:HZLOOKDYHPDQ\VPDUW world smart city examples are rarely a city in city pilots providing new insights for future the strictest term. Many are more than a single The India Readiness Guide is intended for projects and developments. city, such as a metropolitan region, a cluster mayors, city managers, city planners and of cities, counties and groups of counties, WKHLUVWDϑV,WKHOSVFLWLHVKHOSWKHPVHOYHVE\ a collection of nearby towns or a regional providing objective, vendor-neutral information coalition. Other examples are less than a full- WRPDNHFRQ¿GHQWHGXFDWHGFKRLFHVDERXWWKH scale city, such as districts, neighbourhoods, technologies that can transform a city. townships, villages, campuses and military Ƥ EDVHV,QGHHGPDQ\PXQLFLSDOLWLHVDUHWDNLQJ &LWLHVDURXQGWKHZRUOGDUHDOUHDG\PDNLQJ a smart city a neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood approach tremendous progress in achieving economic, to modernisation. This Guide is designed to The advancement in technologies and open, environmental and social sustainability, in the address all of these human ecosystems. collaborative partnerships will drive the speed creation of 21st century jobs. All of these are and magnitude of changes. Collaborative excellent ways to improve city living standards Because it is in common use, we will continue LQQRYDWLRQDQGLQWHJUDWLRQLVWKHNH\WR and economies. The concept of smart cities to use ’city‘ throughout this Guide. But we transformation of smart cities, today and in the GRHVQ¶WFRPSHWHZLWKWKHVHHϑRUWV,QVWHDG use it to mean all relevant examples big and future. smart city technologies can support and VPDOO5HJDUGOHVVRIVL]HZHDUHWDNLQJD HQKDQFHZRUNDOUHDG\XQGHUZD\ comprehensive, holistic view that includes the entirety of human activity in an area, Smart Cities India Readiness Guide 6 CH 1: INTRODUCTION TO SMART CITIES A smart city uses information and $VPDUWFLW\WKHQLVRQHWKDWNQRZVDERXW communications technology (ICT) to enhance LWVHOIDQGPDNHVLWVHOIPRUHNQRZQWRLWV LWVOLYDELOLW\ZRUNDELOLW\DQGVXVWDLQDELOLW\,Q populace. No longer do we have to wonder if simplest terms, there are three parts to that a street is congested — the street reports its job: collecting, communicating and ’crunching’. condition. No longer do we have to wonder if First, a smart city collects information about ZH¶UHORVLQJZDWHUWROHDNV²WKHVPDUWZDWHU itself through sensors, other devices and QHWZRUNGHWHFWVDQGUHSRUWVOHDNVDVVRRQDV existing systems. Next, it communicates that they occur. No longer do we have to guess the GDWDXVLQJZLUHGRUZLUHOHVVQHWZRUNV7KLUGLW SURJUHVVRIWKHFLW\¶VJDUEDJHWUXFNV²WKH ’crunches’ (analyses) that data to understand WUXFNVUHSRUWZKHUHWKH\¶YHEHHQDOUHDG\DQG ZKDW¶VKDSSHQLQJQRZDQGZKDW¶VOLNHO\WR where they are headed next. happen next. Communicating data. Once you’ve collected Collecting data. Smart devices are logically the data, you need to send it along. smart located throughout the city to measure and cities typically mix and match a variety of wired monitor conditions. For instance, smart and wireless communications pathways, from meters can measure electricity, gas and water ¿EUHRSWLFWRFHOOXODUWRFDEOH7KHXOWLPDWH XVDJHZLWKJUHDWDFFXUDF\6PDUWWUDϒF goal is to have connectivity everywhere, to sensors can report on road conditions and every person and every device. Interoperability congestion. Smart GPS gear can pinpoint LVDNH\UHTXLUHPHQW the exact locations of the city’s buses or the whereabouts of emergency crews. Automated weather stations can report conditions. And the mobile devices carried by many city dwellers are also sensors that can — when VSHFL¿FDOO\DXWKRULVHGE\WKHLUXVHUVWRGR so — collect their position, speed, where they FOXVWHUDWGLϑHUHQWWLPHVRIWKHGD\DQGWKH environmental conditions around them. Smart phones also gauge an always-local, perpetually renewable but inherently limited natural resource — radiofrequency spectrum — that smart cities depend on and will ultimately need to manage. Smart Cities India Readiness Guide 7 CH 1: INTRODUCTION TO SMART CITIES 1. Presenting information tells us what’s going on right now. In the aerospace and defence industries, they call this “situational awareness.” Software monitors WKHKXJHÀRZRILQFRPLQJGDWDWKHQ summarises and visualises it in a way WKDWPDNHVLWHDV\IRUKXPDQRSHUDWRUV to understand. For instance, a smart operations centre can monitor all aspects of an emergency situation, including WKHDFWLRQVDQGORFDWLRQVRISROLFH¿UH DPEXODQFHVWUDϒFGRZQHGSRZHUOLQHV closed streets and much more. 2. Perfecting operations uses the power of computers to optimise complex systems. For instance, balancing the supply and GHPDQGRQDQHOHFWULFLW\QHWZRUNRU Smart cities collect, Crunching data. After collecting and V\QFKURQLVLQJWUDϒFVLJQDOVWRPLQLPLVH communicate and crunch communicating the data, you analyse it for congestion, or selecting the ideal routes data: one of these three purposes: 1) presenting, IRUDGHOLYHU\ÀHHWWRPLQLPLVHWLPHDQG 2) perfecting or 3) predicting. If you’ve read fuel costs, or optimising the energy usage The city of Rio de
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