35 Cents BROADCASTING pl.) {' air university USAF ..^a ranch tY,loC THE BUSINE Library ;eris Unit 147$i ] RADIO b2-7547 (p'_-bUO) Bast,tSrAPR APR` 3 A E'iaxr;ei_ Air orce Montgomery AID. 22, 1963 Off- network shows bring variety to lives KVUE(TV) requests three -year pay -TV test of spot buyers 31 in Sacremento, Calif 72 industry hopes puzzle pieces are in place Last sections fitted into Transcontinent's when ratings probe resumes 33 $40 million sale 62 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 -'f'.'t. Ig baby products? Reach busy mothers who the purchases -even when they are most on the (eep your sales growing in this growing market Spot Radio on these outstanding stations. Albuquerque WTAR... Norfolk- Newport News Atlanta KFAB Omaha Buffalo KPOJ Portland Chicago WRNL Richmond C - Cleveland WROC Rochester Dallas -Ft. Worth KCRA Sacramento Denver KALL Salt Lake City Duluth- Superior WOAI San Antonio Houston KFMB San Diego Kansas City KYA San Francisco Little Rock KMA Shenandoah Los Angeles KREM Spokane Miami WGTO. Tampa- Lakeland -Orlando Minneapolis -St. Paul KVOO Tulsa Intermountain Network RADIO DIVISION : THE ORIGINAL STATION REPRESENTATIVE J YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS ROIT 'LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS Radio to listen to radio by WJR is the kind of radio people pay attention to. This kind of radio does things for commercial messages, WJR radio is foreground radio. With the kind of sports too. Namely, gets them heard and appreciated -in a and fine arts and news and farm shows and homemaking 4 -state 112 -county market, tips and music that thrill, provoke, inform, amuse, 15,312,700 people strong. excite, and charm. In short, radio for you to make In short, WJR radio does things to people. All day, all money by. Call your Henry I. 760 KC 50,000 WATTS night, year in, year out. Christal Representative soon. DETROIT KEY STATION FOR THE ADULT RADIO AUDIENCE IN BALTIMORE WCBM programs for adults ... the young marrieds offers ... the music ... the personalities ... the . the parents of growing families ... the people with programs ... and the news, with 17 hours of local "spending" power. They need more of your product and regional coverage, gathered by Baltimore's larg- or service ... and YOU need them. Reach them, and est radio news team, plus 15 hours of CBS news. of like them, and you reach the thousands adults Unlock the door to the adult audience in Baltimore in Balti- most important buying segment the growing ... the people who "buy "! Deliver your message to more metro market. them through WCBM Radio . key station in They prefer the adult -level programming WCBM your Baltimore radio schedule! National Sales Representative , het ro'Liam()t Sales A SERVICE OF METROPOLITAN BROADCASTING A CBS RADIO AFFILIATE 10,000 Watts on 68 KC & 106.5 FM Baltimore 13, Maryland BROADCASTING, April 22, 1963 3 MULTI -CITY TV MARKET Only single medium assuring full sales power in the entire region ... a multi -city market including the metropolitan areas of Lancaster, Harrisburg, York, and many other iUNSUIT communities. And, area -wide, the Channel 8 viewing audience is unequaled by all other stations combined. This is full sales power. 1,11.11V 0VININ :Z "- READING uuxox Use it to build sales and increase profits. .. YORK «.... ,. C 111.4 Ge.,,,.x n.ni GSTTTSURG " --... J .... uem CION OIJIM Channel 8 Lancaster, Pa. STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, 316,000 WATTS Pres. Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, April 22, 1963 Central rating bureau? Detailed proposal for settling ratings CLOSED CIRCUIT' crisis has been drafted by Television tion Research Center, Brandeis Uni- dium -wave stations (using allocations Bureau of Advertising management versity, Waltham, Mass.; Herbert E. to that country) are listened to regu- with its special practices committee Evans, president of Peoples Broad- larly, not only in Germany but also and is expected to be submitted to casting Co., Columbus, O., and Na- in Denmark, Belgium, Holland and TvB board at meeting this week. It tional Association of Broadcasters Switzerland. Use of USIA commen- envisions new corporation financed delegate to Inter -American Association taries might invite new jamming from and supervised by advertisers, agencies of Broadcasters, and Milton J. Shapp, Soviet-oriented areas, easily accom- and broadcasters (but with broadcast- chairman of board of Jerrold Corp., plished on medium bands. Countering ers paying biggest share of freight). It Philadelphia, strong New Frontiers- this is notion that news handling by would be headed by man who has man who participated in organization military personnel is inefficient and of earned respect of all three groups, and of Peace Corps. Since retirement of "rip and read" nature and therefore would have two divisions: One, headed Commissioner T. A. M. Craven, inadequate in current era of fast - by accomplished "investigator," would there's no engineer on FCC and Mr. breaking events when official view- audit ratings services; other, under Shapp's supporters say he would fill points of U. S. government should be prominent researcher, would conduct void. Jerrold is prominent in com- conveyed to troops to fill "gap" in that studies for immediate changes in munity antenna systems. supplied by news services. measurement standards and method- ology, and also conduct long -range in- On merit promotion from within Collins to England? vestigations looking toward new government, Max D. Paglin, FCC gen- tech- LeRoy Collins, president of Na- niques, methods, even new systems. eral counsel, is mustering important support, as is David Parson, deputy tional Association of Broadcasters, has TvB blueprint has been developed general counsel of USIA (BROADCAST- tentative plans to go to England this over long period but submission to ING, Feb. 25, April 8). summer. He wants to observe British board has awaited lull in Washington television at first -hand, is particularly hearing, now in recess. TvB top brass Local live problem interested in studying commercial sys- and members of special practices com- Six New England TV stations whose tem of clustering TV advertising dur- mittee, headed by Martin Nierman of license -renewal applications were de- ing "natural" program breaks. Gover- Edward Petry & Co., discussed it with ferred because of questions about local nor Collins has already said British A. C. Nielsen Jr. and James Seiler, live programing in prime time (BROAD- system of keeping commercials out of head of Nielsen and American Re- CASTING, April 1) still don't know programs has "great appeal to me" search Bureau respectively, at private what information FCC wants. How- (BROADCASTING, March 25). meeting last Thursday. Their reac- ever, letter of inquiry has been drafted Inside story tion: reportedly favorable. Nierman by FCC and it may come up for com- committee will submit report for TvB mission approval at meeting next week. Sudden resignation of Dr. Irvin board's consideration at meeting Stewart as director of telecommuni- Wednesday and Thursday at Green- FCC hasn't announced stations that, cations management at White House brier, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. in policy- reversing decision, it deferred (story page 90) has given rise again because of 6 -11 p.m. issue. Those to frustrations entailed in handling Nielsen footnote involved are WAGM -TV Presque Isle, allocation of frequencies for govern- WLBZ-TV Bangor, and WCSH -TV Port- ment use. Dr. Statement that A. C. Nielsen Jr. Stewart, on job for land, all Maine; WNHC -TV New Haven, wanted House subcommitte probing about year and with broad powers Conn.; WHYN -TV Springfield, Mass., ratings to accept, but which Chairman given him under executive order, sim- and WJAR -TV Providence, R. I. ply Oren Harris (D -Ark.) dismissed as advised President that he and his unsworn and "self- serving," pleaded wife preferred academic life and that News management on AFN? he's to professorship at that company loses money on five of returning West Virginia. its six services, which gross about $7 Is news management invading Amer- University of But no- million annually. If firm improves its ican Forces Network operations over- tion is that he was unable to accom- radio service and clients fail to sup- seas? By presidential decree, commen- plish objectives because of difficulty in port higher fees, Nielsen "will regret- taries prepared by USIA have been working with military in efficient use fully retire from the local radio rating ordered on all AFN radio and TV of scarce spectrum space. business," he said. Letter to Mr. Niel- stations, except where prohibited by Stewart resignation will have bear- sen from Mr. Harris explained why agreements with host nations (France ing on makeup of U. S. delegation at unsworn statements were not accept- has already vetoed project). Service extraordinary conference on space able and reminded that opportunity was to have begun over Germany's communications to convene this Oc- to testify was given although Mr. Niel- extensive AFN networks last Wednes- tober in Geneva and at which U. S. sen wasn't around to accept. Fresh day, with two five -minute "commen- will be pitted against Soviet. Com- opportunity may be made in next taries" daily, supplementing regular mander T. A. M. Craven, who retired hearing phase, chairman wrote, "should on- the-hour AP -UPI newscasts. Offi- from FCC March 25 but was retained you still want to submit testimony." cial explanation is that USIA com- as consultant on space communica- mentaries were begun to improve qual- tions, was chairman of 1959 delega- FCC sweepstakes ity of news for U. S. forces overseas. tion which agreed upon experimental No indication yet as to front run- According to reports, some Depart- space allocations, with upcoming Oc- ners for upcoming Newton N. Minow ment of Defense officials were opposed tober conference to implement alloca- vacancy on FCC either for commis - to use of USIA "news analyses" be- tions.
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