15500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE July 1, 1965 Sanchez, Fidel N., 83077A. Toth, W1lliam J., 70740A. Sanders, Robert J., 71053A. Townsend, Blaine F., 71169A. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bandvik, James E., 77473A. Tracy, Peter W., 79573A. Santamaria, John, Jr., 83080A. Tremblay, DouglasS., 70462A. THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1965 Savage, Charles A., Jr., 71054A. Triplett, Eugene B., 83152A. Schell, Roger R., 70718A. Trojanowski, John W., 70746A. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Schibler, Mark C., 77929A. Trouy, Victor R., 71170A. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Schichtle, Casper J., Jr., 70714A. Tschirhart, Leslie H., 77550A. D.D., offered the following prayer: Schiller, Harvey W., 70730A. Turner, Frank V., 70451A. Schmidt, Walter K., 77930A. Tuttle, William C., Jr., 73546A. The words inscribed on the Liberty Schader, Barry E., 72240A. Ueland, Richards., Jr., 71060A. Bell in Philadelphia: Leviticus 25: 10: Schrock, Derel D., 72241A. Varn, Benjamin F., Jr., 75535·A. Ye shall proclaim liberty throughout all Schulte, Richard J., 70436A. Vasil1k, Michael V., 79579A. the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. Scott, Randall F., 83086A. Vasques, Louis R., 83159A. Sculley, Jay R., 79098A. Venables, Rodney E., 73547A. Almighty God, we rejoice that we are Sealy, William F., 78155A. Veraldi, Dennis L., 70477A. drawing nigh to that sacred day in the Sebren, William E. III, 83087A. Verhees, Donald L., 75461A. annals of our American history when the Serina, Gerald, 71017A. Verhoef, Robert W., 72248A. Founding Fathers signed the Declara­ Shapek, Raymond A., 71055A. Vipperman, David E., 75537A. tion of Independence in which they had Sharp, Jimmy R., 75529A. Wagner, Fredrick A., 71062A. stated in verbal form their faith and Shaw, Lawrence G., 70945A. Wagner, Richard E., 79645A. their deepest convictions. Shelton, Harold A., 77481A. Wagoner, Joseph L. C., 70697A. May our minds expand with the spirit Sherrard, William A., 72242A. Waitley, Damon R., 70435A. Shinol, Henry E., 70523A. Walker, Robert G., 73548A. of pride and patriotism, of gratitude and Showers, Rodney E., 72243A. Wallace, Larry W ., 80981A. renewed consecration as we contemplate Shupp, Richard W., 80137A. Watson, Roger C., 73549A. and reflect upon the meaning of that Sidebottom, Harold w., 77543A. Webb, Roy G., 70493A. signJficant day. Simons, Robert K., 75455A. Weber, David C., 70747A. We pray that our President, our Speak­ Singleton, Ivan J ., 70485A. Weiland, William J., 71063A. er, and our chosen representatives may Sitarz, Richard J., 70949A. Weiss, Walter A., Jr., 70720A. be men and women whose manhood and Skarke, Richard J ., 75456A. Weide, Francis J., 78457A. Sloan, James E., 76089A. Weldon, JoAnn, 71100W. womanhood can match the mountains Smedley, Robert R., 70735A. Wells, Peter C., 77551A. of diffi.culty which are now confronting Smith, Alan T., 70446A. Welsh, David R., 71064A. our Republic. Smith, Bruce N., 71165A. Welton, David L., 79818A. Penitently we confess that we are filled Smith, Donald N., 70525A. Wennerstrom, Arthur J., 77552A. with apprehension and fear for there is Smith, Douglas B., Jr., 77932A. Werner, James K., 77934A. so much of disobedience and disrespect Smith, Dustan T., 70627A. Whitaker, William L., III, 70599A. for law and authority in our national life Smith, Graham M., 71166A. White, Donald V., 72249A. Smith, Gregory H., 78302A. White, Robert E., 78458A. and we greatly feel the need of cultivat­ Smith, Maurice M., 71092A. Whitescarver, John P., 70479A. ing those finer feelings and aspirations Smith, Richard C., 70478A. Wigginton, Harold E., 71171A. which will make our country truly Smith, Stephen B., 70521A. Wilkerson, Danny F., 78210A. strong. Snell, Clyde A., 72244A. Wilkins, Donald A., 70641A. .Kindle within us the spirit of brother­ Snyder, Terry W., 70456A. Williams, Francis F., Jr., 70663A. hood that in these times of peril we may Sorensen, Donald N., 77545A. Williams, Merle E., 73550A. sustain one another and minister to one Souhrada, James, 71105A. Williams, Walter M., III, 75331A. Spanberger, Lloyd R., 77933A. Willis, Richard P., 77936A. another's needs. Spencer, James D., 75533A. Wilson, Arthur J., III, 77279A. Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. Spradlin, Don M., 78156A. Wise, Robert M., 83190A. Sproul, Parker D., 72245A. Wittnebel, Robert F. J., 83191A. Stachurski, Richard J., 70614A. Wilff, Warren W., 71172A. THE JOURNAL Staley, Henry A., 83117A. Wrenn, James E., 70504A. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Stamets, Leigh E., 80113A. Wright, David R., 75468A. Stanovich, Robert, 73542A. Wrinkle, Frederic R., 70589A. terday was read and approved. Stedman, Raymond E., Jr., 70515~ Yeager, Kurt E., 77938A. Steininger, Warren L., Jr., 71106A. Young, George C., Jr., 75471A. Stephan, Brian G., 80115A. Young, Thomas W., 71065A. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Stevens, Bruce U ., 72246A. Younkin, Gary D., 83201A. A message from the Senate by Mr. Stewart, Laymon D., 73543A. Zehrer, Frederic A. III, 70661A. Bradley, one of its clerks, announced Stiles, Thomas L., 70698A. Ziebold, Ronald J., 83205A. that the Senate had passed bills of the Stine, Terrence P., 80917A. Zieg, Duane H., 80136A. following titles, in which the concurrence Stonemark, Richard D., 70593A. Medical Service Corps Strawn, Leon F., 72247A. of the House is requested: Strojny, DenniS J., 78489A. King, Thomas W .. 75404A. S. 853. An act for the relief of Charles N. Sturniolo, Lawrence R., 79630A. Biomedical Science Corps Legarde and his wife, Beatrice E. Legarde; Suggs, Jon C., 73544A. Eiles, Richard R., 71098A. S. 1098. An act to amend section 1(14) (a) Sullenberger, DonS., 83127A; of the · Interstate Commerce Act to insure Sundstrom, David E., 70596A. the adequacy of the national railroad freight Sutter, Edward L., 71058A. CONFIRMATIONS car supply, and for other purposes; Switzer, Harold K., II, 71167A. S. 1666. An act to provide for the appoint­ Talbot, Grady E., 77547A. Executive nominations confirmed by ment of additional circuit and district judges, Talley, Robert J., 70488A. the Senate July 1, 1965: and for other purposes; S. 1742. An act to authorize the U.S. Gov­ Tarpley, Charles A., 72203A. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Taylor, Terry K., 83132A. ernor to agree to amendments to the articles Terkuile, Roger C., 71168A. Homer Thornberry, of Texas, to be U.S. Cir­ of agreements of the International Bank for Terlep, Anthony J., Jr., 71059A. cuit judge ·for· the fifth circuit. Reconstruction and Development and the Terry, Jack 0., 79947A. Joseph F. Radigan, of Vermont, to be U.S. International Finance Corporation, and for Theberge, Royal R., 73545A. attorney for the district of Vermont for the other purposes; and Thomas, William A., Jr., 70503A. term of 4 years. He is now serving in this S. 2212. An act to authorize the Commis­ Thomasson, David E ., 77548A. office under an appointment which expired sioners of the District of Columbia to estab­ Thompson, Barry L., 70480A. May 15, 1965. lish and administer a plan to provide for the Thompson, Donald J., 83141A. William Marlon Parker, Jr., of Alabama, to care and protection of childl'en through pub­ Thompson, Donald L., 77549A. be U.S. marshal for the middle district of Ala­ lic day care services, and to provide public Thompson, Mark E., 70707 A. bama for the term of 4 years. He is now serv­ assistance in the form or foster home care Thomssen, Darrel D., 70738A. ing in this office under an appointment to certain dependent children. Thorne, John W., Jr., 75460A. which expired May 22, 1965. Thorp, Charles B., 79571A. (Omitted from the RECORD of June 30, Throldahl, Bobby D., 75581A. U.S. PATENT OFFICE 1965:) Tilbury, Brian, 75334A. Arthur H. Behrens, of Washington, to be A message from the Senate by Mr. Tillman, Joe A., 78455A. an examiner in chief, U.S. Patent Office. Arrington, one of its clerks, announced July 1, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 15501 The program for next week is as fol­ of identification to such employees under that the Senate had passed without their jurisdiction as they may designate. amendment a bill of the House of the lows: Each such card shall be signed by the following title: H.R. 6400 which is the Voting Rights Speaker, Member, officer, or committee chair­ H.R. 3415. An act to equalize certain pen­ Act of 1965, under an open rule with 10 man concerned, and shall not be valid for alties in the Inter-coastal Shipping Act, 1933. hours of general debate. a longer period than the duration of one This, of course, is made subject to the session of a Congress." usual reservation that conference reports COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes may be brought up at any time and that the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. HAYS]. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, on behalf any further program may be announced Mr. HORTON. Mr. Speaker, will the of the gentleman from North Carolina later. gentleman yield? [Mr. CooLEY], I ask unanimous consent Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman will Mr. HAYS. I yield briefly to the that the Committee on Agriculture may yield further for a unanimous-consent gentleman from New York, the author of be permitted to sit while the House is request. Mr. GERALD R. FORD. I yield to the resolution. in session today. Mr. HORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the gentleman. commend the distinguished gentleman the request of the gentleman from Okla­ from Ohio [Mr. HAYS] and to thank the homa? Committee on House Administration and Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speak­ ADJOURNMENT OVER FROM FRIDAY TO TUESDAY its Subcommittee on Printing for having er, reserving the right to object, what is brought H.R. 261 before us today. This the subject matter on which the com­ Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask is a measure I introduced on March 9 to mittee is sitting? unanimous consent that when the House provide the issuance of appropriate iden­ Mr. ALBERT. This is on the cotton adjourns tomorrow it adjourn to meet tification cards for those whom we em­ bill, as I understand it.
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