Review 55 Obesity and chronic inflammation in phlebological and lymphatic diseases G. Faerber Centre for Vascular Medicine, Hamburg Keywords increase in intra-abdominal and intertriginous ten mit venösen oder lymphatischen Erkran- Obesity-associated functional venous insuffi- pressure, which in turn leads to an increase in kungen, die gleichzeitig schwer adipös und ciency, obesity-associated lymphoedema, vis- venous pressure in leg vessels, these relation- häufig multimorbide sind, überproportional ceral obesity, chronic inflammation, insulin ships are mainly caused by the metabolic, an. Die Adipositas, vor allem die viszerale, resistance chronic inflammatory and prothrombotic pro- verschlechtert alle Ödemerkrankungen, er- cesses that result from the increase of visceral höht das Risiko für thromboembolische Er- Summary adipose tissue. These processes can be ident- krankungen und postthrombotisches Syn- The prevalence of obesity has continued to ified by low levels of adiponectin and high lev- drom und kann alleinige Ursache sein für die increase considerably during the past 15 els of leptin, insulin, intact proinsulin, PAI-1 Adipositas-assoziierte funktionelle Venenin- years. Particularly noticeable is the marked and proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, suffizienz ohne Nachweis von Obstruktion increase in morbid obesity, which is in turn TNF-α). Therapeutic measures must therefore oder Reflux. Das Adipositas-assoziierte particularly pronounced among the elderly. be aimed primarily at reducing visceral obesity Lymphödem stellt inzwischen den größten Since the prevalence of venous thromboem- and with it hyperinsulinemia or insulin resis- Anteil unter den sekundären Lymphödemen. bolism, chronic venous insufficiency and sec- tance as well as at fighting chronic inflam- Mehr als 50 Prozent der Lipödempatientin- ondary lymphoedema also increases with mation. nen sind adipös, die bei ihnen im Verlauf zu age, the number of patients with venous or beobachtenden sekundären Lymphödeme in lymphatic diseases, who are also severely der Regel Folge der Adipositas, nicht des Lip- obese and often multimorbid, rises dispro- ödems. Die Symptomatik wird bei allen portionately. Obesity, especially of the vis- Schlüsselwörter Krankheitsbildern durch Gewichtsreduktion ceral type, exacerbates all oedema diseases, Adipositas-assoziierte funktionelle Venenin- gebessert. Neben mechanischen Faktoren increases the risk of thromboembolic dis- suffizienz, Adipositas-assoziiertes Lymph- wie der Erhöhung des intraabdominalen und eases and post-thrombotic syndrome and ödem, viszerale Adipositas, chronische Inflam- intertriginösen Drucks, der wiederum zu ei- may be the sole cause of obesity-associated mation, Insulinresistenz ner venösen Drucksteigerung in den Beinge- functional venous insufficiency without evi- fäßen führt, sind es vor allem die durch die dence of obstruction or reflux. Obesity-as- Zusammenfassung Zunahme des viszeralen Fettgewebes verur- sociated lymphoedema now accounts for the Die Prävalenz der Adipositas ist in den letzten sachten metabolischen, chronisch inflamma- largest share of secondary lymphoedemas. 15 Jahren weiter stark angestiegen. Dabei fällt torischen und prothrombotischen Prozesse, More than 50 percent of patients are obese, besonders die deutliche Zunahme der morbi- die für diese Zusammenhänge verantwortlich with their subsequent secondary lymphoede- den Adipositas auf, die wiederum bei den Älte- sind, erkennbar an niedrigen Spiegeln von ma usually resulting from obesity rather than ren besonders ausgeprägt ist. Da mit dem Al- Adiponektin und hohen von Leptin, Insulin, the lipoedema. Weight reduction improves ter auch venöse Thromboembolien, chronisch intaktem Proinsulin, PAI-1 sowie proinflam- the symptomatology in all clinical presenta- venöse Insuffizienz und sekundäre Lymph- matorischen Zytokinen (Il-6, Il-8, TNF-α). The- tions. Beside mechanical factors, such as an ödeme zunehmen, steigt die Zahl der Patien- rapeutische Maßnahmen müssen also in ers- ter Linie auf die Reduktion der viszeralen Adi- Dieses Dokument wurde zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen. Vervielfältigung nur mit Zustimmung des Verlages. positas und damit der Hyperinsulinämie bzw. Correspondence to: Adipositas und chronische Inflammation bei phle- der Insulinresistenz sowie auf die Bekämp- Dr. med. Gabriele Faerber bologischen und lymphologischen Erkrankungen Zentrum für Gefäßmedizin Phlebologie 2018; 47: 55–65 fung der chronischen Entzündung abzielen. Paul-Dessau-Str. 3e https://doi.org/10.12687/phleb2413-2-2018 22761 Hamburg Submitted: 08 February 2018. Tel. 0049 40 460039 24 Accepted: 12 February 2018 [email protected] © Schattauer 2018 Phlebologie 2/2018 56 G. Faerber: Obesity and chronic inflammation Introduction with a first thrombosis a doubling of the overweight as an independent risk factor risk of thrombosis at a BMI of 30 kg/m2 for CVI-typical skin lesions. Over 50% of In Germany, men with a normal body- and higher (CI95: 1.5 vs. 3.4) as well as an the obese patients had oedema and a florid weight are already a minority from the age increase in factors VIII and IX. The relative or healed ulcer. In a study of ulcers, Ober- of 30 to 35 years, while overweight women risk was similar for both sexes and all age mayer et al. also described a share of 46% do not dominate until the age of 55 years. groups; in absolute terms, the effect was of obese and 35% of overweight patients At the end of their working life, 74.2% of greatest among the elderly (13). A prospec- (19). Overall, the proportion of the so- men and 56.3% of women are overweight. tive cohort study by Ageno et al. involving called venous hydrostatic ulcers without re- While the number of overweight individu- 83 consecutive thrombosis patients showed flux is reported to be between 20 and over als has been stagnant for several years, the that a BMI > 28 kg/m2 is already a predic- 60%, depending on the degree of obesity proportion of obese people increased from tor for the early development of a post- (16, 20). The skin lesions improve after 12% in 2000 to 15% in 2009 and up to thrombotic syndrome. After 12 months, weight loss (21, 22). 23.6% in 2015. Most notably, the propor- PTS was observed in 24.1 percent; the CVI-typical symptoms occurring in the tion of people with morbid obesity (BMI ≥ mean BMI was significantly higher in this context of obesity are summarised under 40) aged over 65 increased between 1999 group (29.6 vs. 27.2 kg/m2, p = 0.022). The the term „obesity-associated dependency and 2013 by 300% for men and by 175% for authors concluded that thrombosis pa- syndrome,“ analogous to “immobility-in- women (1). Since the prevalence of throm- tients should avoid weight gain and that a duced dependency syndrome” in paralysed boembolic events, chronic venous insuffi- reduction could possibly help to prevent individuals (23, 24). Garzon and Ober- ciency (2) and secondary lymphoedema PTS (14). mayer were able to demonstrate that the also increases with age, the number of pa- intertriginous pressure in the groin already tients with these conditions, who are also correlates with the leg vein pressure at a severely obese, is steadily increasing. The CVI and ulcus cruris BMI as low as 25 kg/m2 and that in obese development of overweight and obesity is patients it causes, in addition to the result- favoured by family predisposition or gen- The influence of body weight on the sever- ing obstruction of the leg veins due to the etic causes (3, 4), medications, endocrine ity of CVI has been the subject of contro- weight on the groin, a complete inacti- and mental illnesses as well as by a low so- versial debate in the literature, mainly be- vation of the calf muscle pump when sit- cial and educational status (5). The rapid cause both CVI and BMI increase with age ting, thereby preventing the relief of the in spread of the obesity epidemic is above all (2). In a large epidemiological study invol- itself healthy, venous system, thus causing caused by today‘s lifestyle, which is charac- ving over 16,000 subjects, Chiesa et al. de- the venous pressure to increase. The au- terized by the constant availability of scribed a relationship between BMI, visible thors see this as a possible explanation for mostly unhealthy food, frequent „snack- signs of CVI and increase in venous reflux the formation of hydrostatic ulcers (23). ing“ (6), lack of exercise due to a sedentary (15). In contrast, a retrospective study by Since it is most likely that additional, par- lifestyle in a closed environment, chronic Padberg et al in 2003 (20 men, 39 legs, ticularly metabolic interrelationships con- stress (7) and lack of sleep (8–10). CEAP C4 to C6, BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2) found tribute to the pathogenesis, the clinical pic- no evidence of venous reflux on duplex ture is better described as secondary func- examination in two thirds of the patients tional venous insufficiency without evi- Obesity-associated despite typical skin changes (hyperpigmen- dence of reflux or obstruction (11). tation, lipodermatosclerosis up to hydro- diseases of veins and static ulcus cruris). With respect to the lymphatics clinical findings (VCSS, venous clinical se- Lymphoedema and verity score), no differences were observed lipoedema Obesity aggravates any existing oedema dis- between patients with or without reflux eases or may cause them in the first place (16). In a cross-sectional study from Serbia Compared to the general population with a (11). It increases the risk of thromboembolic in 2013, the authors also described a strong
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