THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON MARCH, 1951 VOLUME XXXVll NUMBER THREE Clayton ("Bud") Collyer, Delta Delta '31, Deacon and Emcee (See Psi U Personality of the Month) The Diamond of Psi Upsilon OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY Volume XXXVll March, 1951 Number 3 AN OPEN FORUiM FOR THE FREE DISCUSSION OF FRATERNITY MATTERS IN THIS ISSUE Page Psi U Personality of the Month 70 The 118th National Convention Program 71 Highlights in the Mu's History 72 The University of Minnesota 74 The Archives 76 The Psi Upsilon Scene 77 Psi U's in the Civil War 78 Psi U Lettermen 82 Pledges and Recent Initiates 83 The Chapters Speak 88 The Executive Council and Alumni Association, Officers and Mem bers 100 Roll of Chapters and Alumni Presidents Cover III General Information Cover IV EDITOR Edward C. Peattie, Phi '06 ALUMNI EDITOR David C. Keutgen, Lambda '42 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE DIAMOND J. J. E. Hessey, Nu '13, Chairman Herbert J. Flagg, Theta Theta '12 Walter S. Robinson, Lambda '19 A. Northey Jones, Beta Beta '17 S. Spencer Scott, Phi '14 (ex-officio) LeRoy J. Weed, Theta '01 Oliver B. Merrill, Jr., Gamma '25 (ex-officio) Publication Office, 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis. Executive and Editorial Offices Room 510, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Life Subscription, $15; By Subscription, $1.00 per year; Single Copies, 50 cents Published in November, January, March and June by the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Entered as Second Class Matter January 8, 1936, at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Paragraph 4, Section 538, Act of February 28, 1925, authorized January 8, 1936 PSI U PERSONALITY OF THE MONTH Clayton ("Bud") Collyer, Delta Delta '31 of radio and television's�and pos ers soon heard him as narrator of the ONEsibly one of Psi Upsilon's�busiest "Cavalcade of America" and announcer on men is Clayton Collyer, Delta Delta '31, such major programs as those of Jack Pearl known to his audiences as Bud Collyer. (Baron Munchausen), Tommy Dorsey, Brother CoUyer's lively wit and charm Eddy Duchin and Hildegarde. are currently delighting audiences of the Brother Collyer's own personality and NBC weekly television show "Break the ability to ad lib led to his becoming an Bank" (Wednesdays, 10:00-10:30 p.m.. emcee of quiz and other audience-partici Eastern Standard Time) and the dajly pation shows. He further proved his adap radio show of the same name, which he tability by entering the television field in emcees. His activities when he is not on 1948. His radio and television assignments the air include his duties as a member have included "Road of Life," "Super of the National Board of AFRA (Amer man," "Quiz of Two Cities," Victor Borge ican Federation of Radio Artists). He show, "Junior Miss," "Life Can Be Beauti formerly served two terms as National ful." "Truth or Consequences," "The President and two terms as President of Goldbergs," "The Bartons," "March of the local organization of AFRA. He is a Time," "Beat the Clock," "Winner Take popular citizen of Creenwich, Connecticut, All," and "Break the Bank." where he has made his home since 1946, Despite his round-the-clock, seven-day and is an active member of the local Boy schedule. Brother Collyer has taught in Scout Council. A member and Deacon of Sunday schools with enthusiasm and suc the First Presbyterian Church of Green cess since 1938, when he supervised wich, he acts in a supervisory capacity and classes at the Jackson Heights Community teaches in its Sunday School. Church. Since then he has taught at the Brother Collyer was born in Manhattan Episcopal Church in Manhasset, Long Is on June 18, 1908. He attended Horace land, the Methodist Church in High Mann School to prepare for Williams Col Ridge, Connecticut, and currently is su lege, where he graduated in 1931. In 1933 perintendent at the Presbyterian Church he received his LL.B. from Fordham Uni in Greenwich, Connecticut. versity. Brother Collyer is the son of Clayton J. His interest and ability in the entertain Heermance, Theta '01, who died a num ment field were in evidence as far back as ber of years ago. He is married to Marian his college days. While still at Williams, Shockley, a radio actress heard in the he organized his own orchestra, the Purple Ellery Queen mystery series, the "Road Knights, and served as the vocalist. He of Life," "True Story," and "Truth or Con acted, too, earning parts in Broadway pro sequences." His three children by his first ductions and the growing radio field while wife are Patricia, 12; Cynthia Ann, 10; he was working for his law degree at and Michael Clayton, eight. The family Fordham. Among the plays in which he also includes two Siamese cats, two minia appeared were "Life Begins," "Fields Be ture French poodles, four turtles and five yond," and, in 1938, "Angel Island," the goldfish. last-named being the work of another Psi A Greenwich constable is said to have U, George Abbott, Upsilon '11. remarked that Brother Collyer looks better Making the transition from singer and on television than in real life. In refutation actor, his career as an announcer was in of this opinion, see frontispiece of this is full swing before the mid-thirties. Listen sue! �70- THE II8TH NATIONAL CONVENTION OF PSI UPSILON THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MU CHAPTER 1617 University Avenue, S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Proqram Wednesday, June 20th: Registration afternoon and evening Thursday, Registration at Chapter House 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. June 21st: Business Meeting�Museum of Nat- 11:00 a.m.-12:00 m. ural History Buffet Luncheon 12:00 m. Alumni Association Meeting 1:00 P.M.- 2:30 P.M. Business Meeting�Museum of Nat 2:30 P.M.- 6:00 P.M. ural History Buffet Supper�Chapter House 6:30 P.M. Smoker at Chapter House 8:00 P.M. Friday, Breakfast " 8:00 a.m. June 22nd: Business Meeting�Museum of Nat- 9:15 a.m.-12:00 m ural History University Luncheon for Delegates, 12:15 p.m 2:00 P.M. faculty. City Officials, and visit ing Brethren Convention Pictures 2:15 P.M. Business Meeting 2:30 P.M.- 4:00 P.M. Alumni Association Meeting 4:15 P.M.- 4:45 P.M. Convention Banquet, Hotel Raddi 7:00 P.M. son Saturday, Breakfast 8:00 a.m. June 23rd: Business Meeting�Museum of Nat 9:15 a.m.-12:00 m. ural History Picnic at White Bear Yacht Club 12:15 p.m. 60 Anniversary Reunion and Re- 2:00 p.m. gatta HIGHLIGHTS IN THE MU'S HISTORY JUNE 21, 22 and 23, 1951, the came Theta Phi. The first recorded meet on The ON109th Convention, in the 118th year ing was held March 7, 1879. fore of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity, will be held most purpose of the organization was to with the Mu Chapter at Minneapolis. This promote good scholarship. Most of the will be an occasion of double interest and founders were working their way through importance, for it will include the cele college. The name "Theta Phi" was bration of the Mu's sixtieth birthday. adopted in the spring of 1881. In connection with this happy anniver The rolls of Theta Phi contained many men who achieved success in the fields of sary, it is fitting that the members of the Fraternity should recall the origin and his their chosen endeavor�Professors John S. tory of our host Chapter. The following Clark, '76, and John C. Hutchinson, 76, i notes on that history are condensed from of Latin and Greek respectively in the the article on the Mu in the Annals of Psi University of Minnesota; Frederick C. Upsilon. This was written by Albert C. Bowman, '79, a well known doctor in Jacobs, Phi '21, son of Albert P. Jacobs, Duluth; WiUiam W. Keysor, '79, class Phi '73, who had a leading part in ob valedictorian. Judge of the District Court taining a charter for the Mu Chapter. (See in Omaha, Nebraska, later Professor of The Archives, this issue.) Brother Jacobs' Law at Washington University, St. Louis, article in the Annals in turn borrowed Chelsea G. Rockwood, '79, Phi Beta freely from the History of the Mu Chap Kappa, and a prominent attorney in Min ter written by Horace E. Hitch, Jr., '42, neapofis; Andrew Holt, '80, class valedic and Ernest W. H. Small, '42. torian. Justice of the Supreme Court of It was on May 22, 1891, that the in Minnesota; Albert W. Rankin, '80, also stallation of the Mu Chapter took place in valedictorian of his class and a professor ' the West Hotel, Minneapolis. Francis S. at his Alma Mater; and George B. Alton, Bangs, Lambda '78, a member of the '81, well known in the field of secondary Executive Council, conducted the installa education. All these were charter members tion and the initiation of fifty-two new of the group that became Theta Phi. members. The Minneapolis Tribune wrote Additions to the class of 1882 added concerning this event: immensely to the strength of the local so "The most exclusive, the most conserva ciety. Henry F. Nachtrieb, '82, one of the tive of all Greek letter societies has at last Mu's most beloved characters. Phi Beta consented to extend its protecting Aegis Kappa and Sigma Xi, professor at the over a small- section of the wild and un University of Minnesota, ever generous born West and to clasp to its aristocratic with his time and efforts on behalf of Psi vest buttons the children of the boundless Upsilon.
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