held." J ••••.., 8 • 1"1 NiDtb SerIes. V.L XIII No.7 -p_ 18. 1913 (lab) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) SiItb SeIIioo (Nintb ~Lok Sabba) ( II'" tJl. ~lll CDnID'''' ND 1 tD 10 J LO. SABBA SECRE1'ARI4T NEW DPLRI p~,{'., R. ~.OO (O"IOINAL BNGUSH P.. OC8IDINOS INCLUDt!D I" s.o.UH VSUlOM AlCt) ORIGINAL HINDI paOCBBDINOS INCLUDIlD 1M HINDI VeRSION ..ILL .. ft1!ATBD AS AVTHOIITA'llVE AND NOT 1111 ".AN",.,IO" 11IaSOP.) CONTENTS [Ni(lth Series, Vol. XIII, Sixth Session, 199111912 (Saka)] No.7, Tuesday, January 8, 1991/Pausa 18,1912 (Saka) COLUMN:::; Oral Answers to Questions: 1-28 ·Starred Question Nos. 162 to 166 Written Answers to Questions: 29--413 Starred Question Nos. 167 to 181 29-43 Unstarred Question Nos. 1861 to 2094 43-413 Re. Reported Discounnection of Electricity 413-427 to Thompson Press in Faridabad and Alleged Attempt to curb Freedom of the Press Re. Reported interview given by the Minister of 427---461 Commerce and Minister of Law and Justice, Shri Subramaniam Swamy, to the Financial Times, London, about Taxation Papers Laid on the Tclble 462--469 ~ommittee on Petitions 470 Second Report-Presented '3tatements under Direction 115 470-473 Re. Reply to usa No. 4055 dated 11.9.1990 on Acquisition of land in Himachal Pradesh for Military Transit Camp . Shri Maheshwar Singh 470-472 Shri Lalit Vljoy Singh 472--473 e Sign + marked above the name of a M.cmber indicates that the question was actually ~Qd on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) CoLUMNS Business Advisory Committee 473-479 Eighteenth Report-Adopted Matters Under Rule 377 479-485 (I) Need to develop Azhikkal Port in 479-480 Cannanore district, Kerala Shri MullapaJIy Ramachandran (il) Need to develop Tadoba National Park in 480 Chandrapur and Markanda Temple in Gadchiroli districts of Maharashtra as tounst spots Shri Shantaram Potdukhe ( III) Need to settle pending cases of freedom 481 fighters' pension expeditiously Shn Uttam Rathod (IV) Need to Include Mantpun language in the 481-482 Eighth Schedule of the Constitution Prof. N Tombl Singh (v) Need 10 withdraw the Increase tn eXCise 482 and customs duty on man-made fibre yarn Shn Kashlram Chhablldas Rana J, (VI) Need to bnng pay scales and other faCIlities 482-483 of Anganbadl workers at par Wlt~ those of Government employees Shn SarJu Prasad SaroJ (VII) Need to name some streeVroad/lane in 48· Deihl after Shn Gopabandhu Das, Shri Madhusudan Das and Shn Knshna Chandra GaJapathi Oeo, the emment perso- nalities of Orissa Shn A.N. Singh Deo (iii) COLUMNS (viii) Need for early completion of Naval Academy 484 at Ezhimala. Kerala Shri M. Ramanna Raj (ix) Need to issue licences for setting up huBer 485 machines for the benefit of BhurJee Community Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar Chief Election CommissIoner and other Election 486-524 Commissioners (Conditions of Ser\tice) Bill Motion to consider Shri L.K. Advani 486-489 Dr. Thambi Durai 489--491 Shri Dharm Pal Sharma 491--493 Shri Chitta Basu 493-497 Shri Madan Lal Khurana 497-499 Shri Peter G. Marbaniang 499-501 Shri Ram Krishan Yadav 501-502 Shri Vamanrao Mahadik 502-503 Prof. Prem Kumar DhLJmal 504 S. Atinder Pal. Singh 505-506 Shri Shikiho Serna 506-507 Shri Gulab Chand t<ataria 507-509 Shri P.C. Thomas 509-510 Shri Hansh Rawat 510-512 Shri Girdhari Lal Bhargav Shri Subramaniam Swamy 513-518 (IV) COLUMNS Clauses 2 to 8 and 1 520-521 Motion to Pass Shri Subramaniam Swamy 521--524 Discussion under Rule 193' 524-580 Continued rise in Prices of Essential Commodities in the country Shri G. M. Banatwalla 524-528 Shri Chand Ram 528-530 Shri Satyanarayan Jatiya 530-532 Shn P. Narsa Reddy 532-534 Shn A.K. Roy 534-537 Shn Het Ram 537-539 Shri RaJendra Agnihotri 539-541 Shn Nlrmal Kanti Chatterjee 541-544 Shn Dharm Pal Sharma 544-546 Shri Mitra Sen Vadav 546-547 S. Atmder Pal Singh 547-548 Dr Thambl Dural 548-550 Shri Surya Narayan Yadav 550-552 Shn C.K Kuppuswamy 553-554 Shri Vamanrao Mahadik 554-557 Shn Kanel Panneer Selvam 557-558 (v) COLUMNS Rao Birender Singh 560-578 Announcement by Speaker 558-559 ObservatIon Re. Receipt on Interim Notice from High court of Delhi LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA student and wanted to go to Perth in Austra- lia to make a living. He was reported to be under mental tension. Tuesday. January 8, 1991IPausa 18,1912 ( Inte"uptions) (Saka) SHRI BALGOPAL MISHRA: Sir, I would like to know throug h you from the hon. Minister under what circumstances this boy could The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock enter into the aircraft without security check and all that: what was the instrument or [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] weapon through which he tried to hijack the aircraft and if at all any weapon was found ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS with him. how did he escape the security check. [English] SHAI HARMOHAN DHAWAN: Mr. Hijacking of Indian Airlines Aircraft Speaker, Sir, the security check was there. When the investigation was completed, it *162. SHAI BALGOPAL MISHAA: Will was found that there was no hand-grenade the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased as he alleged that he was having in his hand. to state: Ultimately it was found that he had a pears soap, which was engulfed in his handkerchief. (a) whether the Government are aware There was no arm with him. that an attempt was made by a 27 year old youth to hijack the Indian Airlines aircraft on SHAt BALGOPAl MISHWA: Sir, I would Coimbatore-Bangalore flight sometime in the like to draw your attention to the second part second week of September, 1990; of the statement of the hon. Minister, in which he mentioned that the youth was a (b) If SO, whether the Youth was arrested technical graduate and he was under a tre- and interrogated; and mendous mental tension. This very fact should not be taken very lightly. This shows (c) if so, the reasons for hijacking the that unemployment is leading to frustration aircraft? and frustration is leading to all these sorts of activities. As a result of which we are having THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE these activities in Punjab, Kashmir, Assam MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI and other parts of the country. HARMOHAN DHAWAN): (a) Yes. Sir. MR. SPEAKER: Please put your ques- (b) Yes, Sfr. tion. j I (c) The accused was an engineering SHRI BALGOPAl MISHRA: I am com- 3 Oral Answers JANUARY 8, 1991 Oral Answe/S 4 ing to the question. This should be an ev.e· MR. SPEAKER: let him complete, Mr. opener for the Government of India. f wo~d Janardhanan. like to know from the Min;ster as to what are the opportunities they are going to create for SHRt HARMOHAN DHAWAN: I have the youth in future in Air India and Indian report from Karnataka Government as well Airlines. as from Tamil Nadu Government and the full fads are there. The case is already registered [ Trans/ation] against the accused and the proceedings are going on (lnttlrruptions) MR. SPEAKER: This question does not arise out of the original question. MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat, Mr. Janardhanan. [English] [ Translation] SHRI KADAMBUR M. R. JANARDHANAN: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I thank SHRI RAM NAIK: Mr. Speaker, Sir, if he you very much for giving me an opportunity is an Indian national we feel that the mental to ask a supplementary. I am sorry to inform tension is an excuse. However, we would the Minister that there is lot of distortion of liRe to know the cause of mental tension. If information in part (c) of his reply. He has told the cause is valid the why a case against that the accused was an engineering him? graduate and was going to Austratia. But on that particular day, in all the Tamil newspa- [English] pers it was reported that the boy had come from Sri Lanka and was mentally retarded. SHRI HARMOHAN DHAWAN: Mr. Therefore, I want to know from the Minister Speaker, Sir, I would like to inform the hon. that from which Department he has got this Member that the case has been registered. information, whether from the Civil Aviation From whatever investigations have so far Ministry or from the Home Department of been carried out, no motive has been at- Tamil Nadu. The Tamil Nadu Home De- tached to it. In fact, some fears were ex- partment has been giving such false news, pressed that some organisation's support is hiding the Sri Lankan bulletins. Therefore, I there but nothing such has been established. wantto know categorically from the Minister It is just a whimsical thinking of the young whether the reply has come from the Home man. He was out of job. For a living he Department of Tamil Nadu or from the Centre. wanted to go to Australia and he told the In the Tamil newspapers it was not at all captain that he wanted to go to Colombo and reported that he was an Australian. He was from there he wanted to go to Parth in reported to be a citizen from Sri Lanka. Australia. This is the factual position and the facts are there before us. SHAI HARMOHAN DHAWAN: Sir, I would like to inform the hon. Member that Mr. SHRIMATI UMA GAJAPATHI RAJU: Mahalingam, the 27 years old young engi- Sir, I would like to know from the hon. Min- neering student was a native of Coimbatore ister that in the light of the problems in the and he had boarded the plane which was to troubled States of Assam.
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