15676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE August 23 and its grounds should be looked upon George Stewart should be in his achieve­ the Architect should be an architect. I for what they really are-a monwnent ments in improving the Capitol and believe he has met the challenge set to our form of Government and a sym­ maintaining its traditions while bring­ down by a long line of predecessors and bol of our past and our hopes for the ing it into the mid-twentieth century, that the Nation has benefited from his future. The measure of the success of not in the question of whether or not dedicated service to us all. The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ appropriated pursuant to this section for use HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowing Members failed to answer to their beginning in fiscal year 1964.'." names: Page 11, line· 2, strike out "$200,000,000" FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1963 [Roll No. 131] and insert in lieu thereof "$150,000,000". Page 11, line 16, strike out "$1,225,000,000" Bass Keith Pilcher The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Davis, Tenn. Keogh Powell and insert in lieu thereof "$1,000,000,000". The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Dulski McDade Roberts, Ala. D.D., offered the following prayer: Edwards Matthews Shelley Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, I move Elliott Miller, Calif. Smith, Va. the previous question on the motion to Revelation 21: 7: He that overcometh Grant Nix Thompson, La. recommit. shall inherit all things; and I will be his Hanna O'Brien, Ill. W1llis Harvey, Mich. O'Neill Wright The previous question was ordered. God, and he shall be my son. Henderson Osmers The SPEAKER. The question is on O Thou who art the source of strength The SPEAKER. On this rollcall 406 the motion to recommit. and courage, of light and hope in these Mr. ADAIR. Mr. Speaker, on that I days that are shrouded in darkness, grant Members have answered to their names, a quorwn. demand the yeas and nays. that we may know the secret of victorious The yeas and nays were ordered. and joyous living as we look wistfully and By unanimous consent, further pro­ anxiously toward the future. ceedings under the call were dispensed The question was taken; and there with. were-yeas 222, nays 188, not voting 23, We pray that Thou wilt deliver and as follows: lift mankind out of its atheistic and ag­ [Roll No. 132] nostic tempers of mind. Fill us with a FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1963 real and radiant faith in the Lord God YEAS-222 omnipotent who reigns as the Supreme The SPEAKER. The unfinished busi­ Abbitt Flynt Mills ness is the reading of the engrossed copy Abele Ford Minshall Ruler of the universe. Abernethy Foreman Moore Enable us by Thy grace to gain for of the bill, H.R. 7885, to amend further Adair Forrester Morton ourselves and others the mastery over the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Alger Fountain Mosher amended, and for other purposes. Anderson Gathings Murray all trialn and tribulations and may the Andrews Gavin Natcher spirit of our blessed Lord be the strength The Clerk will read the engrossed copy Arends Glenn Nelsen of our souls, His truth our shield, and of the bill. Ashbrook Goodell Norblad Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask Ashmore Goodling O'Konski His companionship our joy. Auchincloss Griffin Ostertag May integrity of character, fidelity to unanimous consent that the engrossed Avery Gross Passman duty, and obedience to Thy will be the copy of the bill be considered as read. Ayres Grover Pelly The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Baker Gubser Perkins cardinal and crowning virtues in our Baring Gurney Pillion lives. the request of the gentleman from Okla­ Bates Hagan, Ga. Pirnie homa? Battin Haley Poage Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. Becker Hall Poff There was no objection. Beermann Halleck Pool Mr. ADAIR. Mr. Speaker, I offer a Belcher Harris Quie THE JOURNAL motion to recommit. Bell Harrison Quillen The SPEAKER. Is the gentleman op­ Bennett, Mich. Harsha Reid, Ill. Berry Harvey. Ind. Reifel The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ posed to the bill? Betts Henderson Rhodes, Ariz. terday was read and approved. Mr. ADAIR. I am, Mr. Speaker. Bolton, Herlong Rich The SPEAKER. The gentleman quali­ Oliver P. Hoeven Riehlma.n Bow Hoffman Rivers, S.C. fies. The Clerk will report the motion Bray Horan Roberts, Tex. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND to recommit. Brock Horton Robison CURRENCY The Clerk read as follows: Bromwell Hosmer Rogers, Tex. Brotzman Huddleston Roudebush Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. ADAIR moves to recommit the bill (H.R. Brown, Ohio Hull Roush unanimous consent that the Committee 7885) to the Committee on Foreign Affairs Broyhill, N.C. Hutchinson Rumsfeld with instructions to report the same to the Broyhill, Va. !chord St. George on Banking and Currency be permitted Bruce House forthwith with the following amend­ Jarman Saylor to sit during general debate to~ay. Burleson Jennings Schadeberg The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ments: Burton Jensen Schenck Page 5, immediately after line 4, insert the Byrnes, Wis. Johansen Schneebeli the request of the gentleman from Okla­ following: Cannon Jonas Schweiker homa? "SEC. 106. Section 202(a), which relates to Casey Jones, Mo. Scott authorization, is amended by striking out Cederberg Kilburn Selden Mr. OLIVER P. BOLTON. Mr. Chamberlain Kilgore Senner Speaker, reserving the right to object, 'and $1,500,000,000 for each of the next four Chelf King,N.Y. Short may I inquire what general debate we succeeding fiscal years,' and inserting in lieu Chenoweth Knox Shriver will have today? thereof ', $1,500,000,000 for the fiscal year Clancy Kornegay Sibal Mr. ALBERT. The only general de­ 1963, $900,000,000 for the fiscal year 1964, and Clausen, Kunkel Sikes $1,500,000,000 for each of the next two suc­ DonH. Kyl Siler bate will be special orders. ceeding fiscal years,'." C'lawson, Del Laird Skubitz The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Cleveland Landrum Smith, Calif. And renumber the following sections ac­ Collier Langen Smith, Va.. the request of the gentleman from Okla­ cordingly Colmer Latta. Snyder homa? Page 10, strike out lines 6 through 10, in­ Corbett Lennon Springer There was no objection. clusive, a.nd insert in lieu thereof the fol­ Cramer Lipscomb Stafford lowing: Cunningham Lloyd Stephens Curtin McClory Stinson "(b) Section 252, which relates to authori­ Curtis McCulloch Stubblefield CALL OF THE HOUSE zation, is amended as follows: Dague Mcintire Taft " ( 1) In the first sentence, strike out 'fiscal Davis, Ga. McLoskey Talcott Mr. O'BRIEN of New York. Mr. years 1963 through 1966, not to exceed $600,- Derounian McMillan Taylor Derwinski MacGregor Teague, Calif. Speaker, I make the point of order that 000,000 for each such fiscal year' and insert Devine Mahon Thomson, Wis. a quorum is not present. in lieu thereof 'fiscal years 1963, 1965, and Dole Marsh Tollefson The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum 1966, not to exceed $600,000,000 for each such Dorn Martin, Calif. Tuck is not present. fiscal year, and for use beginning in the fis­ Dowdy Martin, Nebr. Tuppt.·r cal year 1964, not to exceed $450,000,000,'. Downing May Tuten Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move a "(2) Immediately after '1963' the second Dwyer Meader Utt call of the House. Ellsworth Michel Van Pelt time it appears therein, insert the following: Findley Miller, N.Y. Waggonner A call of the House was ordered. 'and not to exceed $100,000,000 of the funds Fisher Miiliken Wallhauser 1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 15677 Watson Wharton Wilson, Ind. Mr. Shelley with Mr. ~ix. _ Feighan Lindsay Roberts, Tex. Watts Whitener Winstead Mr. O'Neill with Mr. Dulski. Finnegan Lloyd Robison Weaver Whitten Wydler Mr. Elliott with Mr. Davis of Tennessee. Fino Long, Md. Rodino Weltner Widnall Wyman Flood McDowell Rogers, Colo. Westland Williams Younger Mr. GROVER changed his vote from Fogarty McFall Rooney, N.Y. Whalley Wilson, Bob Ford Macdonald Rooney, Pa. "nay" to "yea." Fraser MacGregor Roosevelt NAYS-188 The result of the vote was announced Frelinghuysen Madden Rosenthal Addabbo Gibbons O'Hara, Ill. as above recorded. Friedel Mahon Rostenkowski Albert Gilbert O'Hara, Mich. Fulton, Pa. Mailliard Roybal Ashley Gill Olsen, Mont. Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, acting Fulton, Tenn. Martin, Mass. Ryan, Mich. Aspinall Gonzalez Olson. Minn. under the instructions of the House, on Gallagher Mathias Ryan,N.Y. Baldwin Grabowski Patman behalf of the Committee on Foreign Af­ Garmatz Matsunaga St Germain Barrett Gray Patten fairs, I report back to the House the bill, Gary May St. Onge Barry Green, Oreg. Pepper Giaimo Meader Schneebeli Beckworth Green, Pa. Philbin H.R. 7885, with an amendment. Gibbons Miller, Calif. Schweiker Bennett, Fla. Grimths Pike The SPEAKER. The Clerk will re­ Gilbert Miller, N.Y. Schwengel Blatn!k Hagen, Calif. Powell port the amendment. Gill Mills Selden Boggs Halpern Price Gonzalez Minish Senner Boland Hansen Pucinski The Clerk read as fallows: Grabowski Monagan Sheppard Bolling Harding Purcell Gray Montoya Sibal Page 5, immediately after line 4, insert the Green, Oreg. Moorhead S ickles Bolton, Hardy Rains following: FrancesP. Hawkins Randall Green, Pa. Morgan Sisk Bonner Hays Reid, N.Y. "SEC. 106. Section 202(a). which relates to Grimths Morrison Slack Brademas Healey Reuss authorization, is amended by striking out Grover Morse Smith, Iowa Brooks Hebert Rhodes, Pa. 'and $1,500,000,000 for each of the next four Hagen, Calif. Morton Springer Broomfield Hechler Rivers, Alaska succeeding fiscal years,' and inserting in lieu Halleck Moss Staebler Brown, Calif. Hemphill Rodino Halpern Multer Stafford thereof, $1,500,000,000 for the fiscal year Hansen Murphy, Ill.
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