Anke K. Scholz, Martin Bartelheim, Roland Hardenberg and Jörn Staecker (Eds.) ResourceCultures Sociocultural Dynamics and the Use of Resources – Theories, Methods, Perspectives r s C u e TS M N O B . E V M E . A P M O E L N S E u so rc T V e e s S E R a R D e s c s o u r c e r a t l i C. c s i VA S l a LUATION f t n i o o n C RessourcenKulturen Band 5 ResourceCultures rk RessourcenKulturen Band 5 Anke K. Scholz, Martin Bartelheim, Roland Hardenberg, and Jörn Staecker (Eds.) ResourceCultures Sociocultural Dynamics and the Use of Resources – Theories, Methods, Perspectives Tübingen 2017 Peer Review: The papers published in this volume were subject to an anonymous international peer review. Cover Picture: The structure of SFB 1070 using a rotary model (Graphic: SFB 1070). The publication of this text is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 DE license. The full legal code is available at https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/de/. Illustrations are not part of the CC license, the copyright is with their authors, if not otherwise specified. Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar. © Universität Tübingen und die Autoren Alle Rechte vorbehalten ISBN 978-3-946552-08-6 http://hdl.handle.net/10900/74124 http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:21-dspace-741243 http://dx.doi.org/10.15496/publikation-15530 Redaktion: Uwe Müller, Marion Etzel, Henrike Michelau, Jadranka Verdonkschot Layout: Büro für Design, Martin Emrich, Lemgo Gestaltung und Druckvorstufe: Henrike Michelau Druck: Pro BUSINESS digital printing Deutschland GmbH Printed in Germany Contents Editors’ Preface ................................................................................. 7 I. Theories, Methods, Concepts Roland Hardenberg, Martin Bartelheim and Jörn Staecker The ‘Resource Turn’. A Sociocultural Perspective on Resources ................................. 13 Roland Hardenberg Dynamic Correspondences. RESOURCECULTURES .................................................... 25 Hans Peter Hahn Kinds of Resources and Ways of Perceiving. $QWKURSRORJLFDO5HȵHFWLRQVRQD&RQWHVWHG&DWHJRU\ ........................................... 35 Hartmut Leppin and Christian A. Müller Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes. Preliminary Remarks on a New Research Design ........................................................................... 45 Karina Iwe, Jeanne Féaux de la Croix and Susanne Fehlings Theoretical Promises and Practical Implementation. Interdisciplinary Encounters between Archaeologists and Ethnologists in a Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) ............. 57 II. Resources and Processes of Social Change Norman Yoffee Prolegomena to the Study of Collapse, Resilience, and Sustainability. How do ‘Cultural Resources’ Help Us Understand the ‘Fate’ of Ancient Cities and States? ................. 73 Ingo Schrakamp Ressourcen und Herrschaft. RESSOURCENKULTUREN im Reich von Akkade (2300–2181 v. Chr.) ........ 81 Daniel T. Potts Resource Origins and Resource Movement in and around the Persian Gulf ..................... 133 Tobias L. Kienlin World Systems and the Structuring Potential of Foreign-Derived (Prestige) Goods. On Modelling Bronze Age Economy and Society ................................................ 143 Erich Kistler, Birgit Öhlinger, Thomas Dauth, Ruth Irovec and Benjamin Wimmer Archaika as a Resource. The Production of Locality and Colonial Empowerment on Monte Iato (Western Sicily) around 500 BC .................................................. 159 III. Resources and Spatial Development Martina Neuburger Geographical Approaches on Territorialities, Resources and Frontiers ......................... 179 Gisela Grupe, Stefan Hölzl, Balazs Kocsis, Peer Kröger, Markus Mauder, Christoph Mayr, Eirini Ntoutsi, Wolfgang Schmahl, Frank Söllner, Anita Toncala and Dominika Wycisk Isotopic Mapping and Migration Research Based on Bioarchaeological Finds. The Interdisciplinary Project ‘Transalpine Mobility and Culture Transfer’ ..................... 195 Jadranka Verdonkschot The (Dis-) Advantages of a Flood in Your Living Room. Landscape as a Decisive Factor for Wetland Settling in Neolithic Europe ....................... 209 IV. Resources and the Symbolic Dimensions of Cultures Steffen Patzold Variability of Tangible and Intangible Resources. The Example of Monastic Communities in Medieval Germany .................................. 233 Richard Borshay Lee Resources, Material and Symbolic and Exchange Relations. An Example from the Kalahari .... 243 Sabine Klocke-Daffa ResourceComplexes, Networks, and Frames. The Sambatra in Madagascar .................... 253 Ulrich Müller Contested Identities. Die Nevada Test Site, Nevada, und das Welterbe Le Morne, Mauritius ..... 269 7 Editors’ Preface This volume represents the contributions of the C u r s e international and interdisciplinary Conferences ‘DEVELOPMENTS – MOVEMENTS – VALUATIONS’ from November 6th to 9th 2014 and ‘RESOURCECULTURES – TS M Theories, Methods, Perspectives’ from November N O B . E V th th M E . 16 to 19 2015 at the Eberhard Karls University A P M O E L N Tübingen organised by the collaborative research S E u so rc T V e e s S E R centre ‘SFB 1070 RESOURCECULTURES – Sociocultural a R D e s c s o u r c e Dynamics in the Use of Resources’ sponsored by r the German Research Foundation (DFG). a t l The focus of SFB 1070 is on sociocultural dy- c i C. s i namics in connection with the use of resources. VA S l a LUATION f 5HVRXUFHVDUHGHȴQHGDVWKHWDQJLEOHDQGLQWDQJL- t n i o o ble means by which actors create, sustain or alter n C VRFLDOUHODWLRQVXQLWVRULGHQWLWLHV7KLVGHȴQLWLRQ abolishes the opposition between ‘natural’ and ‘cultural’ resources because even raw materials Fig. 1. The structure of SFB 1070 using a rotary extracted from natural environments are subject disc model. to cultural constructions. Further, it is assumed that resources in general are part of ‘ResourceCom- RUH[WHUQDOFRQȵLFWVRIVRFLHWLHVRULIUHODWHGWR plexes’, which often are combinations of things processes of sacralisation, may produce or repro- and representations, individuals or social groups, duce social inequalities or hierarchies. These phe- knowledge and practices. Based on this approach, nomena are subject of analysis within the sector ‘resource use’ not only refers to the exploitation divisions of the SFB. According to its structure, the and processing, distribution and utilisation of so- collaborative research centre can be represented cially relevant resources or resource complexes. as a rotary disc (Cover picture/ȴJ). It symbolises Instead, it leads to certain dynamics, i.e. multidi- that the assignments between project divisions and mensional processes of change, which may affect sector divisions are not rigid and irreversible, but parts of or even entire societies. instead may be combined in a multitude of ways Examining the role of resources within socio- (Bartelheim et al. 2015). cultural contexts from an intercultural and dia- The aim of the first international and inter- chronic point of view it is important to consider disciplinary Conference ‘DEVELOPMENTS – MOVEMENTS three different major dynamics: developments, – VALUATIONS’ was to highlight the thematic aspects PRYHPHQWVDQGYDOXDWLRQV7KLVLVUHȵHFWHGLQWKH that provide close substantial links between the structure of the collaborative research centre with individual projects of SFB 1070. Furthermore, new its three project divisions A. DEVELOPMENTS: Resourc- research approaches, hypotheses and perspectives es and Processes of Social Change, B. MOVEMENTS: Re- have been discussed with the international adviso- sources and Spatial Development, C. VALUATIONS: Re- ry board to stimulate interdisciplinary exchange sources and the Symbolic Dimensions of Cultures. RILGHDVDQGWRIDFLOLWDWHLQIRUPDWLRQȵRZEHWZHHQ Under certain conditions resources may turn into Archaeologists, Social and Cultural Anthropolo- DFXUVHWKH\PD\SOD\VLJQLȴFDQWUROHVLQLQWHUQDO gists, Historians, Philologists and Geographers. 8 Anke K. Scholz, Martin Bartelheim, Roland Hardenberg and Jörn Staecker Fig. 2. The participants of the conference in November 2015. The second international and interdisciplinary challenge within interdisciplinary networks like Conference ‘RESOURCECULTURES – Theories, Methods, the collaborative research centre SFB 1070 to join Perspectives’ (ȴJ) focused on discussing and ad- different views, strategies and potential to inves- vancing the essential concepts and theories of the tigate resources by the use of a common concept. SFB. In collaboration with respected national and The contributions are focussing on the approaches, international scientific experts future perspec- perspectives and limits of interdisciplinary cooper- tives for the collaborative research centre were ation for the analysis of resources as a basis for so- LGHQWLȴHGDQGH[SORUHG&RUUHVSRQGLQJO\WKHOHF- cial relations, units and identities within the frame- ture programme was structured into six sessions, work of culturally affected beliefs and practices, or covering the wide spectrum of interdisciplinary as a means to create, sustain and change them. research within the collaborative research centre Section II. Resources and Processes of Social SFB 1070 (Fehlings et al. 2016). Change according to project division A. DEVELOP- The chapters of this volume are oriented on the MENTS concentrates on diachronic
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